I can confirm that the crossover bios update are working brilliant - even though it messed up with windows 7, which therefore couldnt boot.
XTU work like a charm!
I can also confirm that a week or so down the line that I am having no issues with the P170Em BIOS flash on my P150Em.
Has anyone updated their P157EM to the latest BIOS/EC firmwares yet:
ftp://ftp.clevo.com.tw/ALLBIOS/P1xxEM/P170EM_B10.zip -
it works with P150EM mobo
first flash ec with ecflash.bat
next bios with meset.exe and flashme.bat after restart
have fun
REP for you iaTa my friend -
Ok I am going to update mine then. I didnt want to be the first guy cuz this is my main work machine and it would be a pain in the neck for it to go down on me. I would have to go back to a slow/normal computer, the horror!
EDIT: Update complete, everything running smooth! -
So it seems my 680m is getting pretty hot now? Anyone else notice some differences with the fan profiles?
So, sometimes the GPU fan appears to not want to come on until the GPU temp is well into the 90c+ range. If I wanted to roll back how should I do it? Anyone think I can just flash them both back? Or can I run the old EC and newer BIOS? Am I going to run into problems flashing the older versions on top ? -
That's my desktop, which is always nice and speedy, but I was saying that if my laptop broke down I would have to revert to my old Dell E5520 with a slow i5 sb dual core for mobile use.
However, anyone have any experience with flashing the version backwards? I would like to go to the previous P170 flashes as the fans worked properly with those files. -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Are your fans slower now or faster?
only difference in fan work i seen is: fr-81 frozen demo doesn't turn on ec overheat alarm with new fan tables
but looks way better on HD7970m than on GTX680m - more shaders, better bump mappings, works faster -
On a fresh boot the fans don't come on unless I have something open that uses the GPU. This causes the temps to rise well into the 90's c sitting at the desktop.
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
extide, do you know what happened to cause your fans to behave like that?
From what I have seen you can use Sager EC without Sager BIOS...but only within compatible revisions. So if Clevo EC08 or EC07 work then same version Sager should work.
Interesting... I may experiment with that then as it appears I spoke too soon and my gpu fan still doesnt turn on(ever) unless a gpu app is running.
Do you checked whether the fan plug is not damaged?
EDIT: OK, I think I FINALLY got it fixed with P170 Bios 10 and P170 EC 06
EDIT2: Damn! It seems to work OK for about 45mins or so, maybe an hour, and then the GPU fan shuts off until I turn on an app that uses the GPU. Then it comes back on again. AAARGH. -
Do you have the possibility to replace the fan?
i didnt do it yet because im to scary to do it unless i know 100% its safe.
thank you teacher -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Soon after I flashed the p170HM bios and EC onto my P150HM, the fans also started to run slower than normal (even with FN + 1).
I had some spare fans (bought them without realizing that the barebone already came with fans).
But changing both fans didn't help.
Right now I have my fans connected to a USB port to have them at 100% because no matter what bios and EC combination I use, I can't get them to work at 100% anymore without a hardware mod. -
I know what you feel, I waited with my XM for XTU two years. But first, practic your with regular flash.
im sory but im newbee....
thank you for your reply. -
I mean simple EC/BIOS upgrade. Do it a few times and you will not have to ask anybody for anything.
I am on P170EM Bios 10 and with this bios flash I have tried the following EC's and none of them work correctly:
P150 EC 05
P150 EC 07
P150 EC 08
P150 EC 09
P170 EC 06
P170 EC 08
P170 EC 09
P170 EC 10
P170 EC 1.02.12
This is really pissing me off.
However when I was back on the P170 bios 07 and EC 06, everything worked fine.
I will try later to put the new P170 1.02.14 BIOS on my system. I am thinking of maybe flashing back to a P150EM BIOS/EC and seeing if the fans work properly. I can go to P150EM B 1.02.14 and EC 1.02.11 (which are the latest ones).
In this process I have gathered up a nice collection of Clevo BIOS/EC images!
Also I have noticed my CPU fan does not seem to go full speed.... anyone else have that problem with the p170 bios/ec's? It makes having XTU pointless as the CPU gets to 100C in like 2-5 seconds with anything much past 3.0Ghz -
I am guessing who you are and what is the purpose of your discussion here. If you want to discredit you and other resellers once again is a great way and place.
Please, go to black out other threads. -
On HM series you can use 150HM BIOS with 170HM EC, maybe that works on EMs, too.
So maybe you could use 150EM EC 2.11 with 170EM BIOS 2.14 on P150EM to solve your fan problems -
Whether you can say such things now?
I mean that your problem, if it exists, is not related to the topic.
Please, just go to black out other threads. -
Eh? Bonnie his problems are completely 100% related to this thread.
Sure, You mean that too much 180W PSU return to the RMA?
Hello extide, i have eurocom and i got working all without issues inclusive the fans, using p170 10 bios and ec p150 .07 SL. So i tryed update to ec firmware p150 08 because i installed windows 8 and for me look like that it could be necessary. So i updated and bricked my machine... I'm trying reanimate it without sucess! Can you make zip with your collection that bioses that worked? And i flashed the ec firmware with the cmd afudos.exe ecp150.08 /X i did it wrong? I think that i forgot the /e so i screwed up? -
extide any luck with the latest BIOS versions?
I haven't yet flashed the latest P170 bios. I have been kinda busy and sort-of put this on the back-burner as I can still use my system with a bit of a work-around.
So, as long as I leave an app open that uses the GPU, the fan comes on and everything is ok. For example, I have steam.exe set to use the 'High performance nVidia processor' so as long as I leave steam open, the GPU fan operates and the GPU does not overheat. I dont actually need to be in a game, but just have steam, or any exe that is registered with the nvidia control panel open. A negative to this is my GPU is always on and thus my battery time is reduced.
I will make a zip of my BIOS/EC collection though and make it available.
bonnie.clyde: I think you either have me confused for someone else, or are having difficulty interpreting my posts. I see that english is not your first language. I am not disrespecting anyone, myself, nor the resellers. -
I tried by many ways resurvive my clevo by fn+b and ctrl + home and using amiboot.rom and the normal names p15emx08.rom and p17em_08.rom. If someone know how to help me i will be very glad.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
When I flashed back to the stock P150EM bios it did a bit of a number to my Crucial M4 mSATA drive.
I had to cycle the controller by staying in the bios for 10-15 minutes to get it detecting properly again.
If you want to do this take it out before flashing. -
You haven't upgraded your M4 firmware to 01MG by any chance have you Meaker?
If so that's your problem, the firmware is borked. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
No, it was not updated.
Crucial forums are full of posts regarding the latest M4 firmware describing exactly the issue Meaker had.
The drive firmware crashes and then takes 15 to 20 minutes to sort itself out.
How are you doing with your BIOS issue extide - managed to flash one of the newer P150EM BIOSs yet? -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Vbios upgrades even? Never once run into that.
Well, just today I have flashed back to the latest P150EM files for both the EC and BIOS. My fan should work as normal as I am using the actual correct files for my machine now. I will probably have to end up sending it in for repair anyways as my ethernet port seems to have died. Luckily I have wifi, for now. I will see how this goes.
I am now on the CLEVO BIOS Ver:
BIOS: 1.02.14
EC: 1.02.11
Also, GRRRR it made me re-install all my drivers in windows which usually I don't care about, BUT since my wifi card got reinstalled I lost all my WiFi profiles! That pisses me off!
Clevo P157EM ;)
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by bonnie.clyde, Aug 4, 2012.