Welcome to everyone who has or is planning to order their 9280's![]()
Let me start off by saying when I get mine I will be doing a video and written review, I then plan on doing a custom paint/ laser etch on my 9280 because even if it is amazing it could be a little more aesthetically pleasing
I'm looking forward to your guy's ideas projects or just general discussion relating to the 9280.... Welcome!
MrButterBiscuits ~Veritas Y Aequitas~
I hope I can join you in the near future... well, here or in M980NU owner's lounge -
way to go MrButterBiscuits.
Waiting your review on this! -
Let me change the name of the thread to a more concise one.
MrButterBiscuits ~Veritas Y Aequitas~
Feel free and thanks Gophn
MrButterBiscuits ~Veritas Y Aequitas~
Let me renew my subscription
Is this the hypothetical lounge? The system hasn't been released, so any ownership status can only be theoretical, right?
tis is true..... -
MrButterBiscuits ~Veritas Y Aequitas~
"Welcome to everyone who has or is planning to order their 9280's
" ~MrButterBiscuits
Lol there's your answer -
I wasn't poking (too much) fun; after all, I prefer virtual reality to reality - it's a lot more fun!
MrButterBiscuits ~Veritas Y Aequitas~
Fer instance, right now, not a single solitary one of the hypothetical members of this owner's lounge is experiencing any sort of trouble or problem with their systems - heck, no-one even has so much as a dead pixel to complain about! How can reality compete with that!
hahahaha, you mean my invisible 9280...lol
im just wiping off my non existent finger prints -
MrButterBiscuits ~Veritas Y Aequitas~
Wow this thing runs Infamous great! that was a double play
Ya can't wait to see some numbers...Glad you started this, thread i was wondering when someone would....
man shyster....im building an i7 system, nothing fancy...but if i like it allot...i may just opt out for the d900f....still waiting on confirmation of over clocking on the m980nu as well as the d900f...would be a bummer if they locked both systems....
MrButterBiscuits ~Veritas Y Aequitas~
Hey john what does it take to become a Narcissistic bench runner? lol I sware I'm a narciccist and I got skillz
Oh and is the price difference between the 940 I7 and the Extreme really justified? -
has anyone received their d900f yet ?
really curious to read the review about it -
MrButterBiscuits ~Veritas Y Aequitas~
Nonono lol A comparison product would be the Sager 9262 since it has the same Chassis and such... but no until Later in may we won't see any user reviews
=MrButterBiscuits;4846255]Hey john what does it take to become a Narcissistic bench runner? lol I sware I'm a narciccist and I got skillz
<----you just have to be serious when testing out your system is the only requirement. any one can join and the more the merrier. once you find answers on your machines potential, be willing to share and help others find those same answer you sought out.
Oh and is the price difference between the 940 I7 and the Extreme really justified?[/quote]
i got the 920, but was seriously thinking about that extreme...the extreme has the 6.4 while the 920 and the 940 have the 4.8. also they ride a 2400 mhz bus while the extreme rides the 3200 mhz bus....although there seems to be a 2.93 ghz floating around on a 3200 mhz bus..that might be the happy medium for the guy that doesn't want to full out spend just yet. -
As for reality it hasn't been released publicly yet.
Though, you can read this to hold you over, till the reviews start flooding in. -
MrButterBiscuits ~Veritas Y Aequitas~
Does Vista only rate up to 5.9 on windows index? because windows 7 rates up to 7 or something I believe
I haven't seen anything over 5.9
This thread already have 3 pages and the product still 2 weeks from now... LOL
I am seriously considering upgrading from Asus G2S-A1 to a Sager 9280. Shuu it will be a giant leap for me when it comes to Specs. KY Bullet got the I7 Extreme version ordered Wow! That should kick some serious a**.
comparing this monster with Asus w90... which one is the best ? binun neh
The Sager is a better workhorse having the i7, 3 HDD bays, 16:10, and 3x DDR3 RAM. The 280M is no slouch at gaming either, and it can be probably be upgraded down the road when the 300M series are released (MXM 3.0). The Asus has more gaming performance right now, but the GPU's probably can not be upgraded and the CPU will never touch the i7, although a QX9300 is still really good and more than enough for most people. Both are too big for me so I went with the NP5797
I wouldn't count on GPU upgradeability if I were you....but then, what do I know?
again friends.... you can not compare the d900f to the w90! you can however compare it to the m980nu, since they are basically the same. and then the w90 will eat the m980nu up if it does not have fsb/cpu over clocking. it's a wrap! the m980nu will lose at everything. these are the facts....
no over clocking...im thinking the m980nu. -
i never touch n see i7 performance but how far the diff comparing with qcore? Even thouh asus is more powerful in gameing, i think the diff its not THAT far (personal opinion).
Here is a chart that shows from best to least in high end cpu's...Note these are not OC..Just stock... http://www.cpubenchmark.net/high_end_cpus.html
wow...the Core i7 is that good huh....right to the top with the Xeon.
You can squeeze more performance using this RAM:
Kingston HyperX Ultra Low Latency DDR3-1066 CL5 (5-5-5-15) SODIMM (support XMP)
Buy 3x 2GB stick for 6GB Triple Channel setup
http://shop.kingston.com/PartsInfo.asp?ktcpartno=KHX8500S3ULK2/4GX -
Larry@LPC-Digital Company Representative
Sager 9250 (M980NU). This one should be the gaming KING, if gaming is your main reason for the item.
http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=378116 -
gaming king has over clocking....if this one doesn't....it wont be king....(personal opinion)
Does the 9280 support overclocking or not?
as of right now...nothing is confirmed and they aren't advertising it either...
I'm being swayed by both the Asus W90 and the 9280 on one hand the Asus has a lot of entertainment utilities with the blu-ray and 2 hard drives already in the price and not to mention the 4870 x2 but the pure horsepower and future upgradability of the 9280 is also hard to pass by......
now there is 3 laptop to compere?!?!
I think for the price the W90 compares favorably compared to the M98 but we'll see what happens after a few months and hey alienware's announcing something in a few weeks so lets see what happens from here
If the new Alienware laptop is built by Quanta and a successor of m17x, we will have a great gaming laptop wars coming...
**D900F (Sager 9280) Owners Lounge**
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by MrButterBiscuits, May 13, 2009.