look at the last digits, 369.26
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Last edited: Nov 3, 2016
If you dislike style note you can use XMG bios fine
Sent from my ZTE A2017U -
baytotheapple Notebook Consultant
Sent from my GT-N5110 using Tapatalk -
Look at the outside of your laptop box if you have it still lol very generic.
Sent from my ZTE A2017U -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yes that's the stock unmodified clevo image, we have the sager logo on ours which is nice and simple
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Email support and they can check for you and send you the exact right file.
baytotheapple Notebook Consultant
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
The way they do it is.
One person posts the new driver version names on the site but the actual download still refers to the older version they had. that's why you're getting the old one
Give it a week or so and when you download, it will be the actual updated version after the 2nd person in their drivers team actually updates the files
I have never seen a company worse than Clevo in handling driver updates. If the downloads were fast I don't mind this but when it takes me a day to download a big driver, only to discover it's the older version, it ticks me off -
baytotheapple Notebook Consultant
Sent from my Nexus 5 using TapatalkSpartan@HIDevolution likes this. -
baytotheapple Notebook Consultant
Haven't tested it out, I just checked the details of setup.exe. I downloaded the CCC for the P670 from the asia server but got an error when extracting. Trying again. -
EDIT: PRAISE THE LORD Clevo's website finally works. I'm getting the control center, audio, chipset, LAN, Card Reader, and Killer drivers, they should be done within an hour... it's actually... fast (for clevo).Last edited: Nov 5, 2016 -
baytotheapple Notebook Consultant
If anyone wants new NVIDIA drivers, the ones here are 375.76 vs the newest Clevo 369.26, works fine on my system. https://www.obsidian-pc.com/files/Drivers/P6xxRS-G (GTX 1070)/NVIDIA-v375.76.zip
Also this is hilarious
I've never seen anything more generic. C'mon Clevo!Last edited: Nov 5, 2016 -
I am considering buying EVOC P670RS-G (Sager NP8173) from HIDevolution. It seems a very good mashine. Powerful and portable.
My question is, how keyboard feels like? Is there anyone who is using it for extensive typing?
And... actually I haven't found a lot of personal opinions here about this laptop. No good or bad impressions. Is it a reliable mashine?
Thanks in advance. It is going to be my first 2000$ gaming laptop and my first purchase from internet reseller, so I am a little bit worried) -
Here is my experience buying the P670RS-G from HIDevolution: http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/hidevolution-order-evoc-p670rs-g.796511/
Feel free to ask any specific questions. So far I really like this laptop.Spartan@HIDevolution and Partum Somnia like this. -
HID will treat you well so no worries there. P670 is solid unit too and a majority of teething issues have been Somewhat resolved
Sent from my ZTE A2017U -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
RGB lighting on the manual and the bezel round the display without the ability to turn it off is a must havestratman71 and Papusan like this. -
Make sure to call it Super MANUAL 5 even though it's exactly the same as a regular manual.
How do you wake this thing up? The keyboard is still lit but Fn+F12 does nothing, and pushing the power button does nothing. Really annoying, I end up having to turn it off.Last edited: Nov 6, 2016 -
And, second question, how is typing on this unit feels? Is it convenient for extensive typing or there is something to know?
Thanks in advance. I am aslo asking a lot of question, mostly regarding purchasing procedure itself to @Donald@HIDevolution but he is not replying. I suppose he is quite busy. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
@Partum Somnia After some consideration I decided that the 6700HQ is more than enough for pretty much all games. Keep in mind that at stock the 6700HQ and the 6820HK are pretty much the same, but the 6820 is overclockable. Frankly the chances of me taking the time to overclock it properly were pretty slim. So little to no benefit to me, while the 6820 costs more, draws more power, and therefore is hotter and the fans may be noisier. But if you are planning to overclock and want to go with the 6820 plenty of folks on here have and I think they are pretty happy with the choice.
Typing is great - the keyboard is very solid. I love having the full number pad. I don't know what you mean by extensive, but I've typed up 15-20 page reports on this thing now, and have not had any issues. The 0 key on the number pad is small though, and I keep missing it. But give me another month or two and I am sure I'll get used to it.
In general I am very happy with the laptop, and I am happy to answer any other questions you have. In fact I think there are quite a few happy customers around here. -
Last edited: Nov 7, 2016
@ mishkasm, @ trasfo thank you for the replys.
I understand. Still I think I'll go with "HK" processor. Can't say that it is extremely important, but... I think it would be nice to see that even my poorly executed C++ programs run faster) And, who knows what will the next generation of games requires.
Is anyone tried to use Windows 8.1 sp1 on this laptop? Could there be any problems with drivers/impotrant software? -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
I have replied to your PM sent on Sunday...I appreciate your patience and understanding.
.Spartan@HIDevolution likes this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Doesn't mean you cannot try the Windows 10 drivers though. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Also sourcing drivers straight from the manufacturers is also an option.
My display keeps going to sleep after a short period of idleness, even if I'm watching a video in VLC or something. It's set to never go to sleep in power options. Any ideas?
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Are you running the same power plan you set that on? Each plan has its own settings. Battery and plugged in are different too.
Hey guys, so I'm going to repaste my machine, kinda tired of 45/50 idle, 78/75 load temps. Kinda decent, but that's a no-go when i get premamod to OC, and especially when I paid an extra $35 for HID to repaste. What paste should I try on both? And whats the best way to apply them on this? Kinda new at pasting laptops, used to do a line with AC5 on desktop CPU, but I know this is different. Thanks.
Guys Question
What Are the things i should do when i got my Sager Np 8172 Or The (Clevo P670RP6) Thanks ! -
Last edited: Nov 9, 2016
saturnotaku Notebook Nobel Laureate
Just asking but does HIDevo price match with other boutique stores e.g Gentech, LPC, etc?
@Partum Somnia I asked around and got the impression that folks on here preferred the Intel to the Killer. I decided the cost was marginal and I wanted as little of a headache as possible. I imagine the practical difference is minimal though. @Donald@HIDevolution or someone else on here may be able to help you more.
saturnotaku Notebook Nobel Laureate
I think the main issues with the Killer card stem more from the software than the hardware. Whatever software tricks Killer tries to pull, at least in my experience, are little more than snake oil. I rarely use the WiFi on my P670 anyway, so it wasn't worth the extra cost to get the Intel card.
Keep in mind that the Intel has its own issues with the software - in some cases it causes other programs to not load on startup. Had to install the driver but not the accompanying software to fix it.
My Killer 1535 works great, I turned off everything in the Killer Suite though. I get 260mbps down and 20 up (I pay for 200/20 from my ISP).
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Apps not loading on startup in Windows 10 [SOLVED] -
Does anyone know the eurocom equivalent to the P670 with the 1070?
Yeah, the Killer suite is garbage. With it disabled, the 1535 is a very solid card, and I've never had a single dropped connection to a good router.
*** Official Clevo P67xRP6-G/P67xRS-G (Sager NP8172/8173) Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by D2 Ultima, Sep 11, 2016.