I can understand that, that there is such a huge difference in gear, i'm sure it's called righteously Tier-X-armor/weapon and such.
But did you ever got asked or seen someone asking/ laughing at someone, because he had no hauby or scorpion harness? Hence i've seen better people in their AF Armor than people in pimped gear.
Dynamis, Sky and ToAU Mission were the most fun. I have to admit i never got to sea, i think i stopped promethia before omega weapon, somewhere.
But Dynamis was big organized chaos lol
Been a while since I visited this thread. So what's the low down on FFXIV being able to be played on our M15x's?
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
Edit: Open Beta 3 corrected into just Open Beta, i'm mixing things up today a little, Closed Beta 3 will end on 25th -
got 3500 on low res on meh alienware
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
S-E did one last test today, when you created a new character today (only possible on shadowlord at the moment), they did a stress test for creating chars i guess. Didn't notice it already ended -
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
Oh so there named after villans or?
Aren't those all the final bosses? I count 10 server names + test server. -
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
What's new to me is that you're limited to one playable character unless you pay more. This is really weird considering when coming from WoW there's no limit to how many characters or servers you're on.
You also get a retainer, which is just a mule really. Wow limits you to 10 characters per server btw. If you can call 10 characters per server a 'limit'
The only real reason you would want a new character in XIV would be to switch races, because if it's anything like XI, certian races are naturally better at certian jobs. ie Tarutaru's have a lot more base MP and make good casters, galka have a lot of HP and make good tanks..ect. The bonuses don't make or break anything and limit your job selection based on race (because trust me.. I've seen my share of galka BLMs and taru PLD's =.='''). Gear selection becomes more important, but all jobs are perfectly playable and acutally put neat twists in how you have to adapt to play the job. Ie, taru PLD's get to heal more often with a lot of MP which generates more threat.
The only disadvantage XIV has over wow is being able to have multiple characters on multiple servers, although I don't know of anyone that regularly plays on 2 different servers. Let alone 3 or 4..
On the upside, you won't be leveling cooking, repuation and any professions multiple times in XIV, since you'll just be switching jobs instead of characters. Much less time consuming imo. They've even done away with going back to your mog house to switch. It's all a matter of choosing which equipment to put on to change jobs now, very nice. -
In FFXI and FFXIV every character can learn every class and things, you actually don't need another char expect you really have to for reasons i can't think of yet. Also in FFXIV you get one Storage NPC along for free with every character. If you need more storage npcs, you pay 1$ more each.
Edit: Lozz was faster xD
when i ran the bench is it windowed or its only me? how to do the settings?
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
Fun fact! Forget everything you've learned about/ in WoW. It won't help you in Eorzea.
would be better on fullscreen -
you acutally wouldn't want to focus 1 character to 1 job, in XI, you have your main job, and a subjob that can be up to half the level of your mainjob. You can use all the abilities of your subjob (that are acessable at the level it's limitied to when attached to your mainjob) and you get some nice HP/MP/attribute bonuses too. Past level 20, you'd be hard pressed to find a party without a subjob. That's to say, if you levled your BLM to 75 and your WHM to 75, but wanted to be a BLM/WHM, the BLM would be level 75, and the WHM level 37, then to change your main/sub you'd have to go back to your moghouse. XIV is similar, but instead of main jobs and subjobs, they're all the same(SE referres them to be more like a skill). You equip a staff, and become a conjurer, but if your tharutamage (or however you spell it..) is leveled too, you can use all the abilities it has (presumably without the level limit that XI had, where you could only use Shell II because your sub was level 37, even if you had Shell IV on your WHM) with reduced effect unless the abiltiy you're using is from the main class you're equipped to. So you can use Cure on your conjurer (the BLM equivilent) because you know it on your tharu(the WHM equivilent) it just won't work as well because you're currently a Conj. XIV also has a 'physical' level, which is there to determine base HP/MP and attributes. The 'classes' are there to provide spells/abilities. They made XIV a bit more different from XI and wow by making it like FF13 too. In XI and Wow, you can cast any spell at any time from your entire library. In XIV, you have a finite amount of 'action points' that you fill with spells and abilities. So..we'll say you have 6 action points, to use fire, you have to equip it to your action bar and that uses 3 points, to use thunder you have to equip it to your action bar and that uses 3 points as well. After 2 spells your action bar is full, so until you change it (I didn't try it but I would assume you can't change during combat) those are the only two spells you can cast. Even though right now you start the game with 5-6 spells in your library. -
I just was googling abit about new info on Catalyst 10.8, and found this small Info from a user on twitter:
In ATI Catalyst 10.8, there will be Crossfire functionality for Final Fantasy XIV
Sounds like ATI and S-E are working together to get the game running as we all expect. -
tried it in WoW and trust me, the cursor is weird man! makes me feel all trippy! if you have the 2d surface mouse it's hard to click things in the background since the depth doesn't feel quite right. but if you have the 3d mouse (moves back with the ground so to speak) when you mouse over a button or window the mouse *pops* back up into the foreground.
but about the sli/crossfire, yeah i'd be really suprised if they let that slip past retail. sooo tempted to try out this game, but cata is calling.... -
Sure i have seen the tech demo showing 3d and multiple display support for nvidia cards, tho dont know if that is just for desktops.
Also about cursors and mouse, ffxiv is optimized to be played with a gamepad. -
I've seen that the Beta still is running and will end on August 26. 0:00 GMT, which should be in around 8 hours. If everything goes well, i can still test the latest ati drivers and see if it runs smoother, that is if official catalyst 10.8 gets released in the next few hours.
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
3D was over before it began.
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
/10char -
they were supposed to be released yesterday.
ATI Catalyst 10.8 Video Card Drivers Coming This Afternoon - Legit Reviews -
Edit: just tried it, doesn't seem to activate the second gpu, stays on 150/300 clock speeds, while the first card does. On FFXIV Benchmark. -
Looks like someone else is having the same issue on official ati forums:
ATI CrossFireX Application Profiles 10.8 -
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
This is what gets me confused
edit: I get it now, he's suggesting when you start seeing surplus points, that are essentially being wasted, you should switching to a new class so you're not wasting those points, but you're still going to be getting fewer points. -
so i wanted to try a few beta keys is there anyway i can get the ff14 beta download??
ok nevermind =) i shall report back on none of my findings because of NDA......
also if i think what im doing works....ahhhhhh its gonna be amazing -
nevermind...danm client...
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
Cubankid the beta is over.... Also the NDA has been over for about a month.
The open beta (for all of us) is released early september. -
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
You can lvl your "main" class for 8 hours. After the 8 hours, your XP reaches zero.
you switch to your other class/job and lvl it for 4-8 hours.
After a brief time your "main" class can regain its 100% xp gain and you can continue leveling it.
Once that class reaches 15 hours for the week it becomes "un levelable"
So keep switching up your classes. -
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
Taken from FFXIV Beta Page:
Players will be able to transfer their open beta test character names to the official release. (Note: Does this only concern the name itself or the full developed char from beta?)
PS: I like that philosopy about diminishing exp on a single job, it encourages people to level all kind of stuff and mix abilites and whatnot. Very clever.
PS2: As soon Open beta hits, you should be able to create a Square-Enix ID, maybe register for a key (in closed beta you just needed the id and got a mail that told you you were in beta), download the Beta Client, install, play. -
I wouldn't worry about content and getting bored so fast. Also i don't think i want to level all the time. Sometimes i just want to stay where i am and go out into the wild or anywhere else, just exploring new things and mechanics, until iget used to locations, monsters and other things that could be important.
Can't wait to test again, and i'm still positive that this game will run quite well on any alienware laptop (hmm exclude m11x) running with ati cards
AW Final Fantasy 14 Benchmark Results?
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by cubankid17, Aug 15, 2010.