@iunlock he said like 10 times that send him the tube and at this moment i haven't received 1 message (at least) with the info to send the tube, only smoke bla bla bla
he don't deserve to be a salesman ( i hope he is not ) because he don't know how to treat with customers, he think that is talking to his friends hhahaha ( a bad friend)
i thought i was going to have more technical answers, but i can only smell his EGO.
now i know why ic diamond is becoming smaller
Do not expect that other Company reps will answer questions, if it's only this ****y they get slapped in the face. You mean prabably as well he should change the name for this thermal paste as well?CaerCadarn, bradleyjb, Vasudev and 2 others like this. -
Attacking someone's character or profession is kind of harsh which puts food on the table maybe for himself or his family. If you don't like the damn paste move on with it. God this forum is great but so much attacking is almost childish to read. There will be good products and bad products. Make a review on it and move on.
Have to interrupt here, per;
There is no word of diamonds being exclusively natural occurring. In fact both natural and synthetic variants are mentioned. This is a fact thereby the naming convention of ICD is 100% correct and some others here are just as incorrect.
Edit; I have been out of the game too long so I can not any longer say what TIM is the best at thermal transfer. I can however say two things;
1.) ICD applied properly is a high quality TIM and because of consistency of the paste a bit more forgiving in non optimal contact patch situations.
2.) ICD applied properly will not boil out. I have seen this in even high temperature use personally.
The above reasons are why re-sellers tend to offer/use ICD.Last edited: Mar 26, 2017bloodhawk, aaronne, Vasudev and 1 other person like this. -
Did you forget what the title of this thread is?
Perhaps you should reevaluate and understand what's really happening here.
You want to talk about lies? Denials? Go back and read...
Be careful who you are accusing, because a false accuser is just as bad as the trouble maker.
I am very surprised at your post there papusan. He must be your friend.
For someone like you that's always bashing on other brands of laptops, let alone the content of the wording of your hatred toward other brands on your signature... I'm a bit confused as to how you find anything in this thread even remotely close to being offensive?
Help me out here... Because I don't get... It just doesn't add up.
Again, read the darn title for crying out loud. Do you see anywhere it mentioning ICD? - OK thank you, now you can sit down, because facts are facts. Why don't you go make a review and title it accordingly, because you're in the wrong thread.
You've gotta be kidding me... SMH...
You all must know each other. No pun intended, but come on man, what is this? A kumbaya campfire sob fest? Seriously. Get a grip because you're being way too sensitive.
::iunlock:: -
Re-read your reply in my and your own post... This is still valid...Your post brother... Is almost a character assassination of people. Sorry but you have to change attitude.Last edited: Mar 26, 2017 -
The existence of lab created diamonds is no secret, rather what is being emphasized here is that:
1. ICD does scratch the surfaces of the die(s), yet the rep is trying to defend what we know to be true.
2. If there is a tolerance issue, it would be more logical to address the intolerance first, instead of opting for a bandaid fix by using a thick paste like ICD.
3. With a highly regarded word like, "Diamond" it deserves to have it distinguished respectively and not used as a marketing ploy. - If it's lab created then specify it and use the word like, "synthetic," in front of it.
Ex. For the purpose of showing how the word, "diamond" shouldn't be used loosely or cheaply as a piggy back to ride off of the glory... Do you see synthetic rings being sold and marketed as real diamonds?
Think about it...
I think you're completely missing the point here and perhaps your time away from the scene warrants some research to get up to speed on things.
I'll help you with one piece.
ICD ain't all that great like some people are making it out to be. It's known as the bandaid paste in today's time and it's not a secret.
To each his own.
Some are duct tape fixer uppers and some are not.
What ever floats the boat.
How does it make sense only shed light on one side and not show the rest?
A bit biased don't you think?
Again, if he's your friend, no pun intended, but let's be real AND fair here...
::iunlock:: -
Mr. Fox likes this.
You know better than anyone how this kind of stuff only decieves customers and it isn't right.
This is no different than an ODM claiming that their laptops have no over heating issues... Then to have them try to deny what we all know first hand....
Same applies here. No different.
The weight behind my response toward this issue represents all those who know the truth, but either isn't here to speak up or simply too shy to say anything.
::iunlock:: -
Yes I agree... All we want is honesty.
::iunlock::Papusan likes this. -
iunlock likes this. -
) and people here aka your own brothers and sisters. We are a Big family brother Judal
And I know y00 like my sig
I don't reaches bro @Mr. Fox Up to his knees in hardware naming with my *very good* English
Last edited: Mar 26, 2017 -
IC Diamond Company Representative
We do warrant against defects in manufacturing, returned merchandise is common for unsatisfied customers in any retail situation whether it's returning a shirt with a lost button or a car with a blown transmission. Reseller then goes back to back to the manufacturer for compensation and suffers no loss.
Just to note PM for contact info for return request made in post #81
So please return product and we will follow up and compensate you for the returned item.
In the last ten Years I have never had a customer phone call or email to Innovation Cooling with a scratch complaint and so never had to deal with returned merchandise on this account. As such it only exists in the ether of the Internet.
This is from OCUK management in response to a forum post
Overclockers UK has sold in excess of 10,000 units of this thermal paste with zero returns or customer complaints. It seems bizarre to me that any issues with the product would not be highlighted by our clearly vast user base. We take end user complaints very seriously and work with our vendors to resolve issues.
Do you have personal evidence of any issues, or are you repeating stuff you have read on the internet? I would love to see first hand information you have gathered on this matter and will of course forward any of your personal concerns to Innovation Cooling.
We never have had a tube returned for a manufacturing defect other than a couple broken dispensing tips, customers are free to be reimbursed for any defect in manufacture and to date none have been submitted.
If a customer were to provide “Proof” i.e. an out of spec product we would be able to return it to 3M for compensation and fix any product issue. They provide us with a certificate of Authenticity/ conformance which is basically their warranty contract with us they would be obligated to fix/replace when defective product is discovered. This a standard industry practice that occurs worldwide daily, a quality control department gets 100 parts finds a couple out of spec and sends them back and they are replaced.
We follow up on complaints and request product returns which to date I have been unable secure even one “Proof” to investigate. Returns are a helpful process to both parties it helps the manufacture troubleshoot problems and lead to better products. A date of purchase can identify the batch and when it was processed so all can be reviewed for conformity etc.
A picture of damage indicates an issue that may be a problem with the compound as such is not an actionable proof in of itself but rather something to investigate first hand. The manufacturer has no way see behind the curtain whether product used in a recommended manner or not and so needs to be able sort through things to make a determination. -
Also, a lot of users go into buying ICD already knowing about it scratching the die(s), so there are no surprises there.
If anything in my previous posts offended you, I apologize for that. This is just a game of tug-a-war and we are not going to be forced to believe something that is not true when we know first hand that what we know is true about the characteristics of ICD.
Again, to each his own. Use whatever makes you happy.Last edited: Mar 26, 2017 -
@IC Diamond i send you all my info, i really want to know if the paste on the tube contain some imperfection as strange particles or something like that
i could be the 0,000009% winner of a bad tubeLast edited: Mar 26, 2017 -
this got way out of hand it was suppose to be a simple question and now there is pages of arguing, this should come to stop right now
@IC Diamond - you got the viscosity (pas) and specific weight (g/cm3) on the paste?
Papusan likes this.
So yeah . .back on topic . . . what's the best traditional paste besides toothpaste?
I have a 17 r4 on order and I will be travelling with it maybe a couple of times a year (that's why I am thinking I have to rule out LM), I won't be oc'ing much - I mainly game and will be working on it. I've also never done anything like this before . . .I've swapped out memory and ssd's in an AW18 . . . but nothing quite like a repaste - all of the screen caps that I've seen make this look like a bit of a daunting process.
Thanks for the assistance!!Papusan likes this. -
, Gelid Extreme or Grizzly Kryonaut. Prolimatech PK-3 as a outsider for conventional paste. And Liquid metal still Nr.1
BTW. This should be sticky on first page@BigBoss5090 time for edit OP!!
Last edited: Mar 27, 2017Vasudev likes this. -
List of Thermal paste must be sticky post as @Papusan said.
Post updated to included new Traditional Thermal Paste from Cooler Master.
Traditional Paste: [No specific order]
- TG Kyronaut
- Gelid Extreme
- ICD 7
- Prolimatech PK3
- Cooler Master MasterGel Maker Nano [ Thanks @bloodhawk for confirming this]
Sorry this is non exhaustive list.
* indicates important notes whilst the use of metal paste.
- Heat sink must be copper
- The surface of heatsink and cpu/gpu must be clean to provide even contact because metal paste will fill the air gap like a thin film The surface have to be completely flat, and the contact between the heatsink and the die have to be PERFECT ( minimum gap between both) { credit to @judal57 for this}
- Tape the outer die of CPU or GPU to avoid spillage due to over-application of paste
- Use spatula paint brush or similar, to even out the paste on the die and apply remaining paste on the heat sink (Thanks to @Papusan)
I hope this list can serve its purpose for new-comers to our forums deciding on which paste to use and why, instead of reading thousands of posts and it will save lot of headaches.
EDIT: Sorted out the discrepancies.Last edited: Apr 1, 2017Beemo likes this. -
1.) Scratches from ICD is <cosmetic> aka your silicon will not be damaged!!
2) And add Phobya Liquid Metal to the metal pastes!!
3) Never use spatula for Liquid Metal!!! Use a paint brush or similar. -
Vasudev, Papusan
Thanks for the replies! This will make the my choice easier!!
I agree on the sticky of the info . . . maybe a new post tho to filter out all of the other discussion . . . I've been off and on these boards for years but I don't have time to read a 100 page thread so update information in stickies and first posts of threads are greatly appreciated.
and maybe for the new people a pros and cons of traditional vs lm (LM might not travel well)?Vasudev likes this. -
@Papusan: Is this paste worthy to added to the list of recommended thermal paste (Traditional Paste)? http://www.coolermaster.com/cooling/thermal-compound/mastergel-maker/
I am thinking of buying it because its cheaper than ICD 7 and available in heavy stocks. -
There is no point in putting on too many choices. You only dilute the recommendation. And we are back to where you can purchase whatever you want as long it's intended for cpu/gpuVasudev likes this. -
bloodhawk likes this.
IC Diamond Company Representative
???? Sorry for delay busy week, so money refunded + Shipping.
I presented judal57 complaint with a couple of 3m engineers online and upon their review their analysis was that it was an adhesion issue due to contamination when materials do not as designed or manufactured stick to a surface.
So I am not going to argue a basic principle of adhesion as 3M are experts at this, the best tape in the world is not going to stick to an oily surface it will just slide around, metal in a solder joint won't stick if contamination exists and LM will not stick if a barrier exists in a joint between 2 materials.
While I had their attention I asked them what they thought about the scratches that people were posting online. Their first comment/question was what were they using to clean the old paste off, Scouring Pads? They noted that the product is Electronic Grade conforming to international standards ISO etc.
For example material sources are targeted for Zero defect tolerances w/ppm or ppb they all operate on same standard for uniformity snd conformance as well as those they sell to.
They also made the point that a OEM customer like Intel applies compound through either a Silk Screen or ink rolling type method and any particle large enough to inflict damage as in posted pictures would would be readily apparent in a production process filtered out by the screen or clumping up during rolling. I sell the same paste from the same batches in fact just that OEM's buy 1000X's what I buy. So no oversized particles have been observed by me, 3M or their customers on the same compound you use.
3M is everywhere. Apple–and many other companies–couldn't do what they do without 3M. The St. Paul company produces a mind-bending 55,000 products. Some of them you know — Post-it notes, Scotch tape, Dobie scouring pads, Ace bandages, Thinsulate insulation.
3m makes sand paper and would analogous to finding a number of 40 grit particles on a sheet of 1000 grit sandpaper, does it happen? Possibly but next to never in practice.
I would note here that here on my end we us pail dispensers to fill syringes so process is to open container and place container in machine and and seal, material is only exposed a min in a clean air environment.
We do a in-line process inspection 100% Twice, The operator filling the tube has 5 seconds to watch the fill before removing at fill line and tube are clear large particles would be noticeable.
Next operator wipes tube tip, weighs it, caps it and places in automatic labeller. He rejects for weight, cleanliness, tube defects etc. Any anomalies would be noted here.
So as previously stated nothing is observed on this end and so requires physical proof to be submitted which has not been given to us otherwise we have nothing actionable to pursue.
A well respected NBR member...
Just sayin' ....
There's no need to glorify 3M...we love 3M....what is being targeted here is a particular product.
At the end of the day, no matter how good the QC is, if the end result of what consumers are experiencing is not positive from a given product, then that is what matters and it needs to be addressed.
.Last edited: Apr 10, 2017 -
@IC Diamond
Soaked the silicon multiple times within a 10-minute waiting period between each soak.
Your paste still scrubbed the lettering off my Slave 1080 die.
@MahmoudDewy @judal57 -
If this is a big meaty problem... Why will not the whole die be likewise after cleaning? Much of the problem is user errors. Some people get more scratches while others get almost none of them. I do not see the big problem here. Have never seen reduction in thermal tranfer from die by use of ICD (ICD don't destroys the Die). You can even use Razor blade(not the more expencive Razerbook
) to remove old thermal paste without destroying your chips (if you are careful
Mr. Fox likes this. -
There are many variables here and just because the whole die isn't scratched doesn't mean that ICD is exempt from the cause.
Perhaps we should invite @Shehary here to gives his insight on his experience. Shall we?...
"Okay so, @Shehary, as you can see from the posts on here, there are people who think that ICD is perfect and does not cause imperfections on the surface of the die(s)....Many of us know that ICD does scratch the die so we're just shedding light to bring this reality to rest, because there are some who oppose to this reality. Strange I know.... thanks for your input in advance."
ICD does destroy die(s), cosmetically and in theory (that makes sense if you think about it) with the scratches on the die you're creating more micro surface areas/imperfections, which in reality could degrade performance. Often times it does.
Keep in mind that we're dealing with a very small margin of tolerance here. A little will make a big difference.
It's like honing out cylinder walls of an engine...one tiny little imperfection can equate to a huge loss in power. Same concept here, except we're dealing with non-mechanical thermal dynamics.
We're already combating the micro pores of the copper heat sink to begin with so what would make you think that imperfections on the die(s) surface wouldn't be any different?
To each is own, but ICD is not that good of a paste, maybe on par with MX4 or AS5. I've tested it numerous times and although like a lot of traditional paste, it does okay under a certain load, once it breaks the breaking point, down the hill it goes.
ICD may be the best band-aid paste, but other than that, it is nowhere near the top. Fix the underlying issue of the tolerance issues first, instead of opting for a band-aid fix.
ICD scratches .. there are many variables that can exist, but if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and flies like one, then it's a duck...
Simple.Last edited: Apr 10, 2017FrozenLord likes this. -
MahmoudDewy Gaming Laptops Master Race!
As far as I am concerned the thread has been derailed a long time ago despite its interesting content.
People will use what is fairly priced in their respective areas, for me thats NT-H1 as its like 2 bucks a tube and can be had in less than a day.
I think trying out LM could be an interesting experience though thinking about it for my y510p later
Also argument fallacies dont help discussion. Attack the idea not the one behind it.jaug1337 and CaerCadarn like this. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Sorry for the necrobump, but why isn't Shin Etsu thermal compound on the list here?
Another somewhat ..uh...silly question:
What exactly happens if you try using Shin Etsu G-30M or G-40M (silicone lubrication compound) in place of thermal compound? -
Vasudev likes this.
Thermal Grizzly Conductonaut vs Grizzly Kyronaut vs Arctic Silver 5
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by BigBoss5090, Mar 15, 2017.