Have you noticed any problems with the space bar? I have to hit it a lot harder than all the other keys and have to hit it in the center. No matter how softly I push the letter keys past the trigger point, they will type the letter, but if I gently push the space bar down past the trigger point, it doesn't work.
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
At least I know it's not just me. Can you please link me to the other user's post? I can't find it in this thread. I'm actually on my second keyboard. The local shop I got mine at actually got two units in and swapped the keyboards for me once I realized there was an issue. The second keyboard is much better, but I am still fixing multiple spaces per sentence.
On an unrelated note, this power supply is enormous. Why would it need to be so large and can I replace it with something smaller?
http://i.imgur.com/erMcM6g.jpgLast edited: Feb 19, 2015 -
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
It would be on a different model but using same keyboard.
Link -
is it such a surprise to see such a huge PSU, considering how much punch this machine is packing?
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
You don't really find 3rd party bricks at 180W+
jaybee83 likes this.
Hi Im new here. I was thinking about buying the new NP592-S Laptop from Xotic PC. This laptop seems really amazing, but I wanted to ask more expirienced people a question.
How is the cooling on this laptop? Does it overheat or get extremely hot? Ive heard some people say that this laptop heats up really bad.
I dont plan to overclock the CPU, and will ask for them to add the better thermal paste to the CPU and GPU. Im not very technical, so thats about the extent of my knowledge. -
Thank you for the reply guys.
I have browsed through the batcave, and its one huge thread so its kind hard finding information. And the first post on how to tweak the laptop is waaay beyond my skill. Its like a whole different language. Im not going to apply the thermal paste myself, Im going to have Xotic PC do it. This is going to be a gameing laptop for me, and will be pluged in most of the time, and turned on 24/7. I do see a lot of arguing over an issue with the laptop making noise, and some backlight bleeding. Have these issues been addressed? Is it safe for me to buy from Xotic PC? Or should I wait on a different model? Also, does anyone know the difference between the NP592 and the NP592-S? -
its not about applying the tweaks, but rather the data posted on how the cooling system fares with CPU & GPU under load. also make sure to read the FAQ section there
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
-s are the same chassis with a higher end stock configuration with a discount on getting all the upgrades.
After reading the faq:
The faq doesnt say anything about the backlight bleeding problem.
So I should ask Xotic to diddle the cpu (not sure if they do this), and add the Diamond thermal paste? Also should ask them to test it before sending it out, to make sure it doesnt whine, no bleeding, and that the heatsink is working properly. Anything else I should ask them to do?
Also, is the NP9772-S better or more stable then the NP592-S? Money isnt really an issue. -
they definitely wont delid (im assuming thats what u mean) the cpu, since that voids the warranty. lightbleed is apparently an issue with all IPS panels currently, some cases are worse than others, but no lightbleed whatsoever is apparently quite rare, if existent at all.
the upgrade to ICD is surely not a bad move, its one of the best thermal pastes out there.
checking for coil whine is difficult, since people's experience with this is VERY subjective, and one man's banshee shrieking is another's barely noticeable background whisper...
as for the heatsink, every reputable vendor/reseller normally stress tests all models before shipping out to make sure that the individual components are up the tasks thrown at them by the customers
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk -
Thanks again everyone for all of your replies. Im just looking to buy a top of the line gameing laptop for under around $3.5K I would love to get a Falcon laptop... but I have other bills too
Any whining sound would be bad. If I cant hear it then I dont care, but if I can hear it, I would find it annoying.
Can I prevent some of the backlight bleeding problem by getting a different screen type? Here are my options:
15.6” FHD 16:9 LED Backlit Wide screen (1920x1080) Super Clear Matte Type Sager IPS Screen (SKU - SSC878)
15.6" 4K QFHD (16:9) Glare-Type Glossy Screen (3840x2160) (Samsung Brand / 60Hz) (SKU - S4K002) ( + 150 )
15.6" 4K QFHD (16:9) Glare-Type Glossy Screen (3840x2160) (Sharp Brand / 60Hz) (SKU - S4K004) ( + 275 )
Also would a different screen type effect the high temp issue with the CPU or GPU? -
Lol. You asked about the 9772 which is the 17" version but then ask about 15" screen options.
@pukemon Yes. Because Im about to spend $3000 on a new laptop and I want to make sure I buy the best one possible. Id prefer a 15" one, but if the 17" one performs better or has less problems I will get that one instead. So yes, Im asking a lot of questions about different very similar laptops.
Your answer to my earlier question, told me that the NP9772 did not have any improvements over the NP9752 otehr then a different screen. So I went back to asking about the 15" laptop.
Instead of being difficult and annoying, you could have just answered my question. -
Sorry if I was confusing, Im just having a really bad day. If the 15" one cools fine and doesnt make annoying sounds, I would like that one. 17" laptops are a little to big and bulky for me, but if a 17" one was significantly better, then I would pick it over a 15" one.
So as far as those screens I asked about, is one better then the other? In terms of trying to prevent backlight bleeding, is one screen better then the others? -
I'm not a big fan of lcd's because of all the disadvantages. I would go with the sharp or samsung if I had to pick.
there are no display-specific trends discernible when it comes to backlight bleeding, other than that it happens preferably to IPS screens (and the ones u listed are all IPS
The thing is that with the Batman, you need to be comfortable repasting/tweaking etc.. if you are not, don't get it as you'll have a nightmare of a time.. Get the P650SE/SG instead...
jaybee83 likes this. -
I can do repasteing myself if needed, and I can follow a guide on how to tweak my laptop as long as its a minor thing. Im willing to educate myself and learn. From what Ive seen, the "Batman" is one of the best laptops on the market. And I want the best. The P650SE doesnt even have the GTX 980M.
I just want to make sure I dont buy a "beta" version of a laptop. Something that has a lot of problems before they come out with a new and more stable model. Or if the problems that are found, can be relatively easily fixed. -
theres always the P650SG with the 980M
but yeah, not gonna contradict your statement regarding the dark knight....Samot likes this. -
The P65xSG only has the 4gb model. I would much rather the 8gb version of the GTX 980M
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
It should not impact most users as even the desktop 980 does fine up to 4k with 4gb at the moment.
jaybee83 likes this. -
Wingnut, now that you have had time with the stock 1080p IPS screen, how is it? -
TomJGX, NestaRasta, Larry@LPC-Digital and 1 other person like this.
well be grateful for whatever u can offer us wingnut
TomJGX and NestaRasta like this. -
Does anyone with this laptop have a weird stuttering issue with video playback on websites? Here is an example of a Facebook video that straightens itself out in the end. I have this problem on multiple other sites too. I have the GeForce Game Ready Driver Version 347.52 which I believe is the newest version and have had the problem on at least one previous version. I also have the 4k screen.
http://forum.notebookreview.com/sag...-sager-np-owner-s-lounge-welcome-batcave.htmlBen Finkel and jaybee83 like this. -
***Review Finally Posted***
Go to the first post: Sager NP9752 / Clevo P750ZM - HTWingNut's Initial Impressions and Review
I hate this new Xenforo forum. Crap doesn't seem to be working right, so apologies if it isn't looking quite right yet.Mr Najsman, vitopl, jaybee83 and 3 others like this. -
Very cool. Thank you for the well written and very informative review. I just bought a Sager-NP9752S from ExoticPC and am eagerly looking forward getting it in the mail.
Is there any suggestions anyone might have for me when I get my laptop? Any tweaking I should do, or should I just leave it at stock? I will repste it with IC Diamond and I might try to diddle it, but is there anything else I should do to keep the laptop running fast, but also cool?
My laptop specs:
Screen: 15.6” FHD 16:9 LED Backlit Wide screen (1920x1080) Super Clear Matte Type Sager IPS Screen
CPU: Sager - 4th Generation Intel® Haswell Core™ i7-4790K
GPU: NVIDIA® GeForce™ GTX 980M (8.0GB)
RAM: 32GB DDR3 1600MHz
OS Drive: mSATA SSD Drive ( Slot 1 ) 512GB Micron M600 M.2 mSATA SSD
Primary Hard Drive: 1TB 7200RPM [SATA II - 3GB/s]
Secondary Hard Drive: 1TB 7200RPM [SATA II - 3GB/s]
Wireless Card: Bigfoot Networks Killer™ Dual Band Wireless-AC N1525 [M.2 Chip]
OS: Windows 7 Pro
AC Adapter: Standard 230W
Any tips, or ideas, or suggestions are appreciated -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Prop up the back feet of the machine a centimetre or two (putting posts on a notebook cooler can make this easier).
jaybee83 likes this. -
, play or mess with
, or have sexual intercourse with
) anything on your computer. However, you might want to delid (in a process called delidding) your CPU and to de-lid means to take the lid/top aka internal heat sink off the CPU (and repasting). Hence, the process is called de-lidding and here is a video on it...
That said, each person has the right to diddle their own computer and/or the right to obtain a third party to diddle it or assist them in diddling it (except in countries and states where it is prohibited by law) if you really want
. However, I would stick with delidding/de-lidding but there are risks to this (including but not limited to pretty much auto-voiding your CPU warranty, destroying your CPU, etc.). Good luck and choose wisely!
verb informal
verb: diddle; 3rd person present: diddles; past tense: diddled; past participle: diddled; gerund or present participle: diddling
cheat or swindle (someone) so as to deprive them of something.
"he thought he'd been diddled out of his change"
deliberately falsify (something).
"he diddled his income tax returns"
pass time aimlessly or unproductively.
"why diddle around with slow costly tests?"
play or mess with.
"he diddled with the graphics on his computer"
NORTH AMERICAN vulgar slang
have sexual intercourse with (someone).
also see: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/diddleLast edited: Mar 2, 2015Mr Najsman, TomJGX, Samot and 1 other person like this. -
thx a ton for pointing that out, i was also already thinking about explaining the difference to him
edit: through with reading the review wingnut, i dont think i can remember u giving any machine a 10/10 rating beforenice!
and, of course, good job as alwaysjust check some of your graphs again, there are some numbers missing above the individual bars (nitpicking
Last edited: Mar 2, 2015NestaRasta likes this. -
@ NestaRasta Wow, did I offend you somehow? Yes I used the wrong word, its a term I never hear before so I wrote it out incorrectly. Thanks for pointing out my dyslexia. But you and me and everyone else knew what I was actually referring to. Not sure I needed the 2nd grade lecture. Could have just said, "Its called delid, not diddle."
TomJGX, NestaRasta and Samot like this.
yep, no worries aardy, dont take offense in this
were all just being (friendly) jokers here
NestaRasta and Samot like this. -
I wasnt offended, it just seemed like a lot of effort to put into a joke. I admit I dont quite get it.
@Aardy just having fun, bud...no offense meant and no offense taken from you or what you have said previously...it was nothing personal...jaybee had already said something and it didn't seem to work so I thought I would make it work this time by having a little fun because it was really kind of funny especially considering the word you chose...
. Enjoy your computer!
Last edited: Mar 2, 2015 -
At least I didnt say I wanted to cuckold my laptop...
Laptop wont be here for 2 weeks at the fastest. Got to wait until then.NestaRasta likes this. -
You're just going to have to diddle until then. Lmao.
TomJGX, jaybee83 and NestaRasta like this. -
Wingnut, at a 10/10 review I can imagine you are keeping this unit!
Looking at the gaming benchmarks, but for the odd game or two, it looked like the p650SG performed at or very close to this model though. Do you fine this unit almost as portable at the p650SG? I am trying to decide between the two and the fact that you can potentially upgrade the video card on this machine is a big bonus, but just was curious as to what circumstances you would recomment the 650SG over this unit (if there are any). -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Most games are GPU limited so it's not suprising they can be close. Just remember the P750 is going to have more thermal headroom and is socketed for upgrades.
The price you pay for that is weight.jaybee83 likes this.
Sager NP9752 / Clevo P750ZM - HTWingNut's Initial Impressions and Review
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by HTWingNut, Jan 30, 2015.