( MayBe Checksum Problem dipent on vBios you Flashed and that what 0g by NVidia)
#197 Show this thread from Begin to End
Without SpiProgrammer it was a NoGo .
My P751DM Ds@nke bios (testet all legal Variants) and i7-6700t had Promblem by Shut-Down and Auto-Restart when PSU was Plugged ( same for Coffeelake and i7 8700es that over all runs 0nly short "Times" :-(
Good Luck !
This is Unlocked great Mainbios for Skylake edited: Dec 2, 2019 -
i only waited say about a couple of minutes, the machine kept power cycling which i thought was strange, i will attempt again and let you know.
joluke likes this. -
I suspect there is a bad flash going on -
I haven’t had time to update bios again today but I did try last week, I attempted to flash via a spi programmer which flashed okay but had the same outcome(blank screen) I’m still puzzled on why it won’t post. I will update you guys as soon as I can, thank you for all the help so far guys.
Update to come soonjoluke likes this. -
joluke likes this.
hey all just a question .
is there a special marketplace for clevo laptops there i can sell my p870km-g with 8700k ? - AMK, Donald@Paladin44 and joluke like this. -
Alright - took the plunge on my revived machine. All looks OK at first blush, but the internal Win10 install on my NVMe drive isn't showing up for boot in the BIOS or the boot device menu. I can boot through Ubuntu on a SATA device to the Windows Boot Manager, but I'm puzzled as to the absent device in the BIOS itself.
Any ideas for how to get this working nicely?
Thanks @dsanke as well. -
Hasn’t helped
EDIT: Opted to nuke and pave the Win10 install. That seems to be working. Not sure why the Win10 install simply stopped being recognized, but all seems fine now.Last edited: Dec 7, 2019joluke likes this. -
Just to confirm I can install the
P7xxDMx_RTX.rom version 1.07.24, for 9900KF and a "GTX" right? And I can upgrade to a rtx card in the future right? (P775dm3)joluke likes this. - edited: Dec 7, 2019Shreyas Shetty and joluke like this. -
If my vbios version for the graphics is 0x30006 or above for the GTX card, it will still work with the newer bios version 1.07.27? I don't need to update the GPU bios to anything else?
joluke likes this. -
Last edited: Dec 7, 2019Shreyas Shetty and joluke like this.
Installed BIOS on my P750DM3 shows as 1.05.11 - is that expected? I see newer versions being mentioned, so wanted to check. It looks fine (lots of new parameters, and the danske/Clevo logo shows up)
And for the BIOS tooShreyas Shetty likes this. -
Last edited: Dec 7, 2019
joluke likes this.
joluke likes this.
joluke likes this.
Hello here are some results with my clevo p870 dm3g
Last edited: Dec 8, 2019 -
A couple of questions regarding this BIOS:
I'm running 1.07.26 TM1 BIOS modded for DM3.
Noticed in this file:
there is a new vBios with new GOP 3x000F
I'm running this GOP:
According to @dsanke i would only need to flash the BIOS 1.07.27 without battery and pull the AC power cord in the end and wait 30 seconds and plug it back and i'd be back on track.
Do i need to update the vBios?
I'm running 1.07.26 with the GOP in the image above without any issues.
Thanks -
How to flash : - Plug AC PSU , Enter BIOS , Change 2 values . - Setup->Boot->UEFI Settings->UEFI Boot->Enabled - Setup->Security->Secure Boot->Disabled ( If you can not find this then you don't need change it . ) - Unplug all your SSD and HDD - Put EFI folder to your FAT32 USB Flash Disk , put bios file to EFI/Boot folder , and boot to it - Wait for startup.nsh executes, and then type "meset", press enter. - Device will auto reboot and the fan will work at high speed , then boot to USB Flash Disk again. - Wait for startup.nsh executes, and then type "fpt -d backup.bin" , press enter , to backup . - And type "fpt -f BIOS.bin -rewrite -y" , press enter , to flash new bios . - Type "fpt -greset" press enter , to let ME and BIOS initialization . - If you can not done this ( keep receiving FPT Error message ), try SPI programmer , make sure backup before you flash . - If you can not get screen resume working , it just keep black screen , then you need use SPI programmer reflash your BIOS chip . -
Updated GOP only and i'll wait for further feedback regarding .27 BIOS -
Yes ! Because i have try .27 and i lost my data from my 2 raid 0 and have bad settings to lane pcie if you want upgrate to 128Go ram Bios for futur insane upgrade
Shreyas Shetty likes this. -
Shreyas Shetty likes this.
Updated my GOP with no issues to 0x000F from 0x000A
Shreyas Shetty likes this. -
Edit- Is this the right link
Rom File Name - P7xxDM2_DM3_B0726.rom
And does this support future 128gb upgrade?
Rtx and gtx both?
or is this the one 1.07.26 edited: Dec 9, 2019 -
Read the excel part 1 and readme part 2 txt to see which one supports your cpu. 1.07.27 and 1.05.11 both support GTX and RTX but each version supports different cpus. Read the included excel and .txt -
this one 1.07.26 stable with rtx and gtx and 128gb right? -
Shreyas Shetty likes this.
@Tryner has 128gb working right on this one 1.07.26
with the following settings that @dsanke wrote on the forum:
System Agent (SA) Configuration
Above 4GB MMIO BIOS assignment
Disabledjoluke likes this. -
area1987 and Shreyas Shetty like this.
i need to explain to you about the bios ... the bios that i use and not available on the forum by what others have a problem and it displays a pcie line error so dsanke and myself have to work on the problem you should know that 128 GB ram you lose the thunderbolt and 2 usb c if it is important ports for you do not try ... also if you try you will lose the intel me. otherwise all works perfectly! I can not provide the bios but .... ask dsanke.I must also know that I have no bug .. the creative sound works perfectly and intel xtu also the sd reader works too! I think also receive my rtx 2080 tomorrow so I'll post my opinion about this card and possible bug.
PS : upgrade if only you had 128GB if it's uselessShreyas Shetty and joluke like this. -
Shreyas Shetty likes this.
Tryner likes this.
or anything else between 64 and 128?
Sent from my Huawei Mate 20 X EVR-AL00 using Tapatalk
Official Coffee Lake Refresh Thread/BIOS for ALL Clevo Laptops - RTX CARDS NOW SUPPORTED
Discussion in 'Sager and Clevo' started by DaMafiaGamer, Oct 25, 2018.