its not premium because $599 dell has the same hard drive space!! Thats why that smart guy wrote that editorial!! so we can know .... know .... how amazing $599 dells are.
fastrandstrongr Notebook Evangelist
Why isn't the new aluminum premium? How can you discern that from just holding a laptop? -
I do know exactly what I am comparing thank you. Can't normal people buy business machines? Infact anyone can buy them just because its called business class doesn't mean only business users can buy them. I am just comparing it to something cheaper and better or just as good. I paid no extra for my warranty. I bought my notebook from a brick and mortar store just like you can from an Apple store. I am comparing one premium machine to another.
No its not your fault that other people don't live near a store. But it is apple's problem for not providing the warranty service that buyers deserve for a notebook that people paid this so called premium for. Or even $349USD for an extra 2 years.
The fact that you are trying to say 58C idle for a C2D CPU is misleading in itself. try asking in the hardware section and see what the next 20 forum members will tell you.
Voodoo Envy 133> Apple Macbook Air -
fastrandstrongr Notebook Evangelist
Sorry, 58C in a 1" thick enclosure is normal. Go check out the temperatures in the Vaio TX and TZ series. -
Now you are comparing apples to oranges. TX and TZ uses ULV CPUs with a weak active cooling system. Plus its in a faaaaaarrrrr smaller chassis. -
fastrandstrongr Notebook Evangelist
Ok, then people can still pay $300 for a better 3year business warranty. No?
Oh and how much closer are all the components cramped together in an 11.1'' chassis? -
fastrandstrongr Notebook Evangelist
my T500 was 1503 Canadian... for my extra 3dollars I get...
extra 400mhz X2
extra 1GB of memory
extra 70GB of Disk space
better build quality
bigger screen
longer battery life 51/2 -61/2 real world hours
better keyboard (IMO)
better port selection
cooler machine
not so flashy
what I don't get
OS X (I couldn't careless)
well that's about it. -
u guys have fun i m going to play some fallout3 now. Its getting pretty boring in here
But...hmmm how much smaller is the 11.1'' compared to a 13.3''? Quite alot. If you are saying a Sony Z (13.1'') is running just as hot then i'd listen.
fastrandstrongr Notebook Evangelist
sony z compares favorably with my new mbp, which uses the P-series proc. -
fastrandstrongr Notebook Evangelist
50C idle from a quick google check. reasonably close to 58C
58C is 16% hotter. Not exactly close.
fastrandstrongr Notebook Evangelist
Then maybe I could call a 66C idle CPU cool as well?
I just wanted to say:
Thanks NBR for posting this.
(If it were ever in question This should stay on the main-page. I've read about 3 pages of the postings so far and will go back and read more because I'm interested in the discussion. But having read several postings which say this shouldn't have been posted on the main-page at all, I felt compelled to post the following:
The fact is, consumers deserve a thread like this. Yes, ridiculous, over-heated arguments about a laptop will occur (ie, 'flame wars', which seem to happen whenever Macs are discussed). But here at NBR, many of the posters are actually very qualified when it comes to 'opinionating' about laptops, which is why I rely mainly on this site for keeping me up to date about what's going on in the world of laptops. And with this thread, those qualified posters will get to go back and forth about these Mac laptops, the Mac OS, and the Mac brand.
Looking to buy a laptop somewhere in the near future, I appreciate having access to this ongoing discussion about Macs that isn't at some fan-boy site. And frankly, reading the Mac-forum posts on this site are often little better. Indeed, this applies to many of the brand-forums.
If there is any criticism, it is not that this shouldn't have been posted, but rather that postings which generate lengthy, in-depth and at times heated discussion about all the most popular consumer and business laptops--and which bring many people into the discussion--should occur more often.
~bob, a frequent NBR peruser
PS If, somewhere between pages 3 and 12 [Edit: oops, we're at 28], a discussion was had about whether or not this should've been posted, sorry I'm little slow on throwing my two cents in. -
(temps are in F)
? -
fastrandstrongr Notebook Evangelist
Anywho this temperature discussion isn't going anywhere, might as well end it here before we start comparing ridiculously random things like cars and fruits and maybe multistory houses to one and other. :laugh:
fastrandstrongr Notebook Evangelist
Just from the last couple pages that I have read I noticed how the few mac fanboys keep hitting on how 'pc-bots' started all of this flame war stuff. It simply isn't true
flame wars occur in Mac vs PC threads... not Dell vs Acer
when was the last time you saw a PC user make a shots at Linux?
generally pc and linux users get along just fine; why can't apple?
Maybe some of Apple's fanboy's should look in the mirror and realize that maybe insulting Windoze users isn't such a good idea. It's a two way street.
In response to my posting of my computer specs. I was posting ON TOPIC! I was showing what you CAN get for about the same price - software aside. I stated that OSX was not for ME is that a problem? it seems like some people took offense to it... -
But I guess that's not the point
PC-bots on the other hand will never understand why a company such as apple can be doing so well because they can only look at the practical data sheets from excel -
This is not new information, for those who give a ****, this has been true for years.
I used Mac OS X along with Windows for a year, and I'm not convinced OS X is any better
Apple fanboys are pointing two guns, one at MS and the other at other PC manufacturers. They try to combine the 2 guns to one and that's the problem. -
fastrandstrongr Notebook Evangelist
superior or not, macbook users enjoy their laptops and satisfaction is at the core of consumerism.
plus it looks way better than any pc. -
nothing is superior is just what u wanna pay the premium for. Some people apparently do enjoy macs. I m just defending the case here. I m not the one that creates stupid editorials and bashes other people views.
But when something else like this brought up, only mac fanboys that start to get offended and try to bash everyone else's opinion, because they just have too much hype.
The OP is an Macs owner, so I don't think he's calling himself stupid.
And before you want to call someone else stupid, write an article and post it. If you have enough knowledge (which I doubt), I'll consider your judgment more seriously. -
I'm sorry to have to butt in on this searing hot flamathon but I just found it funny that while a usual review or editorial generates maybe 100 replies tops, once we touched upon the holy grails that are Apple and Steve Jobs' big junk, all hell breaks loose with these 293+ replies so far (who knows, it may have changed while I wrote this).
Also, I enjoy the large number of people calling other people stupid or rude when they fail to use proper etiquette, punctuation, and grammar in their posts. I'll mention no names but you know who you are.
Regarding the actual topic at hand, I think it's well understood by now that people buying Macs fall into the following categories.
1. People who bought into the hype.
2. People who like their iPod and iPhone and want to give Mac a try.
3. People with too much money (these are more for the Mac/Macbook Pro people).
4. People who value looks and form. Some would say that buying a Mac is like buying a work of art. I'm not going to argue with that since beauty is in the eye of beholder.
5. People who actually use OSX applications to their fullest (a minority compared to the previous categories).
These categories can sometimes mix and mingle but I don't know anyone who bought a Mac for the "value" and as far as I can tell, that's what the author of the article was talking about, the difference in value between similarly equipped PCs and Macs. -
As I said, the OP does have some knowledge base on the posts of him I read before, now if you can prove that you know it better, then I'll consider your judgment. -
You should give up Han Bao Quan. Continuing your attempts to win this argument would be like trying to win an argument against a GF/wife.... it just isn't going to happen
fastrandstrongr Notebook Evangelist
If I understand what you're saying, we should buy the cheapest laptop out there that isn't advertised at all, that we should buy laptops from companies that focus solely on laptop computers, and that we should buy ugly laptops. Am I in the ballpark?
I was an original Mac lovers, especially about the Apple desktop, but it was before they all switch to Intel and others hardware manufacturers.
Guest Editorial: Apple "MehBooks" and the Future of Macs
Discussion in 'Notebook News and Reviews' started by lewdvig, Oct 28, 2008.