Gotta know the secret club handshake to hear it though![]()
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Well, DaneGRClose, is it so bad that you give your wife a vacation before you purchase ANY more parts for your M15X? Love, The Wife.
P.S. When are we going to benchmark my computer? -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Perfect. Real Life intervenes -- and must eventually prevail.
Welcome, MissLeiona. -
hmmm wonder when they are gonna add bios support for the new nvidia cards, thinking of picking up a 460m.
is there any place to buy a 460m?
yes babyhemi has them.
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Now you've jumped on the 460m wagon too inap? The only advantage that card has is possibly running a bit cooler, it doesn't outperform the 5850/5870. It actually underperforms when compared to the 5870 which is esentially what you and I have. Why spend that much money to get something that performs on par at best?
i don't get this 460m craze... the 5870m outperforms them...
^^^ DANE BEAT ME TO IT. I agree 100% -
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
So where's the benchies Jstar?
Man i'm trying to make time for it... but doesn't look like i will get the chance to do it this weekend
I'm installing a new sound system in my car... and i'm basically 1/3 done. I wanna finish that first (cuz i'm really excitedALL JL AUDIO BABY).
just need the nvidia stuff for work related programs. plus i don't game that much anyways and the stuff i play is pretty light weight, hahahha
JL rocks!!!! used to have 2 12"w7 but downgrade to a single 10" w7 since i got the kid. -
okay here you guys go all you jl fan boys check this out...before the kid that is....lolz
'08 limited coupe system complete WOW!!! -
wow my system is a complete mess compared to that, hahahah
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Lol I'm running stock on my system still, don't want to blow out my daughters hearing at 18 months like mine is.
lolz all that is long gone flipped it all a yr ago and only got to enjoy it for like 7 months =((...made a couple bucks it was a fun experience. Right now i am pimipin a stock system but have couple parts around the house i need to throw in but too lazy and in the process of moving so different priories.
I heard that you could softmod the 5850/5870 into a FirePro M7820 or whatever it is.
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
But the firepro's still lack what a lot of business customers are after in high end gpu's and that's the physx which handles a lot of the work in certain types of graphic work that the cpu has to handle with an ATi.
WOWOWWWW faiz.... sheesh mine doesn't look half as good!!! I'm just going to slap in my H/O Box in the trunk, and thats it lollz.
I have 1x 12" W7 in a H/O box, 4 X 5.25" ZR525-CSi, 2X ZR650-CSi, 2 extra tweeters in the front.... all powered by jl amps.
oh yeah... and i've dynamated the whole car when i installed my previous system.
I had 2 12" type R's ... but nothing compares to the quality n crispness of JL. They are the SQL KING.
anyways enough with that...
SO inap you going to do it ?? if you need it for work then i does make sense... i'd wait a couple months to see what a09 supports.
maybe it'll support even the 470mwho knows
after all it supports the 5870m yet doesn't even ship with them. -
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
I'd probably do a 470m if it supports them in the future, but even the 460m doesn't make sense. I just guess I don't get nVidia's mindset on their product releases anymore, you'd think that with how much they hyped fermi up that they'd release a better product line. I had a couple type R 12's and they're dang good bang for the buck subs.
hold up...the 480m IS the heavy weight champion belt holder right now... that thing is Nvidia does make good products... but being released so much after the 5870m... it should've been better than it (the 460m)
Can't wait to see ati roll out those 5970m's? or 6870m's? Who knows... but they always do seem ahead for a longer amount of time than Nvidia. -
Anyways, yeah, I was kinda expecting a lot of the fermis. I just recently got into this techish stuff early this summer and I was really excited that the new generation of Nvidia just came out, so I was like YEAH! I'm gonna get a 480M in my next laptop! But they just had to dissapoint me. D: -
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Yup, I live in the good old Salt Lake, Utah valley(SL,UT)
I just posted an update on the standings for the bench thread, see HERE for the scores. -
only considering the 460m atm because the price is pretty good on it, the 470 isn't released yet. just wanted to do some testing on it. but probably gonna get a 640m for testing first, then i'll slap it in my other lappy.
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Very true, but by the time the bios is updated the 470m may be released and if I had to guess the price point won't be much different but the performance will be with what has been released on specs.
i'm not too worried, just testing pretty much. plus i'm getting a deal on it, so if i resell it i still won't lose much. i;m just thinking out loud, hahaha
still got to take my lady on vacation first, hehehhe -
^^^ Good Man. You know what they say... Happy wife, Happy life ahahaa... anyways if i were you id go for it inap... Your rich so no worries
stevenxowens792 Notebook Virtuoso
Here is my 3dmark06 score. Truthfully I am not a big fan of these because in my mind they dont reflect real gaming performance.
I3-350m (stock), HD Radeon 5850 @700/1000. 60gb ssd, 3gb ram @ pcl7.
Uploaded with -
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
That's a very nice score though StevenX! Considering you're running the i3 and 3DMark06 is very cpu dependant, that's a very nice score. Do you mind me asking what settings you ran that at? Here's an upload of the difference between your i3 and my i5 run at the same clocks(I know you don't like synthetic benchmarks, but I know you like to make comparisons
Vantage score of 7617 for me. My specs are in the sig, and I used throttlestop to set the multi back to 24, and I've o/c'd the 260M to 650/100/1600
Attached Files:
10char -
stevenxowens792 Notebook Virtuoso
Inap - those figures were at stock or vanilla 3dmark06. I only have the free version. Thanks, StevenX
In TS check the first 2 options as well "chipset mod" & "clock mod" along with your set multiplier. If you start getting addicted you can increase the multi to 26x all across and should be stable and bump up tdp/tdc. Check this out for some reads and potential of the 920xm or 940xm -
stevenxowens792 Notebook Virtuoso
I just pulled 11808. Not that great really when you think my old m17 with 3870s x2 would get 12200 but I bet this rig gets way higher performance in games. That's why I dont really care for these type of benchmarks. Best wishes, StevenX The fine print.. stock i3-350, hd 5850 @ 750/1000, etc.. etc.. etc..
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- guys have been waiting for a bench... so here you have it
Broke the 10500 mark BABY!!told ya i still got some tricks up my sleeve... but i'm afraid it won't go any higher than this one
Have to admit its getting a little scary now... at these clocks lolll.
took me about 4 hours of tweaking/trial/error... IM DONE WITH THIS BENCHING lolll...Attached Files:
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Nice job Jstar, that's gonna be a tough score for me to chase! +rep for keeping your word and getting me to run again. Well we'll see what the next couple days bring and see if I can pull it back off again. I was running those clocks to get my 10451 score so I'm gonna have to probably be at a stable 1020/1210 dang!!!!
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Scores are updated! You're the king again!
For now..... -
Lol thanks bro. I'm afraid i'll give you the top spot if you beat me again though... geeze i was starting to loose my mind watching that damn benchmark run. i can't do it anymore lol. I was never a bencher... cuz i dont have the patience really.. lol.. but i knew my 5870m had more left in it cuz it never crashed on my last bench... so i knew there was some headroom. My gpu didnt like 1020... i'm afraid i've reached its limit at 1015. 1020 got me through the gpu tests, but then cuts out on the first physics test... i never understood why i always get crashes on that stupid airplane crap. Its supposed to be a cpu bench! well anyways.. good luck bro, and dont fry anything. I have to admit i was a little worried at those clocks. lol
only thing left to try is flashing it to 1.2v ... but i think i'll let that be lol -
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Yeah 1.2v doesn't like my card, it won't even set at 1.2v. It's almost like there is an invisible limit built into the card because it doesn't crash it just defaults back. Worst part is I think my problem is voltage at the point I'm at with my card, my card runs smooth and doesn't crash or artifact at all but even at that point it doesn't seem to want to go any further. It's gonna be tough, I think I just need to cool my card further before I start the run, I guess 20 degrees isn't cool enough. It does get a bit scary at those clocks so I know what you mean. We'll see what happens, if all else fails I can say I got you twitching with a lesser card and a refurb to top it off
Edit: And if you can get your card to run just the GPU tests that's good with me, as long as it gives you a GPU score that's all that counts for what we're chasing, cut the cpu tests and see what you get. -
yea at a certain point it actually brings down your score if you crank your clocks too high. my card stayed about 20-25*C during the runs. Got my Ac hooked up and blasting away 16*C air fullpin straight into the vents.. lol
And you sure did give me a run for my money! for the first 3 hours i was just trying to match my previous score ( i benched a while back so my stock clocks in the vbios,drivers, bioses, everything was different and i forgot what the optimum combo was lol)
Thats some 5850m you got there... sheesh... i think its safe to say its a 5870m thoughas it'll overclock higher than any clevo 5870m by about 10-15% if not more lol.
And about just getting the gpu score. I don't think thats really fair, as a valid bench was always usually a "complete" run... because your gpu has to keep pushing those clocks for the entire time of the benchmark...even if theyre not always being taxed. I think every gpu can perform a considerable amount better for a short burst of the gpu run....but it gets challenging to last even throughout the cpu benches.... -
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Not completely true though Jstar and maybe this will help you out too, flash your vbios in small increments, it may end up taking longer, but that way powerplay can take care of the up and down for you and you don't have to be running those clocks the whole time. And while I do agree with you to a point about the bench being a "complete" run, that was when you were chasing total top numbers like most of the m17x thread is. If you're chasing just a gpu score why does the cpu matter when if you do it right your gpu downclocks and doesn't matter anyway, see my point? Either way it's up to you. It may be a day or two before I can try to make another run, it's starting to get a bit cold here in UT and the wife complains about the A/C.
Ahhhhh so that's your secret! I'll try that for next i had enough benching for a longgg time lol. And i see your point for the gpu score... it is up to you after all you're running the show in this thread Boss
and lmao i'm with you on that one. I froze my boys off benching. It was 8*C outside today and i had the ac running for 4 hours LOLL. I got my sweater n layers to keep warm lol. Good thing i was home alone, ppl wouldve thought i lost my mind (maybe i have?). Anyways its been fun -
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
No the GPU score is up to the forum as a whole, popular vote wins, this isn't a dictatorship it's a democracy
Yup it helps quite a bit, even lowers the temps back down in between runs as it downclocks while loading the second scene. I forgot, you're in Canada aren't you? It does get a bit colder there than it usually does here in Utah, but I'm still right there with you.
Yea summers are hot n humid, winters are cold n dry. We get both extremes lol.
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Same here, well kind of we get hotter than heck during the summer, and cold as 7734 during the winter. The only difference is we're pretty friggin dry all year round, most people think Utah with all the snow would be humid/wet but it's not, the snow most of the time is litterally like silt it's so dry.
thats it. i give up. no more benching from me, geez 10.5k yikes.
hahahahah awesome run J, congrats -
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Can somebody answer a question for me? If a bench run shows no instability or artifacts but suddenly freezes and shows a failed display driver is that gpu stability or entirely the driver?
*OFFICIAL* "All Powerful" M15x Benchmark Thread Part 2
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by DaneGRClose, Oct 10, 2010.