I am playing at 1920x1024, but even at 1200x768 it is still maxing at 20FPS. I dont know where the shadows are set... they are at whatever it sets them to when you put the slider at "Ultra"
Turn of shadows. They aren't that cool, and they're terribly optimized. They kill your performance. You should be able to run the game better, after those are turned off. However, I'm not sure why you're running so badly @ the low resolution. WoW is on an old engine, and it has terrible optimization. My buddy's Sager with 285M SLi still gets destroyed in 25 man raids and is choppy in Dalaran. Hell, my desktop w/ an overclocked i7 920 and GTX275s in SLi only run 25 mans at around 40 fps @ ultra.
I'll try that out tonight and see how it goes.
I have yet to try the game again with shadows turned off, but I did install CoD: Modern Warfare 2 last night and with all the settings at the highest I was able to play at 1920x1080 at a solid 60fps, with the occasional drop as low as 45... So I think you are all correct on the issue. -
I read the first twenty pages of this thread but not all 61, so I'm sorry if I'm repeating a previous question, but there's some things I'd like to clarify. Is he 5850 in fact GDDR5? Also I have a m15x shipping with a GT 240, but would like to upgrade to a 5850 or a 5870. Is this possible? Would I need a new heatsink?
Again sorry if Im repeating, but googling led me nowhere. -
yes the 5850 is gddr5, and no you will not need a new heatsink when getting new card. baby hemi is the one the contact for 5870 if you wish to buy it, it should be on sell right now.
That's a relief, I saw some people saying they might. GPU replacements I can handle, but I've never had to swap the heatsink. I see you have the 5870, I'm a little concerned about it getting too hot. Have you (or anyone) had any issues with this?
temp are pretty well managed, get around 85max when gaming for hours. and ave idle around 55-60. just get good thermal paste and pads and you'll be set.
after a second thought, since the gtx480m is officially announced, I might want to wait a bit, is it possible for AW to put it on M15x this fall? or some lower clocked version like gtx460m ? 256 bit + GDDR5 is so nice.
yeah looking forward to those cards too, but its gonna be sky high prices for nvidia
Gtx480m would be nice, I agree royren, maybe waiting a little is a good idea.
yeah, I agree, it's gonna be expensive, and AW might put something like gtx460m on M15x instead of 480m.
How much the difference in performance vs 5850 (overclocked maybe)? -
cookinwitdiesel Retired Bencher
The GTX 480m is 256-bit GDDR5 but the clocks are so low that a 5870m should outperform it
those are nvidia's words too - god knows why they think it will be worth the ridiculous premium....especially with the highly anticipated power usage and temps being ridiculous as well -
r u serios? the 5870m will not outperform the gtx 480m. If anything it will have the equal or less performance to the gtx 280m SLI. Let alone in tessalation it will beat the 5870m by a fair amount
For nVidia's sake, the 480 better outperform the 5870. Tessalation is overrated, though. In my honest opinion, I think the 5870 and 480 will be quite close in performance. So close, in fact, that it won't really matter. What WILL matter is the difference in price and whether or not a few frames warrants 225+ dollars. Either way, it's all just speculation until you see some real benchmarks/gaming results. We'll know when we know, and that's it.
Megacharge Custom User Title
cookinwitdiesel Retired Bencher
Well here are the specs and a GTX 465 review using the same core components, draw your own conclusion
Nvidia's GTX 480M Will Beat Up Your Mobile Graphics, Steal Your Lunch Money | Maximum PC
Nvidia GeForce GTX 465 1 GB Review: Zotac Puts Fermi On A Diet : Introduction
GeForce GTX 480M
The core is running at 425 MHz.....that is LOW (the 850 that nvidia quotes is the shaders)
It does not bode well at all for the GTX 480m though....especially given its heat and power issues -
Hi all, i was just wondering im recieving a warranty replacement form dell and they are offering it to me with the gtx260m, is there any reason i should go for the 5850 instead because either way im not paying as its a warranty replacement?
cookinwitdiesel Retired Bencher
the 5850 should be better and has some newer technologies, I would get that for sure
Megacharge Custom User Title
I could be wrong of course, but only time will tell. Hopefully we get some real world game benchmarks for this card soon. -
Kinda off topic, how far could you push a 5850 in overclocking? 750/750/2300? How can you tell when you're stressing a GPU too far in overclocking other than temps and what is throttling?
Stability and Artefacting. When clocks are unstable either the device driver will crash or the image will become unstable producing "Squares" or large pixels of corruption.
I'm still deciding whether or not to send my m15x back to get the 5850...currently stuck with the 260m
Megacharge Custom User Title
Yes to 5850 having GDDR5, and you're better off upgrading to a 5870 if you got the 240M. No you won't need a new heat sink, but you'll need good thermal paste and possibly your own thermal pads.
What exactly is the fps difference between the two (5850 and 260)? I mean, is it that significant?
I am sure it will overclock to the 5870m and beyond but I bet Dell have lowered the voltage, download the bios and find out what voltage it is running at. The 5870 runs at 1.15v and allows for overclocks past 900mhz on the core
cookinwitdiesel Retired Bencher
note that the clevo 5870s run at 1.15V
the AW ones in the M17x are actually at 1.05V -
with amd tool, its says i'm running at 1.05 with the option to run it at 1.15. so with the M17x 5870 there is no options?
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
@inap but when u try to change the voltage using in AMD gpu clock tool nothing happens.. think i'll have to flash it to up the voltage.. not sure if i want it right now... because its a beast already...
really??? i haven't even touch that option yet, so i don't really know.
ok just tested your right. -
I finally got my laptop today
. I am in the process of benchmarking and updating drivers and benchmarking again. I unistalled the original drivers and downloaded the drivers from the AMD mobility site. 10.4 and installed but it gave me some error. So I went to device manager and updated from there and it went fine. The benchmark went up a little bit but my internet explorer gives me weird blinks, also I do not have ATI-CCC and the drivers are not on the dell website!. Where do you guys download your drivers?
What should I do?
I found the drivers on the website I forgot to put windows 7 instead of vista. Are those the recommended one? 10.4 and 10.5 gave me the clicker of doom -
I also have a 5850. I'm currently using the 10.5 drivers off of the AMD website.
Here's a link.
Make sure you uninstall your current drivers, then run CCleaner and reboot. Download those drivers, and then install via the device manager.
I tried the drivers off of the Dell website, but I was experiencing some major lag issues in many games with them. Removed them, and went back to 10.5 and everything works awesome.
Edit: Also, I don't mind not having the Catalyst Control Center. I don't see the point in having it. It's just more junk I need to disable with msconfig
As for the clicker of doom, just going to have to wait it out. From what I have researched about the problem, it's happening on some of the desktop cards as well. Just have to wait for a hotfix, or go back to 10.3.. I'm not sure if this will get rid of the issue, though. Nor can I find any download for 10.3 + the 10.3 hotfix.
Oh and I would love to see your scores compared to mine in 3DMark Vantage. What CPU did you decide to go with? -
Hey Guys,
What is the Heat and volume like with a 5850 in one of these things? -
dude i have M15x with 260M and it plays split/second with 1920*1080 and very high settings....
i have 15x with 260m and it plays maxed out settings!!!!
M15x split/second maxed out settings...with 1920*1080...y does your m15x play only at high settings....check out
It's usually around 49 degrees idle, and 59 - 61 during extended play in WoW, Dragon Age, and Starcraft 2 at stock clocks.
I don't think the sound levels would be much different than with the 260m, but I could be wrong. -
um those temps are better than the 260m for stock so im inclined to say that the 5850 is better in many ways plus it has dx11 ya da ya da.
Yeah, I've pushed mine to 800/1100. Check the benchmark thread on page 59. It wouldn't run a 3DMark06 benchmark without crashing, but I was able to get through a few vantage runs.
M15x now with the 5850!
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by KodiBeast, May 4, 2010.