thats actually really the problem. even with prema bios, you might not be able to fix this dell machine and it'll throttle no matter what. with clevo, so far it is fixable in terms of performance just because it has somewhat bigger heatsink and thicker of a laptop, and thats fact.
Bring back the RGB screen from M17x R2 or stuff an OLED in this BEAST. I'll pick one up from the outlet about half way in after reviews and minor updates have been made.
Rengsey R. H. Jr. likes this. -
Last edited: Jan 12, 2019
Vistar Shook likes this.
I am really scared for Brother @Ultra Male. He is a good friend and he spent a lot of money on a huge risk. (We cannot call any computer an investment.) I sincerely hope it works better for his sake than I expect it to based on what little is known about it now. I am not encouraged about what kind of results it seems we can expect at this time. Maybe the keyboard will be enough to make him happy. Not sure the audio quality will live up to his expectations.
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
IXVIXXII likes this. -
Since this is a desktop chipset (Z series at that) let's see if they continue to prevent firmware mods. Although idk anyone that's ordered that has a programmer/willing to test. -
I know on the new model they're separate since the GPU is actually a GPU lol. Should be able to use a programmer for the GPU. -
As for the GPU, it's new and proprietary. I would assume it can be modded with an SPI programmer, but I am just guessing. Getting more performance from the GPU should be the least of anyone's concern with this product. The bigger fish to be fried will be having the CPU run correctly.
Even so, RTX vBIOS modding is very different. Totally different architecture. Have spent quite a bit of time with @Prema trying to figure it out on 2080 Ti and it's crazy how many calories have been burned on interfering with 20-series firmware mods. It's a bigger pain in the ass that anything I can remember from the past. They've gone Über-Nazi on the controls.
What we need to have happen is, round up all of the heads of engineering and product development from every company that produces computer hardware, give each of them a complimentary lobotomy with dirty gardening tools and shoot all of the firmware engineers. Then, we replace all of them with the anti-Nazi type. The current brain trust truly sucks.Last edited: Jan 12, 2019 -
and a FHD 240hz display. that is my idead, and i always play as a desktop
because i come home and only have to plug the AGA port, all the other things like keyboard, mouse, speakers, heatset, rgb mousepad, everything is connected on my displayVistar Shook, Vasudev, alaskajoel and 1 other person like this. -
Vasudev likes this.
But, an even better idea is to just keep the laptop you have now and use it when you need to as a laptop and nothing more and spend your money on something like this instead of the new Alienware. You can sell the eGPU (without the GPU) to offset part of the cost. You've already got the GPU and peripherals. All you need is a the rest of the desktop parts and you can do that way cheaper than the Area 51M. You'll never look back.
Last edited: Jan 12, 2019Vistar Shook, Vasudev, raz8020 and 6 others like this. -
ThatOldGuy Notebook Virtuoso
Don't get me wrong, this system is a huge improvement over the 17 R5 or m17, and pretty much any other 17. Just I think you might be disappointed with the i9.
HID should keep you informed on their development of this though. I would hope they would let you know before shipping if that CPU can actually perform as advertised in the system.
Hopefully they change the firmware between now and launch if they are reading these forums. @Mr. Fox It also doesn't make any sense to provide 2 PSUs if, under load, the system can only reach 300W anyways (120W CPU + 180W GPU). 330W psu would been fine.Last edited: Jan 12, 2019Aroc, Vistar Shook, raz8020 and 4 others like this. -
One thing is for sure. If they would have asked for help from @Mr. Fox and @Johnksss before going public with it, we could have helped things turn out better in multiple ways, including the publicity. A good business reason to not do that could be due to the fact that it is definitely gimped and we would have given them a ton of grief over that (déjà vu).Last edited: Jan 12, 2019TBoneSan, Vistar Shook, Vasudev and 5 others like this. -
@Mr. Fox you are right, i am going to wait and see the ryzen 3700X, i have big expectations about it. i also want an open bench like yours. at the moment i dont need liquid cooling for the 1080ti, is runing at 53°C in the worst case. BUT my next CPU will definetly have a TOP liquid cooling. I am a PRO FPS gamer, and i am constantly concerned about FPS lol, my weak cpu cant give me all the performance i want. That and plus that PUBG is bad optimized
Vistar Shook, raz8020, Vasudev and 3 others like this. -
Rage Set, Falkentyne, Vistar Shook and 3 others like this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Vistar Shook, c69k, raz8020 and 2 others like this. -
Last edited: Jan 12, 2019Falkentyne, TBoneSan, Aroc and 2 others like this.
You're just so anti AW because of the BGA that you simply want to downtalk it.
If they go ahead and overbuff their TDP on the BGAbooks then why wouldn't they do it on their LGA flagship which is even made for DIY people? -
Vistar Shook, Rei Fukai, Papusan and 2 others like this.
Fully customizable LGA notebook that is carefully crafted together with 240hz screen that might or might not have TDP issues which we don't know yet since it's not officially released yet. There is one thing you absolutely do not understand yet.
Alienware absolutely destroyed the competition. They were the absolute highlight on CES. They have all the attention and know that now it's time to not mess up. There is absolutely no way that they will allow the notebook to be a throttling mess, at least in the long run. So far alienware absolutely understands that this is their change to make big bucks.alexnvidia, Eclipse251, Lunatik and 3 others like this. -
But after the 29th....You'll find out the truth.Rage Set, steberg, Vistar Shook and 4 others like this. -
I hope they do understand it is their chance to make things right. It should be their last one. I want them to make things right. I really do. As a former insider with direct contact with key people, I know how things were and I know that they will have to be different now. There is no guarantee that they will be. If things were good and there was actually hope there would ever be a better tomorrow, I never would have moved to Clevo. And, now I am done with all of them. So, yeah... I'm dense. You're right. Experience doesn't matter. Go ahead. Buy it, and then don't complain if it never gets fixed.
Anyhow... waiting for the proof.Last edited: Jan 12, 2019 -
Sent from my MIX 3 using TapatalkVistar Shook and Rei Fukai like this. -
Rage Set, steberg, Vistar Shook and 9 others like this.
Rage Set, Vistar Shook, raz8020 and 4 others like this.
Aroc, Vistar Shook, raz8020 and 4 others like this.
It's clear to ANYBODY that this alienware has an entirely different engeneering team. Look at the mainboard itself.
And what issue are you even refering to. You're so vague about it that it almost seems you don't even know yourself what you're talking about. I'm quite a bit in the AW 18 section and I don't see any known firmware bug that causes issues which you're vaguely hinting at. -
Sent from my MIX 3 using Tapatalksteberg, Vistar Shook, Ashtrix and 4 others like this. -
The trouble is, the hotshots making the engineering decisions don't care what anyone wants. They are engineers and they don't make mistakes. And, they don't admit them when there is proof that they do. They engineer malarkey to cover up for it. If they decide, in their infinite wisdom, that laptop X should never use more than a certain amount of power, a team of wild mules won't drag any more watts from it. If fixing it requires breaching whatever arbitrary limit was set, it won't get fixed... ever. Much like dealing with government bureaucracy.
And, they've taken steps to ensure nobody else fixes what they break. And, that's what's wrong with the brand. We expect stupidity from manufacturers. We accept it as an unfortunate fact of life and fix it ourselves. When you can't, and they've intentionally seen to that, it really sucks.
And, yeah you're right. Clevo sucks. Some models suck so bad that even Prema can't make them right. I'm sorry you own one of those. The models that can be fixed are fixed, but only thanks to Prema. Clevo is just like Alienware, and MSI, and ASUS and all the others. They don't give a rat's ass. They make notebooks and use that as a lame excuse for selling sucky products.Last edited: Jan 12, 2019Falkentyne, TBoneSan, steberg and 7 others like this. -
You claim so much BS about AW, such as ensure steps to never fix problems, which you never mention or link, showcases simply how hard you're trying to make garbage up to make AW sound bad.
I'm still getting tons of requests of modding Clevo BIOSes to fix problems, you'd be suprised how many people are asking me to mod their P7xx BIOS to support NVME for instance, which Clevo never even bothered to fix themselves.P37x bug that causes you not to be able to OC ram, tons of Fan profile issues, Power limit bugs etc.
And yet here we are, you being a clevo fanboy cryinng about AW issues that don't exist. And claim how they are anti consumer.Lunatik likes this. -
@Mr. Fox
Yeah, that's why I made the comment about the pictures....People who know what NDA means are not about to throw away their connects just because people in a forum want them too. I never really understood that. That's why I try to keep most post in the forums else they try to come back later and post emails and private messages in an open forum. When it was told to them in confeidence! -
I don't know of any other mainstream ODM that is as receptive as AW/Dell.
Perhaps it'd be better to have hope, rather than signing off on things as being impossible. Who knows ... they've surprised us a few times, maybe they can do it again.
"If they go ahead and overbuff their TDP on the BGAbooks then why wouldn't they do it on their LGA flagship which is even made for DIY people?"
In terms of AW/Dell... lol I agree, I hope that they are listening and learning. It would be great for them to address some things before the first batch of systems that ship.raz8020, Johnksss, ssj92 and 1 other person like this. -
On this new machine, it depends on if they have allowed themselves any wiggle room on the limit the decision makers have decided on. If it is already at the limit and that is why it is gimped to begin with, it won't get fixed. If there is wiggle room, and they've been badgered enough about malfunction they might fix it, or partially fix it by allowing more TDP (up to the arbitrary limit). They won't let it run wild and free... guaranteed. It will be metered.
Last edited: Jan 12, 2019Aroc, Vistar Shook, raz8020 and 6 others like this. -
I wonder who the ODM for this machine is.TBoneSan, Aroc, Vistar Shook and 6 others like this. -
I'm not going to lie, I did like the look and feel of this model. And the fact that they went LGA made things even that more appealing! This gives the end user a bit more to play around with in terms of upgrades. (Hopefully - Depends on if this socket stays in service) The fact that they finally went with a dual port PSU option gives the user the option to only carry 1 adapter is also nice. Although i could not tell if the PSU's are dual 230W/300W/330W though. And from the pictures I took, they seem to be two different versions.... Performance seems to be there, but so did some other things. I'll have more info later.Vistar Shook, raz8020, iunlock and 1 other person like this. -
It's funny you mention that. This reminds me so much of that scenario. It is still painful in some ways. Would have been the best they ever had but for the cancer that cut its gonads off. And, it still ain't fixed. And, never will be now that it's EOL. They didn't care back then, and probably never will, now or later.
Imagine how hard it would be for the people knowing what all the faults are before anyone else discovers them and not being able to say anything.Last edited: Jan 12, 2019Vistar Shook, raz8020, Ashtrix and 1 other person like this. -
Skunks never change their stripes.
For the records... Azor's engineering team also deal with the XPS line. Take a look. Nasty reading! Nothing is really called Alienware anymore. Gone! All is Dell. Only the Skull and the letters are left.Vistar Shook, Rei Fukai, Ashtrix and 1 other person like this. -
ie... Why bother gimping something that is already at its edge. Just let it fly right? Especially if it's in the red anyways. However, I do get that a lot has to do with warranty etc... But on the flip side that's an oxymoron because why release a glimpsed system and advertise it as it having no compromises?
The better thing for AW/Dell to do is to go about it like locked cell phones do, in providing a code + disclaimer / waiver for the end user. I've mentioned this years ago...
Again, we'll see soon enough about all the gritty details on what the area 51m can and can not do. I forsee it having all the same challenges as previous dtr's, but we may be faced with a few surprises.
Remember, this is not a system made for the purpose of benching. It's a well built gaming laptop that will likely handle normal-high desktop tasks and gaming for the majority.
Even if it's a complete bust, we still have to appreciate the fact that it exists to start this March in the right direction.
Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk -
While I do not particularly like the aesthetic, the chassis design (materials) is impressive in the photos. I like that all 4 SO-DIMM slots are on the same side of the motherboard, and that there are not only two slots. I love how it is made. It's amazing. The same was true of the Alienware 18. It was amazing. The chassis design and construction was truly a masterpiece. (This chassis has all of the makings of a masterpiece as well.) It just failed on performance. And, for the same reasons there are concerns about this one.
Perhaps it is because overclocking is my fetish that everyone keeps jumping to conclusions and reminding me that it's made for gamers, not for overclocking. I keep repeating myself, but it's not sinking in. The primary concern is whether or not it will perform correctly (no throttling under any circumstances except for overheating) at stock clocks. The fact that the advertised TDP is too low for stock function is a real concern. The fact that they plan to limit it further when the GPU is under load, running stock, is even more of a concern. They did that on the Alienware 18 and it never performed anywhere close to a Clevo with the same specs. Let's hope that it doesn't turn out that way again. Let's also not have our surprised looks on our faces if it does.Last edited: Jan 12, 2019Aroc, Vistar Shook, raz8020 and 5 others like this. -
Btw, "stock" has many forms now. Intel's actual spec is different from what most motherboard manufacturer's are doing.
I think this was a great video at explaining what's going with intel "stock" vs motherboard manufacturer "stock" settings and TDP:
Aroc, TBoneSan, Vistar Shook and 5 others like this. -
As someone that also obsesses over benching, I can see where you're coming from and always keep that in mind when reading your replies. I get it. The want of there not being any limitations is what I hope sinks into those at the company. They need to understanding this, so if anyone from there is following this thread, please consider the things we are addressing here. -
The enthusiast and gamer desktop motherboard manufacturers are focused on performance and overclocking capabilities for unlocked processors. Naturally, they are going to incorporate tweaks to get better performance using BIOS defaults to one-up their competition. I'm glad they do that. It keeps things interesting and it is a smart business move for those that do it. It would suck if they all stuck to reference design and Intel suggested values. Big companies like Dell and HP tend to go that route because it's easier than putting your best foot forward and lots cheaper than figuring out what the optimal conditions are. Plus, they have no real marketing appeal to performance enthusiasts. Their focus is ordinary consumers and business machines.Last edited: Jan 12, 2019Aroc, Vistar Shook, raz8020 and 4 others like this. -
"Stock doesn't matter. The laptop can be delivered with an unlocked chips. As well adverticed with High-end overclocking."
This is exactly why I always scratch my head when I see complaints about bga this bga that 45w this only 45w that...when clearly, the advertised specs don't mean that it only runs at those numbers... Every unlocked H chip that I've tuned hits way above the advertised specs.
Also, more power doesn't equal efficiency. When we tune we are not going after the highest wattage, yet the reality involving efficiency is often ignored when shots are fired at mobile components. -
While I do agree since this is an unlocked K cpu and the laptop is advertised as overclockable, it should be allowed to perform well beyond stock.
It's bad for people like AMD and reviews and even us when it comes to comparing performance. That video shows how much of a performance difference there can be between running intel spec vs the motherboard manufacturer's settings. So it kinda makes comparing chips more annoying for us too.
At the end of the day if all you care about is overclocking, it doesn't really matter.Aroc, Vistar Shook, raz8020 and 4 others like this.
NEW!! Alienware Area-51M LAPTOP!! (to replace alienware 15 and 17)
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by QUICKSORT, Jan 7, 2019.