XTU. -180mv right now stable daily. You can use other stuff too but I tagged UV to explorer.exe in xtu and call it a day
For shortcut will give it a shot! The more you know~
Sent from my ZTE A2017U
I'm testing it the 6700HQ at -100mV and temps seem to have dropped significantly.
I thought XTU made changes to the bios so running at startup is not necessary. Is that not the case? -
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I ordered the P650RPG from Xotic PC and while I love the notebook I'm disappointed with Xotic PC. I've wasted a lot of time on the phone with their customer service and besides being extremely rude over the phone they don't honor their price match guarantee even on their own prices! I ordered the notebook and a week later before it shipped the price drop. Also emailing them is futile they honestly don't check their email as I've never gotten any replies.
Alright enough with the bad how about some good! Temperatures are kept completely in check running the 1060GTX at a 20% overclock peaking at 2Ghz! I was running Xcom 2 at max settings minus multisampling and it was averaging around 60fps. In the BF1 beta it was chewing up the ultra setting and spitting it out at 75 fps rarely dipping down to 60fps. Fan noise was loud and would annoy anyone sitting nearby but hey this is a thin and light gaming laptop it has to spin those fans fast to keep it cool. it's silent and idle and browsing but near 50db at load. CPU temps were 36c idle and around 70 load. Gpu temps were 41c idle and 76 load.
The laptop is thin enough and light enough to sling on my back for travel which I do a lot of. the case is strong but I dislike how much of a fingerprint magnet the back panel is. Mine came with the multi color keyboard which is sweet but the screen does have some backlight bleed on a blank screen which sadly sounds par for the course. Also as a side note the screen only overclocked to 63hz so no point in messing with that. The Sager bios that comes from Xotic PC has zero CPU option which is sad as some thermal performance gains can be had by undervolting the CPU a tad. I have some photo's I've taken but I'm not used to the controls on this forum can someone explain how to attach them?ace_bandage and Xileforce like this. -
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Xotic PC isn't very good. when i was looking for a laptop and checked out their site they keep having delays on different part and different systems. customer service wasn't very responsive either -
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Sent from my ZTE A2017U -
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Sent from my ZTE A2017U -
I have to do alchohol runs so gonna be delayed poking around
Xileforce likes this. -
So I got my Clevo P651RP-G today, 1060 with G-Sync (supposedly).
Overall I am quite happy with it, but there are a few problems.
The laptop is very loud under load and the Control Panel doesn't really help.
Overclock mode seems the most quiet, but it's still very loud. The GPU only gets 70 degrees and I wouldn't mind it staying around 80 for less noise, but I can't select this.
The custom mode allows for a fan ON after a certain temperature together with a maximum fan speed, the problem is the maximum fan speed is ALWAYS 80-100%, even if I set it to 60%.
I am on control panel ..73 and BIOS 2.18.1260. I tried checking for a new BIOS but I can't find it on the Clevo website (just drivers there) and the Control Panel also seems up to date.
The second problem I have is G-Sync. At home (I am abroad right now, that is why I bought this laptop) I have an Acer XB270HU 144Hz G-Sync monitor, and with G-Sync the FPS never goes above my refresh rate (it stays at 143-144 if the cap is hit, with G-Sync on).
On my Clevo with G-Sync on (both fullscreen and windowed checked, in Nvidia Control Panel) I noticed the FPS goes way above 60 and I still experience tearing. This is not how I am used to G-Sync, looks like it doesn't work at all?
So the G-Sync issue is pretty weird (it even says the screen is G-Sync capable in the drivers and the G-Sync tab is there) and the noise is annoying, but with headphones it's OK and I could still re-paste. But I hope there will be a BIOS/Control Center update for better fan control, any news on this?
The speed on this machine is very good though, can easily run BF1 on Ultra and the colours on the screen are good. -
Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk -
Most of the Nvidia control panel is also inaccessible when it is set to hybrid.Xileforce likes this. -
Xileforce likes this. -
I think because my desktop runs at 1440p 144Hz, something not a whole lot of games reach (even with a 980TI) I just notice it much less often (in games like CS:GO I cap the fps at 140 anyway to reduce possible input lag).
A 1060 at 1080p is bound to go over the cap, I can actually set most games to ultra and just not look at the detailed options, it runs well anyway (which is great).
Now with G-Sync ON, V-Sync ON and the FPS capped at 58 in Nvidia Inspector it works like a charm, no or not a lot of input lag and no tearing. -
Sounds like there's a significant difference in fan noise between the P650rp and P670rp models this gen.
A lot of people mentioning how loud their P650rp's are. So much so that I've ruled them out for my needs now. -
Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk -
Last edited: Sep 6, 2016
So external monitor is ONLY with dgpu?
I spend a lot of time hooked up to a 24" display at home and want to often use just the Intel gpu.
I can't believe this is not possible? -
Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk -
Thanks for the reply.
Guess gsync is priority now. Doh!
I've never used it.
Dgpu for games, Igpu for everything else.
Extends lifeyime of dgpu.
4 years is my upgrade cycle. Ha
Plus, Quick Sync with Igpu for some video editing.
Wanting a 1070 and 17" sager, my p170em with 675m from Xotic getting long in the tooth.
Maybe I'll wait for Kaby Lake, bios fixes, and an Igpu diplay port ha -
Xileforce likes this.
Hey guys, i have a question some people with their 17 inch have an extra heat pipe connecting the gpu and the cpu, does the 15 inch also have the extra heat pipee? It would be great if anybody have a picture of it.
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though it's a holiday weekend so business doesn't start up until tomorrow again. I'm hoping for tomorrow.
Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk -
Is it a big help in terms of cooling with the extra heat pipe? -
ObsidianPC, a reseller, tested both the rs and rp6 and said that the CPU on the rs(with extra heat pipe) took a good bit longer to hit its max temps versus the rp6. So it seems to help.
I made a clip of an xcom 2 mission play thru to give anyone interested in the thermal/frequencies/fps behavior during a real world gameplay session. I'm sorry about the overlay being hard to read at times I should have moved it to a different corner.
Xileforce likes this. -
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ace_bandage likes this.
. I believe it only needs a small 50mv overclock to be on par with the desktop versions clock speed. Keep in mind though the laptop version actually has more cores, so assuming it could maintain that speed it theoretically would be faster.
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I have tried some undervolting now to see how that works out. I have tested 100, 120 and 150. The 6700HQ undervolts like a champNo throttling. Emissions is down aswell. When cpu passes 70C it seems fan-noise increase, but with 150 undervolt it never reaches 70C
XTU-stresstest, max temp on core package:
regular voltage offset: 64C
-100: 60C
-120: 58C
-150: 56C
Fallout 4 2 hours non stop playing:
regular: 73C
-100: 70C
-150: 67C
I have not tried anything below -150, but will tonightI had a i5 4210m in my last laptop and max stable undervolt there was 80. I see that standard voltage on 6700HQ is 1.100-1.200, drops down to very consistent 0,980 with -150. My 4210m had 0.950 as regular, 870 with undervolt. It only got 2-3C colder.
Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk -
I will try later when I get back from work Xileforce
I`ve read that there can be som individual differences between CPUs as to what level you can undervolt them. I see that som get up to -185 in undervolt, which must mean their CPU is of superb quality. I will try that aswell, even though I`m quite satisfied with -150
Have any of you any experience if the XTU-stresstest is enough to test stability? I hate to lose my progress in Fallout 4 when playing
Not to good at quicksaving I guess.
My P651 with 6700hq gets quite noisy so I would like to take a look at undervolting.
*** Official Clevo P65xRS(-G), P65xRP6(-G) / Sager NP8153(-S), NP8152(-S) Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by HardCore88, Aug 18, 2016.