i think i'll just stream it while im in class, and il'l watch the saved clip when i get back.
They should give everyone Reserve Edition ThinkPads for the wait they're putting us through.
^.^ -
heh...i find it ironic that it just turned into a blue screen. >_>
And now it seems we've entered a BSOD.
zomg blue screen of death
ok, i really need to go to class now.
heh, got five on MSN, Xfires closed and it looks like its starting.
PS MSN is preinstalled in Windows XP -
They are apparently experiencing technical difficulties
BSOD!..but thank god music is gone for me
Yep blue screen here too. Maybe they're about ready to do this? Possibly someone pointed out the significance of timezones and DST? Maybe?
I want one, me, me, me! They're taking this out of my leisure time.
this wait is terrible... do you think they are broadcasting but no one is recieving the signal?
i was expecting the presentation to be over by now not how it is going on right now -
......how are they going to compensate for the lost productivity of the people who were waiting an hour (or more) for this presentation?
Donno, I'm sitting here at work waitng, that can't be good.
Does anyone from NBR knows whats going on?
It's a damn hour late. GRRRR.
Is it April 1st?
Well I'm not sure what's going on now. Still the BSOD but firefox over the last couple minutes has been spiking the CPU at 80-100% but less than 1% network utilization. I'm about ready to give up on this.
Hmmmm... Got a momentary black screen at 3:10pm EDT. Back to the BSOD. Now I'm getting mad
By the time it comes up, most of us will have left and there will be no one asking them questions.
Jerry Jackson Administrator NBR Reviewer
The studio location where the ThinkLive event was held experienced technical difficulties with the connection for the webcast.
The event was filmed and we will be making it available for download as soon as possible.
The ThinkPad giveaway is still happening ... so if you registered you still have a chance to win regardless of the fact that the "live" webcast didn't happen as planned. -
I knew it! Andrew made the systems bluescreen, didn't he?!
Anyways, thanks for the update, Jerry. -
Groovy, better late than never
Vista crashed, didn't it?
so we can sign out and still be eligible for the drawing? where will the recording be available and will we still need to downbload it to be eligible?
1 hour 20 minutes ago....but had trouble so no live show just download sometime
It's already over, see JerryJ's post earlier.
gah, i was hoping it would have came up eventually.
Jerry Jackson Administrator NBR Reviewer
Everyone who registered for the event is eligible for the giveaway.
Likewise, I was just informed that everyone who registered will receive an email with the direct link to view the now pre-recorded webcast ... so if you where looking forward to seeing Thinkpads getting abused you can still watch Lenovo spill water on them and drop them, etc.
We will also post a link in the forums so people can view the webcast if they didn't register. But, again, only those who registered are eligible to win the notebook. It doesn't matter if you logged into the live webcast or not. It only matters that you already registered. -
Nah, they are just celebrating BSOD anniversary...
sad. I could've gone to work today.
Jerry Jackson Administrator NBR Reviewer
The entire staff here at NBR was told that the "live" event was still going to happen until about 2:50 when we were told that the event would have to be filmed and then made available for viewing later.
I'm certain that you'll be hearing more about this in the future ... and no one here on our side is taking this issue lightly. -
Guess spamming kevin on aim wasnt fruitful...
nah i didnt spam really..
Good, just came out of my exam, so this is actually good news for me
They just posted it, and it's only ~15 minutes long?!
and i ended class early too...
And the video and audio are completely out of sync.
Only at the start.
R-series will come with widescreen.
Same place you wanna watch the live show. It's in fact the same link.
ThinkLive this October 10th -- Watch and Win a $5,000 ThinkPad Reserve Notebook
Discussion in 'Notebook News and Reviews' started by Andrew Baxter, Oct 3, 2007.