Pretty tricky cable to get to as well, it's on top of the board, but hidden by the top cover even when the keyboard is removed.
Support.2@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Which means it's not usually the source of many issues as it does not get knocked but over time it could work loose.
Support.2@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Yeah, my first suspicion is the board itself of everything on it is having problems.
Anyone that has a 4800MQ -
does anyone know how do I replace the bottom case on the p170sm-a?
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The panel or the entire casing?
The entire casing.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
It should be something your reseller could source.
Eurocom Support Company Representative
Good News! GTX 1060 and GTX 1070 standard MXM3 82x105mm are supported in P17xSM model. Here are some benchmarks:
Check with our Team for more details.geko95gek likes this. -
Does that mean it would fit into a P370SM as well? -
Eurocom Support Company Representative
Here is a list of models tested so far with our GTX 1070 MXM3 82x105mm card:
P370EM3 (with eDP panel)
P370SM3 (with eDP panel)
P377SMA (with eDP Panel)
P570WM3 (with eDP panel)
Complete listing is available on our website, or just contact Eurocom via email. -
Eurocom Support Company Representative
Here are some pics of GTX 1070 and modded VGA heatink in P177SM/SMA model.
Attached Files:
Hi, can anyone help me finding a guide to disassemble a P170sm? I think I need to replace the GPU's fan. It's dying looks like, made loud noise since the bearing isn't synced right, and sometimes it kicks in late, so when I start a game sometime the whole computer would shut down because the fan doesn't start and it overheats (sometime it starts fine xD)
Thanks! -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
It's just the bottom cover screws (nothing hidden) and you are straight in. You can even remove the fan without removing the heatsink.
really? Oh okay, cool thanks lol
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yep, super easy on purpose
Hello guys! I'm in a bit of a rush here, not going to lie and I really hope I don't sound rude to any of you at all, I'd hate to come across that way.
I'm meeting a guy on Monday to pick up a used Clevo P170SM(?) for 475€.
It comes with the following configuration:
Intel Core i7 4700MQ
AMD Radeon HD 8970M 4GB GDDR5
8GB DDR3 1600Mhz
17.3" Full HD
Soundblaster X-FI MB3
2MP webcam
RGB keyboard in my layout.
He said he takes really good care of it, cleans it himself and etc. Said to be selling it to get a MacBook for work.
I do find it to be a really good price, too good in fact (for this price I'm only able to find GTX 950M laptops with dual core i7s).
So I have a few questions:
Is there anything I need to make sure to check before I hand over the money? Any particular spectacular way this laptop fails that can be overlooked? He said its fine for me to test as I please.
Also, I've been browsing around because I was interested in keeping this laptop for a long time, I've heard about PREMA(?) BIOS? eDP and LVDS connections being present on the board?
How feasible is the whole GTX 10xx upgrade? RX 480 MXM not working on Clevos? Heard about eDP stuff, I got really confused.
Someone mentioned overclocking the i7 4720HQ?
I'll be forever thankful if anyone could give me a quick recap of this laptop, it doesn't even have to be written down, if I can get a link with this information I'm happy to look through it, I just really want to make sure I'm not missing anything and I have a lot of ground to cover in just two days, this is probably the only laptop I've felt super inclined to get, as I'm not a big fan of not being able to upgrade my hardware. (I tend to shy away from laptops).
Thank you! And apologies if I am being a bit of a nuisance. I'm really hoping I'm not being a bother. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
How did it go in the end? No the RX480 was a no go but the optimus with the IGP doing the display outs means that the 1060 cards were working IIRC.
Hi everyone,
I've got two questions really. First I'll start with the reason why I think that I may perhaps need to upgrade my BIOS.
I am trying to run some virtual machines in Virtualbox and they are all running up to the point at which I can select whether to boot into safe mode, or continue on into the OS itself. Once I've selected the option and press enter the virtual OS hangs and does nothing. My notebook's fine, Virtualbox itself is fine, just the virtual OS so nothing major. Now, I'm running a 64 bit install of Windows 8.1 here yet the Virtualbox only shows 32bit options available when selecting the type of OS to install.
So I'm thinking an upgrade to the BIOS will help and I'm looking at Prema's builds here. My BIOS is 1.00.01. So, my second question is. What is the difference between the 170SM and the P170SM-A? HWiNFO64 says that I have the 17SM mainboard.
So I know this isn't a Virtualbox support forum but if anyone has encountered this problem on this notebook then I'd appreciate some advice, otherwise just need to know what BIOS to install really. Thanks
I'm now pretty sure that my issue is with the virtual machine settings not being enabled in the BIOS. My current BIOS doesn't provide an option to turn it on or off.
Also, I now know that the -A suffix relates to the newer 900 series graphics card being used over the older 800 series cards. I have a GTX 760 g/card installed. Would I be able to install the P170SM-A EC V1.03.09 & BIOS V1.03.11 without issues?Last edited: Feb 5, 2018 -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
It's a motherboard hardware revision to fix a 2nd msata port issue. The original were sold as single msata port for this reason.
OK, so I installed the May 2014 EC V1.03.01 & BIOS V1.03.05 update and everything went very smoothly so Prema, if you're reading, thanks very much!
I was hoping there would be an option for hardware virtualisation in the BIOS but, there isn't.
I tried Virtualbox again, with a 32bit linux OS, and it's still not booting into the operating system. So I downloaded SecurABLE and am getting this notification
Can anyone shed any light on whether I can overcome this problem please?
Surely the P170SM is able to run virtual software without any problems?
I don't have UEFI enabled, could that be why? I don't use it as I don't know what the benefits are. -
OK sorted it out now I think...
The problem was Hyper-V was enabled. Once I'd disabled Hyper-V in "Windows Features" Virtualbox was able to operate as it should. Hyper-V was prohibiting Virtualbox from accessing the 64bit capabilities aswell as booting 32bit operating systems, and this is regardless of UEFI being disabled!
So, not a Clevo issue as such but it forced me into upgrading my BIOS which is no bad thing. -
Hi guys.
Can anybody share the unlocked bios for the pm170sm? -
Does anyone know where I could by a P170SM / P177SM barebone from Clevo, with an eDP port on the motherboard? -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The model is retired and has been for some time, you wont find it new.
Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Perhaps jumping ahead a little further in time is called for though
jclausius likes this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Paying 250 for a machine without warranty and years behind the tech/performance would sit worse with me
Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
yeah, Clevo stuff gets really expensive after a while, kind of hit and miss when you're looking for replacements. I remember seeing some GPUs going for crazy prices when there weren't many left. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I've managed to find a barely used P170SM sold for parts. It's missing some components, but now I have a chassis in excellent condition and most of the cabling, plus an 860M video card and 16GB of RAM. It all cost me 200 euro.
I managed to snatch a P177SM motherboard for 50 USD, which seems to be the latest revision 3.6. Can someone confirm that the last motherboard revision for the P17xSM was 3.6?
I still need:
- processor
- display
- keyboard
- AC adapter
- Battery
- GPU heatsink (I have the fan)
The rest I already have. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Display is easy, as is the processor, are you sure the motherboard is ok if it was being parted?
I'm in no rush. My M570TU is doing fine for all my needs. I consider this P170SM a hobby project. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Fair enough, that's not a bad price for some project work
Blacky likes this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
2nd Msata issue being fixed in -a iirc.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
That was the only change IIRC.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
You could in the EM with a limited number but I dont think so on the sm.
Blacky likes this. -
Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Blacky likes this. -
Support.3@XOTIC PC likes this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I think it's when they moved the windows key too but I can't remember for sure.
Hmm so i actually have a bunch of questions, I wonder if anyone would be able to help me? Granted this machine is pretty old now.... Not sure who to turn to for info.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Cant hurt putting it up here.
Dear forum readers,
My P170SM's CPU fan seems to have a hard time starting to spin sometimes, often starting noisily, and sometimes triggering those BIOS alarm beeps and possibly shutdown, hence I'm considering replacing it.
Accessing the fan seems to be super easy, hence I suppose there won't be any problems on that part. However, since I never had to replace a fan before, I'm worried about choosing the correct one, in particular getting the correct socket interface and voltages, and something that fits in. Are there specifications I could refer to ? Some place where I could get Clevo parts maybe ? Enlightening advices woud be welcome. -
Can't help you OP but I'll be watching and waiting as I'm sure mine will need replacing at some point. The fan's fine at the moment but it's constantly on the go. Still love this notebook, five or six years after buying it, as I dual boot between Win 8.1 and Manjaro. I'm using the Conky app which seems to cause the fan to spin mostly but I'm loathe to disable it as the info it provides is so useful. Sorry, couldn't help but give some P170SM love.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
*** Official Clevo P177SM-P170SM / Sager NP8290-8270 Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by HTWingNut, Jun 1, 2013.