glad to hear everyone's getting their M15x's enjoy.
Any here have the ATI 5850 and have sounds problems? cracks and clips all time? i like know this... i have a NV260 and have audio problems, i talking to dell for a change my vga card.
I updated the BIOS to version A06, this did not fix it. -
Just pulled the trigger.
Thanks to everyone for all the shared information on these FANTASTIC MACHINES!
Alienware M15X, Cosmic Black
Intel Core i7-620M
4GB Dual Channel DDR3 at 1066MHz
15.6-inch Wide FHD 1920x1080 WLED
1GB ATI Radeon Mobility HD 5850
Slot-Load Dual Layer DVD Burner (DVD+-RW, CD-RW)
wow nice setup congrats.
i have two identical M15x's sitting side by side right now, only difference is one has the 5850 and the other has the 260m. They both have same specs as listed in my sig. Just took the 5850 M15x out of the box.
3DMark Vantage Scores for the 260M M15x (stock):
GPU - 5042
CPU - 20401
3DMark Vantage Scores for the 5850 M15x (stock/no driver upgrade):
GPU - 6151
CPU - 10834
Why is the CPU score for the 260M M15x double what the 5850 M15x is? Have run Vantage 3 times now, stealth mode is definitely off and set on high performance. Gonna upgrade to 10.4 on the 5850 M15x and re-run Vantage now. -
You have PhysX enabled on your Nvidia GPU, disable it and you'll get a realistic CPU Score.
but based on that test the ATI card is superior to the Nvidia GPU however overclocking the Nvidia GPU will give you the same results as stock ATI the 5850 however should go further with an overclock.
Rengsey R. H. Jr. I Never Slept
Does anyone have Split Second PC game? I can't play it at Very High setting, only on HIGH. I'm using GTX 260m. I want to see if the ATi HD 5850 can play it at VERY HIGH Setting without looking so sluggish....
5850 M15x with 10.4 Driver:
GPU - 7231
CPU - 10726
5850 M15x with stock out of the box Driver:
GPU - 6151
CPU - 10834
3DMark Vantage Advanced Performance Test
Thx Hitokiri. -
Can anyone tell me if its worth getting the M15x, with i5-540m, 8gb ram, hd 5850, 250gb ssd and all that for under $3000? Seems a bit cheaper than before. I am also waiting for the MSI GT660 to come out next month. Which will be cheaper, but I am just not sure anymore. I am also wondering if its okay to just get the 500gb hard drive, if the notebook doesn't run hot.
$3000 is quite a lot. I definitely wouldn't pay that much for those specs. Where are you located?
In any case, 8GB of RAM and a 256GB SSD are rather expensive upgrades. Are you sure you need those? -
cookinwitdiesel Retired Bencher
doing all those upgrades and getting the cheapest processor seems be blunt
Ya decrease the ram and increase the processor. Buy the lowest capacity drive and buy a 256gb intel SSD elsewhere.
man these 10.4 drivers for the 5850 are horrible. hard crashing on games like Tiger Woods Online...big mouse curser bug everytime i watch a youtube video....
zzzzzz -
Well I am in Canada, and I would get the i7-620qm, but its not offered on the site. I can settle for duo cores with hyper threading. I would get the 256gb ssd, if the notebook runs hot with the hhd, if not I would get the 500gb hhd. As for the ram, I really think the more the better, but I can settle for 4gb ram. My only question is if the notebook is actually worth the price. If not i'd wait for the GT660.
So the people that are getting or have their M15x with the 5850, are you guys keeping the stock drivers, or is it recommended to upgrade to the ATI 10.4 drivers?
When I had the MSI GX640 I installed the 10.4 drivers, and disabled powerplay to rid the laptop of the sleep/hibernate issue, and there were no other problems. Is it the same for the M15x? -
what is the EPP? and which is the url of the dell upgrade service? i want to upgrade my m15x
Employee Purchase Program is for dell employee's, students/teachers, and boeing(16% base instead of 10% for both dell employees and students/teachers). I was able to get 20% by getting a good rep who was willing to drop the price nicely.
also 10.5 drivers are out FYI -
ok, thanks man, and you are so lucky XD
not luck just kept calling the epp line and hung up when getting the answer well i can only give you and extra 2% on top of that. so when i heard that 'click'. And then would redial talk to the operator and get another rep. I did this process 3 times and on the 3rd EPP rep i got the 20%.
also check out this thread its how i learned to get the 20% in the first place. -
sorry it didn't fix your issue are your completely uninstalling the previous drivers and then running cc cleaner after and then reinstalling the new drivers? with reboots in between
10.5 drivers bumped my vantage score on the 5850 up by 10 lol...but still getting big mofo cursor of doom
new driver finally posted on the Dell page for the ATI 5850
Attached Files:
whats the version hopefully 10.5?
does that help? lol. Can't tell much more than that without installing it -
no actually extracting them will show you what version
without installing them -
damn it dell
awesome glad to hear you got what you wanted good price those the only upgrades or did you get the 9 cell and intel 5300 wireless card
Is anybody else facing this problem. Whenever I am trying to do fullscreen for an HD video, my system just hangs, it seems like the GPU is trying to render something on the screen but then it went blank and it keeps on repeating till I force restart my system. I am on ATI 10.4 drivers. Any ideas??
ive gotten that problem twice now except with 10.5. second time happened when i was watching a youtube video
the same thing has happened to me too when watching HD video in full screen... screen goes black... im using Dell's lastest 5850m driver..
does anyone have any clues on what the problem is?
thanks in advance. -
Humm so it seems to be a problem with drivers
I switched back to Dell latest driver version and it seems
to be working fine.
@rwchui earlier I was facing this problem while using ATI 10.4
but when I switched to Dell latest driver, things look good. Are
u sure u are on Dell latest driver version. -
yes i'm on Dell's latest 5850 driver...
its 10.5 and i still have the black screen of death when playing HD videos in fullscreen.. =/ -
update your flash player.
its not really what you say, its mostly about finding a rep that is willing to deal. if the rep won't cut you a break hang up and call a different rep. and if you get a good price tell them to email you the quote then call again to see if you can get a better deal.
I think I may have expected too much from my machine...
My M15X: i7-620M, 6GB DDR3 (Duel Channel), ATI Radeon Mobility 5850 (DDR5).
In World of Warcraft I expected to be able to play at Ultra settings with no problems (expected 40-50 FPS), but I am getting between 7-18 FPS.
No I am NOT in Stealth Mode, I have deca-checked. I have the newest drivers, and I have NOTHING else running except the systems background services.
Am I expecting too much out of this system or do I need to look for issues?
@tuenkamen , I see you have a VERY similar build to me... Do you happen to play WoW, and if so, what kind of numbers are you getting? -
What resolution are you playing at? Furthermore, do you have Shadows maxed out?
M15x now with the 5850!
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by KodiBeast, May 4, 2010.