Okay I see so only boost power and time can be tweaked still better than nothing. As far as the turbo boost bug you mentioned its not the first time I heard that. In the nbc review they also mentioned a bug with the boost. I recommend reverting the xtu settings to stock and running 3d mark and other bench testing apps again while seeing if the bug issue still persists for you. After that try real world app testing / gameplaying while monitoring your cpu stats.
I would love the 6700k but unfortunately its out of my price range. Plus the z170 board is still new so I expect better refreshes later on. If I had the money I would totally go for the 6700k now though yea.
I admit I'm still learning but most of that data was quoted from cpuboss. And according to that data shown here:
I7 6700 65w i5 6600k 91w
Lower typical power consumption 52.81W vs 77.19W More than 30% lower typical power consumption
Lower annual commercial energy cost 56.94 $/year vs 83.22 $/year More than 30% lower annual commercial energy cost
Lower annual home energy cost 15.66 $/year vs 22.89 $/year More than 30% lower annual home energy cost
Its saying the 65w i7 is not consuming as much energy as the 91w i5k. I do value member opinions here so I'm still debating whats best for me. What you said makes sense and I will take it into consideration so thank you for your input.
If you get a 6700K and flash my BIOS Mod to disable HT (whenever you want to) you essentially get a 6700 including the lower power consumption...my 2c.
Thanks for clarifying TDP. I had been under the impression that it was just the maximum limit but wasn't positive. 6700k for me! I just wish compilers could do multi-threaded compilation..
Good info lately on TDP and k-vs-not-k -- thanks everyone, I had a bunch of the same questions and it's been really informative.
Where do you get those figures?
Is that if the CPU is running non-stop for a whole year? -
Edit: just reread. Ignore this post. -
Yeah, i know the cpu boss rating, but it's just wrong. You can set tdp freely on every k. You can also lower it on every CPU. It won't change power consumption unless the CPU needs more. Then it'll cap out at the set tdp by throttling.
Oops sorry guys. OK what I meant to say was that you can get a 6700(K) and disable HT as well as alter clocks etc in BIOS to essentially "make it" work like a 65W (or even less) CPU model.
What you can't do is take a 6600 and get 6700(K) performance from it.
So getting a 6700(K) should only be a money, but not technological decision.ajc9988, TomJGX, CaerCadarn and 2 others like this. -
TomJGX likes this.
Really, get the K! 100 CAD Dollaris doesn't cut it. You then can "cripple" it down to a non K, or let it run cooler by undervolting it or oc the crap out of it, or or or....!
I know some guys are all about "overclock/overvolt" - I'm the opposite. I want it running as cool & quiet as possible.TomJGX and Grizzlington like this. -
But we wouldn't be here, if we wouldn't "fine-Tuning" our rigs the one or another way, wouldn't we?ccarollo likes this. -
Apparently the new Skylake (desktop) CPUs idle at much lower power settings than the Haswell chips, like 20-30w lower. So when not doing anything, the power consumption, noise and temps (especially keyboard temps) should be lower. That was one of my major gripes with the P750ZM I had - the keyboard temps were close to 40C when idle, which is ridiculous. Apparently they're now closer to the low-mid 30s, which is acceptable.ccarollo likes this. -
I found a Windows 7 USB patcher.
Maybe this will work for installing windows 7 ?
Asrock states it is unlocked for all vendors
http://www.asrock.com/microsite/Win7Install/ -
Realistically, is there a benefit or need to use a 330w vs 230w power supply? I assume this is targeted towards folks who're overclocking their CPU/GPU... but I fail to see how you could get these devices to draw an additional 100 watts, even with aggressive OCing. Which makes me wonder if the 230w PSU is slightly underpowered - i.e. the DM running at its most performant (with 6700k / 980m), will draw more than 230w. The NBC review of the 750DM seemed to suggest this during its stress test - I think 267W? (The site seems down at the moment, I can't verify).
So what gives? Any precedence from Batman 1.0 owners of the PSUs being underpowered? Skylake seems to be more efficient, so if 230W worked for a ZM, is it safe to assume it will work the same or better for a DM?
Also, what happens if the laptop draws more than its PSU can supply? Does the LiPO make up for the delta? If so... that means that with a 230W supply, you can't run the machine at full power indefinitely (think heavy multithreaded computation tasks like CGI rendering... clearly better suited to a desktop/server, I recognize, but everyone has different requirements).. Again.. what gives? -
You will want the 330W if you plan on doing any overclocking. For stock speeds 230W is more than adequate. I haven't been able to get it to draw more than 200W with stock speeds, and that's power from the wall. Due to inefficiencies in PSU, you should be able to draw 250-260W from the wall. However if you do that regularly you're better off getting the 330W because you don't want to stress the PSU at max all the time.
If it hits the power limit on the PSU, then the laptop components will also power throttle, resulting in skipping or lower than expected performance.
Bottom line, if you're running stock, then 230W is more than sufficient. If you're planning on overclocking, go for the 330W.ajc9988 likes this. -
If the laptop doesn't have a hybrid BIOS setup to provide juice from the battery, then your components will throttle. You simply can't draw more power from the PSU than it can provide.
The 980M is rated to 100W, and the 6700k at 91W. That leaves 40W for everything else, which should be plenty if you don't plan to OC.
To give you an idea, the Clevo P650SE I had with a 970M + i7-4720HQ came with a 180W PSU, but the CPU+GPU drew a combined 128W at peak, and the remaining 50W was plenty for everything else.
Long story short - if you plan to OC, get the 330W PSU. If not, the 230W is fine.Last edited: Oct 5, 2015Gearhunter likes this. -
Is it possible for this laptop to underclock the gpu ?
yes, underclock....
For me a simple gpu is sufficient. What I need is cpu power. So I was thinking; underclocking my gpu might give less heat and possibly more headroom for the PSU while overclocking the cpu ? -
To say it with Obamas words: Yes, you can.
*edit: The general consensus for the old Batman was: You need 330W for heavy overclocking of CPU and GPU (980M), only. For 970M it isn't needed. And since i did not reach 200W with my rig, up until now, i can confirm that.Last edited: Oct 5, 2015SierraFan07 and Mapl like this. -
Sent from my sweet Galaxy Note 5 -
Have we seen numbers of the notebook 980? Just wondering if the 230W advice will apply to that too or not.
Sent from my sweet Galaxy Note 5 -
So what about being able to do small undervolts with really small overclocks? Or just a small overclock to begin with. Should a 330W be chosen over still? And does anyone know the dimensions/weight of the 230W and 330W device? I'm curious how they compare to the 180W I have from my p150em.
Thanks both of you for your responses. I 'may' OC in the future, and am of the mindset to get the 330 and be prepared for that rather than need a bigger psu and not have one (or worse yet, not realize I'm being limited by that component..), even if I never end up fully needing it. The price isn't as much of a concern as is the potential added size/bulk of the 330 vs 230... Which ajc9988 then alluded to...
Thanks all. Placing my order with PowerNotebooks tomorrow... -
Confirmed my order with Aftershock PC today for a P750DM-G... The hype is real...
haha great to see things starting to take off here for the batman 2.0
btw, for anyone whos wondering about power consumption: check out the first 3 posts of the batcave linked to in my sig, itll give u detailed power consumption data with overclocks and maxed out config. my personal conclusion was that one is able to do mild overclocks on both cpu and gpu with a 230w psu. only when ud like to push things to the bleeding edge itll be healthier for ur psu and ur system to use the larger 330W brick
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalkajc9988 likes this. -
I ordered mine with the i5 6500 and 980m so I can upgrade the cpu later, if ever I feel like the i5 doesn't suffice.
The psu should suffice for my needs. Even though former laptops were capable of OC I only did it to benchmark and showoff. I always ended up selling the laptops before feeling the need for something stronger/more powerful that would require OC. -
Just recieved my baby <3
Bullrun, wiltedjoint, TomJGX and 2 others like this. -
Oh yea still undecided on the cpu myself really between the i7 6700 (non K) or the i5 6600k for right now. I'm anxiously awaiting results on windows 7 trials and I hope they make those drivers soon any word on those?
I see you have a zm with a 4790k. Whats the the lowest wattage or temprature adjustment that I could do? Basically whats the lowest wattage and core speeds that I could turn it down to? for example would 3.0ghz 65w underclock be possible ? Also whats the most OC you have done with your 230w adapter?
Last edited: Oct 6, 2015 -
So i5 6600k, 970m, 8 gigs, 120ssd, 750 hdd.
Pretty basic build- Not heard anything about W7 yet so i'll just be running 10 for now.
hmscott likes this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Well most games don't like hyperthreading anyway so if you clock it to similar levels as the i7 it will perform very similarly.
Pulled the plug on mine:
17.3'' FHD with G-Sync
GTX 980M
i7 6700K (I was divided between the 6600K and 6700K up until the last minute. Figured the 6700K would last a bit more in my system)
16GB DDR4 2400mhz Kingston Hyper X Impact
Intel AC-8260
Crucial MX200 500GB M.2 SSD (I'll probably sell it later when the 950 Samsungs become available)
Western Digital Black 750GB 7200RPM
2400€ with Windows which I don't think is too bad.
Now to wait 8 long days...
BTW, won't anyone open a thread for the 17'' model? I'm too embarassed to do itCaerCadarn, TomJGX, jaybee83 and 1 other person like this. -
TomJGX, Samot, SierraFan07 and 2 others like this.
I'll post some pics of mine when I get it. Can't wait.Samot likes this. -
yes, what ajc9988 suggests makes sense. the past several clevo gens (ever since ive entered clevo space in 2011 with the HM series) showed almost identical hardware bases for the 15 and 17 inch P models with only details such as the presence of a subwoofer / overclocking ability / psu wattage / display type / 3G functionality dividing the two. even the bios / ec files were functional on both models
i guess the split was just based on "tradition" rather than actual needajc9988 likes this. -
(Finally some good use for that picture)jackie89, TomJGX, ajc9988 and 1 other person like this. -
Sent from my sweet Galaxy Note 5ajc9988 likes this. -
Sent from my sweet Galaxy Note 5ajc9988 likes this. -
There is a 4G M.2 module in my lenovo x240 I would like to know if it would work in the DM, I didn't see a location for the sim card in the DM.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
*** Official Clevo P75xDM and P77xDM/Sager NP9758-G and NP9778-G "Batman 2.0" Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by ProFX, May 18, 2015.