My mom grew up in Singapore. She has a brother and a sister living there still. I've been there three times. Love the country.
So I'm looking at picking up a DM, but I'm confused about the wifi options. What's better? Killer 1525, 1535, or Intel 8620? I'm running an N network right now, no plans to upgrade to AC any time soon. I also use a bluetooth keyboard and headset, so I need a card that does good with bluetooth. Does Killer's stuff actually work as advertised or is it all a bunch of marketing smoke and mirrors?
jaybee83 likes this.
Notebookcheck just put up a review of several new Skylake processors, and used the 751DM and 771DM for the 6600 and 6700 respectively:
Interesting snippet from the review:
Last edited: Sep 28, 2015moviemarketing likes this. -
Looks like all those new processors are hitting, Mythlogic has quite the CPU array available as options.
Definitely curious how the 6700 does vs the 6700K with respect to performance and heat, given its lower TDP. -
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
The performance difference is going to be about 5 to 10% difference on the stock speeds between the two. Still waiting to see one hands on myself to check temps on it.
Sounds like the earliest any of us end users will be getting a Batman 2.0 is sometime mid next week, does that sound about right? Mine is in the build queue @ Mythlogic. Exciting times!
Sent from my sweet Galaxy Note 5 -
I'll almost certainly get one, but am waiting for a few more reviews and first hand experiences to come out before doing so. But the wait isn't a big deal - I'm planning to use a Samsung 950 for the OS drive, so the laptop would just be a pretty paperweight until mid October anyway.
By the way - I bought one of these several months ago... What a game changer.. Literally triples the battery life for an 82wh laptop like this one. -
TomJGX, jaybee83 and Lurker Below like this.
Sent from my sweet Galaxy Note 5 -
Doesn't seem like it has the 4-pin power plugs...Last edited: Sep 28, 2015 -
jaybee83 likes this.
- -
You tend to see a lot more "Killer issues" threads than Intel ones though. -
Panther 5SE - Current
Interesting, looks like they're keeping the 5SE still but not the regular one. Only difference should be the CPU. -
Frankly I love the laptop. I am however going to miss my LCD array.
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkCaerCadarn likes this. -
Would this be possible with a Clevo P751DM-G and a pair of Samsung 950 Pro 256GB NVME PCIe SSDs on RAID 0 ? -
sure, i dont see why not
the DM series have both nvme support as well as two pcie 3.0 ports with 4x lanes each, so theres no argument against a nvme raid config with os installed on it...
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk -
Gov. Rick Perry Notebook Consultant
TomJGX likes this. -
Google Translation of the German P771DM review posted to Notebookcheck yesterday likes this. -
Last edited: Sep 28, 2015
Hi all, long time lurker first time poster. Hoping I could get some help here. I tried to search, but no definitive answers came up, and surprisingly, no sure answer when contacting a reseller either. Let me first put out that I'm a noob when it comes to all this, but hope to learn a lot here.
My question is, is the SM951 M.2 PCIe SSD listed at Sager for the P750DM model, NVMe or AHCI model?
Also, I plan on choosing the 'Full HD IPS Matte Display', with the intel network card, as it seems intel is on the safe side here. But as far as display, I had experience with a 4K screen which did look blurry running 1080p resolution, but I do know this 4K screen is Samsung, so I don't know if it would have the same issues. Any ideas? Also, does anyone seem to know the refresh rate of the 4K display? This is also a reason why I'm leaning on the IPS display, as it would most likely have higher refresh rate I think.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, but my biggest concern is the SM951, any input on this would be great, as I plan on hopefully putting in the order by today, but if it is AHCI model, then I will definitely be waiting until they do use NVMe model.
Thanks everyone. -
Both beastly machines! English translation of their reviews usually take a wek or so to come up, but you get the just from the original version if not fluent in German!
They always seem to get high CPU temperatures in their Prime + Furmark test - think it's because they have the fans on auto rather than on maximum. -
im betting on AHCI though, since the NVME versions are still veeeery rare... also, why dont u just wait and grab urself a 950 pro once its out?
the blurriness due to scaling to 1080p is mostly due to individual perception, although slight differences in the panels are definitely possible. the samsung 4K panel is said to be inferior in specs and colors vs. the sharp 4K IGZO panel. both are officially said to be 60 Hz, although some user reports say that the samsung one only sports 45 Hz.
IPS does not give you higher refresh rates, but rather better viewing stability and, most of the time, better color reproduction. IPS panels are actually known to sports lower refresh rates, especially when compared to TN panels for their overclocking ability and response times. but current IPS panels are quite alright in both areas, just dont expect to be able oc them to 100+ Hz -
Whomever receives their 750/770 DM first... could you please take and post measurements of the port? (or just post a well-aligned picture with a tape measure / ruler in the frame and I can measure it out in GIMP). Thank you!!
*EDIT* jaybee beat me to the punch -
u could just ask current ZM owners, since their machines sport the same psu connector
ill take measurements of mine and post them in a bit
edit: connector has a diameter of 10 mm (widest), lower pin holes are 4 mm apart center to center, whereas the upper holes are 3 mm apart center to center. anything else ud like to know? -
EDIT: Having measured the diagram, the 'center-to-center' distance for the lower pins should be 3.5mm, and 5.8mm for the outer pins.... but who knows if it's actually drawn to scale.. The 'outside-to-outside' measurements for the drawing are: 7.9 mm and 5.8 mm.
I think I'll buy the tip anyway and give it a shot. Worst-case scenario, the connector tip on the power adapter that comes with the laptop could be cut off to form an adapter.Last edited: Sep 28, 2015Kommando likes this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
7 mm depth (metal part that actually goes into the mainboard connector), 6 mm distance lower holes, 5 mm upper holes (edge to edge)
bfishman likes this. -
Solder Time -
keep the people here updated on your experience with that tip
and oh well, did the measuring by using a ruler, not exactly high precision -
Good enough for government work (I should know... I'm in it!). Certainly will.
On another subject, has anyone come across information/benchmarks of two NVME SSDs in a RAID-0 configuration? Or have any information about the NVME protocol itself that would lend it towards or against the use of stripe array? Even though the Samsung 950 Pro 512 GB variant has better performance specs than the 256 GB variant, I wonder if for $50 more (and the use of an additional M.2 slot), two 950 Pro 256's striped together would produce a significant improvement. I'm sure someone will try it... [looks at the company reps... I know you're listening...]
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
It should scale similarly in raid as SSDs have before from what I can see.
Thanks a lot jaybee and bfishman for very informative responses
Now I'm on the fence here between the IPS display, and the 4K display, suggestions? What did you end up opting for jaybee?
Well, looks like I have time to decide now, as I will be waiting for the 950 Pro. I was so close to getting this bad boy, it hurts so much having to wait lol. Although, I could get the laptop now with the free 1TB hdd, and just wait for the 950 pro release, but then again I have no experience on how to install/setup a m.2 PCIe ssd running on Raid-0. But I do know how to follow instructions well as far as software setup goes, but hardware, not much, unless it's as simple as installing ram?
Then again, to wait on my Clevo purchase is hoping that it will be added to the list of options on the day 950 pro is released. If its a high possibility it wont be a selective option upon release, I'd rather order now and install it myself or with help later down the road, instead possibly waiting around for longer than a month to get it customized into the build lol. Then again by that time Mythlogic should have the '32GB (4 x 8GB) , PC4-21300, 2666MHz DDR4 SODIMM ' in stock which is something I would be more interested in getting as it's faster than what Sager offers.
Curious, what's better, 32GB (4 x 8GB) PC4-21300 2666MHz DDR4 SODIMM, or 32GB Dual Channel DDR4 SDRAM at 2133MHz 2 x 16GB?
As far as I know, 2 sticks are more efficient/faster than 4 sticks right? Maybe this is something I should just add myself as well too, decisions...
Thanks for the help guys! -
moviemarketing Milk Drinker
Only reason to buy the expensive 16GB sticks is if you will run applications that can benefit from 64GB RAM and plan to upgrade in the future.TroLogik likes this. -
both the ram options will be equal in speed. only difference ull see if when u decide to overclock your ram, then less sticks will give u more of an edge, being able to tighten the timings more aggressively. thats being said based on same brand sticks with identical memory chips, of courseTroLogik likes this. -
I was worried over the tb3 and I see all the people here trying to tell me it was in were right. I think I can even see the tb logo on it.
Last edited: Sep 29, 2015 -
appear to be the NVMe versions -- MZVPV512HDGL m.2. That's for the P771DM. - likes this. -
Sent from my Nexus 5 using TapatalkPrema likes this. -
Would an i5 6600 suffice for an 980m ? Thinking of upgrading from my current p650.
Sent from my mobile device. -
Yes the i5 6600 is a fine CPU. It just doesn't have hyper-threading and is clocked lower. Smaller cache as well, but in gaming you'd hardly notice a difference.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
If you don't intend to open and upgrade the machine later and it lets you get an SSD for instance then the i5 will do pretty well in gaming. It's a pretty major shift by intel.
She's arrived today...
TomJGX, moviemarketing, Grizzlington and 10 others like this. -
Gov. Rick Perry Notebook Consultant
TomJGX and Lurker Below like this.
*** Official Clevo P75xDM and P77xDM/Sager NP9758-G and NP9778-G "Batman 2.0" Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by ProFX, May 18, 2015.