Well so far this is the only clevo that is matching up to my needs when future proofing. The new skylake processors will more than likely have some refreshes for the following years and hopefully the same will be said for the mxm3b. The thunderbolt is great for a number of features and is another thing that meets my needs. Even though mxm might still be around I will still have some fun experimenting with egpu set ups since I have some extra hardware lying around. And then comes the ddr4, it wont mean much now but I have a strong feeling it may play out in the future. Since I plan on 5++ years of usage something tells me I should wait for this one and not the current zm. Lets just hope other kinks are worked out like the buzzing in the speakers and the coil whine people have been mentioning. And I need the pricing to be around the same ball park.
MichaelKnight4Christ Notebook Evangelist
Baan begins, the dark knight and.dark knight rises.
Last edited: May 22, 2015 -
Wish this thread had more poll options. I vote for a 15.6" 144Hz 1440p G-SYNC display. Pascal should be powerful enough to handle that.
It's about time notebooks had G-SYNC compatibility. -
It's very possible the Batman 2.0 will have G-Sync for the Sharp displays. It does already have it for the Samsung 4K Display. But yes wish more laptops would have it, although it still a fairly new technology for laptops.
Current 15" and 17" ZM models already support G-Sync on select screens. ( 4K 15.6" Samsung and 17.3" FHD LG IPS)
Essentially all eDP screens could do it, but NVIDIA makes the OEMs pay for a per screen model license (cookie) in BIOS, same thing they did with mobile internal 3D...and killed it that way...not a single OEM ordered 3D for GTX9xxM...even Mobile Maxwell Quadros where canned...all THX to greed.Last edited: Jun 1, 2015 -
BTW Prema I will buy Broadwell CPU for my P750ZM & will contact you to request beta BIOS. -
They just published a clock-block-free driver:
I would call that community effort.jaybee83, TomJGX, Mr Najsman and 2 others like this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
We do need a much stronger AMD to keep them and Intel in check :s
TomJGX likes this. -
So without trying to get too carried away... But if the Batman refresh is being introduced with Skylake processors, what kind of processors can we expect? Straight off the bat will Intel have something that rivals the 4790k or will that be something that comes further down the line?.. I'm not really in the loop when it comes to what info Intel have released regarding then new CPUs tbh
I only ask because the 4790k is really the daddy at the moment, so if I am going to wait for Batman 2.0, i'd like to know if it'll be a worthy wait! Haha
*I don't expect anyone to 'know' the exact refresh config options lol and I definitely won't hold you too it. Hopefully everyone can grasp what im trying to ask*
Do some research on the intel-i6700K it's going to be a little bit better than the 4790K however we won't know a whole lot in regards to how much better it is from the 4790K until we get more results from benchmarking and overclocking. The config options will be similar to the original batman. But you'll have some DD4 Ram features, and by that time Samsung's SM951 NVMe SSD hard drive will be released which will give you phenomenal SSD performance.
TomJGX and demonhotrod like this. -
Looks like 10% better: http://hexus.net/tech/news/cpu/82783-alleged-benchmarks-intel-i7-6700k-skylake-cpu-published/
demonhotrod likes this. -
MichaelKnight4Christ Notebook Evangelist
It would be ideal if this machine releases coincides with the release of a new nvidia card. Windows x + skylake + all new nvidia card = a portable rig that will last for years to come. http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/372329-intel-i7-6700k-skylake-cpu-benchmarks-appear/
Also with the new dm models I would like to see larger batteries options and options for optimus.
***Before I get rage type responses just note I said option*** meaning both a non optimus model and a optimus model to choose from. This is my opinion and what I would like to see especially since skylake will have a stronger iris graphics than even before on those chips. It would be a waste in my humble opinion to have iris on a notebook and not be able to use it.
And it would be nice to have a extended life 12 cell battery to choose from. If there is a black out it would be nice to at least be able to watch a normal timed movie without the thing shutting down LOL. A 12cell battery would allow for longer usage in that kind of scenario. Clevo placed the battery in the front so it may bulge it since it would be a larger case but I dont mind if it means longer play times plus it may raise it a bit which is great for cooling.Last edited: May 24, 2015 -
For the last time, Optimus won't appear on this machine. It uses a desktop chipset and desktops do not have Optimus. Considering that Optimus is not a popular option among enthusiasts in the first place, I don't see Clevo wasting resources engineering something that 99% of the people who buy the machine will not want.
If you want battery life and Optimus, you're going to have to buy a BGA machine. End of story. There's no way you're going to see any decent battery life with a 95W desktop CPU. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
You also wont get Clevo making two motheboards for the same model, having a MUX would be cheaper.
Also there wont be an all new Nvidia chip, at most it would be a GM204 with more shaders enabled.jaybee83, Ashtrix, TomJGX and 1 other person like this. -
MichaelKnight4Christ Notebook Evangelist
The 65w option combined with a larger battery and a way to switch graphics would increase the battery and all I am doing is putting out what I would like. I said why not just let the forum know what I'm thinking anyway just for topic sake.
Edit of post:
Been doing some research on optimus and it seems it really is giving some people problems since some programs are restricted to intergrated graphics instead of the more powerful discrete graphics. Unfortunately even when plugged in the user has no option to turn optimus off and now I see how that can be an issue. I own a older notebook with switchable graphics from Ati and never had some of the issues current optimus users are complaining of but it seems to be a problem for many. Until this is corrected by both intel and nvidia I will no longer comment on this or request this feature.
Last edited: May 25, 2015 -
anyone got any idea how much will this P750DM? Considering the time it launched.. DDR4 memory for laptop is still new and all.. will it be overpriced?
TomJGX and MichaelKnight4Christ like this. -
Of course it will; first adopters always pay the markup (recuperating development cost), once that crowd's been saturated then prices will drop by 1/3 th or so and the not-necessarily-the-latest-but-still-want-good-stuff people are up. And only after that will you pay pure production cost (+ profit margin).
Here's an aptly titled article, explaining the concept;
Clevo's certainly not as extreme as this, but DDR4's not going to help here. If you can wait and do with a little less; memory, storage and cpu's especially are prone to this effect.Prema likes this. -
Just comparing the cost between Crucial DDR3/4 retail:
DDR3: $92.99
DDR4: $138.99
16GB Kit:
DDR3: $111.99
DDR4: $277.99
Its gon'na cost a wee-bit more. I'd wager the unit itself (sans processor and RAM) is going to be a $100.00 more than current model. Then add in the additional cost of the DDR4 and Skylake so maybe $200.00 more, just my conservative estimate. -
MichaelKnight4Christ Notebook Evangelist
Hopefully dd3 will be supported on the same board and skylake should be around the same price as current haswell prob a bit more. Broadwell from what I seen are the real expensive chips.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
DDR3 and DDR4 have different pinouts so that will not happen.
DDR3 also have better timings than DDR4. I really hope Clevo will stick with DDR3 for first gen Skylake platform.
Great news (if Clevo adopts it, that is). Would be perfect to recycle old banks, wait a year and then upgrade to DDR4 (at lower cost/higher capacity/speed/reliability, whatever the motivation).
Even better; it'll have to supply power to accommodate DDR3 which is, if this is still valid, much higher than equivalent DDR4. So ... 40% less power for similar bandwidth, subtract power for ~20% higher speed, leaves 20% more power than the DDR4 banks would normally need; oc potential only found on a UniDIMM system.Last edited: May 28, 2015 -
MichaelKnight4Christ Notebook Evangelist
Yeah but then again the unidimm system itself may cause more expense. I'm kinda concerned about the price of this future dm model. I hope clevo/sager remember that the price is one of the major selling points to their machines and provide plenty of options to suit a wide range of clients. I'm not afraid to say I was disappointed with how most sager/clevo retailers did not provide the price or options I wanted for the first zm. Some stores had good prices but few options then other stores had much more options like cheaper cpu's but the overall price was still higher. Even a barebones build did not give me the prices I needed and even with missing parts still averaged about the same.
Last edited: May 28, 2015 -
TomJGX and MichaelKnight4Christ like this.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
MichaelKnight4Christ likes this. -
MichaelKnight4Christ Notebook Evangelist
I'm tempted on getting the current zm but having the fresh new skylake and thunderbolt is what I wanted from the original in the first place. I'm staring to wonder if the zm will still be sold along side this new one since broadwell chips are expected soon and aside from the cpu board everything else is similar. Whadaya think pals?
2.) Is there a bios upgrade for this laptop that allows Broadwell? I know the Z97 chipsets are compatible with Broadwell but only by bios update from the vender. Even if it isn't, the only thing you'll get with Broadwell compared to Haswell is the die-shrink and the Iris Graphics for integrated, which for this laptop is pointless.MichaelKnight4Christ likes this. -
MichaelKnight4Christ Notebook Evangelist
If they do replace the zm I could understand also since broadwell is the last and only offers a lower tdp die shrink and iris. I think it would make sense to replace the zm line completely now that I think of it. And for all we know its possible ddr3 may still even be used in the DM since skylake supports both.Last edited: May 29, 2015 -
MichaelKnight4Christ likes this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I have 3 machines here with RAID done through the chipset. But Intel Chipset RAID is still considered software RAID, not hardware.Last edited: May 30, 2015 -
Last edited: May 30, 2015TomJGX, Bullrun, Mr Najsman and 3 others like this.
Sent from Tapatalk -
Q4 2015 is too late considering the CPus are coming out in August
also DisplayPort is 1.2 ? -
RAIDing a system partition with modern SSDes would bring almost no benefit for actual usage, but boot time could still get lower.
Speaking of Boardwell, can we expected significantly better performance on a thermally limited platform like this a laptop? Could there be more OC headroom? -
Manufactures have to be very strategic in their timing like they could come out with it sooner but to succeed they have to wait so to speak for the "Perfect Storm" a combination of cutting edge components.
There is a lot of cool technologies coming online that are important for manufactures like Clevo to consider. Such as..
SSD NVMe - A great article! Phison supplies SSD manufactures like Crucial, Kingston etc.. with their Phison controller. Crucial, & Kingston are position well and may one up Samsung because it's partners are on track to produce a 1TB PCIe SSD and also include encryption on the fly which Samsung hasn't mentioned anything about, and may not even support that feature as Samsung's current SM951 SSD does not support encryption on the fly. Samsung's SM951 also runs hot because their controller is using an architecture of 30-40nm the memory on the other hand is much smaller.
Anyways that's just one of many awesome cool feature that is coming online.
Another exciting feature is Thunderbolt 3.0
Watch Intel's Computex Keynote Presentation here
Hope you enjoy those I'll have some more interesting stuff to post in the coming days : )Last edited: Jun 3, 2015 -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Is this all news from Computex?
Last edited: Jun 3, 2015ghegde likes this.
*** Official Clevo P75xDM and P77xDM/Sager NP9758-G and NP9778-G "Batman 2.0" Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by ProFX, May 18, 2015.