Hey question guys, is the touchpad buttons separated on the W230ST? Soft clicky or that loud hard clicks like the NP9130?
I canceled my order from xoticpc and switched to HIDevolution.com because they offer the 4702mq plus at no cost extra. Plus I can pick up locally they said it might be ready for pickup by wensday
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Is HID a reliable vendor because I am seriously considering buying from them if they are since the price is absolutely amazing,
4800MQ/16GB/Win8pro/IC diamond is $1509 which is lower than mythlogic(esp if you go 4702) [EDIT] (probably same as mythlogic minus 4702 given I left wifi at default card) [/EDIT] but higher than xoticpc for example.
Also they apparently don't have the Intel 7260 .ac WiFi... -
I've compared prices on several of the NA vendors and overall prices are pretty comparable. HID seems to have a lower base price, esp if you want the 4702 sinc they don't charge for the upgrade.
Mythlogic has a slightly higher base price, but they also include lots of extras like monitor calibration and AC WiFi which is pretty nice. They also charge less for lots of the upgrades, so if you're getting a fully loaded system they might be the way to go. -
I talked to mythlogic already, which offered it to be delivered by August 1 if I order rush assembly/delivery. They responded immediately on Saturday, which was quite impressive. But the price is a bit hight. xoticpc on the other hand didn't answer email or live chat, which supposed to be working 24/7. Not the best experience so far. -
I talked to mythlogic already, which offered it to be delivered by August 1 if I order rush assembly/delivery. They responded immediately on Saturday, which was quite impressive. But the price is a bit hight. xoticpc on the other hand didn't answer email or live chat, which supposed to be working 24/7. Not the best experience so far. -
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Larry@LPC-Digital Company Representative
Win 7 drivers for the Intel 7260 WiFi now posted...
http://files.sagernotebook.com/Sagernotebook/misc/82X0/WIN7/01WLAN_Intel2.exe -
edit: just tried in my NP9150 and am getting sustained 40MB/sec
I certainly didn't mean to write a complain, just looking for guidance of a good option.
Maybe because I just registered on this forum, I don't see an option to send a PM, so not sure how I can pass my info to you directly.
I sent an email to [email protected] on Saturday evening and tried to establish a live chat a few times earlier today, but never got any response.
Both chat and email had subject line Clevo W230ST (or Clevo W740SU) availability. I would appreciate if you answer.
Thanks. -
I'd say the audio quality is average. I tested the audio on both this and the P150SM and this was worse. I'm no expert, but it's probably because the speakers are on the underside of the chassis rather than the top. If you're interested, the audio chip is from VIA. Comparing to my friend's Lenovo Y400, I'd say the audio from the Y400 is better.
I'm going to play Battlefield now (sorry I was really busy yesterday!) and I'll report on whether the keyboard/palm rest gets uncomfortably hot. -
Hiya, sent you a PM
I've been looking at the different companies. Seems like Xoticpc raised the price on certain items like the msata options....either that or they just removed the lower priced options.
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
That is correct, Sager has mapped pricing and as such there are certain pricing restrictions that we are not allowed to go under as they sell the laptops themselves and don't want resellers to undercut them all the way.
Any word on the headphone jack audio quality? (is there actually bass this time?)
I'll PM you. -
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
yes they improved headphone jack and output audio quality. After few days of testing W230ST I can confirm that. I'm using Senheiser headphones.
So far I've played Battlefield 3 on my W230ST and the left keyboard area and palm rest does not get uncomfortably hot, though you can feel the hot air from the side air vent.
Weirdly, my computer turned off halfway while playing Battlefield. Was it overheating? I was in an air-conditioned room set at 25 degrees Celsius though. -
This is is very discouraging -- has anybody else experienced spontaneous poweroff / crashing like this?
So is today the BIG DAY HTWingnut ?
Are you taking the day off work or what ? ..
Looking forward to some impressions which you better have post haste /shakesfist.
Oddly enough my pricing prediction was almost right on the money of $999 and the cash price is $1036 . -
I hope the overheating that rlrh is getting is just some sort of isolated problem such as a paste job instead of a design flaw.
I'm ordering mine later today. Will be doing an immediate IC Diamond 7 repaste though.
I originally ordered the Bigfoot Killer 1202, do you think I should keep the Intel Centrino 6235 and get the difference back (they ran out of stock for the Bigfoot and so put the Intel in instead) or swap to the Bigfoot (when stocks arrive in a week)?
Also, I've assembled a basic desktop and a gaming desktop, but I'm new to gaming laptops (my previous is a late '08 MacBook with a ridiculously warped battery), why is it that I can't install the latest 320.49 drivers from the Nvidia website? -
Have you tried uninstalling the original drivers? in my experience with AMD/ATI, you have to uninstall the old drivers before installing the new ones, so maybe it's the same with NV?
I need reviews first before pulling the trigger.
CPU idle temps seem a bit high, but if it's anything like the W110ER the fans didn't really kick in until about 60C just to keep noise levels down.
It's more important to see peak temps while gaming/stressing the system. Also just because they used IC Diamond doesn't mean it wasn't a bad paste job. Even with quality paste from the factory I usually see a peak temp drop of minimum 5C by repasting it myself.
If you can stress the system a bit, just run 3DMark 11 or the new 3DMark and report back temps that will help us determine what's going on. -
Here's temps after 15 min of playing Battlefield 3, please comment:
Sorry it's already at night at my place and I have school tomorrow, so I can't run 3DMark now... I can probably do it tomorrow though.
When yours arrives, we'll probably know a lot more
If it looks like a bad paste job, I can take it back to the store for a re-pasting, since it's included in the warranty. -
Those temps seem pretty high IMO. I've never reached even above 35 Celsius gaming, but maybe I'm lucky. I usually use a cooling pad as well.
And I am talking about my W110er and G46vw. -
I was just going to comment that they seem low -- a lot of systems with the 765M are going up to 80 degrees or more under full, continuous load. Look at the MSI GE40/GE60 -- people complain about the housing getting too hot to touch (!), but it appears to stay stable.
Of course, I wouldn't want thermals that bad... -
I agree---if those are the peak temperatures, I'm a happy camper. I just wish there was a 900p option in the US.
If there was ever a sale killer post, this was it. Machine auto-powering off is a BAD thing. This instantly doused any desire I had to order soon.
I guess I should ask if the machine was OCd by the reseller. Some offer to do that.
Regarding 900p, the reason is I want to future-proof the thing by achieving decent FPS a few years down the line. I don't believe reports that downscaling isn't blurry. -
I normally play in Windowed mode because I like to multitask, so that's not a problem for me. -
Sent from my YP-G70 using Tapatalk 2 -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
*** Official Clevo W230ST/Sager NP7330 Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by HTWingNut, Apr 10, 2013.