It's not even out yet, why are people going ballistic over a beta OS?
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
Anyhoo, better to just keep quiet as far as NV is concerned. Back in the day when MS introduced protected mode access with Vista all the GPU OEM's were having TDR nightmares. It was almost a year before an NV employee said that MS had made a major change to the HAL between beta and RTM which caused the timing problems. MS responded that if driver authors stuck to published API calls then the changes would have had no effect. Rock and a hard place.
Driver writers for GPU's are always looking for a quicker way through the windows interrupt table since direct hardware access was denied after XP. It all adds up to FPS if they can find a 'cheat' and speed up the interface between the game and the hardware (windows).
They (MS and NV/AMD) did try to come up with a specific re-code but all it did was introduce the 'driver stopped responding' error and not a blue screen. Sometimes no error at all, the game just hangs for a few seconds on a blank screen while a 'partial reset' occurs. But windows is fine and carries on! For the prop heads:
This is one reason they are asking people to downclock, to find the trigger, and benchmarks are getting worse as they try to stabilize the code. Fingers crossed they meet the deadline but expect maxwell to be the first to work well... -
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
Today started well with the monitor turning up at 8am this morning. Then the cable and a couple of other ebay items - Saturday delivery? Whatever. From there it goes downhill. Monitor is DOA. Nothing on-screen when powered up, just the led and it looks like the backlight. Argggg. Laptop locks up with a blank screen if I attach it and needs a hard shutdown after that.
Oh well guess I'm now about to find out about eBuyer returns, sad. Gotta call them on Monday...
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
Robbo99999 and Hookerlips like this. -
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
(Freebie coupon, thanks, I'll check my e-mail! Thanks Micky, sent you an e-mail.) -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I had an issue with them when the courier had not bothered to move my parcel over night with no reason as to why.
I recently discovered I somehow managed to kill one of my GeForce 870m's in my NP9377-S SLI laptop. How difficult is it to replace the dead gpu? Is it soldered to the mb, or simply a matter of getting the old one out/dropping new on in?
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Have you looked at some pictures of the internals? You unscrew the heatsink, disconnect the SLI cable, replace with a sager/clevo card, put some fresh paste on, connect the SLI cable and screw down the heatsink again.
Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
If you have built desktops you should be comfortable replacing the GPU in this model. It is not soldered in.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
If it's just a straight swap and you have worked in computers before then yes.
Ya just look in ur laptops handbook Manuel it show how everything is put together so that would make it easier for u good luck
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk -
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
And steam pull batman :
My new swift arrived doa and they are messing me around returning it so Im not tinkering with my lappy at all until this bad luck gremlin moves on...Robbo99999 likes this. -
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
Ethrem likes this. -
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
Refunds is awesome for slapping the devs, I hope many take advantage of it, I'm already hooked so I will perservere! -
I have zero faith in AAA games these days. Batman was a joke. WatchDogs... pfft don't get me started. BF4 was a true mess and that was DICE ffs
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Why would you need to have faith? Wait until it comes out and then buy it based off the reviews. It's a digital good and can't run out of stock so pre-ordering is never a good idea.
What is the best thermal paste to buy to apply to cpu + dual gpu's?
Last edited: Jun 26, 2015 -
Those of you who have bought Arkham and are ticked, use Inspector, delete the profile for Arkham Knight, open up the UE3 profile and attach the AK EXE to it... It basically doubles performance even though it's still single card... Thank @Mr. Fox for the finding. It has no glitches... But only uses one card...Mr. Fox, Robbo99999, MickyD1234 and 1 other person like this. -
connoisseuroftech Notebook Enthusiast
Hello everyone,
I've been enjoying Witcher 3 with max settings (minus hairworks of course).
I went ahead and bought a Zalman NC-2000-B laptop cooler (aluminum, not plastic), and it seems to be helping drop temps by roughly and additional 5 degrees Celsius (whether or not internal fans are on automatic or max)
Here's a breakdown of temps while not gaming ...I will test again while playing Witcher 3 (and I have no explanation for the GPU temps as they seem to do their own thing at times)
-with internal max fans and zalman cooler max
GPU’s at 27C,30C
CPU at 40C-42C
SSD’s at 29C,28C (830’s) and 38C,40C (840’s)
-with automatic internal fans and zalman cooler max
GPU’s at 32C,40C
CPU at 50C-58C
SSD’s at 28C,28C (830’s) and 39C,43C (840’s)
-with automatic internal fans and zalman cooler off
GPU’s at 33C,33C
CPU at 54C-60C
SSD’s at 29C,29C (830’s) and 47C,41C (840’s)
I also wanted to know if anyone knows what the price is for two 980's....will I get a good deal going direct to Sager? Is there any talk of an even newer card than the 980's that will work with an np9377-s (if so I would just wait for that). I'm happy with the two 880's for now ...ignorance is bliss for now because I haven't been spoiled with the performance or fps of dual 980's. Does anyone know if the 980's run hotter than the 880's? I've seen my 880's temps hit around 86C at times (with a repaste), and that's even with it being inside, air conditioned environment. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The 980 runs cooler and each card is rougly equivalent to your two. Talk to your reseller about potentially getting cards but a few of us do sell them by themselves or with heatsinks.
It depends where you are... And I can't say 980Ms run slower if you have 880Ms that slow unless you have them frame rate limited... Because 82C was the average with max fans and no pad with those cards. I have 980Ms that are not normal... They run the same temp with max fans and stock vbios... Add in the mod and you get up to I lock mine to 87C... Which is still about 10C hotter than average.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I would maybe look at your heatsinks Ethrem.
connoisseuroftech Notebook Enthusiast
well.....thanks for the input....I guess I'll start saving for some 980's unless a new card comes out that would still work with this rig.....
I know that xotic pc offers a "copper cooling upgrade" for sagers....does anyone have any pics of what the stock versus the upgrade looks like? does it actually decrease temps/transfer heat better? -
From what I have heard the copper upgrade is more of a gemick and can actually cause higher temps because it could possibly interrupt the airflow for cooling
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Sorry to hear about your ROG problems. Just started to wonder if the problem is the cable. You said you bought an extra long one. I had a 3m minidp to dp cable and didn't get a picture out to my dell from my 370sm-a. When I made a custom resolution with lower refresh rate presto!
Changed the cable to 1m and no more problems. -
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
Ebuyer did mess me around and wanted £10.00 for a collection fee. A quick tweet fixed that and it was finally collected last Friday. I ordered another one from Amazon that is due to arrive today - wish me luck. - this could be embarrasing -
Ok. Sounds like DOA and not a cabling issue.. let's hope the new one works!
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yes in the UK you can't be expected to pay for DOA legally anyway.
Wonder why we don't have this law in the USA I think we should
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MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
Seriously though, I lived in the US for 10 years and could never understand why you put up with 90 day warranties on a lot of stuff? If a company cannot guarantee one year of trouble free use it shouldn't be sold!
EDIT: And you do have 'lemon laws' in a lot of states and they are quite powerful. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I suggest since its not law you are picky about who you do business with and stick with those who look after you.
Ethrem likes this. -
connoisseuroftech Notebook Enthusiast
Hello again everyone.
Meaker, can you PM me about where or who and prices to get some 980's?
I am still testing out that aluminum zalman laptop cooler. Looks like I can maybe mod it to accommodate two more fans for a total of four.....more airflow
I know I can buy parts from xotic or direct from sager, but are there any higher rpm fans available that fit the 9377? anything that you can buy at fry's electronics for example? -
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
connoisseuroftech Notebook Enthusiast
Hi Robbo99999,
I plan to run them parallel, I am assuming the 3.0 USB will be enough to drive the wattage, they are small fans anyway....guess I'll find out. -
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
5W for USB 3.0 I think.Last edited: Jul 2, 2015 -
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
Hi guys, just an update on my monitor saga.
Looks like my DP port is screwed. Tried two cables and finally (why didn't I try this before? Doh!!) connected it to the AW. No problem.
Now I get to find out about Eurocom support. Just put a call in...Hookerlips and Robbo99999 like this. -
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
Can anyone with an Azus Swift monitor help? I can't select above 120hz, either from the windows settings or the hotkey on the monitor. It is installed and recognized as my primary display.
After the last fiasco I'm hoping, I have done or missed something -
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
You only know the half of it! Turns out the 3m cable is also faulty. I used the cable that came with the unit and a converter today and it still locked the X8 but worked on the AW??? Using that 3m cable on the AW nothing happens at all.
I even tried to create a custom res at 144. It passes the test and asks if I want to save but never appears in the list. All the available resolutions only have a bunch up to 120hz in the dropdown.
The monitor has a button for fast switch but only goes between 120hz and 60hz. If this monitor is stuffed I will... dunno
And it came with a euro plug, luckily I had a converter for that as well!!! -
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
Yeah the cable that came with the monitor with a converter to mini DP works fine on the AW (apart from no 144 hz). No more options. Just to add confusion I have a mini-DP to HDMI converter and that works fine on both machines to my TV
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Try removing it and plugging it in, also disable any other panels, I noticed the 144hz option going too. Also make sure 3d is disabled.
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
I set it as my primary monitor with the internal panel off and tried the plug/unplug thing - no luck. I read that 144hz is only supported in 2D but it refuses to select it on the desktop and 3D IS disabled, it wanted that for G-Sync.
I've tried G-sync/V-sync/no sync, all work as I expect BUT it's the 120hz option that triggers the random flashing, usually 3 times in quick succession. It's more like an NV driver issue but the internal 120hz panel is fine and I did try some different drivers up to the latest hotfix - which mentions g-sync issues being fixed.
60hz g-sync is perfect, sometimes I can quick switch to 120hz using the hot-key on the panel, other times it just shows me 60hz and will not change.
I think I'm going to give up. The logistics of using a panel are not really good for me anyway and since I can't get it to work at all on my X8 (but the mini-dp to HDMI works fine?), it's time to cut my losses and accept I'm not going to get to play games in NV3D.
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
*** Official Clevo P37xSM-A/Sager NP9377 owner's lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Ethrem, May 22, 2014.