Just sent you a reply. I'll save the call for when I have more information from Sager, but if you can sneak off a few emails feel free to send any other questions.
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Must say , sounds like xotic has some very friendly costumer service,every forum some1 there to help ... Wish all re-sellers have same attitude...
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Welp no e-mail, so I'm assuming no good news?
If not, is there a curse-out-Sager e-mail address I can have? Please? -
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Haha, I was a few seconds too late to stop this post by calling you before hand. We should have you all taken care of now.
Oh no. You weren't too late. I wouldn't mind that e-mail address if there is one
They could have thrown in their $50 winter promotion or something. Sheriously -.-
Anywho, thanks for helping me get this squared away.
Now I've just got to figure out where to get this mSATA drive from. My usual suspects seem to be out of stock for some peculiar reason. -
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
I have a 120hz monitor. Can I use it using hdmi to dvi-d adapter? Thanks!
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
You are much better using the display port and an active adapter, people have had trouble using the HDMI.
Thank you!
anyone in here upgrade to a 9370 from a 9150? I'm curious about the weight since I take the train to my GF's & then walk for 30mins or less to get to her place. I could also take Metro but there will be days I would just want to take a stroll. I've a bad back that flares up here & there so I'm curious about the weight. I know the weight difference but just curious to hear from someone who had both & commuted with each of them.
Havn't heard from ya today Derek, so I assume everything is going well.
Hopefully this time tomorrow I'll be sending a message from my new laptop! -
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Good morning,
I'm having some trouble and I hope you can help me!
I already sent an email to clevo and an other one to the re-seller. However i'm sharing you this to see if i find something faster.
My P370EM froze a couple of times (when I was using graphics driver from Clevo website) while I was playing League of legends and also when playing Planet Side 2. After that I updated the driver for the one that appears in AMD website (NOT the beta ones!). So at the moment i have not the 13.1 but the 12.1.
Yesterday I was watching a video from the internet in Chrome and the computer froze again. Please see picture bellow:
I didn't even try to open the laptop to see if everything is/was well mounted or of something is wrong.
I'm also sending you the windows events that occurred before and after the crash.
View attachment portatil gelado 23-47_48.zip
I hope you can help me identify the issue.
The sooner i get this sorted out, the better, because i bought the computer here in Portugal, and in exactly one week I'll be moving to United Kingdom to live and work there. And i'm not sure I can use the 2 years support/warranty there :S
oh! and other thing is:
Warning 17-01-2013 18:13:29 Kernel-Processor-Power 37 (7)
This error always appears 8 times in a row. and the CPU has 8 cores i guess.(or maybe it's # of Threads)
Any idea of what this can be? or what can be causing it?
Well, thank you for your time. Any information/tip will be helpful. -
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Alright, it has arrived!... end report.
Yeah... sort of forgot to put the driver on my USB drive for the hard drive, hence, can't install windows at the moment, haha (before anyone panics, this was caused by me using my own custom Win 7 install in which I more or less remove every driver I don't need). Gotta go take care of something at the moment, but I'll sure be getting her up and running when I get back.
Fun fact though... did you know Silly Putty apparently makes a great thermal compound? Because that's precisely what the thermal compound MUST be made of, haha.
Edit: Alright, back home and getting my temporary windows install up. Probably be tomorrow before I seriously get to play with the thing (as if I'm going to sleep tonight or something). I hadn't considered that I have 3 hard drives of data to dig through to migrate to my 1 TB storage drive before then formatting my primary drive so I can install Windows to it, lol.
Won't take me long to sort through what's on the drive I've been using most recently, but my older drives I havn't had access to in nearly a year, so that'll take a while =/
Edit 2: Ok seriously I'm gonna actually get this thing up and running now, but I just had to stop and take a break to share that the Killer Wireless N 1202 is legit. Confirmed to be wiping 30 ms of of my average ping. And I can easily test it seeing as both laptops are pretty much in the same spot at the moment. Mmmk... see yall with a small update in a few hours. (Also apparently I'm still decent at pasting... after getting rid of the silly putty, I'm seeing around 37-39C ^_^) -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
What paste are you using?
Usually stock thermal paste is there to get consistent results across all the machines they make. -
I have stock paste and i was getting no higher than 60C on the gpu and 58 on the cpu. I'm wondering how much a difference an name brand thermal paste would make.
Using IC Diamond btw. Though I'm sure part of it has to do with the abnormally frosty temperature I keep my house (it doesn't go above 70 degrees F in here) -
Recently purchased a clevo p370em from pro-star. Arrived yesterday and I ran into issues with crossfire.
With crossfire enabled and 1 monitor used (laptop/external) I get terrible flickering/tearing in any game.
I tried newer ati drivers, fresh installation of windows 7 with the drivers provided on the clevo disc, even tried the clevo drivers from their site. All had the same issues.
I almost gave up then I tested with two monitors connected and all the issues with crossfire disappeared. This is very strange so I investigated further. Loading up GPU shark I noticed a difference between the two gpus and their voltages:
GPU 1 - VDDC 1.000V
GPU 2 - VDDC 1.050V
Reading around online I noticed many users reported their default voltages for both GPU's as 1.050. Could this be the issue that is causing the troubles when using crossfire with a single display enabled? If so is there a way to patch the vbios to fix this issue or would it require a bios update as isnt the vbios stored in the clevo bios? Anyone experienced similar issues with their crossfire setup? Does your GPU shark report different values for gpu voltages?
Really dont want to send this in to prostar if I dont need to. Everything else is fine on the laptop and gpu/cpu temps are within norms. -
pathfindercod Notebook Virtuoso
As my laptop makes its way across the country and be on my arms Tuesday. I have a question. Not sure what chipset it uses but, does the chipset support trim when running raid 0 for SSD?
Anybody got the OLD version of the Fingerprint Driver? Apparently the one that came on my disc ain't working apparently. ...Or I'm an idiot and just don't know what I'm doing, but barring that...
It says its working under device properties, but Windows can't find it, and the software apparently can't either.
Alright, found an old driver, still didn't work. If somebody has a working fingerprint reader, please explain, in detail, what you did to get it to work. Currently:
My PC recognizes the existence of the reader. I know this because if I uninstall the device and restart, the computer will reinstall it automatically.
Windows doesn't seem to know it's there. Under Hardware & Sound -> Biometric Devices, it states that there are no fingerprint readers available. How it recognizes the reader to install it but then tells me it doesn't exist is just beyond me at the moment. I'm sure I'm overlooking some minute detail, but for now I'd like to stop config tampering and enjoy the machine long enough to gush about it in a week or so with a mini-review
I've spent 2 hours trying to figure it out and frankly have made no progress >_< -
Been reading these forums from afar for quite some time now & figured it was time to join & stop being anti-social
Just powered through all 88 pages here, and want to thank all of you for the incredible info & insight. I've got the Sager NP9370 configured & sitting in my xoticpc cart... but even after weeks of reading/flip-flopping... I still can't decide between this and the m18x i have configured in my dell cart
My comp just finally bit the dust, and Im in the middle of a major project... so i need to pull the trigger on something by tomorrow or monday & probably have to order a rush job. I know everything's probably already been covered in the last 88 pagesBut if anyone has anything else to help tip me one way or the other, I'd love to hear it.
Cheers, & can't wait to get more involved here. -
sager. well they dont look like alien ships and you get more for your money imo..I think they look a lot better, more to customize..and dont glow like the neon clothes of the 80s -
The 9370 looks like a stealth fighter. Nothing could be better... but I enjoy things that have that "more than what they seem" sort of thing going for them.
Ello all!
I recently picked up a np9370 to replace my old M17x R2.
However I seem to be having a few issues with my 7970m's.
AMD Radeon HD 7970M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-3630QM Processor,CLEVO P370EM score: P9960 3DMarks
Those are my scores when running 3dmark11, but in the graphics card section, I only seem to be getting 3gb. other np9370/p370em owners seem to get the full 4gb on thier 3dmark11 runs @.@
Is it my hardware or did I fail to configure my software properly? I'm using the amd catalyst 13.1 official drivers. -
I have an old 500g drive that i used for a linux computer but wanted to switch it over into this one. When i put the drive in and boot it up it comes up saying "preparing automatic repair" than it just sits there and doesnt do anything. any way i can format it another way so that it skips this phase or any way i can bypass this phase of the start up?
I wait for new Asus ROG series and see what graphics they will offer.If no 680 available I will get 370 with single 680
I'm wondering if I may have removed some critical element of Windows needed for it to initialize the reader properly at this point... That's always a potential downside of custom installs.
But I thought about it last night, and barring a hardware failure of the strangest kind, if Windows CLEARLY knows that the reader is there but then says that it isn't, more than likely something (probably a service actually) isn't running to link the fingerprint reader with Windows at a lower level.
Edit: ... Well, at least I figured out the problem. But good grief I'm an idiot. Services man... Services. -
with single gpu,can I unplug second gpu fan?
cpu fan is enought to cool it down? -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The third fan helps cool the cpu (meaning it's fan does not have to spin so fast) and the EC might get unhappy if it detects no fan connected.
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Don't worry as a user it's hard to break any rules by asking, it's the resellers who are not allowed to advertise, only answer direct questions about their products if asked. As above, PM or email if you want to go in depth and it never hurts to double check then on the forums if you are at all unsure.
pathfindercod Notebook Virtuoso
Well UPS said Tuesday on Friday when I tracked it. Well door bell rang. Surprise, it showed up a day early!
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
pathfindercod Notebook Virtuoso
Thank you, Josh was a big help. It's still sitting on the table in the box. Charging my camera battery and doing a few honey do's.
I don’t even… I really don’t know what to say about this thing.
I mean I like it, don’t get me wrong… But why put so much powah in it!? It’s too fast! Too guud! It doesn’t give me any time to think! Every time I tell it to do something, it does it before I’m done doing something else like I’m used to. Blasphemy! I miss my hourglass and waiting circles
On a less serious note, I’m loving this thing. Finally done getting everything set up and I’ve had time to play around with it.
First and foremost, the i7-3840QM is something to behold. I’m not sure what I’m going to have to do to get this thing to even reach 50% utilization. So far, I can only make it hit about 30% with any sort of consistency. I can force it to max out on a benchmark, but that’s about it. Needless to say, the thing has the kind of headroom I like to have in my PCs.
As far as temps go, I’ve got to toot my own horn again about my IC Diamond pasting job. The thing idles from 35-40C (I’ve got multiple programs giving me multiple readings of LESS than 40C on ALL cores as I type this), and I havn’t seen it go above 55 for any extended length of time for any reason. Gotta recommend that stuff for this PC (YMMV on how it turns out if you don’t do it yourself). Besides that though, it speaks volumes of this thing’s cooling system (oh… and outside of benching, I havn’t heard this things full fan speed… and I’m not even positive I heard it then as it was nowhere near as loud and ferocious as I’m used to hearing). BRAVO, Clevo. Bravo. Cooling problems were one of the things that kept me from going high power in a laptop for a good while, as heat probably payed no small part in the demise of my original laptop. As for my 680M, it’s idling quite nicely around 32-34C. Didn’t break 83C even maxed out when benching. Speaking of the 680M…
It seems to me that, unless you’re going above and beyond and actually trying to, you can’t push the thing. I went and played Skyrim for a while with my settings maxed out and 3D on and I still wasn’t maximizing it. I mean, I’m looking forward to adding the 2nd 680M in the future, but it seems to me it’ll be one of those things I’ll do “just because.” Certainly seems borderline unnecessary lol. Hell… I sat with my eyes glued to my FPS in LoL for a 45 minute game and the thing didn’t even drop to 119, nor did the fans spin up -.-
I’ve also got to recommend the KILLER Wireless 1202. I bought it perfectly expecting it to be somewhat of a gimmick, but it ain’t. It’s literally knocking 10-20ms off of everything I’m familiar with having played on my other PC. It ain’t much, but it’s enough to be appreciated.
The screen is FANTASTIC, and I havn’t even calibrated it yet. I sat my other laptop beside it just to compare
To avoid making a long story even longer, I’ve been so amped about getting this PC for 4 reasons.
1. MY laptop broke nearly two years ago. I’ve been using different replacements ever since.
2. Every replacement since has been a downgrade from my own laptop. The first replacement had a larger screen, but that was literally the only upside. And the 2nd replacement (the one this laptop directly replaced) is almost 10 years old. Money wasn’t really an issue so much as I just had a relative lack of motivation to buy another laptop until I could find one that I REALLY wanted. By what I really wanted, I mean #3 and #4.
3. I hate being locked in place on my options. My lifestyle doesn’t permit owning a desktop, so to finally have a laptop that offers me FREEDOM as opposed to a laptop where I have to pull out my soldering iron to get anything done is a great thing for me. Even finding that for the most part was pointless though because laptops for the most part couldn’t give me the power I wanted to have. Up until recently, even the most powerful had sort of a “lid” on their potential that was just too low for me. I knew I’d just end up buying a new laptop year after year trying to find what I really wanted, so I just didn’t bother.
4. I wanted a computer that could keep up with me. What I mean by that is, I wanted a computer that would let me do stuff at the pace I want to do it instead of always having to wait for the PC to do something. I have –never- owned such a machine before now. One of my old high school computer tech teachers used to joke that I’d probably need to train my hands to use two different PCs simultaneously in order to have my pace kept up with. Effectively, that’s precisely what this laptop is. Though I dare to say, it’s probably more than two of the average PC
Effectively, this is the first laptop I’ve found that I don’t really have any gripe with. It has a design that lets it be “bipolar” like I need it to be. Disable the keyboard backlight and keep the power down a bit and it looks and sounds like a business-ready machine that any professional might be seen using on the go. But it’s all a façade. Turn out the lights, turn on the backlit keys, crank the volume, and unleash the power? Those three fans start spinning, it goes into overdrive, and it does it best to show you just what it’s hiding behind its otherwise cold, stealth fighter jet-like appearance.
And the best part is? I know that a year or two from now, I won’t be feeling like my laptop is a completely outdated piece of junk. I can overclock it, or upgrade it, or both, and I will have gained a significant chunk of performance. Wanna know what the better part is? I probably won't actually need to. That’s a comfort I havn’t had since I had to leave desktops behind. It’s a true desktop replacement laptop, and I fuppin love it. -
Nice write up about it. I have to say i feel the exact same way about my machine. Very powerful for the form factor. Only game i dont get a constant of over 60 fps is saints row the third but than the lowest it drops is 50 with ultra settings. With the 680m bassically being a desktop GTX 670 but underclocked by a little is amazing. This card can be overclocked by ~50% and beat the desktop 670 in most games that are out there. The big test is top see how well this card can handle crysis 3 on the highest settings and im guessing it will be playable. If i could change 1 thing about the computer it would be that i wish i got the 3d monitor instead how beautiful that would have looked.
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Also... it's definitely nice to have this thing now that I'm a college student again. The laptop that this is replacing can only hold a charge for 2 minutes before it dies -.-. Obviously, couldn't take that thing anywhere haha.
And get me your Paypal info! Owe ya a drink!
*** Official Clevo P370EM / Sager NP9370 Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by HTWingNut, Aug 28, 2012.