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Dell Precision M3800 Owner's Review

Discussion in 'Dell Latitude, Vostro, and Precision' started by Bokeh, Oct 22, 2013.

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  1. jphughan

    jphughan Notebook Deity

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    A newer Synaptics driver release broke compatibility with the touchpad, but somebody mentioned that an even newer version brought it back again. I can't confirm the latter part, but I'm running version successfully, and if you Google that you can still find it hosted on various sites. Obviously uninstall the Dell drivers first, and then go into the Synaptics preferences and disable any gestures you don't need to minimize frustration. Inability to scroll in Chrome dropdowns could be a Chrome issue. I don't use three-finger tap because it's just too odd a gesture for me to get any use from, as much as I wish there were a middle-click function because I love using that button to open a link in a new tab.

    Heat: Nothing I'm aware of that you can do. Nobody has mentioned trying undervolting components. That definitely isn't available in the BIOS, but even if there's some other way, I personally wouldn't be willing to sacrifice performance and risk incurring other sorts of issues just to make my laptop usable on my lap. If you experiment though, definitely share your findings.

    Display: Here's a link to my post where I attached it:

    Rapid Storage: What do you mean what about the caching thing? If you have a system that has a 32GB mSATA cache, you'd use the Rapid Storage application to manage it. If you don't have such a setup (or a RAID array, which isn't supported on this system), you don't need the Rapid Storage application -- but you should still use the Rapid Storage driver.
  2. tommieha

    tommieha Newbie

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    Touch pad: I'll try the "native" Synaptics driver tomorrow. I just noticed that in Lightroom and some other apps the scroll can stop to work almost like it tries to scroll a page but when there aren't any in view it does nothing (it just shows the scroll up/down instead of performing actions that scroll up/down should result in). Also it doesn't work for changing brush size in Lightroom.... so either way i'll have to fix that. I have yet to understand why Windows touch pads often come with drivers that kind off suck in their default settings.

    Heat: Tried lowering the voltage 100 mV in Intel XTU but it didn't have much effect on the idle/close to idle (like writing a reply on a forum) temps. It makes me think that it's some other component that get the laptop warm (45C) especially since the CPU is hoovering around 5-7W when not scrolling around or loading websites and thus it should hardly generate any heat. The lowering of the 100 mV only seemed the lower the max core temps a couple of degrees when stress testing the system.

    Display: Added that profile and applied it as standard but couldn't see a real difference, maybe the default sRGB profile is quite good. Lowering the screen brightness two or three steps also helps with black levels.

    Rapid storage: No, got the 256 GB + 512 GB combo, but ok -- nice. Then i don't have to worry about that and can just replace the mechanical harddrive later on if needed.
  3. Tolbert

    Tolbert Newbie

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    You could check out Lap Chill Mats. TARGUS have a few. I use their Space Saving Lap Chill Mat because of its great portability. Cooling | Targus | Targus Tablet, Smartphone, and Laptop Cases | Targus
  4. adlerhn

    adlerhn Notebook Consultant

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    Aren't there some websites as to create petitions online?

    Could someone create one where all the affected users can state they have a coil whine issue, so that the number of affected users serves Dell as a proof of this issue?

    If the number grows really large (and are real data, real users, I don't know if it would be a good idea to share something such as the service tag or otherwise, to prove signed users are real owners), we could get some attention by some tech websites, and by Dell to try to avoid bad publicity.
  5. destinationsky

    destinationsky Notebook Evangelist

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    Here is what you are looking for:
    Idea Storm
  6. SamDeng2

    SamDeng2 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Can someone please provide a link to where DELL CANADA said coil whine is not an issue. I cannot find any article of such on the web
  7. bloomington

    bloomington Notebook Guru

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    I received an actual letter signed by a rep in marketing stating that Dell Canada has no knowledge that the issue of strange buzzing or wining noises exists with the model. If I have such a case, I should return the machine for an exchange so that it can be "tested" by Dell. I dont have the letter in front of me at the moment but (being at work) but I maybe I can scan it and post it on the weekend. Sounds to me like if you have such as issue (as do I) your stuck and you can keep "hoping" for a fix. Mine will go back but I will continue to follow the thread in case something is ever done..I just dont have much evidence to believe it will other than one assuming that Dell cant possibly let this continue right? Anyone remember Apple's Macbook pro and image retention problems? It only took a class action lawsuit and well over 75,000 complaints before they did it and see urself. Its a pity but ill probably have to go with the RazerBlade now since its on par with this machine - IF reviews are reasonable Besides, I dont know that this has been documented as "coil whine" ...I dont think anyone actually knows exactly what it is - we are all just speculating at this point but whatever it is..for a nearly $2500 just shouldnt be there. Period.
  8. alexhawker

    alexhawker Spent Gladiator

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    Bold added for emphasis - of course someone in marketing will deny any knowledge of a technical issue.
  9. bloomington

    bloomington Notebook Guru

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    When a signature of someone from Dell goes on a letter with Dell letterhead, that person is speaking on behalf of Dell. When its in the form of a physical letter its also documented and on the record. I'll take a documented hard letter in my hand on Dell letterhead on the record over what your rep may tell you or someone in tech support tells you. But that's just my opinion. Normally companies wont put something in writing unless they are willing to stand by it. Something a rep says can easily be brushed away as ..lack of training etc etc

    Dont get me wrong..I like the machine..but if it has a flaw, the flaw should be dealt with. Hoping for a fix when I have not seen Dell put out an official statement or any other form of representation on the record, tells me, that what I'm saying isnt so crazy. If Dell acknowledges the problem, let them send all M3800 owners and email stating something like...if you are experiencing an issue with coil whine or strange noises from your machine please contact us at XX XXXX XXX. Im just saying alot of owners complaining to one another about what seems like a reasonable expectation about getting the machine fixed due to a flaw does not constitute Dell's recognition, much less that a fix is on the way now or anytime in the near future. That 1 year warranty runs out pretty quick especially for those that ordered in November for example. And then what are they going to do...hope Dell fixes things? Good luck with that.
  10. jphughan

    jphughan Notebook Deity

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    I'm confused by this talk of a petition given that Dell has already acknowledged the issue. There are two separate threads about this issue in the Dell Communities forums, one for the XPS 13 and one for the XPS 15. Both of them have a Dell rep participating who has confirmed that Dell has acknowledged the issue, is investigating, and will share updates on root cause and recourse as soon as those updates are available. Some customers have heard the same thing from customer service reps, who at the moment are not allowing system exchanges or replacement motherboards due to this issue because at this point there's no reason to believe that either of those would fix the issue, which would waste money for Dell and leave customers unsatisfied since the fix wouldn't be a fix.

    Still, it's entirely possible that not every Dell employee is aware of the issue or an investigation being underway. Dell is a big place and thus it's not unimaginable for there to be cases of the right hand not talking to the left -- especially on issues like this that are still undergoing investigation. It's not reasonable to expect that everyone in engineering, marketing, sales, or customer support will be familiar with every issue in every model at every stage of investigation.

    So if this issue bothers you, keep an eye on those Dell community forums for updates, and maybe make a post yourself so Dell knows you're also affected. At least you know that Dell is already watching that area, as opposed to some random online petition. The Latitude E6430u cat urine smell debacle was handled in the Dell forums: a thread was created there, a Dell rep escalated internally after several owners corroborated the original complaint, that rep confirmed that the issue was under investigation, and when a fix had been developed, that same rep shared root cause and explained how affected customers could get the required service performed. I see no reason to expect that the same thing won't happen here.

    Also keep in mind that for all of the chest-beating going on around here about this "flaw that should be dealt with", coil whine is hardly unique to these models, or even Dell machines. I've used lots of different laptops with high-watt power supplies that exhibit the same behavior, so frankly I didn't even consider this a flaw at all until so many other people started expressing that sentiment, and thus I'm a bit surprised that Dell has decided to investigate this at all. But of course it's nice that they have, and hopefully said investigation will lead to a fix. But in the meantime, creating petitions and venting here isn't going to accelerate the process.

    And worrying about a 1-year warranty running out pretty fast? First, warranties start when the system shipped, not when it was ordered (for people who incurred delays due to parts shortages), and second, even people who got their systems in November have at least another 7 months of warranty coverage.
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