I am also very interested in that question!
I went with a 3700x and it gets shipped today.
I expect i will have to wait a while as well.
I assume you ordered at laptopparts4less as well, right?
Do you know when the return-policy ends?
two weeks after shipping or two weeks after receiving the item? -
yes, I also ordered at laptopparts4less. The 2 weeks start at the moment you get the item (this is stated in the WKOA law in the Netherlands) -
@Chaker Thats very good to know!
Same here in germany. -
@taraquin The default BIOS is very restricted.
Probably no voltage changes possible.
This might be possible in the XMG bios tho.
No Virtualization either and no XMP. -
win32asmguy Moderator Moderator
It still cannot run on auto fans with turbo enabled. Any kind of load causes the fans to ramp up and oscillate. With turbo disabled this does not happen but then you loose out of on single thread performance. Sadly my ObsidianPC Fan Control license was invalidated when I switched the processors.Last edited: Apr 30, 2020SamuelL421 and raz8020 like this. -
win32asmguy Moderator Moderator
I was able to get Ubuntu 18.04 going on the NH58AF1! Everything is working great other than it feels like Chrome scrolling is choppy. Strangely the "Auto" fans work very well on Linux. Never ramps up on idle even with turbo enabled. Under load it smoothly ramps up to ~50dB when I ran the build benchmark. No oscillating. Why can't it behave this way under Windows?
https://openbenchmarking.org/result/2004304-HU-CLEVONH5894 -
Wouldve been nice to have a 3900 or 3950 but i value the balance a lot. I want it fast but silent, or close to it
Nice info on the CCD, thx!
Soon enough there will probably be software updates/bios updates/software mods that makes this laptop function well in Win too dont u think? Its obviously capable of doing so hearing about your linux example!
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The 3700X will do just as well in games as well, still excellent core and thread count.
raz8020 likes this. -
win32asmguy Moderator Moderator
Even right now, you can have a quiet machine in Windows with just simply using the Ryzen Performance profile and setting processor min/max state to 99% to disable turbo. It has the effect of locking all of the cores to 3.5ghz @ 0.98v. You could then switch profiles for scenarios where the need for turbo outweighs the extra noise and heat generated. Maybe using Ryzen Master you could come up with a profile using Manual mode that gives the best of both worlds. -
Hearing how much quieter it runs under Linux is very promising imho
That means the noise-levels are probably just a software-issue.
Something we can fix. -
win32asmguy Moderator Moderator
I monitored the CPU in linux and noticed that all of the cores would idle at 2.2ghz, at sub-1v which obviously is the best situation for temps at idle. If one core was loaded it, it and only it, turbos as high as 4.2ghz.
So it seems like the closest power profile that mimics this behavior under windows is the "Ryzen Balanced" profile, specifically with processor min/max state set to 5%/100%, and you have to have the "Power mode (plugged in)" setting in the popup to the middle of the slider, "Better performance". Now, cores do indeed go all the way down to 2.2ghz, but still turbo to 4.2ghz under load. It seems more agressive than under Linux, but still an improvement when using Auto fans mode.
In theory, if this is truly the best mode for this laptop, we can just lock it in place using Group Policy Editor setting a custom active profile so Clevo Control Center set it to the bad windows default one.raz8020, bobbie424242 and Brian Crawford like this. -
Brian Crawford Notebook Enthusiast
Attached Files:
RE the noise issues, is it possible to change the PPT on this laptop? This would be much better than having to disable turbo. Lowering the PPT has been shown to only minimally degrade performance (no ST losses, minimal MT losses) while massively improving thermals on desktop PCs. This is especially true for the 3900X and 3950. This should be possible with Ryzen Master but obviously a more permanent solution that survives a reboot would be better.
This is a really interesting laptop, hope you guys enjoy. -
Der8auer actually managed to use Ryzen Master to remove the 65W power limit.sniffin likes this. -
Brian Crawford Notebook Enthusiast
I'm not finding a way to get @win32asmguy 's Linux (not planning to install) or Windows results. One core at 4.2ghz and the rest staying at 2.2 sounds great.sniffin likes this. -
win32asmguy Moderator Moderator
Windows seems pretty bad with regards to this automatic core speed management. Even crap like Discord's in game overlay causes all cores to remain at 3.6ghz+, without a game running! Chrome seems ok - I can leave it with a few tabs open at it will still drop below 3.0ghz periodically. Do you have any other background tasks that could be holding the cores in an active state?
raz8020 likes this. -
Brian Crawford Notebook Enthusiast
Ok @win32asmguy , here's an apples to apples with Hwinfo64. I was able to replicate your results - one turbo core at 4.2 and the rest low. But look at my PPT with just one core loaded - 55W! My fans are going crazy. What is your PPT when you have one core loaded like this?
Attached Files:
I was thinking now that the first users already have their notebooks and people are working on solutions to problems we could maybe make a thread in the "Owners Club" Section of the board with all the useful infos collected in one spot.
Like how to fix noisy fans, where to find bios-files, service manuals etc. or listing useful tools like the Obsidian Fan Control utility. -
win32asmguy Moderator Moderator
Hopefully this weekend I can pick up a tube of Kryonaut from Micro Center. I want to try the 3950X again with these new findings. Its a shame the 3900 is OEM only. For ~600 tray price I may as well stick with a 3950X for $100 more. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yeah parking all of the CCXs would be tricky
Brian Crawford Notebook Enthusiast
With some more playing around today I had some breakthroughs.
I used ParkControl to unlock hidden power plan options in Windows, and played around with the new settings (there are a lot of them) until I was able to have one core loaded in turbo in Cinebench with PPT < 40w. Unfortunately I couldn't get @win32asmguy 's low PPT values until I did this, but I was thrilled to finally get there. I'm using Ryzen Balanced at "Better Performance" as mentioned before. I'm now idling at 32w PPT even with turbo enabled.
Then I used ZenStates to modify the turbo and the voltage. On auto, all core is limited to 3.6 even if set higher (R20 score 6167), with a PPT of 90W (BIOS limit). However, I was able to use manual mode to get all core @3.9ghz and 1.125v. This also went beyond the BIOS-set PPT, reaching as high as 103W in R20, with a score of 6663. I'm a bit wary of these manual settings, but I got through 30min of Prime95 at 91 degrees, and multiple cycles of R20 didn't go beyond 95C. I got hard resets at 1.08v, so am keeping it at 1.125. The good thing about ZenStates is that you can set it to start with Windows, unlike Ryzen Master.
Finally, I also purchased the Obsidian Fan Control, which helps me keep the fans at bay at idle. That is much easier now that my turbo PPT is so much lower. I can idle at almost silent at 60 degrees now.
I'm feeling much more excited about this laptop now! Fast when I want it to be, and quiet but still fast when I want it to be - perfect!SamuelL421, raz8020, sicily428 and 4 others like this. -
To all the people who already got their units.
Could you check the bios version you got on your devices? -
Brian Crawford: Try allcore 3.8 or 3.7 and see what voltage you get. That will probably improve consumption, temp and noise a lot. Stats from testing in CB15 5 runs on my desktop 3600, avg score, temp and consumption:
4.0 1.135V 55C 70W 1590
3.9 1.09V 54C 64W 1550
3.8 1.045V 51C 60W 1510
3.7 1.01V 50C 56W 1470
3.6 0.98V 49C 54W 1430
3.95 1.3V 66C 90W 1550 -
win32asmguy Moderator Moderator
I would not suggest running at > 88W TDP sustained, at least until we have more details on the VRM. It may be out of spec and cause it to prematurely fail. I am surprised the cooling system can even keep it under the 95C throttling threshold at that level of TDP. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
They are easier to cool that their Intel counterparts. Has anyone taken the heatsink off and looked at the VRMs?
win32asmguy Moderator Moderator
Sorry about the photo quality. I took those with my phone while swapping parts. Not sure about the specs of the VRM, other than it looks like it has 3 phases for the CPU, 2 phases for RAM, 6 phases for GPU, 2 phases for VRAM. This is where having access to Appendix B in the service manual would be super handy.SamuelL421, raz8020 and alaskajoel like this. -
Brian Crawford Notebook Enthusiast
3.8ghz 1.081v (1.031v) R20 6599, 87C, 92W
3.7ghz 1.063v (1.025v) R20 6440, 85C, 89W
The auto function in ZenStates is not behaving well in getting single core up to full turbo, most likely because of my parking settings. So I can't show you a full 10W on the single core at the moment. But honestly, 4W on a core for 3.7ghz is much better in my book than 10W for 4.2ghz. I'd rather have the heat down.
@Brian Crawford could you share your specific settings for obsidian fan control?
EDIT: Or pretty much everything you have changed.
Would love to try it for myself!Last edited: May 4, 2020 -
Brian Crawford: I think you should be able to lower voltages quite a bit more which will bring down temp and consumption quite a bit. 1.05V or a bit lower should be doable on 3.8 and 1.02V or a bit lower on 3.7.
Fiddled around with mine today.
It was pretty loud with the stock clevo thermal paste, so i cleaned and repasted with Coolermaster Mastergel Maker.
...which wasnt any quieter.
I thought i must have had airpockets in my thermalpaste or something, so i redid it.
Still changed nothing. -
Brian Crawford:
Tested a bit further on my desktop:
3.3 0.91V* 46W 28.3ppW
CB15 1300 45C
3.4 0.93V 47W 28.7ppW
CB15 1350 46C
3.5 0.955V 51W 27.1ppW
CB15 1380 46C
*Lowest voltage during load allowed is 0.9V which happends allcore on [email protected], so I guess with my CPUs best performance vs frequency happends at 3.35GHz@ 0.92V-ish. -
win32asmguy Moderator Moderator
YardSnake likes this.
win32asmguy Moderator Moderator
YardSnake likes this. -
@win32asmguy Oh i definitely tried, i just have no idea what im doing mate!
I always used to use BIOS/UEFI for this kinda stuff. These tools are completely unfamiliar to me, as is the terminology used and the options available.
Tried to find a guide online, but the only ones i found were for older versions and the menues, layouts and descriptions for buttons and drop-down lists have changed since.
I am just not familiar enough with those tools to just go ahead and flick a few switches and see what makes it tick. -
win32asmguy Moderator Moderator
- Open Ryzen Master
- Choose Profile 1
- Click "Manual" (options are Default/PBO/Auto OC/Manual)
- Click the little icon to lock all core speeds to be the same
- Type a speed in one of the core boxes, like 3500
- Set "Peak Voltage" to 0.95v (or maybe 1v just to start off with)
- Choose Apply and Test at the bottom
- Test it for a few minutes in CBR20, and tweak from there. If you reach too far you can bluescreen, reboot, etc. So best to have a system restore point created before hand in case something gets corrupted.
YardSnake likes this. -
I know how to use Ryzen Master. Plenty of guides out there. Sadly nothing like that for Zenstates tho. -
win32asmguy likes this.
Brian Crawford Notebook Enthusiast
Regarding my settings for the hidden Power Plan options... I have no idea if these are ideal. Since these are hidden options that were only unlocked via ParkControl, I haven't found any guides on how to mess around with these variables. I was messing with them in the dark. All I know is that these settings worked to give me cool and quiet idle and single core results. I wish that Windows made these settings accessible by default.
@Brian Crawford Brilliant! Those settings in zenstates confuse me tho. I haven't the slightest idea what those "/4" mean.
I imagine the settings would be different for 3700x than they would be for your 3900?
Which ones would you go for and why?
Did you remove Clevo Center? It keeps resetting my power plan to "Balanced" at boot.
and concerning the GPU, is undervolting there even possible at all?
EDIT: I think @Chaker will find your post very helpful, too. -
Brian Crawford Notebook Enthusiast
Yes, I uninstalled the Clevo Center and never looked back.
I haven't tried anything with the GPU. A lot of tools don't even recognize this 2070 yet, since it is an updated variant.YardSnake likes this. -
@Brian Crawford Ah okay. I thought that was me doing something wrong when MSI Afterburner showed fairly little info.
Everything works very differently on a notebook compared to a desktop. Definitely a lot more work and a lot to learn. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Brian Crawford Notebook Enthusiast
Looks like the XMG site has posted some drivers for their variant. There wasn't anything on this page previously. No new BIOS yet. Looks like their Clevo Center went from 2.15 to 2.18.
win32asmguy likes this. -
Sorry for interfering but I have a quick question. I am in the market for a clevo (model NH55) laptop with an AMD desktop processor and I am in doubt of which to choose. I'll mainly use the device for work (Photoshop, Corel gis apps, cad(Archicad, autocad), 3ds max and Lumion).
I found this thread by accident and I am now oscillating between 3700x and 3900x (paired with rtx 2060) but seeing the temps problem I kind of got a little scared of investing 7 months worth of scholarship in such a device. I know my post does not really fit in here but couldn't find anything on my model number and I do need to move fast since my laptop died and I have to continue my thesis.
Thanks a lot,
Silviu. -
Brian Crawford Notebook Enthusiast
@Mark0 , this system is going to be future-proof for your use cases for a long time. I was scared as well about the temps and noise at first, but I've found tools to tame the beast. See my previous posts in this thread where I narrated my progress. I'm now happily doing office tasks at 39db and 59C, and have brought down the turbo curve so I'm below 90C and not even using full fans during all core. Yes, it can get loud during all core (60db for me now), but that's the price to pay for a heavy workload and all these cores. Maybe get headphones and don't render 3dsmax during quiet business meetings
*** XMG Apex 15 with Ryzen 3950X / Clevo NH58AF1 Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by taraquin, Apr 15, 2020.