Try playing with Extreme settings, it ran really well actually. At least for me that is.
Mr_Mysterious Like...duuuuuude
Damn, that 485M is a powerful little beast! Sometimes I catch myself wondering if I should have gone for the 8150 instead, lol. Just for the pure ability to be able to upgrade in the future, you know?
Mr. Mysterious -
I should put videos of mine too...been at least 3-4weeks since I've got the system, and nothing out of the ordinary to report. Just recently got my 750GB drive, and let the games begin! -
Karamazovmm Overthinking? Always!
i ll receive my p150hm at wednesday
.can i put my current hdd in the new pc with the same installation of windows 7 without do a clean install?thx..
there will be a problem If i do that? -
what win7 said
and do note that the chipset and cpu have drivers themselves. come to think of it, i dont see any way it could work without hitches because this alone. you may get it to start but you will definitely run into issues. now add to that the two or three dozen other drivers you will need and as you see it would be a minor miracle if youre computer actually boots. -
and all my games???
Hmm...back up your save games, is all I can say...
Reinstall them later on. -
Best thing to do to make a fresh install less painful is to copy your entire "users" folder over. You get saved games, bookmarks, etc. It's not that bad. Any time I've had to do a fresh install there's never been anything that I felt was a total heartbreaker to have lost. And many games will still play without being officially installed, so you can often copy the game directory over to a new drive and just click the exe file.
thx all for the advices!!i have 54 games installed....
OMG! package just arrived, my hands are shaking!!!!
Hope you don't drop it lol
How muc do you guys think the 6970 will cost? i know eurocom is selling it for 66$. what are the chances other resellers will match that price?
So, in my opinion, the 460M and 485M are not interesting any more. Does anyone disagree? -
i do, because i dont wanna have early buyer´s remorse!
but thats aight, since the 485m still outperforms the 6970 by like 5-15%, depending on the scenario
Mr_Mysterious Like...duuuuuude
Mr. Mysterious -
Just ordered myself a sager! (NP8150-S1) Can't wait to get a hand on this
Core i7-2820QM. 15.6 FHD 95% NTSC. GTX 485M. 250GB Intel 510. Intel Ultimate-N 6300. Windows 7 Pro 64-bit. -
Mr_Mysterious Like...duuuuuude
You're welcome dude. Though I probably won't need it, I know that there would be more cards in the future that my 8130 would be able to support.
Mr. Mysterious -
Hm the GPU temp seems to jump 15C when I plug in an external monitor. Kind of annoying since the jet engine turns on.
Edit: It seems to be only when I have two displays running at once. I turn off the laptop LCD and the temps drop. -
That's because your running at twice the resolution after plugging in the second monitor...
Yeah, when running 2 screens, powermizer doesn't work so you are running at full clocks the whole time.
Woohoo just found out Eurocom might give me 10% discount because Im a student. So that gives me 138€ to play with. I might want to get the 2820qm ^^
Ordered on 3/23. Currently in Phase 2.
Anyone else finding steam crash instantly when login details are inputted? I've tried reinstalling steam and restarting ths whole pc several times.
laptop specs are 4gb 1333 ram, gtx 485, 2720qm i7, and 500gb momentus xt ssh hdd.
Also does anyone know anything about updated driveres for the gtx 485m? all i've currently got is the stock drivers (265.77) and was wondering if any new drivers had been released. I have had a look on the clevo website for the gtx 485 supported drivers and there aren't any newer drivers. I think i saw something about the quadro drivers were upto 266.40 or something. -
dunno, steam and steam games are working for me...
Steam is working for me as well.
one more day to receive my laptop!!
is the gtx 460m powerfull enough for the current games?my reseller offer it only with this card..
The GTX 460M is still a great card. I remember you having the NP8690 before with the GTX 280M right or something equivalent?
Well, the 460M is way better than the 280M. -
. You won't have problems down the road.
For those of you that ordered recently, can you tell me from whom and what the ETA of those are? I'm wondering if we're at like a month wait or two weeks or what with standard builds on the 8150. Thanks!
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
I am sure others are the same, we are close to current on this model and shipping them out in 4-9 business days.
*** Official Sager NP8150/Clevo P150HM Owners Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Daniel Hahn, Jan 4, 2011.