So this one:
Do those adapters even fit on the chip? The clamps with those long cables look like they'd work much better. I've been looking for SPI flashers all day,i t's actually very hard to decide which one to buy (without busting the bank).......
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
That looks like an out of circuit connection kit rather than an in circuit one.
jaybee83 likes this. -
And You should know... New laptops doesn't mean you'll get much better performance. Just look at the results from "Worlds fastest" in my link aboveOr in my post here
Ashtrix, jaybee83 and KKthebeast like this. -
This was a post to help a friend stay encouraged to enjoy his hardware and not feel bad about his purchase. Not directed to trigger an overclocker #doyouevenliftbro flame war.
I need a safe space now thanks bro
But for real. Amazing results on your setup!
I still have lots of tweaking to do. Temps are the issue for me right now. Any advice on that would be awesome for all of us. I'm already at a -125mv offset
Sent from my SM-N950U1 using TapatalkLast edited: Jul 4, 2019Mr. Fox likes this. -
I talked about the results from the reviews! Sorry if I put it wrong. Or quooted your post.
"None say we has to stop at 1.7-2K with stock clocks as in the review samples"Ashtrix, Mr. Fox and KKthebeast like this. -
(just being a squirrel brother)
But for serious! Any advice or links for training would be great, i know you know your stuff
Repasted, Actually took the time to clean the heatsinks properly.
getting better CB15 is stuck at 1960 no matter what i fiddle with in TS. What causes that?Last edited: Jul 5, 2019 -
), especially when you raise the TjMax of the chip to 115C
at 4.6 ghz extreme load with AVX im scratching the 100C, so still 15C below the TjMax
during everyday operation for surfing, vids, docs, etc im in the 50s-70s, so not breaking a sweat
also, with a bit of OS optimization u can squeeze out quite the nice scores, i for one am gettinf 2054 in cinebench R15, thats actually slightly higher or comparable to regular stock, depending on the configuration of course
5.2 ghz cpu-z validation is also possible, just not as an everyday driver for high loads
i think thats quite amazing for a machine from 2015 designed around quads haha
oh btw, make ABSOLUTELY SURE that your cpu vrms on the motherboard make perfect contact with the heatsink and use the BEST thermal pads you can find for them! seriously, with such mighty cpus u NEED proper cooling on both the mosfets AND the chokes! otherwise theyll overheat and start throttling, resulting, for example, in a cinebench score wall
use hwinfo64 to check for the VRM temps, ideally youll want them below 90C cuz thats usually when they start throttling (even though theyre usually rated to up to 125C).
Sent from my Xiaomi Mi Max 2 (Oxygen) using TapatalkLast edited: Jul 5, 2019Mapl and KKthebeast like this. -
yrekabakery Notebook Virtuoso
could you help me where I can find a replacement battery for 775tm1? the 775dm3 or other 750XX model is compatible? THX! -
joluke likes this.
Anyway the label in mine is this:
Took a photo of the whole battery, so you can see if the connectors are equal. View the service manual, the number part should be there for the TM1, if it matches then it works for TM1 from DM3
The part number is:
I do believe it will work, since the chassis is the same basically as the DM3 and even the heatsink from the TM1 works for the DM3, even the screws are on point, so.. lol -
You're welcome my friend! -
@matyee according to the service manual on your TM1 the following can be bought to use as official batteries:
So, according to the service manual, the battery of the DM3 works perfectly in the TM1, because the part number (on the right) matches
(Screenshot taken from page 55 in the service manual of the P775TM1-G)Dennismungai and jaybee83 like this. -
I see a pile of TJ settings in a row with different temperatures. They're still on defaults of "2". Are those numbers positive offsets? Your Recommendations brother
Sent from my SM-N950U1 using Tapatalk -
Sent from my Xiaomi Mi Max 2 (Oxygen) using TapatalkDennismungai likes this. -
@jaybee83 I think i found it. hrmm, HWiNFO64 still showing TJMax 100 and throttling. C0% jumping around in TS. Still getting IA: Electrical Design Point/Other (ICCmax, PL4, SVID, DDR RAPL)
[Edit] Some Bios pictures, I'm sure things are wrong, go easy on me
Last edited: Jul 9, 2019jaybee83 likes this. -
Edit. Try one of the options in here...
Last edited: Jul 9, 2019 -
I see some TJmax stuff in another screen from the above post (the image right after the one you posted). Wondering what those are -
See also my edit. Click and mark on 105C and see what it shows. 0 is usually Default. -
Prema versions you use that support the i9 9900 k on your DM1?
And no those are definitely lowering it
Sent from my SM-N950U1 using Tapatalk -
Sent from my SM-N950U1 using Tapatalk -
that sub-section?
I see the value there (2400) matches up with that under VR Current Limit elsewhere.
Is that intentional?jaybee83 likes this. -
@DennisMungai Yes that was on purpose, using the "stock" (as sent to me from the manufacturer) settings from the P870KM1-G that came with a delidded Silicon Lottery 5.1ghz i7-7700k (setup for 4.8) as a starting point.
My thoughts were since the chips were 7700K @ 93w and 9900K/F @ 95w TDP and the 7700K was the best at the time the Mobo was setup to work with "vanilla" Then setup by professionals with a warrantied overclock. That it was a good place to start.
Still haven't hit the 2k mark in CB15, 1959 so far. So still tweaking and learning with these guys
Sent from my SM-N950U1 using Tapatalk -
Thanks for your help brother.
And are you saying you scored 1501 in CBr15, that's so-low-its-broken low, when I first ran it under a 92W power limit throttling to ~4.0ghz I scored high 1600's -
KKthebeast, joluke and Papusan like this.
Anyone who is running the exact setup p870km1-G with dual 1080s and i9-9900k, did you use the Dsanke bios for the 1080 or the RTX? I did the 1080, should I do the 2080 one now that I have a SPI programmer?
Ah screw it, I'm awake now I'll get up and pull the CMOS and get some new TS screens.
Before I laid down last night. I did cb15 from 4.7 all way down to 4.4. no change in the score. Okay let's start over. I'm done thinking that I can do it myself LOL
Thank you Brothers for your patience. And guidance.
Sent from my SM-N950U1 using Tapatalkjaybee83 likes this. -
P870KM1-G / i9-9900KF / GTX 1080 SLI - Throttlestop (Clean install) Booted with no CMOS
Blank - First boot scenerio - NO changes
CB15 run with these full untweaked settings (pasted all with thermal grizzly conductonaut)
PKG Power is 115.5w max
1675 is a wall (max score with out changes every run)
Last edited: Jul 10, 2019 -
@KKthebeast do you monitor your CPU VID/Clock/temperature/power? It's easiest way to find out what is causing low score. I agree with rest - 1600 for i9 is low score. With i7 9700k i had similar score - and it's only 8 threads.
the above post is for diagnostics, I was asked to reset everything to "factory" defaults pull the CMOS so they could have a true fresh start to tweak with. Everything in the BIOS, is Dsanke defaults and TS readings on a clean boot (remove TS ini), Standby by for the show
Last edited: Jul 10, 2019 -
Main TS menu window. Remove the check mark for BD Prochot and C1E. Check the box Speed shift-EPP and add 0.
FIVR window.
Add in your undervolt for Core and Cache Offset. Start with -120mv Offset Voltage for both or your prefered tested undervolt offset value. Increase Cashe Ratio (44). Apply and Save.
TPL window.
Turbo Bost Power Limits... Remove Clamp. Add in +200 for both Turbo Boost Power Max and Turbo Boost Short Power Max. Turbo Time Limit to 0.0010.
Primary Plane Power Limits... PP0 Current Limit to 600. Then Apply and Save.
Follow clock speed, Temps and Cpu Package Power with Hwinfo under testing. Let it be up in the background while you run Cinebench R15. Disable Antivirus while you run tests.
This is the second screenshoots of TS I have seen from from you... The high C0% means something run in the background and eat clock cycles. This smells more like unwanted bloat run in the background. A nice and clean setup shouldn't show more than 0.2-0.4% under idle speed.
I expect you know how to clean out the Throttlestop INI file if you run into problems as "can't boot into Windows" due too low undervolt saved in TS (If you have created scheduled task for ThrottleStop). And Happy testingLast edited: Jul 10, 2019jaybee83, electrosoft, joluke and 1 other person like this. -
@Papusan following your advice on how to tweak TS properly:
Benchmark with undervolt in CPU and GPU:
Benchmark without any undervolt in CPU or GPU (jesus those scary temperatures lol): -
Ps. Turbo Time Limits should be 0.0010. Not 1Last edited: Jul 10, 2019 -
UPS! Now to fix and run a bench without undervolt to show u
@Papusan setting the turbo time limits to 0.001 gave me this score @ 4.7Ghz turbo boost without overclocking, just stock clocks and no undervolt: -
Yes you should be able to get results >2000 but heatsink is the problem
From my playing around with heat loads and heatsinks there's multiple ways the stock heatsink is insufficient for the 9900K.
The initial rise in temps from idle -> load. If it goes from 40C to 90C within a fraction of a second, there's an issue getting enough heat through the IHS to the heatpipes/radiator. Check TIM application. Then heatsink/ihs mount. Consider lapping if its still bad. There's the possibility the solder job under the IHS is dodgy if there's a >5C inter core delta when all are equally loaded.
(You can see what was changed by looking at the TM heatsink. A thin shim plate then heatpipes with the main copper plate *on top*. On the DM/DMx/KM it's the standard 1mm thick plate with heatpipes on top.)
If the rise is steady but occurs over a few seconds the issue is insufficient heatpipes. By my guesstimate the combined Qmax of the three pipes on our stock heatsink is ~130W. The TM heatsink has 4 pipes.
I rebuilt a DM3 heatsink with more heatpipes after grinding down the thick plate a bit and it seemed to help with the heat ceiling, I could run 150~160W loads sustained over a longer time.
But even with fixing those two things, the problem is still insufficient radiator fin volume and convecting to air. It just needs moar rad. This will show up as thermal throttle under prolonged >10sec load.
Tl;dr consider a TM cpu heatsink mod or something else.
For now, for optimised daily settings you can use PL1/PL2 and turbo time to keep cpu temps from bouncing off TJmax. PL1 to handle that initial spike, turbo timer to stop it throttling under turbo while fans ramp up (if you aren't using max fans constantly which for daily use, gets annoying very quickly), PL2 for long term under max fans. Pre mod I was using 165W/8sec then 130W to keep around 90C max. Currently it handles about 180W for 30sec before the vrms heat up, get inefficient, and trip the 140A limit.
I finally found a vapor chamber small enough to fit within the heatsink mounts, and the OC Frame arrived, so I'll have a play at building something exotic (less exotic than the full watercooled laptop I'm nearly done doing lol) to see if the 9900K can be tamed.KKthebeast, jaybee83 and 4W4K3 like this.
Official Coffee Lake Refresh Thread/BIOS for ALL Clevo Laptops - RTX CARDS NOW SUPPORTED
Discussion in 'Sager and Clevo' started by DaMafiaGamer, Oct 25, 2018.