I just re-registered my XI account, yay for 11hours worth of updates and 30day free trial which makes me inelegiable for the discount! lol....
The discount on FFXI monthly fee?
I think you signed up for the wrong game lol
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
Transferring The name only is what they imply. Also yeavi reactivated my Ffxi account for the shoes! There's just too much area to cover without them lol
I don't think you get the shoes if you just re-activate and play for the trial....
electrosoft Perpetualist Matrixist
2 months WoW free. Currently playing the EVE trial account and will definitely give FF XIV a whirl from the get go.
just thought id mention that. -
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
Hmjm, never tried EvE. People always said it was too hard to get into/ganking was consistant and yea..... Ha.
I'm not that much into PvP, i'm more casual normally and like the PvE setting much more. Of course i can't say no to a duell if someone asks me
electrosoft Perpetualist Matrixist
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
I sincerely hope FFXIV is BEYOND successful. If not..... Well... I really don't want CoD: Black Ops to be my safty game
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
We need a really solid server with semi-full dedicated people. I know many people from YouTube are gathering on Kefka... So this is where I hope to end up. However my final server decision depends on what server my IRL friend (who still plays FFXI from release on PC) chooses.
I was thinking of a RP server simply because its almost like a serious social network... Both in players requirements and frequently populated areas, due to "social interaction". -
lol bit too much maybe hahaha
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
In FFXI it was more restricted to Linkshells for being the source of RP. I've never role played before (the thought of guys acting like girls and hitting on me was far to mentally shocking). However as you mentioned about it "limiting gameplay". As far as I know all you need is a character backstory... Which is what I somewhat plan on doing.. and continuing to add to that story as I adventure... I'm going to document this in the CE's book thingy that they give you. Should be fun.
Update: Siren was somewhat known for RP. I was on Quetzalcoatl though -
u dont go that far into a game but hell ive played every final fantasy to come...im not stoping now =) btw tatics was terrible FF game
so anyone know when open beta will start??
downloading client right now. Damn this is going to take a while.
so i tryed to register for open bete...but its been suspended..anyone else having this problem
I just recieve my new Alienware M15x today and decide to run the benchmark and I got around 1300 on low setting. I already install ati 10.8 and directx9.
My laptop spec: intel i7 740QM, ati 8580, and 4gb ram.
After watching you open your laptop on youtube. I decide to buy me one just to play FFXIV. I beening following Rocs Lock on youtube hoping to play with them in FFXIV also. How do you get the m15x to run turbo mode? -
I don't see how he can get 3K+ either. Max I can get mine is 2518. Unless I test it on low setting then I get like around 4K+ .
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Same here. I think he must have meant low resolution scores, not high.
i got 2000 on high and over 3500 on low...downloading game now though ill see how it runs and i will post back =) ING EXCITED
ugh damn update has been like 16 hours now i dont want to leave my alienware on for so loong!
EDIT: ok so i found a better way to get the beta to download faster for everyone that it is taking forever for.. here it is
go to
C:/Users/YOURNAMEHERE/Documents/My Games/FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta Version/downloads/ffxiv-beta/
You'll see some folders there, the one I was on was named "d96437e6" and when you open it up, there'll be some torrent files. Open those and use a regular torrent and voila. Good to go.
then after your done downloading put the downloaded files back into that directory and delet the metainfo.
do that for bothe files in that directory and itll go a SH** ton faster HOPE THIS HELPS.. (btw i didnt find that way i just seen it on a forum -
So i played FF14 today... it runs well on 1080 settings on high no MSAA and ambient occlusion...runs pretty solid.. =) no lag at all on my end im really happy with my choice
edit: ok may be a bit of lag but it still runs pretty damn solid -
thats what i figured but damn im a noob to this game IDK WHAT TO DO AFTER I GET OFF THE BOAT!!!
find the battle or guildlevels
profit. -
i thought there was a story to it??
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
I've been playing the OPEN BETA for the last week with all settings on high, 2-4x AA and I've been getting 30-60 FPS.
Yay. -
yea...its amzing odd my cpu doesnt perform much better than yours yet...it 300 mor
hey whats your guys temps whil playing FF14 mine is like 75...is that good i would like to drop it
Hey guys, has anyone been monitoring their CPU's resource consumption whilst playing the FF BETA by any chance? I'm interested because one of the main reasons I'm purchasing my M15x is so I can play this game on-the-go as well as at home on the desktop.
The thing is I've decided to go for the dual core 620m for the raw speed, however, I'm wondering if the extra cores might be needed to run this game 'well'. That is, if its a highly CPU dependent MMO in the first place? (like how WoW is for example). -
i would go for the 740m atleast breaking brian said he plays at high settings 2 msaa with around 30-60 fps i play at the highest setttings with the 840qm with no msaa and i get about the same...only time mine really lags is when im moving my camera in the city but then again it is the beta so im not sure if beta really takes ahold of what i7 can do i know it doesnt cover CF or SLI so i would atleast for for the 720m i think its the same price if im remember correctly..
so i tested ff14 out with my 5850 OC to 700/1000 and it performs very well on high not sure how to check the FPS but it does well and my temps after a few minutes were 71 im not sure what you guys can use from that but it performs very well
EDIT: ok so i think im crazy i used fraps to see what my framerate was...and apparently im only getting 20....brian are you getting that too by any chance??? i dont know what the hell is wrong with mine -
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
Changing graphical settings doesnt improve FPS, OCing does improve FPS, like .org.
*sigh*. -
I get ~20fps when I play FF14 too
I play at 1280x720 windowed mode, low graphics settings -
Ahh sounds like I'm gonna have to give this one a miss - Poorly optimized, and apparently not that great a game to boot.... shame, I'm a huge FF fan too. Oh well guess I just have to wait for FF Versus XIII and play it on the PS3
Im wanting to get myself a laptop pretty much for playing this game. Do you guys think an M15x will cut it with this spec?
PROCESSOR Intel® Core i7 Processor 840QM (1.86 Ghz, 8MB, 4C)
OPERATING SYSTEM Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium 64bit- English
GRAPHICS CARD 1GB NVIDIA® GeForce GTX260M graphics card
1BT ATI Radeon HD 5850
MEMORY 8192MB 1333MHz Dual Channel DDR3 SDRAM [2x4096]
HARD DRIVE 250GB (7,200rpm) Serial ATA Hard Drive
LCD 40cm (15.6") Wide Full HD Display (1920x1080)
OPTICAL DRIVE DVD+/-RW (DVD, CD read and write) Slot Load Drive
Also, which graphics card would be better. Ive heard the 260M struggles somewhat. -
For gaming you should definitely pick up the 5850m card it is a more powerful card compared to the 260m and can be OC'ed easily to maximise its performance further. The 5850 also supports DX11, whereas the 260 does not.
The 260m is reported to struggle a little with some later games at max settings and it has suffered from throttling in the past particularly with the i7 combination. This has however, been reconciled with the latest BIOS release (A08). I am unsure if there have been any reported cases of that particular GPU throttling since the release, but someone may confirm otherwise.
I would simply advise to pick up the 5850m for gaming purposes, it's a cheaper option aswell (on the UK site at least).
On a side note: Why so much RAM? Is it needed for a reason other than gaming? If not you could save a wee bundle by dropping to 4GB aswell.
Finally... FF14 is a very poor game, it has been reviewed as 'unfinished', 'poorly optimized' and 'unacceptable' - People I know who have purchased the retail version have said to stay well clear of the game too. (I am a bit of a Squeenix fanboy btw)
Here is the review from Gametrailers, my favourite game review site (not to taken as gospel)
Final Fantasy XIV Video Game | Reviews, Trailers & Interviews | GameTrailers.com -
Hi, thanks for the reply. I just maxed out the ram because i always have done in the past on my Desktops. Its not for anything extra so if you think just 4 or 6 would do then every little saving helps!
I know theres a lot of bad feeling hanging over 14. Ive been playing it since the Alpha and i see see the problems. Saying i want this laptop specifically for this game was perhaps an exaggeration. It will be used for a lot of games hopefully for a while to come. I just know that many laptops really struggle with ff14 so it must be able to play that to. (Actually playable, not just lag city).
Finally i know ASUS have started using the 1.5GB GeForce GTX in their G53 & G73 machines. How would that compair to the 5850? I dont want to be shelling out money on a Laptop that wont last me a few years.
Thanks for the advice.
AW Final Fantasy 14 Benchmark Results?
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by cubankid17, Aug 15, 2010.