Thank you for your reply wickette :hi2:
I see gaming laptop needs to be cleaned frequently but in our country is little bit dusty so i dont want to be clean every week but if overheating is not issue then its probably ok:thumbsup:.
And i see your beautiful laptop is coming your way. Wish i could afford faster
. Hope you enjoy your new laptop
LaptopUserExtreme Notebook Consultant
May I please confirm whether a 1.5v memory set will work or not?
@ganaa2020: welcome to nbr
i advise you not to buy from sager directly but use one of their resellers such a xoticpc. the reason being that customer and general aftersales support with sager does not really have such a good standing in this community. even if the reseller pricing is a tad higher, it will spare you lots of nerves and stress in the long run, should u need to get any repairs done!
@laptopuserextreme: why dont u just buy a kit, try it, and if it doesnt work just send it back to the shop? as far as i know, most shops will give u a specific return period, no questions asked -
Thanks for the clarification! -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yes no matter the set installed 1.35V will be delivered, some 1.5V kits can handle this but like overclocking it's luck of the draw if yours can.
LaptopUserExtreme Notebook Consultant
Thanks for your help. I guess I won't risk it then.
After an extreme demanding gaming session of Farcry 4 (absolutely maxed out) I got 69° maximum temp with +135 and +400 without issues, about 1h game.
Overclocked i7 to x35 four cores & with some downvolting.
Nvidia gtx 970m. So far this machine is amazing. -
those load temps are really a joke
that three-fan design surely kicks a$$
You guys think the 970M could push World of Tanks at 4K with acceptable frame rates? This is really the only game I play and care about...
Good morning guys! Sorry its morning here
Right now i'm looking resellers which can ship to my country but its really hard to find
. guess i will feel new laptop new speed next year huh *sigh*
OMG im so stupid i didn't know xoticpc features international shipping. YES! im ordered 4k display sharp brand 60Hz estimated date is Jan.8 16gb ram OMG i cant wait WOOOHOO! i saved my money all these years it was so worth! Thank you XoticPc :hi2: for international shipping and it was cheaper from other resellers :thumbsup:. My dream is coming true to having my first gaming laptop and it is mine and i bought it with my own money im so satisfied.Hope i will be help in this community and i will try help everyone thank you!
Larry@LPC-Digital, Dabeer and Praedaedae like this. -
I don't recall anyone answering this earlier: I just ordered an NP8652 from Xotic as a gift for someone. Will it be completely ready to go out of the box, or will it need any / significant driver installation?
...R -
Today i dug internet and found lpc-digital another sager reseller prob u guys know it but its shipping international too and its cheap . I'm writing this cause maybe someone like me outside USA wants buy laptop. I'm not advertising any resellers its just my opinions please understand i just wants to help someone.
Now I just have to wait for the NP8652s to come in. It sounds like we're not looking at something for him to unwrap 12/25. -
Sorry everyone, I know we all love weekends, but I'm willing this one away. Monday can't come fast enough! Looks increasingly likely it'll be dispatched Monday and arrive Tuesday
And it looks as if I'll be the first one with a 4K screen on these forums! Guinea Pig time, once again.
Sent from my Nexus 5Ganaa2020 likes this. -
Wow thats nice i reaaallyyyy wanna see 4k with gtx 980m at least someone loving monday
I have to wait one year 2015. i really looking forward your review!!
My battery wear level is at 8% after only 4 days of use. Isn't that really bad?
Hmm 8% 4 day is not normal in my opinion. i think you should remove battery when plug in wall. And i never i used gaming laptop before so i dont specifically know.
BatteryCare - Proper laptop battery usage guide found this article
mcswift101 likes this. -
try reading it and make calibration maybe? (i apologize if i had grammar issue English is not my native language )
mcswift101 likes this.
Cakefish mine is also going to be dispatched on monday
ordered an p505 with gtx 980m and the FHD IPS panel. No need for 4K after terrible bugs in professional layouting software
aethelbert and Cakefish like this. -
I'm going to ask jaybee83 to post this in the first post, but it seems there is a fix for the ping spikes and intermittent transfer speed drops with the Intel 7260 and 7265 wireless adapters. At least so far it's worked for me. Would be good to get feedback from others though.
I did not figure this out myself, just some Googling and trial and error. I'll link to the sites where I got this information, but repeat it here for clarity.
(1) Make sure you are running the latest drivers:
(2) Disable U-APSD:
To do this, go to device manager, expand network adapters, find your wirless card and right click/properties, advanced tab, scroll down to U-APSD and select disabled, and OK and exit out.
(3) Set "ScanWhenAssociated" value in Registry to 0:
1. Open Registry Editor (Windows 8/8.1, right click where Start button was, click Run, type regedit. Windows 7, click Start, click Run, type regedit)
2. Head to 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System\ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Class \ {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} [Be sure to expand the 4d36e.... folder]
3. Inside will be a number of folders named 0000, 0001, 0002, etc. Look through all these folders until you get one that says Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 in the registry.
4. Once the device has been found, search for a value called ScanWhenAssociated.
5. If you see this value, set it to 0 on hexadecimal. If you don't see the value, click edit from the top, select new, and click DWORD (32-bit) value. Rename this value to ScanWhenAssociated (exactly as shown). Make sure this value is set to 0 on hexadecimal.
6. Restart the computer. This is important. The changes won't take effect unless you do.aethelbert, Dabeer, jaybee83 and 1 other person like this. -
Worth spending the extra $80 for Sager's 2 year warranty?
80 bucks aint a lot considering the overall price of the machine so extended warranties are always worth it if u ask me. just make sure u dont place ur order through sager directly but through one of their resellers!@vastly improved customer service
HTWingNut likes this. -
Agreed, I went with Xotics 2 year warranty for a little peace of mind.
extended Mods section in OP with HTWingnut´s proposed Intel 7260 Wifi connection fix
I've had my fair share of problems with my P651SG so far, but they haven't been due to bad performance or hardware. Hopefully I've got things sorted now, but in any case, here are some thoughts of mine
First off, I am very happy with the cooling on the SG. Playing Far Cry 3 on Very High for extended periods, my GPU never goes over 63C, while the CPU cores never get past 70. I didn't notice any major difference in temps playing on ultra with everything cranked up, but I was getting too many drops below 60fps for my tasteMakes sense though, NotebookCheck's benchmark for FC3 at ultra with the 980M was 50/52 fps.
Noise levels are great too. The fans have NEVER been audible while browsing the web, watching a movie, or playing a simple indie game like the Binding of Isaac or Nuclear Throne. This is a MASSIVE improvement over my previous laptop, which could be pretty audible even when watching YouTube without headphones.
Even when the fans do come on while not gaming intensively, they only seem to do so in very brief spurts of 3 or 4 seconds, and not in an extremely noticeable way.
Thankfully, when the fans do really get going on this chassis, they aren't that loud. Don't expect any miracles of course, but noise levels are once again much, much better than what I'm used to. That's just my personal, non-scientific opinion, thoughflamy and Praedaedae like this. -
I bought the mx100 512gb because of the reliability of mlc nand chips. The 512gb variant is also faster than the 256gb version because of parallelism. And it only costs 180. After the failure of tlc chips in samsung ssds i would go for a mlc version.
From this chart, all form factors seem identical in performance... Is this the case? The 2.5inch is same price as the mSATA
Old data stored in the 840 tlc chips suffering from severe slowdowns in read performance down to 1mb. Samsung published a furmware update but it seems this is only a temporary fix. -
keep us updated on ur results rancid
also gonna add the recent notebookcheck review on the SG to the OP shortly -
Have been enjoying my XMG P505 Pro (970m, 1080p IPS) for about 3 weeks now. Still can't think of any real issues. It is a dream to use. I'm not really a fan of the trackpad being slightly aligned to the left as opposed to absolute centre, however that's the only slight thing I can think of. I recently opened up the laptop and installed an extra SSD and extra RAM, which was very easy to do. MySN recently also sent me a Far Cry 4 code for free. When you place an order now you actually get this for free. It's a shame the code doesn't work, you redeem it on Ubisoft as standard, you get the purchase invoice and everything, however when it comes to time to actually downloading the product, the download link is quite literally nowhere to be found.
Temps are never an issue, I've even not bothered to re-paste (with the ICD I bought). I do however run a -80mw undervolt at all times, which I'm not even convinced is necessary, but it seems to lower temps by around 3 or 4 degrees.
What I'm most pleased with is that my house is typically quite warm. The house is incapable of running the central heating at a normal temperature. It's either always too cold or too warm. Being winter, I opt for too warm as a lesser of the two evils. The laptop doesn't flinch at the higher ambient temps, runs like a champ, fans barely spin up, games run flawlessly. Seems to never be any thermal strain on the system in normal usage, including Battlefield 4 with 64 multi-player matches.
If I had my money back, and could consider my purchase again, I would honestly just buy this again. Everything else is flawed in some way. -
@diego-d you have to wait for it to automatically show up in your Uplay library. It takes a while but it will eventually pop up. It did for me.
Sent from my Nexus 5 -
looking into the SG as a future purchase...
can anyone confirm if the secondary HD slot is as accessible as the primary one AKA located at the bottom panel?
if it is, i can save the money and put a SSD in there myself...
but if it is located somewhere like beneath the keyboard then forget it -
theyre both located under the bottom panel so youre good to go
kevineezy likes this. -
*** Official Clevo P65xSA/SE/SG / Sager NP8650/51/52 Owner´s Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by jaybee83, Oct 13, 2014.