it wouldnt be that much work though if dell natively supported it with the correct cooling system from the facotry.
man i really want to see if they did anything to the 5850 heatsink. that dude just disappeared.
So how long do you guys think i should wait on a solution to my problem getting this video card.
Right now since yesterday i've left it in the hands of this Client/SMB echnical Support Specialist
As of today he says that he's they still don't have a response from the programming department regarding this particular problem with the ordering of the replacement part.
So anyone have any suggestions on an alternate route or something I can say to get this guy to respond to me via email (since I don't have a direct number to call him back at and I hate calling different agents just to have to re explain my situation). -
The last technician said it was the same heatsink across all the GPU's
I heard you have to mod the heatsink slightly to get it to work with the 5870. Is that true and what type of modding is required? -
You should ask for some gift cards for the wait
I wouldn't know where to begin asking for stuff that doesn't relate to the laptop itself. These Concessions don't ever seem to come up when i'm talking to them.
no modding is needed for the heat sink, just some good thermal compound and tape. only rengsey modded his, but its not a safe mod and temp drops weren't that good compared to the risk.
thanks for the heatsink info. i guess if they were to add the 5870 then they would need a new heatsink and i don't see much room for a new beefier one. -
Ya but check out the last couple pages, The Dell Malaysia site lets you configure the M15x with a 5850 and it says clearly next to it that its a DDR5 model.
So if they were sending out DDR3 models it would be blatant false advertising. -
hahahha that would be totally lame if thats what he did, but i trust the members here.
hahahha yeah now looking back that dude only has 4 post,hhhmmmmmm and now he's gone lol.
I'm glad someone finally sees reason. I questioned it immediately, but people just got too excited.
That said, the odds are still heavily in favor of GDDR5.
Is no one else seeing the dell order configuration is specifically showing ddr5 in some countries? Either way. Another failed attempt at processing the replacement for me so far. Sigh.
Could have told you that...oh wait.
replacement M15x with 5850 coming my way soon
- I SAID my order number is ....NINE THREE!! . . . . [Dell Rep] ...One, Tree..?
Imagine hypothetically if suddenly the ground is shaken and its revealed its DDR3. I think that would be the funniest and most disappointing moment ever. But lets face it the odd's are high 90%. But then again. We are talking about Dell. And dell's mission statement is more towards money then customer service.
P.S. Does anyone reckon the dell alienware will adopt AMD x4 processors? (Latest once 6 core or similar) -
No, the mission statement is probably all about customer service, because the mission statement tends to be public - indeed, see Dell's mission statement here.
However, I'm sure that their main goal is to make money, like any other company out there.
Also, I'm not sure that it would be possible to take the 5850 out of a GX640 and put it into an Alienware; as far as I know the GPU in the GX640 isn't upgradeable (I have a GX640, but I haven't looked inside). -
It very easy to see with your model just remove the lower plate and it gives you access to all components unless they have radically changed the design for the 640 -
And I would also imagine it would be a removable MxM card as well, as that appears to be the interconnect standard for GPUs. But we are side tracking a little here. Lets focus on the fact I was really trying to say is it potentially could have been a hoax, as we haven't heard back from him for several days now. And well myself like everyone else was quite excited about seeing the new benchmarks of this new m15x w/ati 5850 build. But I guess only more time will tell!! And I do look forward those benchmarks.
P.S. Lackofcheese I like your msi gx640. I was thinking about one of those for a little while too, although there still currently available in oz. I was off put by rumors of high heat temperatures, due to it possibly having one heatsink for the cpu/gpu. How do you find it in your experience.
P.P.S. Although I dislike dell I still find it amusing how I would like an m15x given the chance ha.Just like the pretty colours.
You should probably go look around the MSI subforums for information on the GX640, there's a lot of discussion there. I'm very happy with my GX640 overall. It has its flaws, but its portability and battery life is unparalleled among high-end gaming notebooks, and the price was only 1100 USD.
Now I'm staring to get worried. The guy that "confirmed" the GDDR5 is a new member and we haven't heard back from him. I'm more interested in seeing actual benchmarks than confirming it is only GDDR5
Yes, everyone here is very anxious about seeing what the 5850 is or isnt capable of. I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet but if you go to the U.S. alienware site, then click on the M15x. Down at the bottom of the page is the specification tab. If you look at that it clearly states that the 5850 is in fact GDDR5. Now we just have to wait till someone actually receives the card.
Yes! I think they just added that information because I remember it did not specify which type it was. I guess it is confirmed then, at the very least they should give you a full refund if they send the wrong card
yea i just looked at the Alienware site that shows that there so very positive sign but im not convinced till I have a screen shot benchmark.
when M17x was released the 4870 were being reported as gddr5 on their sites but sadly when delivered it was only gddr3. so dell doesn't have the best track record so far, hahahha
but more then likely it will be gddr5. too bad that dude is gone, thinking that was a hoax though, he had a unbelievable delivery time. -
If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck.. -
Rengsey R. H. Jr. I Never Slept
It has been mentioned by DellChrisM a few times that it is GDDR5.
Only time will tell. The first batches of these 5850 equipped M15x should be arriving to people soon.
yeah, mine m15x with 5850 est arrive is May 21st, I think someone may receive earlier than men but if by that time still no one post the benchmark then I will do it.
Mine should be arrived mid next week. It shipped yesterday, but no tracking number yet. Grrrr.
Hello, I just placed an order and I double checked with a Dell rep.
I just can't find the info on the site which you mention....
Thanks for all the great info you guys posted!Attached Files:
go to the aleinware site click on the M15x go to tech specs its listed under graphic cards
This card might actually overclock to stock (or even surpass) the 5870 speeds.
should be at least able to clock to stock 5870 easily.
argyle_gargoyle Notebook Consultant
im out of town for a few days so i finally just got on my computer now, but wow. that sucks that the other guy has disappeared. at least that other guy posted the link to the malaysia site that clearly says GDDR5.
despite dell's track record, i take that as a good sign. cant wait to see some benches from people that we know for sure have the system. -
I'm sure it can be done, but the shipping cost would be so high that it wouldn't be worth it.
My M15x order when from Work In Progress (phase 3) to Shipped (phase 5) within a day! (no tracking number though)
Is the order status page reliable? -
If it says shipped it usually means it has been shipped
Personally I would call them up and double check anyway!
Anywhere but Nigeria
Check my sig for my listing. -
Mine was shipped at 3:43 this morning. I'm hoping it will be here within the next three days. They did not give a tracking number
Geez it seems like ages since the 5850 was officially released in the M15x and still no official benches or "real world" test ha ha
. This week we should see the trickle of info on what this card can do. I'm ready to pull the trigger and purchase the M15x, just don't know if I'm going to go for the 240m (then do a 5870 swap) or just purchase it with the 5850.
Gah, Still no tracking number, even though it says (estimated) delivery is in two days.
And i'm on the phone once again trying to get mine shipped out.
M15x now with the 5850!
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by KodiBeast, May 4, 2010.