Interesting, so 3740qm does exist, I was thinking that was a typo at first...
Where can I get the P170EM BIOS??
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Giggidy. -
I thought you had a 3610QM Meaker?
Nobody wants to say where I can get the P170EM BIOS make me sad panda
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
How about the stickied bios thread or the site of your system provider? If this is an issue maybe this sort of flash is not for you...
I did check Saver and Clevo's site's. They don't have it available.
Thanks though, I feel dumb now.
EDIT: So, just to make sure, you guys are running the CLEVO BIOS V 1.00.07 and the CLEVO EC v 1.00.06? Or are you guys just flashing the BIOS and leaving the EC stock ?
EDIT2: Nevermind, re-read the whole thread, looks like BIOS + EC. -
I really like this thread
Me too!
I am just glad that I am not a reseller, who has to deal with RMAs... -
Thank you guys for the rep. Please give it to tdididit. He is also implicated in this.
Prema, It is as simple as regular flash, if someone does not understand what we talking about and how to do it, it does not what to try. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
One of my bricks can't cope with the higher CPU speeds lol.
Although it wouldn't make any sense that they were and that this is possible
I mean why not enable all that the P170EM can in the P150EM in the first place.. hmm
- different mobo prefabrication indeedgood luck guys
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
That was combined with a 1.075 vcore 680M lol.
More often than times, if a different BIOS is flashed, the resellers will not honor warranty..
that is the norm.
But I'm not sure about some of the resellers that are on the forums.. -
Bonnie.clyde, so what modification did you do to the sata ports? I'd love to move the sata 3 port to either the mSata or the optical bay... I am pretty handy with soldering too
That first time you turn it on after the flash is a little scary as it turns on for a sec then turns itself off! But then turn it back on again and it works -
Probably Mythologic want check to many XTU features at once. You must be careful using Internal CPU override feature. It will increase CPU Ref clock to 133MHz ( moral hazard: soon I can show you this feature for old EM65 mb, but i think best way for your P150HM will be replace EM65 to EM67 that supports XTU gate).
Or maybe they burn power section on mb - P150EM power connector can work with constant 140-150W power maximum 20V x 7A
Long period tests with higher power consumption can melt connector and make huge shortcut power to ground. This can make your mb and connected devices make poof
Best way is change PSU connector and use 220W or 300W PSU for P170EM if you are full time gammer or OC -
both are same - only difference are connectors placement and parts from different suppliers or series ( eg. flash chips 25W, 25L and 25LV are replace parts ).
When you know how fix parts you broke is no problem when your supplier say you sorry, beleave me it is easy -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Neat but hmm im hesitant to try this on my brand new laptop and void my 2 year warranty.
Anyone else notice that VT-d support seems to be missing when you do this?
Clevo supports virtualizers and never was an issue with it.
There is VT-x and VT-d. Almost everything supports VT-x, but VT-d support is much less common. I currently do not appear to support VT-d (VT-x, however, is fine), and I should. Admittedly, I never checked with the stock BIOS, though. SO, does anyone running 'P157' mode want to check and see if they have VT-d enabled? I would like to know if I did something else to disable it or if this is the cause.
NOTE* 3610QM does not support VT-d, 3720, 3820, 3920 do.
EDIT: If it appears that the base Clevo BIOS images lack VT-d support I would like to see if a Sager NP9170 BIOS would fix it. -
So has anyone noticed any negative consequences of doing this?
Surely you will not believe me, but there is no one.
I assume you do not have Fn+1 turbo fan functionality as you are using a Clevo BIOS?
There might be something -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Hmz, yes the 180W brick that shut off is actually dead *cough* whoops..... the other one is fine though.
Ok, cool, I'm seeing the same thing. Odd that VT-x says it is not BIOS supported, though, but it seems to be enabled. Hopefully everything works just fine then
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Do you really need it on your notebook?
It would be nice to have FN+1 support. My machine did not appear to have that feature before or after flashing it. I am guessing that is something in the EC firmware, not the BIOS? -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yes, it's a sager specific EC.
For FN+1, you need to use Sager or Eurocom EC/ (better use matching BIOS, too)
anybody tried enable vt support using this method ? -> Abort, Retry, Hack? » Blog Archive » Enabling Intel VT on the Aspire 8930G (and other InsydeH2O-based laptops)
Just a few questions before I'm overcome with excitement and get carried away!
One week down the line since the mod was announced... has anyone discovered any adverse issues with the P170em BIOS flash?
After flashing do I need to reinstall windows or just reactivate windows... if just reactivation then what happens to the drivers do they need to be reinstalled or do they reconfigure automatically to the new BIOS settings?
Has anyone overclocked the 3720QM? What did you get it to?
Thanks. I'm stupidly excited now! -
God only knows why clevo lock XTU support for 15 inchers.
After flash your windows will reinstall drivers & activate again. Remember EC first then BIOS upgrade. You will need use /x option of AFUDOS
About 3720QM you need to ask Maeker, I think he test it
Regards -
You will get an extra 400MHz out of it using Intel XTU.
It really sucks to pay +2000 U$ and have to do those things to our computer.... If we can do it why can't they do it? is that 400MHz risking our system so much they are afraid of RMAs?? Cmon I doubt it... The cooling mods, not having the turbo boost and the nvidia boost also sucks! I know we can do the mods, we can use throttle stop for the processor and that we can oc our video cards... but features are beeing taken out from us for no aparent reason since they are already there!
The most annoying thing is that after all the worry of flashing the BIOS, I can't get the Extreme Tuning Utility to go past the start-up screen! It just freezes there! Can someone confirm where they downloaded XTU from and which version? thanks.
I download it just from Intel's website. However, I am just using ThrottleStop to overclock instead.
if not you still have p150em biosCheck setaup.
I ran setme... it rebooted
I flashed the EC... rebooted (Used latest for the P170EM)
Then flashed the BIOS to the latest P170EM
Confirmed that both had been done in the BIOS main screen.
Installed XTU and the program just freezes on the load up intro screen.
I used AFUDOS to flash both is that correct?
I'm so used to the simplicity of ASUS motherboards for BIOS flashing.
How can I test in Windows to see if the XTM profiles have been added? -
After ec reboot chip was locked again
you need unlock me chip just before flash bios.
use 1.00.06 file for ec and 1.00.07 for bios
mine works so there is no reason why yours shuldn't
you can use afu to flash bios but I use flasher from package.
Clevo P157EM ;)
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by bonnie.clyde, Aug 4, 2012.