There had to fix this comment for ya.![]()
Do you have any details on this bios? Need to know more info.
my well placed source *cough cough you know who you are
* says unlocked Ram settings, CPU multi and Fsb, as well as *possible* voltage settings
so nothing concrete yet...what about release date?
well we know it has fsb, cpu multi and ram settings
voltage is a possability and not confirmed
as for release date no idea, soonish as been advertised on site and vendors got instructions about its contents -
Mandrake is jealous and wishes he had an M980NU instead of the M17X space sheep from hell.
Soviet Sunrise Notebook Prophet
That is a true statement, sir.
I want my... I want my unlocked bios! Good lord will that be sweet.
It seems iv been left behind, everyone wants a unlocked bios, why's this, correct me if its wrong, is it to modify clock speeds and voltage?
Kade Storm The Devil's Advocate
Should be fun. -
Ah I see so the m17x comes with a unlocked bios allready then? How much more does it improve performance? And how would you go about getting one?
Believe me if I wanted to buy a M980 I could. No need to be jealous or wishful. -
be nice to drake he and i have a friendly rivaly going on, i installed windows 7 Rc today with a different driver will run a few benchies later
I managed to get within 120 marks of drake without an unlocked bios, i still think raw grunt is the difference -
Let me know how it goes. I tried both 64 and 32 bit versions but still had better luck with Vista. The drivers seem to have a bigger impact on performance.
I spoke to my OEM this morning and they are aware the unlocked bios is on its way
omg im excited...i need to get our more...
I only installed the X64 version, with 4gb of ram in it i didnt even d/load the 32 bit version -
The idea behind getting the 32bit version is there is less overhead with OS compatibility. Technically it should run better in a 32bit environment if that is what is was designed for.
hmm did you try vista 32bit?
oh believe me mate, when its available, the whole world will know -
No I haven't just Win 7 RTM 32bit.
I'm running Win7RTM x64... I don't know, hasn't been exactly spectacular to me. I love the OS more than Vista, but I still don't have all the driver issues sorted out like the OLED touch buttons along the top. They just don't work. Pman, is it all working on yours? What's your current scores and speeds? This weekend I plan to crack mine open and change the thermal compound for the GPUs. Running hotter than I'd like right now at stock.
Any M980 owners buying new with a P9700 want to trade for an extreme x9100? My x9100 has proven to be a good over-clocker.
i wish you asked a couple of weeks ago drake i had a p9700 with my m980 i put in my m17 to make it more sellable
I havent got the hotkeys working on mine either, i spoke to my OEM and we are working on it, once i have a solution i will let you know -
Thanks Pman. I had it working at one point which is annoying. Just lost them somewhere in the process of driver updates!
got a p8600 you can do
stable @ 3.1 -
I already have a P8700 and I'm not looking to OC.
ok ot my hot keys working
used the drivers in the beta file on the disk that you get with the machine and install them in safe mode
worked for me -
That's very interesting.... -
I was playing sector 8 online. With everything high and the cryo lx high, i hit 70 degree. By setting the fan on the laptop to high it drop to 50 degree..70 degree kinda high with notebook cooler on
It's seem the price go up 20$ for sager np9850. I just realize that from xoticpc sites. delayed release and more price...(they cut down the base price but also change ram to 2gb from 4gb and hdd to 250gb 5400rpm from 320gb 7200rpm)
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Pricing was adjusted by Sager last Friday...some went up, some went down. It depends on your configuration.
However if you paid for your order before last Friday you will get the cheapest price between the two. -
...when they eventually release it...
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
I am ignoring your slurs Pman
Will this most likely be released tomorrow?
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Yes, we expecting Sager will release the NP9850 tomorrow...but nothing is ever sure until it is announced.
they are only what? 6 weeks behind everyone else and releasing the same unit -
well they did fix the problems .....
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Correct, Clevo did fix the stutter issue which was a combination of hardware and software.
Any reasonable person can see that assigning any "motive" to the delay in the release of the Sager NP9850 other than Sager wanting to make sure a laptop of this caliber functioned properly under all conditions does not make any sense.
Suggesting there was some evil or stupid business motive for not releasing a new product is at best pure conjecture, and in reality pure nonsense. Getting to market first is always the goal.
In fact, it took a lot of expertise to find the issue, and a lot of integrity for Sager to delay release until all issues had been resolved, particularly when others who were eager to get to market simply ignored the issues.
And Pman, I say again the fact that you and some others cannot duplicate the issue only means we are all glad that you guys are not the Quality Control Engineers for Clevo or Sager.
So much for your "...truth..."...I am going back into "IGNORE" mode to any more of your "logic (read: guessing)" and slurs -
Any update on when Gophn will post reviews for the new Clevos/Sagers?
Where has he been ?
what is the different between m980nu and np9850 except for the camera?
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Nothing, not even the camera. Some will have the 2MP while others will have the 3MP.
Miss Malevolent Notebook Consultant
The 2 or 3 MP camera? -
well paladin there really is nothing that i can say
They IF clevo has found a major problem with the unit they would advise all of the vendors not one specific UNLESS there was a problem casued by said vendor
and seeing as no one has been advised of such issue leads me to believe there is either a problem with Sagers assembly of this unit or they are talking about nothing
Either way you are hardly impartial mate seeing as you sell Sager's...
believe me if there is an inheriant fault with the unit i will want mine fixed, but so far we only have sager (very vague) word to go on and no actualy users reporting the issue out of the dozens (possibly hundreds by now) that have been sold
If you chose to ignore these facts then it just shows your fanboi attitude to believe everything Sager tells you -
if clevo say there a problem and on mine i don't have any. heck is working wonderfully, should I still RMA it ? I took a 3 years warranty
Sager assembly of the unit consist of putting gpus and CPUs and ram In.....
Why in the world would sager not release it if they could ? They arenlooseong sooo much money right now... -
woooo mine just arrived
cant wait for it to charge so i can get on it!!! -
why are you waiting for it to charge ?
He is selling them by choice, if he really wanted to sell the product do it direct dont wait for Sager lol
Paladin's complete arrogance for any kind of rational arguement totally puts me off having anything to do with him tbh.
The fact of the matter is that if there was a big problem Clevo would warn all the other resellers to the matter. FACT. They havent, so much so that even my own investigations to the "problem" havent found anyone who is suffering with it either.
If Sager or any other retailer had said here we have had a number of units come back for X Y Z then ok there is a problem lets work at fixing it. But nope, we have only Sagers unoffical word (not seen a Sager statement or anything, might be out there but i havent seen it) that there is a problem worth holding the unit up
we have a growing number of M980nu users on NBR, again bar fatpanda which i think we all agree that he has a duff unit. None of them are experiencing the problem. Why doesnt Sager release what settings they used so we can try ours and see if the problem is widespread?
The fact that paladin is so defensive over Sager is kinda disturbing tbh, I havent attacked him personally although he seems intent on slurring me is again disturbing.
Being in the position he is in one might have thought he would be helpful to people instead of being a complete ar**
**M980NU (X1/Commanche SLI/NP9850) Owners Thread**
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Pman, Jul 30, 2009.