Exactly as Meaker said. Clevo finally implemented real MXM with the SM-A models. Older ones wouldn't even POST with a GPU the BIOS wasn't coded to support. It just says unknown because BIOS isn't programmed for it. Well it wasn't. Since Clevo refreshed the SM-A machines, they updated the BIOS to actually show the card but when Sager installed the 980Ms, they didn't update the BIOS and it showed "unknown" in the BIOS until the last update which Sager put on my machine before they sent it back after my last RMA.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
That string of text in the bios is simply a lookup table now for the IDs, it bears no impact on the code running.
Gotcha. I'll go ahead and get my machine upgraded then.
Thanks everyone! -
i_pk_pjers_i Even the ppl who never frown eventually break down
I offer no guarantees but according to Prema Clevo finally implemented real support for MXM in the SM-A machines. As long as the system gets a response from the temperature sensor, it should work based on what we know right now. I should note that this is with Nvidia. AMD may be a different story.TomJGX, i_pk_pjers_i and joluke like this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
At the end of the day dual 980Ms are very fun to play with, even without tweaking it's a lot of performance.
hmscott, i_pk_pjers_i and TomJGX like this. -
Hey guys. I've owned my laptop for over a year now. I read somewhere in these forums that latest drivers were causing the video cards to stay locked at 1086 while in desktop. I always had nvidia control panel set to prefer max performance so mine were always 1086 anyway. 980m's. I changed it to adaptive today out of curiosity but nothing changed until I rebooted. Now they sit at like 135 while in desktop wich is nice because the temps on both cards stay about 33-34 instead of 50-54. I know when I start a game they go back up to regular 1086 or 1126 depending on demand. So seams to work just fine like that and overall system temperature is down while my laptop is just sitting around doing nothing.
My question is does the cpu do the same thing if I select power saver mode instead of high performance. Reason I ask is if I use power saver mode my cpu clock sits around 860 . If I have it set to max performance the cpu is running 2.8 to 3.8 .
Will my cpu function the same in games if I have it set to powers aver mode or will I be missing out on performance by doing so.
I'm not overclocking my cpu and I don't care about high performance in desktop.
Or should I change everything to prefer max performance when I start a game and then put it back when I'm done. Seams lie a Hassel to have to do it that way but if that's what I have to do .? -
i_pk_pjers_i Even the ppl who never frown eventually break down
Hey guys , can we get a 4K screen for this laptop ?
Last edited: Nov 29, 2015 -
When sitting at desktop and in balanced mode cpu cores are all at 798.2 unless I run an aplication or game or something.
But when I switch to high performance while just sitting at desktop all 4 cores of cpu hover around 3.6 to 3.8 ghrz and stay there .
At least I know my cpu is performing as advertized.Last edited: Nov 29, 2015 -
i_pk_pjers_i Even the ppl who never frown eventually break down
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Hmm interesting. I have a Clevo 6990m lying around. I know the computer posts with it (I was surprised it did), but I'm not sure if it output to the internal display because at the time my screen edid was corrupted courtesy of Precision X. Anyone know if the 6990m's support edip?
dellienware owner Notebook Evangelist
Can this ram be used in my p377sm-a F3-1600C9D-8GRSL ?
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Hey I'm having issues with my RAID volume and I'm not sure whether it is a issue with this laptop or if it is something I'm doing wrong so I created a thread about it:
Any input would be greatly appreciated. -
Can anyone tell me if this is a p370sm3 or a p370sma? Or just a p370sm?
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I believe that is an sm. The chipset revision in cpu-z is a good tell too.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
It may be a simple boot setting issue
see if you can get in the bios and make sure raid/ahci is set correctly for your system and the OS disk is the primary boot device.
Doesn't get that far, you press power and flashing square top left hand corner, no prema screen, just a load of fan noise
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Here is a totally off the cuff question, is the RAID controller hardware or software?
If I disable raid it boots as normal and seems to perform as normal,
If I enable raid the post screen hangs 50 percent of the time, boots 50% of the time
Doesn't matter what hard drive
So the only thing I can think of is something has funked with the RAID controller
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalkhmscott likes this. -
You need to have a version of Intel Rapid Storage Technology software installed in Windows, on Windows 8.1 I am using
You can find a version for all Windows installs here, (latest):
You want to use the SetupRST.exe on Windows, and when installing Windows you can put this on a USB Flash drive for installation, if you need it for Windows to find the RAID volume: f6flpy-x64.zip
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalkhmscott likes this. -
I think it's the EC in all honesty,
If it works without then so be it I think
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalki_pk_pjers_i and hmscott like this. -
Ever had your machine lose power while gaming?
I got my NP-9377-S / P377SM-A back in February. I have it plugged in as a desktop replacement about 98% of the time. Every now and then I forget to plug it in, and then I get the battery warning and hook it back up.
The other day, I fired up KF2, and got about 20 minutes into a game before the machine instantly shut off. It wasn't like going to sleep, or even turning off, more like an instant power loss that you would get unplugging a desktop. I have my power settings configured to warn at about 30% and sleep at 15%. When the computer came back up, the battery was at 50%.
Just to be clear, I was gaming on battery. However, I was still at enough battery to stay up for a bit, and I should have gotten a warning at least a few minutes before the machine went to sleep. In fact, I've been gaming like this before, and the machine would in fact warn me, then go to sleep within a few minutes if I persisted. It's never just died with 50% battery.
I have an SSD or HDD in each bay, plus 2x 980M, and the "low end" 4710MQ.
Think I just drew a big spike of power from the battery?Last edited: Dec 10, 2015 -
Mine is completely random, it can be fine for an hour or longer no issue then randomly boom its off, can happen after a couple of minutes sometime
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk -
Apologies; just to be clear, I was gaming with no PSU attached because I derped. I still would expect it to warn me and not die with 50% battery. The battery still shows the 3-4% wear it's had since I got it. I always drain the battery once, then let it charge all the way up, when I get a new notebook.
i_pk_pjers_i Even the ppl who never frown eventually break down
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I would advise making sure sli is off if gaming on battery as yes the cards could spike WAY beyond what it can deliver.
i_pk_pjers_i, 1o5fzi and TomJGX like this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
If you want a bit more out of battery performance you can tweak the lower states using nvidia inspector and modify clocks there, it's more efficient doing that and disabling SLI.
joluke likes this. -
Hi guys
I am the happy owner of a P375SM-A. I am running SLI but have the understanding that unless you are into OC the single 330W psu is sufficient.
However, just for "fun" I have been thinking of testing if dual psu's would make a difference.
As I'm no millionare I'm not considering buying another psu...but instead using the 300W psu from my trusty old X7200.
- I assume combining a 330W and a 300W psu should be OK = there is no risk of somehow frying my P375SM-A right?
- Does anyone know where to buy the dual psu adapter in Europe?
Cheers! -
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
Hi, I got the dual PSU and adapter as a freebie from Eurocom when I purchased my X8. I thought I'd give it a try and OC'd both the CPU and GPU's but found temp became an issue before the current draw exceeded the single PSU. I did re-paste (Gelid Extreme) but I think a step-up to liquid metal is needed for me.
I got one of those cheap in-line watt meter and I never saw over 310W. I left it on for a week and did see a peak recorded twice of ~360w but I have no idea what was going on when that happened.
I also noted that only one PSU gets warm so I think the adapter may be more than just a parallel connector? I can't imagine any variation in max current draw is going to cause any damage. Can't help with a EU location though...
HTH. -
dellienware owner Notebook Evangelist
What software should use to make a disk image of my raid 0, going to be swapping out both ssd.
i_pk_pjers_i Even the ppl who never frown eventually break down
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
joluke, dellienware owner and TomJGX like this. -
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Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
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Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
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Meaker@Sager Company Representative
most likes this. -
dellienware owner Notebook Evangelist
Hey guys .
I have the Intel wireless ac7260 wifi card in my laptop. I was looking to update driver for this. Currently installed is from 12/5/2013.
I went to sagar support website and it says from may 2014. This driver is marked in red .? Why are most drivers for my model are in white and there are about 3 in red .? I know there's a newer version of this driver on intell website. Should I install the latest one from sagar website for my model or latest from Intel website or just leave it alone and don't update.what driver are you guys using who have this card.?
Reason I ask is because my download speeds are constantly going up and down like a rollercoaster and never just constant.
Thought I would try different driver and see if acts any different. Read were people were having problems like this when cards were new but intell released newer drivers to fix. -
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
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*** Official Clevo P37xSM-A/Sager NP9377 owner's lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Ethrem, May 22, 2014.