surely my cpu clocks down still but due to C7 States the offset and static voltage isn't that different anymore than it was like in Bloomfield/Sandy/Ivy Generation. When you are just browsing 2 or even 3 cores are literally sleeping in C7 states, they are turned off and reactivate itself if needed.
Sure but not that often anymore, bit burned out alreadyand forced HBAO looks okish, it's there and noticable but sometimes a bit dull too, you notice it the most on characters and the cleavage of my Norn
but still worlds better than the ingame SSAO which is almost non-existant.
DaveFromGameaVision Notebook Consultant
I set my static undervolt in BIOS instead of XTU, just finished up a 20 minute run in OCCT running [email protected] max: 82/84/83/80 average: 73/75/73/71. Gotta see if I can lower the voltage more.
Bullrun, Scerate, Prema and 1 other person like this. -
Hello guys! Just an update of my situation
I purchased 230W adapter and everything is just marvelous, so far nothing is wrong and CSGO seems to be too high quality that I get dizzy somehow, might need to take a bit of time to get adjusted.
So I downloaded XTU and did some tweaking, my CPU is running at 3.99Ghz and I undervolted -50mv! The peak temperature was around 62, Idk if that was good or not but I'm not getting any interruption so I assumed it's right on the bat. Maybe I can undervolt more but I still got a long time to check it out.
Hi everyone! I've been lurking this forum for a while now, but this is my first time posting here, so please let me know if there is anything I can improve on.
So I recently got a P770ZM with 980m, and yesterday I decided to flash Prema's vbios to get rid of the power throttle. Even though the flash seemed to have gone smoothly, there is now a short beep every time the computer boots.....and here are a few interesting things that I've noticed:
If I shut down the computer then press the power button to start it again, the beep is only audible through headphones, and if no headphones are connected, there is no beep. If I restart the computer through windows, then the beep is audible externally, regardless of headphones being connected or not.
The short beep is heard almost at the same time bios logo and text shows up (maybe a split second earlier). If I enable the power on beep option in bios, then there is an additional slightly longer beep after POST.
The computer originally shipped with AMI bios. After I flashed Prema's vbios and encountered this issue, I flashed Prema's system bios as well, but the problem persists. My computer seems to run fine without any issues so far, but I did some googling and found out that a short beep from an AMI bios is supposed to indicate memory refresh timer error....
Should I be worried? Does anyone have any idea to solving this problem?
Thanks. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
You can try flashing back to your original vbios to test. But if there are no other symptoms you are likely fine. -
I would still love to use Prema's vbios for its unlocked TDP though, but I also don't want that annoying beep every time I restart my PC....
And FYI, when I flash Prema's modded vbios I would get the following warning:
WARNING: Firmware image PCI Subsystem ID (10DE.1558)
does not match adapter PCI Subsystem ID (1558.7700).
Not sure if this has anything to do with the beep....
Does anyone know how I may get rid of that beep? (System sound is already muted in control panel)
Should I PM prema about this? -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yes pm him, but try flashing back to his file first.
Wow cool, add me ingame synister.8039 whenever you started playing again. -
Symptom is pretty much the same as before, but I want to clarify that in Prema's bios, the beep actually happens about half a second earlier before the Prema logo shows up.
Still need two more posts to send PM....... -
*uses @Prema signal*
(The Prema signal is like a bat signal except you use his phoenix thingy in his avatar)TomJGX, Mr Najsman, t456 and 4 others like this. -
Hi, you called the "BIOS GUY"?!
Just reading through your posts, never heard of that beep before and there are many ZM user using the vBIOS...
You are already using my 1.03.15PM BIOS and 1.03.09PM EC, right?
Does it also happen on battery?
Does the beep still happen when you load BIOS setup defaults and not enable UEFI?
(I know this will prevent Windows from booting, but also from interfering).
Try to unplug the AC Adapter for 30s while system is off.
Last edited: Sep 24, 2015TomJGX, ajc9988, i_pk_pjers_i and 2 others like this. -
Like Prema said try to reset the BIOS/EC by removing battery/PSU and system internal battery( next to GPU heatsink) for 30+ seconds.
BTW above process will reset bios and you might need to setup the bios again.
Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk -
I love you Prema XD!
TomJGX, ajc9988, Bullrun and 1 other person like this. -
Just tested it on battery with AC adapter detached, still happens.
I loaded the BIOS defaults right after I flashed your BIOS, and I just did it again to be sure, beep is still there.
How exactly do you disable UEFI? In BIOS>Boot>UEFI setting>UEFI boot is already set to "disabled". Is that enough?
BTW, I'm using Windows 10 64bit.
Did that multiple times, with both battery and AC cord off, didn't work.
But I'll try it if there is no other viable solution proposed. -
Never fear, the BIOS GUY is here!
TomJGX, ajc9988 and i_pk_pjers_i like this. -
had some weird beep with my p650SG earlier this month, i was cleaning the gpu fans so i unplugged them, next thing you know the bios acts really weird beeping in a crazy way, and the gpu fans : one off and one acting independently....
All i did : remove two screws, popped the keyboard, removed the CMOS battery, waited 1 minute, plugged the computer, flashed the stock bios, unpluged 1 minute, then plugged, waited all night (i slept don't worry)...and my laptop worked again the next morning...better than the first day i got it ! next morning flashed the latest xmg bios (waiting for prema to release the latest updated p650SG bios/ec ^^) and had absolutely no problem....i called that day the black friday : the day i tought my 2K £ laptop was dead.
all that to say that removing the CMOS and reflashing the bios can save you from many weird bios/ec corruption bugs.Last edited: Sep 24, 2015i_pk_pjers_i likes this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Fastidious Reader Notebook Evangelist
So Cannon Lake for pretty much the first gen of definitive mobile desktops? If the Nvidia thing doesn't blow up when it hits the market.
Fastidious Reader Notebook Evangelist
A thought on that if they are now able to get full desktop GPU units into laptops along with Desktop Processors. My thought is that it will take till Cannon Lake to get that all ticking right.
Full i7-920/930/940/950/960/965X/975X/980X/990X + 280M/285M (desktop 9800GTX+ card)
It's been done. All the time. This is just the first time they're not skimping on core/memory clocks in GDDR5 cards.
Look at the P570WM. i7-4960X + 2 x GTX 780M (full GTX 680 with reduced clocks, which can be fixed with OCing) -
DaveFromGameaVision Notebook Consultant
There was talk about sleeves a few weeks back. I got this one from Amazon, just arrived today. It fits the P770ZM perfect, I can post some pics later if anyone wants.
Mr Najsman and Bullrun like this. -
About that Dekstop GPU thing, is it using the same current MXM or a newer version like MXM 2nd Generation of some sort?
Afif Aziz likes this.
Afif Aziz, TomJGX, i_pk_pjers_i and 1 other person like this.
i think he meant the future pascal release
1080M or something like that.
Last edited: Sep 29, 2015Afif Aziz, TomJGX and i_pk_pjers_i like this. -
While on the subject of (ancient) history, nvidia once published this:
Learn how to build an SLI PC!
Actually ... it's still actually on their site (as is this guide), but don't let them find out!!!
TomJGX, i_pk_pjers_i, ajc9988 and 1 other person like this.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
If we do start getting regular 200W class machines I wonder how long it will be until we get a titan class GPU.
i don't actually have any idea what some people said Pascal generation is?
maybe i'm leaving you guys, selling my P771ZM, but don't worry i'm probably going P751DM. P775DM is too Overpowered for me and want to go a bit smaller again, got a great offer for mine.
ajc9988 likes this. -
, i'm right or? P775DM is P77xDM Chassis but with 180TDP 980, and 77xDM/75xDM just the Skylake Edition of the ZM with 970M/980M. Correct me if i'm wrong.
Does the touchpad get in the way when you're gaming on the 770ZM?
It seems like it's a bit to the left, right where the palm rests when you're WASD'ing.
Do you have to disable it? -
DaveFromGameaVision Notebook Consultant
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
You can also toggle the touchpad with FN + F1 to turn it on and off.
Mr Najsman likes this. -
D2 Ultima likes this. -
*** Official Clevo P770ZM / Sager NP9772 and P770ZM-G / Sager NP9773 Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by HTWingNut, Jan 6, 2015.