I'm not worried much as my system fits the recommended settings but the main issue is if it becomes that system hungry, there will not be much point in playing this game as it will be half empty \:
If that happens, then oh well. Fat luck. I'll just wait for other upcoming MMOs that are much better.
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
Regardless of any mmo's being released I declare Guildwars 2 to rule them all!
YouTube - Guild Wars 2 - Manifesto trailer
Enjoy. -
Guild wars 2 i still play the first one...i miss em
I lost all interest in GW, I only played factions though until I reached level 20 and couldn't go beyong that. I just didn't like it for some reason.
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
1. I've completed the game 100% with every profession... Stuck to AB after my GvG days were over... Got old somewhat quickly.
2. Hero's completely ruined the PvE experience (PvP to some extent), and made player to player interaction pointless (why wait an hour for a monk when you could just get your own personal henchman to do it).
3. Titles destroyed the fun and built the barriers around PvE and PvP... You know what I mean. -
GW2 will hopefully reboot the franchise. Was playing WoW after GW, but WoW requires far too much time to dedicate. LoL each month I'm falling behind in WoW because of new patches and stuff. Though I would still put WoW as THE best MMO to play if you have the time to dedicate.
With the 30 days plan for FFXIV, I'm hoping this one to be my next hope. It works perfect for me, since I won't lose money for not playing a week or two. -
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
However GW2 will be out by late 2011 so maybe a yearly is best and then leave it at that. I'm glad GW2 will be FTP -
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
Just letting you FFXIV M15x fanboys (Including myself) That the NDA has been lifted! YouTube now has class videos and other goodies!
Here my FAVORITE channel! Enjoy!
YouTube - RocsLock's Channel -
weeeeeeeeeeeee ty brian! <3
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
haha, no problem
brian you better play ff14 with me danmit..i preordered CE im so excited by the way thanks rep+ for the vid
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
cuban ransom
cuban kid etc -
check out the site pack too, lots of screenshot and icon goodies in there. including my avatar
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
Fun update. Open Beta has been announced for early September.
what do you mean open beta?
guys I want to play ffxiv too? could you teach me how?
where do i get the client? or should i buy a cd for it? -
buy the cd if you pirate a gnome will come choke you..pay square enix...then again the month fee is BS
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
aka the Beta that is open to the public
Will commense early september... This means possibly between the 1st to the 22nd it will be good to go! They annouced it on twitter.
http://twitter.com/FF_XIV_EN -
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
However the offical release date is the 22nd for the CE and the 30th for the SE. -
Note that when i applied for Beta, i got an email which let me know that i'm eligible for testing in Beta, so it was automaticly linked within my registred square-enix id, i'm sure i didn't had to use any key or do anything else. -
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
i don't mind paying a fee, it keeps moderators available, consistant updates and other goodies that F2P MMo's lack. -
I do hope FFXIV will give atleast the same atmosphere to us, as FFXI did, which i really liked for it's people.
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
Hopefully they offer yearly subscriptions for like 70-80 bucks... That would be epic. And I agree. FFXI was the most mature/serious MMO I've played in a long time... Not serious in a bad sense, but in a rewarding and personal sense.
Maybe i should create an US account and play the game on us server in english, but then i think i have a time displacement problem when i want to play with people from the other continent -
And afaik as announced from S-E, you won't be able to transfer any BETA Characters to the final game. I'm sure they want to give everybody the same Start, not that someone has any advantage, which makes sense i guess
PS: Sorry for offtopic and being a m17x user, just wanted to join the discussion about FFXIV -
lozz guess what...ready?..are you ready!!???? Guild wars...
HA that game was free AND amazing...but you do have a solid point so for that...i thank you -
guild wars isn't a MMO in the traditional sense. It's not nearly bandwith intensive as say XI or Wow, some would argue not nearly as big and instead of subscriptions they relied on expansion income. I'll grant that series is the *one* exception, but I'll say again, they only managed it by cutting and maximising effeciency in areas that other MMO's do not.
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
I say we label this thread as FFXIV Discussion offically
So grim how is the gladiator? I usually follow Rocs Lock on youtube, but in all of his videos i've never seen 1 gladiator.
Also I've kicked my FFXI account back in gear for those "fast" shoes you get when you buy FFXIV with an active FFXI account.... Theres ALOT of area to cover >_< -
I had some fun playing melee abit tho and i got provoke late with lvl10 so i couldn't really test tanking, tho i'm more of a supporter anyway. I think since you can cross abilities widely, i will start with conjurer first, so i always have heal when i go solo
Was Conjurer in beta 2 which i liked alot and Gladiator in Beta3. Wonder what i should do in open beta -
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
I was thinking about going Ranger, Thurm or Conj.... Decisions decisions decisions.
But Pug also looks like a really fun DD/Tank. -
I just want to be able to advance all the time when i login whatever i do, not standing around waiting for party or other events -
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
From what i've seen, crafting takes a ridiculious amount of time to do... Just like in real life
The thing is, from what I've seen. The Thurm is the best support (its def gonna be the healer), Mage is the best MP DD and from what I've seen.... The Archers do CRAZY amounts of damage with one basic arrow (nevermind once you start making special ones)... Pug are basically quick DD and evasion tanks, Glads are gonna def be the Tanks of the game, Marauders.... DD i guess.
Regardless, when the first expansion is let loose im going Summoner. -
Hmm, wasn't Conj the Mage Healer and Thaumaturge the Mage DD/supporter? Just wondering, have only played Thau to like 5 and Conj to 20 which gets Protect and Shell aswell.
Yeah, it feels kind of home again with the familiar abilites and kinda classes, but still fresh and inovative. Very excited, i hope i can waste my time effectively once again xD -
if you have a 10conj, and a 5 thaumatuge
fire/bliz ect for the conj, and you *can* use the healing abilities from the thaumatuge to sideheal (which is I think what I was seeing in some of the youtubes with a conj with a heal spell) -
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
But the Conj also got Mana Back with some TP move, tho not much, but you could keep it on a certain level and i never had to go back to aetheryte while leveling outside of leves.
the only problem i see with this is, the mage actually has to gain tp. And in a party where the mage has to heal/support, i don't think there is time to gain tp for little mana regen by going to attack the monster... I wish there was a /rest command .... -
It looks like you can 'readjust' your points, but not all of them. hopefully you can have a paid service from some NPC to reset it further at least for the elements. -
I think i noticed that if you are currently Conj for example, the more unlikely attributes for this class like stamina and strength or agilty, if you raised those previously, they are more likely to be reseted so you can distribute those points to mage stats if you came from a melee class earlier... Anyway the time to reset will always be an influence, i'm sure S-E doesnt want people to change stats all the time and achieve everything in short time... -
right, int, piety and mind is where you want to put it, but you don't want to put *all* of it there, because you need VIT for *some* HP(it says it gives melee def, but I'm guessing it gives some HP too), and if you're soloing, you need *some* STR and DEX for evasion and melee for early on I'm guessing.
very trixy SE! D= -
its official we are all playing through together i say so...btw on that selling my ps3 deal my moms says i cant sell it or i get kicked out (even though i paid for it) so i might be a bit late on getting ff14 but danmit i will be there for the release!!!!
honestly, the game is really built like that, the difference between a fresh 80 and a geared 264 80 is night and day, you're talking about doubling or tripling DPS and HP/MP with a properly Geared 80, it was fun at first, but I preferred XI's style of merit points and gear being 'icing on the cake' rather than the whole party. Although I agree, *tons* of exaggeration on how geared you need to be for X fight goes on in there too, which just isn't good either. I left when I started seeing 5K+ GS in trade for Nax...lol.
AW Final Fantasy 14 Benchmark Results?
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by cubankid17, Aug 15, 2010.