Probably the one furthest away from the CPU.
Just ordered this from They automatically added an optical drive caddy for $45. Is this what I think? We can put a dvd or blueray in this? How?
It's a optical bay hard drive caddy. Not what I want. What was I thinking....
Anyway, can't wait for this laptop. -
Programming, Running VMs, Gaming, everything the 4700 does, etc - 4800 minimum
4900MQ has an extra 2MB of Cache, which does almost nothing unless you're doing something that works with the CPU really closely and optimized to use the cache, but if you have a need for it, and you think it's worth the extra $150+ over the 4800, go for it.
4800/4900 has the added Intel TXT, VT-d, and vPro, which is useless to the average consumer. -
You don't really need the 4800 if you're using VMs do you? I thought Vt-d was mainly if you needed to give the VM exclusive access to a disk.
The 4800 is geared more to people that are likely going to do VMs, work, etc. anyways. At least, that's how I see it.
The argument over want vs. need is very serious indeed.
Oooh that rhymes! -
You did say that 4800 was a minimum for VMs, which sent me running back to check that the 4700 I'd just ordered supports VT (which it does, just not Vt-d).
Anyways, I just said 4800 minimum because it includes everything. Everything isn't needed if you're just using it for gaming. If you're gaming, 4700 is enough. -
How do you throttle gpu and cpu in this laptop?
I never had any problems with that, the biggest plus was using a SSD over a typical disk, that sped things up immensely. -
BTW, I got info that the motherboard BIOS doesn't support Vt-d. so even if you have the processor capable doing it, but the mother board is not, then no point.
But overall I think getting 4800 is still worth it for the extra oomph in the GHz, maybe considering the underclocking that you might need to do to keep the temp sane. -
Hey guys, what do you recommend for a pair of mSATA to throw in there myself as RAID0. I'm thinking of defaulting to crucial m4 256GB. But there also seem to be 480GB within relatively short horizon. Any suggestions for what to buy? I'm looking for reliability above all with capacity second and speed a close third.
Just placed my order from XoticPC.
I hope being broke is now worth it -
My machine was ordered without an OS, so I am installing it myself.
Where do I get the drivers from? -
Surely even just taking out the HDD should make a difference? This is my plan, to go with mSATA only.
I know past laptops like you said are cranky with 8GB SODIMMS but really 8GB chips didn't have as wide spread use and thus less compatibility vs new ones.
If anything I would think 8GBx2 DDR3L is better vs. 4GBx4 DDRL3 because the more dimms populated the more load on controllers/chips etc.
I do respect though you get to mess with a lot more clevo's vs. I ever willbut have you actually tried some of these newer 8GBx2 1.35v and seen issues or just going based on past experiences?
Thinking of getting them myself but have not found anyone use them on clevo yet. (heck I only found this thread due to google hah)
If you have not tried them yet would you mind doing a few builds with them and seeing how the fare in the wild? -
Yea we've used the DDR3L 8GB SODIMMS, and yea we just weren't happy with the stability, it wasn't like UNSTABLE, but just wasn't up to our standards. The last gen supported DDR3L as well, they just didn't activate the functionality in the BIOS (We always turn it on) -
I prefer having x1 2.5" sata 3 ssd or x1 or x2 msata ssd and not putting a mechanical drive on the laptop. Reason I do this is to prevent noise from the mechanical drive even if it's only for storage and i'd rather use an external storage drive for storage.
So a laptop with no moving parts except the fan with a reduction in weight is the perfect silent and lighter machine.
I could never understand putting msata ssd then using the 2.5" sata slot for a mechanical drive since the whole point of having an ssd is to prevent moving parts and to have a faster ssd drive for apps and OS. So using a 2.5" mechanical drive inside the laptop defeats the whoel purpose of no moving parts and quieter operation unless you just want a storage drive inside your laptop. -
Yes the mechanical drive would only be as a huge storage for photos and other stuff. Of course, if 1 TB SSDs would be as cheap as mechanical drives then I it would be another matter.
You didn't get the point. I didn't say to buy only ssd and forget the mechanical hdd. What I meant was for the laptop to have no moving parts and for it to be even lighter by just installing an ssd for your primary drive for OS/Programs and going for an external hdd for storage like your prons, mp3s, photos etc... instead of going for msata ssd then installing a mechanical hdd for storage on the 2.5inch slot. Now if budget does not allow for the time being, then stick with the HDD on the 2.5inch for your OS/Programs etc...
Understand it now? A Capisce? -
So bizarre... the SSD on my current laptop (2010 VAIO Z) died yesterday a few hours after I ordered the W230ST... I feel like its feelings were hurt?
I had only a SSD for my last laptop and I have a SSD + HDD for my current laptop and I much prefer the latter. I can download and record as much stuff as I want without worrying about space and the HDD just parks itself when I'm not using it anyway.
Obviously having a storage ssd would be ideal, but there's no way I'm spending another $300-$400 for a big SSD when the notebook already comes with a big HDD. -
Hey there! New member here... I just put in my order from reflexnetbooks, I'm super excited as this will be my very first laptop!
I was wondering if anybody could give me any advice on either getting 2 mSatas in Raid 0 and have the standard drive incase or should I simply purchase a large 2.5'' SSD? I think the comments just previous to mine recommended a single SSD.. But I could still use some advice! -
It depends on what you want. Using two msata drives will allow you to have the highest possible storage space, but will cost more money. I wouldn't use raid 0 because it adds potential problems for no real benefit because ssd are already fast, but it's up to you.
Got my new laptop today from sager... Looks like they need to look into better Quality Control because the screen has a bad spot in it about the size of half a dime.... Have to send it back... Lame....
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4 Beta -
Do you guys ever take the battery out? When gaming?
nope, bottom right half of the screen, the size is about 1/3 of a dime. I also have one dead pixel near the center of the screen. I am still trying to find the best nvidia driver for this since I am going to test it out before I get my replacement.
You can never be too fast. OS on RAID0 FTW, just remember to turn that daily backup on and use your 801ac to get the backup done in a flash.
Just got the cooling mod installed... so far no shutdowns after half an hour of BF3, though CPU temps are still more than 90C, hovering between 90-95 with a max of 99 on core #0 (ambient about 30C, no fans blowing towards the laptop, back not lifted up, no laptop cooler).
The mod is not yet finished, still waiting for the RAM sink in a week's time, but I'll post a pic soon.
Running 3DMark 2013 got the same result of 2288, max CPU temp was 82C on core #0, about 80C for the rest, and 71C max for the GPU
I managed to get 45-60 FPS at 1080p on high settings with AA on, after setting the power plan to High Performance and Clevo Control Center to Performance. -
I cant get ANY driver other than the official driver for the 765M to work... what drivers have you guys used?
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 765M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-4700HQ,Gigabyte Blade
this guy got the latest beta to work... I cant get it to work... anyone have any advice? -
But you may be able to get it working if you mod the .inf files.
Anyway is that a Gigabyte P35K? -
You have to search for beta and archived drivers on the nvidia page and install 326.19 beta. That should work.
BTW, I got a quote for a W230ST with the following specs from a German reseller:
FullHD, i7-4700mq, 2x4 GB, 128 GB mSATA, 750 GB HDD, Intel 6300, no OS for € 1049.
Think that's pretty good, what do you say? -
Hey, I'm now deciding between this NP7330 and the NP7352. I think I would definitely prefer the smaller screen size here but I have a question.
I already own a M4 64gb SSD 2.5' that I plan to use for the OS/Programs whilst using the HDD for storage. Though on the 7352, there are two storage bays and this isn't a problem, from the last few pages reading on here, it seems you would need a msata SSD to use alongside the 2.5' HDD for it to all fit? Or could you fit the 2.5 SSD along with the 2.5 HDD that comes with the minimal build of this laptop at once? -
The other storage is 2 x mSATA SSD. -
Ah, damn. That's what I feared. Guess I'm headed for the 15' model but thanks for the info!
And to Clevo, it doesn't matter. They are only under obligation to provide 13.3" 1920*1080 (1080p) displays in their laptops. They do not have specific obligation to give you a display by AUO, ChiMei, Samsung, LG, etc.
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2 -
Schenker notebooks / their gaming brand XMG also had a teaser on their facebook page a while ago, showing some pictures of the W230ST. So I guess they will announce it relatively soon. But they usually only show stuff on their website which is already available for shipping, so no "preorderpage" whatsorever yet. I'd guess they take about ~50 more than hawkforce, but they usually offer some better serv
What is Sager shipping for the 7330? Still the 311.27 and .54 IIRC? (Thos are the ones that came for the 8250...)
If that's not supporting it, there's a thread on the geforce forum where you can submit the full device ID string and they'll get it added into the driver...
*** Official Clevo W230ST/Sager NP7330 Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by HTWingNut, Apr 10, 2013.