stock for me:
sm2.0 5151
sm3.0 5910
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Hey could you guys go to ccc and see what quality settings you guys are on. I was on quality and he switched it to balanced. I just want to verify that you guys are using the same settings.
The tech told me to do a clean install and run it...
Anyone know how to back up my files? -
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
I'm running on balanced as well. Here's stock on performance.
sm2.0 4303
sm3.0 5495 -
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Your card may be fine, set to performance I got 6129 gpu score in 3dmark vantage. And that's from a 5850 that I pulled the 10405 score below with!
4.3k/5.5k performance?
Oh lol. All that fuss for such a simple fix. Thanks Mr. Rep dude for pointing me to the one place I forgot to look at. :S
Oh could you guys tell me your other settings? As in Mipmap, all, ai, af, aamode, etc -
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
On 3dmark06 yes, on 3dmark vantage your 7k+ on balanced and about 6.2k performance.
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Now, guys, why would you get 10-15%+ decrease in benchmark scores by using performance settings? It makes no sense. Something else is going on.
I just tested my theory. It's a no-go. :S -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
I just pulled 7315 on high performance Rev, my scores above are complete opposite ends of the scale, I have 5 settings on mine.
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Your 7315 is perfectly consistent with my GPU scores.
Hmmm... this is odd...
We should get Inap in here... -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
tada, how may i assist you. got got done working, woowers what a long day.
strange, you score less with performance settings????? -
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Dang man how long did you work today? It's what 715pm where you are? Another thing that may be causing it is the stock Dell VBios settings, I'm running on stock with those runs and I'm guessing you aren't running the stock vbios even though you're at stock clocks are you Rev?
INAP and work pSSSHHHH....more like benching while working....i kid i kid
well i do benches at work too, using the company's ac unit, and plus i don't have to pay the power bill. hahaha
but i do work, well sometimes. -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Dane, at the moment, my vbios is the Dell A02, modified to 800/1075/1.15v, downclocked to 625/1000 for these runs.
wow you run 1.15v all day rev? my room becomes a oven when i game at that voltage.
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Remember, with the same card at the same clocks, my scores (with 820) are going to be slightly lower than Dane's (with 540), just as Inap's (with 940) ought to be slightly lower than mine. We've always seen that effect, presumably because the more powerful processors draw somewhat more power away from the video card to feed the CPU. Nearly all of the highest GPU scores come from the lower powered CPU's.
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Very true which is how I pulled off the scores I did, most people may not realize it but inap pulling the 10.25k score he pulled with his cpu doing what it was doing is probably more impressive than my 10.4k score! Nice job again inap!
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Both of you guys are kicking serious bass. Proud to know you. LOL.
grrrrr....22k CPU i am still going to try to hit that before i have to let the m15x go...I agree on the power draw when you are pushing the 920xm or 940xm so hard it already take more power than the other chips and on top of that when we use throttle stop to increase the TDP/TDC all we are doing is increasing the power draw. I am hitting like 170w on my kill a watt meter and normally only use to hit 155w with the i7 740qm
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
But remember Rev, you're the one that gave me the guide and the starter vbios's that put me there!
AW seriously needs to get their stuff together and come out with a bios to support larger psu's I really think the m15x could keep up with or take the single gpu m17x's if we had a decent psu. I wonder if anyone on here knows how to decode and rewrite bios's?
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Inap made me feel bad about abusing my 5850, so I flashed it back to true stock - 625/1000/1.0v. I don't think it's ever been there since I flashed the A02 vbios, and that was the first time ever (Quad had it set to 700/1000 when I got it). A new adventure.
- you have a kill a watt meter it would be interesting to see the draw on your setup and a i3 setup as well and compare all of them and the GPU score. I think the i7 620m is probably the best setup overall since it gives you that raw clock speed and only rated at 35w as well.
Rewriting bios will be tricky and i wonder if it is key locked somehow or just as simple as rewriting bios and flashing but i have no ground to speak on that -
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
I'd imagine there's probably just a key set or something along those lines to decode the whole thing then you would use the same key set to recompile it. I don't have a kill a watt meter tell me where I can get one and I'll give you some reads. I didn't know you got quad's old setup Rev.
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Damn, pullin' those miners out in Chile. Helluva engineering feat and incredible strength and character on the part of those miners.
yeah man watching it now...i pray for all 33 and hope everyone make is out safely...the lord has been watching over them for 70 days now....
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Definitely...69 days is pure insanity...the guys here in the Crandall Canyon Mine disaster here in Utah where I'm at weren't quite so lucky...69 days is a miracle.
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
One thing I tried, to reduce temps, was a retention clip mod like what has been done on a lot of other computers(m17x and many others), just to let everyone know it does not work on the m15x I think it puts a bit too much pressure and is very hard to get the tension even on all four corners. I have to wonder if a small washer under the head of each screw may put a bit more tension but not too much on the card/mount and possibly decrease temps but having a tighter fit.
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Dude that's amazing!!!! Congrats dane.
Arrrghhh , that's gonna be very hard to beat. -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Good Lord, Dane. That's great. Is that the first 5850 over 1000 Core? Those 10.10's turned out to be pretty decent benchers after all -- for you. Not seeing the same. How did you do it, Dane? There's a story here. +Rep when I can.
wowzers. gratz dane!
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
OHHH BABY!!! Congratz Dane !!!!
I guess this means i'll have to UNLEASH THE BEAST TONIGHT, to reclaim top spot
Gotta keep pushin -
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
It ain't much of a lead, I have a feeling I'm gonna have to "reclaim" that top spot again lol. Thanks!
Lol this is exciting
... I was getting bored with my M15x as i had nothing left to test out anymore... this just reparked the BEnching Fever
Great show Dane
but 6 pts over mine... geeze thats like you gpu pushed 1-2 extra frames during that benchmark hahaha
see if i can break the 10500 mark this weekend (i still got some tricks up my sleeve)
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Glad to hear it man, now we need to get inap back in here toasting this weekend too
You now have some more benching to do! Can't go out to the m17x without making a final stand
I don't think it's necessarily 1-2frames, probably just a more efficient run as I never broke 55 degrees on anything. I think the 10.5k mark is doable but tough, lets do it!
geez here i am trying to hit 10300, you guys are killing me, hahahaha
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Shoot just jack the clocks to 1020/1250 and get to roasting! Lol,you tried my tip yet inap? I'm wondering if it will work for you too.
nope still busy working, hopefully will have some spare time today.
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Sweet, hope so I think you can at least top mandrake's score with out too much problem, you're at 10255 his is 10280 is all.
lol yea i was joking about the 1-2 frames more
And what's this "secret tip" going aroundhahaha...
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Not really a secret tip just a sweet spot I found on my card on increments to increase the clocks by that helped me break the 1000 mark on the core.
*OFFICIAL* "All Powerful" M15x Benchmark Thread Part 2
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by DaneGRClose, Oct 10, 2010.