I'll be interested to see how it goes.
Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
It will suck compared to a 10-series card, but still work OK. Been using it with DK2 then CV1. You will just get a message saying you are running below recommenced specifications. You wont be able to play at max res with 16x antialiasing to minimize visual artifacts but it will still play decent.
Haven't got feedback from Prema, would be nice to get that bios to mess around with my laptop now that its starting to break down from everywhere, I'll be willing to take some risks with it.
Galahad78 likes this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Typically you can get fairly far on the stock firmware.
Re:1060 in p770zm -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I think it would just not detect the display.
Hello. I bought a clevo p770zm laptop without cpu / gpu. I installed celeron g1840 and k1100m there. The laptop is loading, you can go into the bios, but windows does not boot, bsod appears. Then 22 beep appears and the laptop turns off. Does anyone have a bios from clevo k1100m?
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Does safe mode boot ok?
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
K1100m is not something they ever put in iirc.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
HP cards do tend to have more luck iirc but it can be pot luck, the quadro cards were not really officially supported.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The official ones were 965m/970m/980m.
Sorry if this is a silly question to ask, but can I use this laptop model's stock processor; i7-4790K to desktop PC with same Intel socket (1150)?
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yes, the CPU works in both the desktop and this laptop. Same chip.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
-g is an internal g-sync designation. That would break getting a new gpu but it would function without g-sync.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Indeed that's right.
Well it seems that you CAN plug an RTX card in the NVME slot of this deceiving non-upgradable laptop, and have full benefits of RTX! Its just a tad space-taking but nevertheless, mission accomplished for my part... can finally play games at a decent framerate and unplugging the GPU is only a matter of removing the NVME adapter.
Prema generously sent me his BIOS so that took care of any whitelisting or limitation issues, Bought an ADT-Link board + RTX2060 (EVGA single fan). followed various threads on EGPU.io and it worked on both windows 8.1 and 10. Much easier than I thought and full speed, no crappy PCIE 1x setup
The only 2 downsides are losing the NVME slot (so you have 2 sata and one M.2 remaining so plenty) and in my case I can control pretty much everything on the EVGA GPU except the damn fan that is always 100% so either I'll have to hack away at some bios or put a pot in-between.
Also, if I am not powering the GPU with external powersupply, it just wont spin up and be detected. No electrical damage or anything of the sort, thus if the laptop sits on a table most of the time, you can decide to turn on or not the GPU when gaming. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
It would be hard for the laptop to see something without power yes, the m.2 is not going to be delivering power to the slot after all
The point was more about sinking current issues / toasting something if attaching it without providing external power.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
As I said no adapter is going to draw from the m.2 slot, it would need a 75w supply. Unless you got a really dodgy adapter.
Another note is for those who like repairing things, you can recuperate the LEDS and buy a cheaper no-led keyboard to replace, but you have to be very careful when extracting the led setup from the old keyboard as it tears up easily and the light guides are really fragile.
Here's a pic of the overall footprint.
The only last deception on that laptop that I can't fix is replacing my flickering screen (probably cold solder spot somewhere) to a 4K since I figured out there was an EDP and LVDS motherboard and I paid for an "upgaded" LCD which was LVDS, EDP board was never a clear option at the time of purchase just like the upgrade path to 10x0. But thanks to @Prema for the Bios (still owe you that beer) and others that did those EGPU hacks, that laptop is now useful again.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Does the whole LCD flicker or a part?
Hi @Prema any chance you could help me out with a p770zm bios id like to use newer nvme. TY very much in advance for any help
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
You can use them for data just not booting.
I have a 770zm laptop. His screen is connected via EDP. A laptop with G-Sync or not? BIOS screenshot
Attached Files:
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Head to the nvidia driver panel, if there is no option then no g-sync.
I can not find this item, the laptop beeps 22 times and turns off. CPU / GPU temperature is 50 degrees. Screen frequency maximum 60 Hz. The laptop does not have a battery, maybe the EC gives an error on it. Maybe someone has a BIOS where the EC is disabled and there are no errors?
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
If you want a diagnosis you will need to provide basic information like when it started happening, what changes have been made, any symptoms you have seen etc.
I do not have this information. I bought a laptop at ebay auction. Lot was untested and as is as. In the laptop there was no cpu / gpu, charger and battery.
I read a lot of information about clevo p7xx, but there is no exact data what exactly the EC checks and how to decrypt this number of sounds. Big Big problem ((( -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
You bought a broken laptop but don't have the experience/tools to fix it? You need to start from the beginning, strip out parts one by one, look at what makes a difference etc.
Meaker@Sager , look at part of the scheme, it shows that the EC is checking:
1 Thermal sensor
3 SMART from Battery and AC in
Now, I do not have battery, maybe this is the problem and the laptop beeps.Attached Files:
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
It should not cause a shut off with having no battery.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
You would need to email support, I don't use the file store directly.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Check that the vrms are making good contact with the heatsinks by the way.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The fans should ramp up very briefly on startup then they should match the current temperature vs fan speed setting.
Finally, I found latest bios for Clevo p770zm. The EC was flashed without problems, and the error did not go away. But when flashing the main BIOS, my laptop turned off as usual after 22 peaks. And now I have a brick)))) Maybe someone has a BIOS dump?
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Sou ds like you flashed the wrong file, I dont have a full dump to hand.
hi all do some one know where i can find unlocked bios for xmg-u705 aka clevo p771zm non g sync version i searching everywhere without success
if some one can help thanks
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I don't know of any that are publically available. What are you trying to achieve?
i want to boot windows form nvme i didnt see any option on stock bios
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Correct you can't, only use as a 2and drive is supported on the stock BIOS.
that looking for custom bios or if some can help with the drives on 970mi they dont detect my gpu
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Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by HTWingNut, Jan 6, 2015.