Can you share the link for that heatsink please?
cope123abc and joluke like this.
I tried to find the actual info but couldn't. I'm annoyed since I did all this checking including measuring the two chips at the same time as I swapped them. I could find was the 9900k pcb was thicker, and so was the actual silicon (der8auer actually ground a DIE down by 0.2mm with a minor temp gain) compared with 8700k (not 6700/7700k) but couldn't find a direct comparison
Wikichip says the 9900k package is 4.4mm height.
I measured a 6700k and it was 4.2mm from bottom of chip pcb (not including the underside capacitors), but this chip is delidded with the adhesive scraped off which could be reducing the height a bit. I'd be surprised if 100 or 200um made a difference but that is lappable if it doescope123abc and jaybee83 like this. -
hello, for a future the upgrade of my p775dm3 with 9900k is it compatible with ram 4000mhz bios version 1.07.26.
Thanks -
hello . . . jaybee83 . . . see you use an p751dm like i to . . . will do question about function of Ds@nke-Bios .
have your Computer the Isue thats shutdown per power-button and with shutdown-function from 0s the Computer restarts after little Time ?
can it be Fixed !
My p751dm runs Ds@nke-Bios from Date 08.08.2019 included in 128GB_RAM_20190808.7z package .
Im on i7-6700t/gtx980m@1228mhz/5500mhz and some better 60hz1080pTN-panel as f*ck IPSLast edited: Aug 26, 2019Tryner likes this. -
Tryner likes this.
For overclocking to 2933 =》 -
Sent from my Xiaomi Mi Max 2 (Oxygen) using Tapatalk -
Ok nice to know ( thx@prema). . . hmm bought 8700es will try Self modded Stock Bios with WinRaidTools or ds@nke-bios and maybe its have one good turn.
Is right that ds@nke-bios so modded that using an 10xx/20xxCard can be used without inf modding or is that only my Phantasy;-) -
Yes you can use nvidia driver normally and Realtek ones too
jaybee83 likes this. -
MayBe for ds@nke´s ( th@nks) impression how his BiosMod works on p751dm : i7-6700t-gtx980m-16gbDDR4-1x4xPcieNVME-2xSataSSD .
OverAll its Smoother ! - ShutDown with plugt in AC lets do Restart - by plug in an HeadPhone to its old Jack the 0ptical Jack are Actvived i mean that the RedLight gos On but dont know if working dont have 0ptical-Speackers for full test .
Will Replay whats happend next days with a rigt CoffeeLake .Last edited: Aug 29, 2019jaybee83 likes this. -
I have a big probleme with 128Go ram on my p775dm3 with bios mod.
My laptop reboot again and again i can't boot in windows.Attached Files:
Why on earth would you need 128GB of RAM? -
Mr. Fox likes this.
joluke likes this.
jaybee83 likes this.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
It could depend on the base version the mod uses.
jaybee83 likes this. -
Attached Files:
Had same mesage afterplugt USB-stick with Debian0s but booting once from preinstalled Debia0s on NVME now with 8700es . . . after multi reboot is gone . . .
But Win10 want install !
8700ES is shown as B4-Stepping and KabyLake maybe Normal . . . ES-version ? -
Dont know but P751DM is nice Handy a great Part @ Computer . . . 0h no it will be Horror not PowerUp the Specs of Good Clevo Hardware -
Here you have a list of Prema's partners that sell Clevos and his BIOS.
Cannot buy it seperatly sadlyLast edited: Aug 31, 2019 -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Remember official support for 7 is ending so it could become quite vulnerable.
yrekabakery Notebook Virtuoso
I’m not too worried. I’ve dual booted Windows 8.1 as a contingency plan, but realistically I expect to ride out Windows 7 until Windows 10 or DX12 gets a killer app if it ever does.
joluke likes this. -
Impression . . . no turn with 8700es ( PinMod was good) yet special UEFI s*cks feels like there something interchanged and there is compatible mode always present
Had dualboot on NVMEx4 for Windows and Debian both with own UEFI-Partition to chose over "Bi0s" wich 0s starts Up . . . deleted howl Windows stuff and would Clean install . . . for that i have to hide the DebianUefiPartition otherwise Windows will Push his StartEntrys in this and i have chose 0s after DebianBootloader is run . . . because i cant hide this Partition i Installed Unhiden and Windows ignored the DebianUefiPartition ( Surprisingbut Windows install crash and Debian crash also running Short time .
After MultiFlashing different "Self" moded bi0s with WinRaidTools i Flashed back to Stock Skylake Bi0s . . . Normal after NVFlash clean and that Stuff the stock Bi0s start in Pure uefi but yet it was in CompatibleMode ? All done with Programmer.
EC-eeprom ?
Hoply ds@nke find in my text some Ideas
Without using ds@nke Bi0s it can happen that by missing DS@NKE Bootlogo something is missing . . . muhaha -
electrosoft Perpetualist Matrixist
Sent from my Xiaomi Mi Max 2 (Oxygen) using Tapatalkjoluke likes this. -
yrekabakery Notebook Virtuoso
Moloby: P870DM-G DSANKE BIOS | 4k | [email protected] (-150 uv) | Nvidia GTX 970m | HyperX 16GB 2667 CL15 | Samsung 850 EVO 256gb
can i ask if you using a modded EC-Firmware because i think P870DM-G is same SkylakeGeneration like P751DM-G and see your nice with an 8086 ? ! ?
The EC is not moddable. Don't mess with the EC else you'll end up with a hard brick. EC isn't recoverable with a spi programmer. You need to desolder it and replace the chip. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yeah flashing that will give you s nice paper weight/door stop to block a door open with.
Have someman the Possibility to an Netdrive Account . . . found
Files: but no luck to Reach ? ! .
direct Link: date of Files 27.o8.2o19joluke likes this. -
@dsanke what changed in this version that is on Baidu?
do I understand correctly that with this modified bios for 870km1 I can put a 2080RTX in the laptop?
Will I loose gsync with the 2080rtx?
ThxLast edited: Sep 17, 2019 -
so for this decision it would be good to know what I can expect...
Official Coffee Lake Refresh Thread/BIOS for ALL Clevo Laptops - RTX CARDS NOW SUPPORTED
Discussion in 'Sager and Clevo' started by DaMafiaGamer, Oct 25, 2018.