So I've made a command decision, I'll be ordering a p750dm2-g from HIDevolution later tonight
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Probably going to replace the ICD with liquid metal when I get a chance
Going to order it tonight when I get home from the lab, the engineering major waits for no man lol
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@metaldemon95 any reason not the 120Hz panel? Also, what engineering field?
But really all of the screen for the p7xxdmx are kinda bad, the LGs are only 6 bit, the AUOs are TN, and the Samsungs are pentile (RG, BW pixels)
And it's Electronics Engineering
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And it is even worse now giving me a bsod earlier in the boot process and even on battery power.
Tomorrow I will change RAM and do a clean install of windows.
I can add that the BSOD error messages is:
-Whea uncorrectable error
-IRQL less or equal
-kmode exception not handled
And one more I cant rememberSpartan@HIDevolution and Georgel like this. -
TomJGX and Spartan@HIDevolution like this.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Ouch, that's not a happy brick then. No chance of a working system if the power is not working right.
I have noticed that your charger is not suppling appropriate power to your laptop which can be a cause of some of your issues. I have used a charger from a new build and tested it and it is now supplying the correct voltages.
I am guessing it was too much juice. So they are now offering a complete laptop replacement, as who knows what other damage a faulty brick may or may not cause.TomJGX, Papusan, Spartan@HIDevolution and 1 other person like this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
If the power regulators on the input are OK then everything on the other side of the power delivery should be fine as the 19v does not feed anything directly.
However for peace of mind I'm sure you are fine with the swap -
I've noticed a weird thing with the audio, specifically with headphones. Sometimes after waking the computer from sleep I feel like the volume is much quieter than normal. I've also notice that the headphone impedance measurement on the control centre is not consistent, usually it sits somewhere between the 96 240 numbers but sometimes I notice it's shot up above 600. I think these headphones are only 50ohm too so neither of those measurements seem right. I've yet to check if the volume change and this change in impedance measurement are related, I'll have to check next time I notice the volume drop.
Anyone else noticed anything similar?
Edit: I should mention that last time I notice this I found that unplugging and plugging the headphones back in brought the impedance measurement back down and seemed to bring the volume back up. I'll have to try it a couple times to truly confirm that though. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
You should be able to reset it by unplugging them and putting them back in.
So it seems AMD has hit it for a six with the Ryzen! I wonder if Clevo will build the p775 and p870 models with AM4 boards?
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Last edited: Feb 22, 2017
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Considering the cost of such development.... Don't expect floods of notebooks.
Dear all notebook-enthusiasts,
I have been reading the last 103 (literally!) sites of this thread to gain information about the i7 7700k or i7 7700 processors built in a 15,6 inch P751dm clevo but did not find any satisfying answers to my main question:
I am going to buy a P751dm with a GTX 1070 and still asking myself if I shall choose the 7700k or the 7700. Actually I won't overlock the processor since heat is the most important aspect for me. So, will the 7700k really overheat that bad (I won't undervolt nor delid it!)? Does the 7700 (65W) outperform the 7700k (91W) concerning the temperatures that much?
I am really into gaming so I would love to hear the experiences of some owners with the same specs or other expert's opinions, especially regarding the CPU temperature while gaming (Witcher 3, GTA 5, Total War Warhammer, etc. ...).
Cheers! -
At identical settings, odds are the 7700 will run a bit hotter since Intel likely bins lower clocking samples into the locked SKU. But the difference will probably be minimal.
Really Interestesting aspect indeed. I thought the i7 7700k runs way hotter than the i7 7700, due to its higher performance/clock speed and his higher watt of 91 watt (and of course due to reviews I've read).
Last edited: Feb 23, 2017 -
John@OBSIDIAN-PC Company Representative
Tune it. Learn how to make profiles with TS and have your system tuned for any job and scenario. Nothing can beat that. Full power and full optimization.
Since i mastered TS even my sexual life has improved. -
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John@OBSIDIAN-PC Company Representative
In the Next days i will try to make a vídeo showing how i use it.Grizzly13ear, Georgel, steberg and 1 other person like this. -
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@Q937 @Papusan thanks for the replies!
@dm477 @John@OBSIDIAN-PC thanks as well! I am quite a noob concerning all aspects like undervolting, delidding, overlokcking, etc.. But you have convinced me to take the i7 7700K. Is there any good guidance yet (I know, you are going to make a Video...) which shows the use of Throttlestop? Could I undervolt the CPU easily/easier with Intel XTU? And last question (and yes, you can laugh about me!): It is possible to delid a non K CPU? So the i7 7700 or 6700?Georgel likes this. -
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@boggi If you read through last 50 odd pages here, you will find the relevant info about TS, undervolting, XTU etc. I'd recommend sticking with 6700K or 7700K.
If you search the forum, there is a massive thread about using TS, and it is fairly straight forward.
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Stick with 6700K or 7700K
boggi likes this. -
@dm477 @Papusan Okok^^. So the 7700K it is and I will look for the TS here in the forum! Thanks again.
Hope after tweaking the machine the keyboard surface won't be hot at all or at least not that hot (as it was in my P651hs which finally made me to choose another laptop with a higher chassis = P751dm2) -
It does get warm under heavy gaming load but there are ways to work around it. Good luck with your purchase.
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John@OBSIDIAN-PC Company Representative
Papusan likes this. -
Hey guys, any reviews out there for the NP9152? I'm having trouble finding some searching around google or pictures/videos of one on youtube. I see some people talking about the 7700k running hot and needing tweaking. If I were to order one from HIDevolution and choose "HIDevolution Delidded - Unlocked, Under Volted and Overclocked 7th Generation Intel Core i7-7700K Quad Core Processor, 4.2 GHz (HIDevolution Overclocked to 4.7GHz) - GUARANTEED Performance (Coollaboratory Liquid Ultra includ " would most of this tweaking you guys need to do be included in that they are doing or would I most likely still need to go in and tweak and undervolt further? I'd like to buy one of these over an 8157 but I am having trouble finding any reviews but I will start digging back through all of the pages here.
That's what's funny with proper hardware.
Last edited: Feb 23, 2017
Georgel likes this.
So... I'm seeing an usage pattern. If I change my settings for the CPU clock, my system is unstable af for the first 3 - 10 hours, then it stabilizes. Any idea what could be causing this? Could it be the adaptive voltage or something? It makes benching and testing stability a real pain.
Gov. Rick Perry Notebook Consultant
jellygood likes this. -
John@OBSIDIAN-PC Company Representative
Looking at the technical manual i think i know which panels they are but im actually not sure.
Im asking the sales rep today.Gov. Rick Perry likes this. -
Hey guys, it is me again and with me some nooby questions again. As I went trhough the whole forum, I did not find the answers I was looking for. So:
Instead of using Throttlestop for undervolting the CPU, why not use the Clevo Control Center? Or Intel XTU?
It is possible to undervolt the GPU (GTX 1070) while overlocking on the other side its memory? Or would it become too instable?
Does it make sense to undervolt the GPU at all?
Hope you guys can help me out once again^^. -
@boggi clearly you did not read through the thread. It is one of the more frequent questions asked by new users including myself. A simple search would have suffice.
XTU messes up your fan profile, CCC also uses XTU profiles, and it is best avoided. Another advantage of TS is that it also undervolts your CPU cache. Use @John@OBSIDIAN-PC utility and it will install CCC without XTU elements and you are good to go then.
Undervolt is there to control temperature. That is all. So apply an undervolt, if your GPU runs warmer than say 90C.
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But yes @unclewebb's ThrottleStop is another great alternative.Last edited: Feb 26, 2017 -
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John@OBSIDIAN-PC Company Representative
I think this is the best from both worlds.
I also added the option to disable the XTU service in the BIOS, not sure how will this work as i am testing a lot of stuff atm.Georgel, steberg, Papusan and 1 other person like this. -
*** Official Clevo P775DM2/3(-G)/P75xDM2(-G) (Sager NP9152/NP9172) WINGMAN 2.0/BATMAN 3.0 Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Spartan@HIDevolution, Aug 3, 2016.