I wish I had this beta bios me![]()
or other that allows overclocking too...![]()
you will they are on the way, be patient
thx -
unfortunately when i updated the bios it changed the hdd setting to ahci, and has deleted one of my hdd's off windowsi can see it under device drivers, but i cannot get it back.
any suggestions other than a complete reinstall of vista ? -
hell, i got close to that with the system from hellalthough to be fair it wasn't very stable.
so on reflection i will take the 15% oc bios now and then the advanced one later.
who do i talk to about these -
just found this pic of the new model m980nu
its here:
notice the different vents, keyboard, fingerprint reader etc seems to be teh same specs though.Attached Files:
well that option drake is for the people who dont want to muck about with the advanced settings to 15% is an easy oc for any system
so its a safe preset i would say -
yes, and clevo themselves
I don't know if anyone's tried, but with Vista SP1 (on SP2 it didn't install right for me but it may work, I can't test as I don't want my machine to be SP2) nVidia's overclocking software also allows for OCing of the processor. It also gives a good idea of the extra speed attained, so you all could try that and see?
um look at all my other posts
i got my fsb to 1200 and my cards clocked to 680/1080/1710 stable -
ok I have a few questions because I just got this thing and it's f'ing sweet, but anyway:
I don't have an OS so I d/led windows 7 7600 and it's awesome so far but the disk didn't like my os. I browsed it anyway and installed the drivers like that. Is this alright to do? Also, which driver is the one with the volume and touch buttons? I wasn't sure if it was touchpad because of all the synaptics stuff, unless they run the touch lights buttons too.
Secondly, I'm trying to get surround sound to work. I have a Klipsch GMX D 5.1 set and only one speaker works but I'm using a simple RCA cable. I have a piano that I plug it into and it only works with that same speaker. Once I plugged it into the Headphone jack, same thing. But the manual says that if you are doing 5.1, then you have to plug somthing into headphone, mic in, and line in. Do I really have to do this to make it or work or are my speakers just jacked? Weird thing is though, when I test it using the speaker volume module thing, all speakers run fine and correctly. Just not in the realtek audio thing.
edit: Just fixed this problem because my RCA cable is jacked up. Got a new one and works fine.
Also, I just played portal and when I move around fast with the mouse, straight lines like door edges look blocky. This isn't supposed to happen is it? I'm in sli mode too. -
>.> Surround sound does need 3 jacks, if you have proper surround sound speakers, you will have 3 jacks to use. I have surround sound speakers on the desktop in the house and I can ascertain to this. Your problem may simply be Windows 7. Why don't you see if you can get a nice healthy vista?
<---- always pushes vista over 7 and XP for reasons both factual and personal so forgive if "Vista" is said too often -
Game settings are the highest possible I can achieve without receiving gameplay-halting lag and always at 1920x1200 (or 1600x1200 if game is a little older and doesn't support the widescreen resolution), unless windowed mode is needed and then it is at 1650x1080.
I was thinking it may be my temperatures, but I can't be sure, Call of Duty makes the GPU hotter than fallout but fallout crashes more often etc. Mind telling me your max temps and if you have tried those games and bypassed any problems? I'd love to know ^^ -
nope when i say stable i mean i can play any game all day long at those settings
well i havent come across a game which crashes yet
simple as that -
Pman are you playing in 1920 x 1080 and all setting on as high as possible. AA? Also what have you played if you don't mind me asking. Just curious.
Oh yeah, what's the point of the the Intel WLAN driver when the wifi works out of the box? And what is the infrared for?
Also, my mp3's tend to skip sometimes. It's weird. Probably windows 7? It does it with VLC and Winamp.
I figured the thing out with my speakers too, but I'm curious about the SPDIF outlet thing. I have a coaxial SPDIF input on my speaker controller. Can I just get a coax cable (2 male ends) and hook it up to the port on the computer and speaker to get 5.1 sound? -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
D2 Ultima, on what do you base your diss of Windows 7?
Many, many people have been using it for months now and the reports are VERY positive.
As for it not being ready, it is already in RTM (Release to Manufacturer) phase which is also available to those who know where to find it, and that is the release version that will begin shipping on October 22nd. -
My base is on my personal use of it. Even though reports are positive, as in general use people just use and don't really care, but there are some issues with the OS and how many windows it generates for some programs, some window resize issues (influenced by the previous problem, my most common example is MSN messenger). I don't know if it updated this, but the last time I used about a week and a half ago, if you pin an item to the taskbar and click it, it won't open, but the three items already pinned to the taskbar are one-click open, and sometimes I double click them and open it twice, or I may single click what needs to be double clicked and wonder why it isn't opening.
The audio service turns on at OS boot and turns back off when loading up a profile, then turns back on again. Sometimes after turning off it won't turn back on, and if people don't know how to start the service manually, they'll require a restart. It has a problem where if it crashes due to power failure or something similar, it'll require a disk check. The check is necessary according to windows 7 and will be impossible to cancel, and cannot be stopped once started. If it finishes, it'll restart the computer and do the check again. Windows XP on the same machine only needed to scan the disk once. They used separate hard drives and at the time of the outage windows 7 was the INACTIVE OS, so there should have been no reason for this.
Personal opinion - the icons are just to freaking big. Vista and XP at the same resolutions do not make them look so big, and the icons are not set to the "larger" settings.
Fact - a good bit of software is still buggy with windows 7, and ones with lazy writers that take long to update will find themselves unable to use certain programs. I have not tested a huge amount, but two I have come across are punkbuster and gameguard. Punkbuster I cannot account for anymore, I no longer have the game that uses it for testing. Gameguard will work I've been told, but only after uninstalling the game that uses it and reinstalling it fresh, and also in that case it takes a long time to work. I did not bother removing/reinstalling the game that uses gameguard.
The new "libraries" folder has a lot of people who don't know how to look confused. I had to teach my sisters and father how to find the equivalent of Windows XP's "My Computer". They were also confused as to how to get to their "my documents" folder as well, a big mixup with the "libraries" thing.
The people who test windows 7 use it as a user above a certain cut so to speak. The average home user will be holding their head because they can't be bothered to look or attempt to pass any sort of learning curve with their computers. People also go by word of mouth, which is why most users still hate Vista even though for more than a year now it's been incredibly stable and easy to use. They still hear "driver problems" or "my old hardware won't work". Now they hear windows 7 rules they'll rush and get it, and may very well not like what they get.
It's in large part dependent on the user whether they like the OS or not, but as for advice i give to people, if you don't want headache, stick with what you've got. If you want to move from XP or need to buy a new computer, get vista. If you want 7 that badly, let it be out for a few months first and let it get its own stability. I've seen too many people also complaining about problems they get while using windows 7, this just furthers my point about it.
I'm not saying it's a bad OS even though I've given all those bad points about it, but I am saying it's simply not ready to hit the mass user populace yet. Also any hardware that will not work with vista will not work with 7, and even a few that *do* work with vista will not work with 7.
Also, I'll say that the only version I've tried was the RC version. I have no comments toward the Betas of win 7 as i've not used them, so unless you count the RTM version right now as hugely different, my comments are on the latest version out. If you do count it, then latest legally available version. -
I have maxed crysis out and with 2 x aa and still got 30 + fps average
my max cpu temp under full load clocked up was 76 degrees before it starts crashing
but at those settings its solid in whatever i play
cod4/5, re5, crysis, wow, grid, need for speed, far cry 2, section 8 for some of the games i play -
Unless you meant GPU instead of CPU... -
my cpu never breaks 66 regardless when its on my cooler
without cooler 73-75 -
d2 - i get that same error message when i try to oc my gpu's, and i'm in sli.
also i cannot touch aa at aall in any game it seems otherwise the system crashes
i've not tried any since i got my new cards though -
D2 Ultima - I hear yea about SLI and not having it on a 9280. SLI is more powerful for gaming of course and the 9280 is better for raw computing power. No doubts about that. I was just curious about the different games people may be playing and at what resolutions (native or other) and the settings being used.
As far as Win7 I haven't notice any issues like that but I specifically haven't messed with music stuff cause I'm not really into that so I wouldn't know but any videos or cut scenes I've played sound wonderful on the this machine so I'm happy so far with Win7. I skipped Vista so I don't have an opinion but I do support/have many desktop machines on XP and right now two different caliber laptops on Win7 which I like so far. -
I also used MX-2 for paste on the CPU rather than AS5. I had both at the house. I also had some stuff from HP that came with the CPU tunsig? something I hadn't really heard of so I decided to use MX-2 to see how it would work instead of AS5.
I was thinking my GPU temps are a bit higher low 80's sometimes mid 70's most of the time when running any GPU benchmarks so would it be a good move to remove them and apply either MX-2 or AS5 to the GPUs?
I would assume it's not difficult to do.
The CPU was so easy I can't say enough at how well thought out the layout is minus the memory being under the keyboard but I don't expect I'll be changing that anytime soon.
I also haven't put it on a the cooler yet either.
The average temps during surfing are in the mid 30's for the CPU and low 40's for the GPUs typically (sometimes high 30's depending on room temp). -
I don't have Crysis to try it never really played it. I guess I could probably do the demo or if they have a benchmark for it download that. -
D2 Ultima
One Win7 is a work laptop (RC 7100) other is newphew's NP9850 (RTM) once I release it to him..heh hehMaybe in a few months.
I do agree about the Win7 icons being either way too big or too small.
I also have noticed the pinning a few times.
Libraries - I don't really care too much about so I ignore it.
The documents folder does take a bit to get use to.
I used windows explorer a lot so that change with the libraries affected me a bit. I'm use to it now though after a few weeks.
The crashing I haven't seen yet in the various programs but mostly loaded MS stuff right now (on work laptop).
Haven't loaded any games yet on Win7 to know about punkbuster.
I do tend to agree normal users will have a rougher go of it if they are use to XP. If they have Vista and get a new machine with Win7 (after October 22nd) the learning curve is less but still could be an issue for some.
Us non normal users (that doesn't sound right) okay power tech savy users know how to find things or swap to a different computer to get the info needed and can find the answer quickly so it's easier to accept.
I can tell you I won't be switch over my XP desktops anytime soon. Too expensive right now to switch them all over. Have roughly 8 that would have to be done between the households.
Overall though I'm satisify with Win7 but just like life there's always things that can be improved and I expect Win7 will be no different. -
well tbh the raw grunt of this machine i dont run it overclocked for 90% of the time, im happy as is
But i did run alot of benchies etc overclocked to test for stability but atm i can run anything i throw at it maxed at 1920x1080 so why run overclocked? -
because you can ?
Yes We CAN !
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNphZdlabH4 -
But yeah in SF4, AA will not work unless it's C8x, the normal 2x 4x and 8x will crash my gpu badly, but anything C and over works great. But try your new drivers and see, you should be able to use AA no problems -
You can use HWMonitor to check.
My temps for cpu are usually in the late 60s-early 70s, but my GPU is something like late 70s - mid 80s when running cod and stuff -
Like I said before, Win 7 isn't really a bad OS, but there are bugs/glitches and/or simply built in features that just need to be fixed or tweaked. It's not ready to hit a few million users is what I mean. I'd say give it a few months running or at least to 2 months after SP1 (let the SP bugs be worked out) then change. -
i play games pretty much all of my time off, my system is stable at those settings
playing games, benchmarking, doing whatever, stable as a rock -
Unless I read it wrong? You said the raw power of the machine handles everything you throw at it anyway so why bother to raise the clocks? -
i dont run it overclocked but when i was testing the overclocks i didnt just sit there and run benchies i played games too
my god...
something so simple... -
My point is that I wanted to know your temps while overclocked to know if temps were what caused the crashing here for me, but you keep saying you run it factory clocked most of the time... All I said to ya was that benchies don't cause overloads as much as actual games and you told me how you play games almost all your time off. Which is what I do too. Actually I'm currently downloading UT3 patch 2.1 so I can resume gaming goodness.
God it looks so sweet!!!
*trails off thinking about the awesomeness that is UT3* -
The temps i have stated are as high as they have ever got under any circumstances and the clocks i stated on my system will not crash no matter what i do
yes but you kept saying "CPU" temps which was why i kept asking if you meant "GPU" instead of "CPU"
i have stated both in previous posts, in fact i have made hundreds of posts about the temps/overclocking of my machine
a little reading goes a long way... -
If you did indeed post such detailed information in a separate thread, you could always give me a link to it. If you have not and it is in here, I am not going to comb through more than 1000 posts for only your temps. Do *not*, however, tell me that a little reading goes a long way, when it seems you are not correctly reading what I say in the first place -
Lol looks like somethings kicking off
I may be alittle late asking this but where can I get the new bios drivers since there not on the clevo website. I find this very odd as it tells you details about the driver that isn't there. Does this bios do overclocking*Been without internet for a little while* -
No official OC bios yet..
some one got a beta bios that OC but I think the max was 15%. But he doesn't want to share it lol -
Re Bios, there is a new one out but it doesnt change much, we are still awaiting for the new one with the unlocked features
~.~ posts were deleted O.O
I should have expected that. Anyway does anyone here play Unreal Tournament 3? I tried it today but am experiencing something with the graphics I want to know if anyone else is getting the same problem.
When the match starts, it'll start in ultra-low-detail, then it'll update to low, then med, then high, then max. Each update and the process between match start and full graphics has extreme lag associated with it, however after said graphics are maxxed there isn't any lag at all. All my settings are maxxed out, post processing was at default and insane, made no different to this point. -
those are the same temps i get normally, low-mid 30's cpu, low 40's gpu
also i noticed i must have a different machine screen, mine is made by chi nai or something like thati can post a pic if you like.
still love the screen though
i've not run any since i got the new cards though, been waiting for new internet service being hooked up.
seems like mine are performing exactly like yours
what temps do you get on the gpu running occt gpu test ?
i was getting 102c and 90c in my old gpu's and it could still play crysis, without crashing - although it did freeze now and again before resuming.
actually it did crash whenever i picked up a soilderso i had to just shoot them
i have ut3, i'll install it this weekend and try it out for you.
**M980NU (X1/Commanche SLI/NP9850) Owners Thread**
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Pman, Jul 30, 2009.