In the Asus catalogue which is available 16Gb SSD option so i think the max price 500$ is totally acceptable.But it doesnt mean any Wireless card,just introduce:
In another hand,Windows Xp is compatible,its really a good news for Windows fan![]()
The battery is 4 cell with 5200 Mah,not bad for a 7" laptop.I think 2,5 to 3h is true depend on your application
IMHO,EEE is the best price/performance UMPC/laptop at this moment.try to google some UMPC at this moment,it's very very expensive
This little lappy is nice. I'll probably buy one even tho I just purchased a HP DV2312. This little device is what the Palm Foleo should have sad...
our negotiation with Asus Manager was quite difficult, due to the different in quality of the two laptops,intially he did allow us to take picture. But with the help of the gorgeous associate, a deal was made
Some pix compared with Sony Vaio TX
Which one do you like
Which one do you want to have if have a choice -
If only if the EEE spend the whole "black space" on the lid for the LCD, I think that'll sell like hotcakes!
Of course, making a laptop this cheap has its price....
You can customize it by your own,that's why this sub is available
Thanks for all the pictures and information! It only has one mouse button correct? I also wish the screen took up the whole space. Why does the price range from $250 to $500? What are the differences in configurations, I know the flash storage is one difference, anything else?
What does it use for flash storage? Is anything in the laptop upgradable? It'll come out in North America sometime August? I'm really just worried about the small screen. -
TO GRZ530:
Hi, I went to your website and found the following picture of EeePC
Its pretty low resolution and its impossible to read what it says on the back of the unit. I am pretty sure you took a high res picture, so could u post it somewhere to that we can read what it says (it might be some useful information)
Thank you
And yes, I am really confused on $250-500 price range, there is no way in hell the price of the unit would double just for 8 more gig's of storage. Its either they included the 10" version of the unit in that price range or there will be 3G and following upgrades for Eee.
PS: Just can't wait til I can have one of these things on my laps. Its too bad Asus isn't giving us any detailed info about this product.
+ from what it looks like (there is a unscrewable panel on the back of Eee) probably for additional memory, but then it would drain the battery faster. -
What is so unreasonable about wanting 2 SDHC slots? They can't cost more than $1. I think it is a reasonable request. Since it is being produced as a SSD laptop only, I think the expansion room would surely be welcomed! You have to remember, everyone has their ideal configuration, people are just posting that, but will probably buy on eitherway if they're interested at all. -
Thanks for the images, they are very nice. -
Damn, its even smaller than I thought it would be.... I like, I like!
Can we put a different Linux distro on it than the one it comes with (I am going to assume that its Ubuntu, right?)? -
no the pre-installed linux on the Eee is a modified Xandros distro, it has two modes a super easy mode (so easy your grandma could use it
) and a standard windows mode (with a start bar)
for more pics of the OS look here
And yes as far as we can tell, you can put your own distro of linux on it -
Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2015
will there be any additional batteries/accumulators with a larger capacity???
that'd be just so nice...s**t on the weight...5 hours+ would be awesome!!! -
GRZ530, thanks a lot for the picture
Too bad MadWifi wont work with Atheros AR5bxb63
, but it wouldn't matter anyway cuz Eee is the ****
Thanks to both Andrew for the initial review, and GRZ530 for the great images!
I love the fact that notebook manufacturers are taking a close look at the market. I would think that releasing "sub"-notebooks like this will probably hurt their profits on more expensive ultra-portable notebook sales slightly, but I think it will also broaden the market depth by adding many new notebook users, many of whom will decide to get a full fledged notebook at some point. I'm no expert though.
Comparing a $250 notebook to one with a pricetag of 2-3k is like looking at apples and oranges, as they focus on different market segments. However, it's still fun to do.
The size difference between the eee and the upcoming Sony Vaio TZ is significant, at least when it comes to carrying one around 365 days a year. That slight decrease in the dimension footprint means that much less weight to carry, plus more room in your bag/case. Feature wise, you get a pretty good deal for the price on the Eee. If you really need the nicer screen, the increased power, or windows OS then paying 10x the price for the TZ might well be worth it. But for most of us who probably have an extra $300 around, but not an extra $3000, this ultra-portable sure does look tasty. I hope Asus does a decent job of meeting the huge demand that will peak at release time. -
GRZ530 or Andrew:
Hey guys did any of you see the Power Adapter for EeePC. It would be really nice to know how big the thing is.
Thank you -
Jerry Jackson Administrator NBR Reviewer
Andrew said the power brick for the pre-production Eee PC is about the same size as the power brick for the Toshiba R500 ... about 3.5" x 1.5" x 1" total.
if the medison celebrity 150 dollar notebook turns out to be a fake i will definitely pick this up
Okay, I think I am going to be buying an Eee. Then next spring/summer, I'll pickup a great 13-14" notebook with GeForce 9xxxM and Penryn/Bearlake!
Yes, this makes a great "Tide-Me-Over" computer, doesn't it?
Jerry Jackson Administrator NBR Reviewer
I believe he was saying you could put a cheap HD in an external USB enclosure (or just buy a USB external HD) and plug it into one of the Eee PC's USB ports ... so storage space isn't an issue. -
Jerry Jackson Administrator NBR Reviewer
1) Current cheap notebooks are too big to carry all the time.
2) Current ultra-portable notebooks are too expensive to risk taking them everywhere.
The Eee really isn't meant to be someone's main PC. It's just a "companion" PC ... something you keep with you to stay connected and still have computer capabilities until you get back to your desktop or full-featured notebook.
The only things that makes me think twice about the Eee PC are:
1) I don't like light-colored notebooks.
2) I think you need a minimum screen resolution of 800x600 for regular website viewing. -
Hmm... that's not exactly what I said. I thought the EEE PC would make a good lappy to tide me over until the next generation. Until then, a cheaper Pentium D desktop should do the trick.
Anyhow, did Asus detail on how exactly this would be available to consumers? Would they be using resellers such as MilestonePC, Gentechpc, etc... or other retail channels such as Newegg? -
Thanks for the info on this. I am looking at a low cost option for voluntary community groups to have a PC with internet access and basic office applications and this looks ideal.
Does the package include a mains adapter or does the notebook run off batteries only? -
Good info on the availability:
Linux: Free
Asus Eeepc: $250
Not Dealing with BestBuy: Priceless
The power sources on this are discussed in some threads above. I believe there's a standard, wired power brick. -
Yes, a power brick will be included.
Thanks for the info. Good thing it's not Worst Buy that'd be selling these things.
Hi All. Got a question here that I've not seen covered yet. I've been following the Eee since it was announced and am ready to jump the gun on the preorder as soon as it becomes available. I'm looking at buying the thing for my kids to use, so they stop messing with my more expensive laptop. Here are my questions:
1. I know that the Eee comes with Firefox, which is great. I've been using Firefox since day one on my XP machine. Will the version of Firefox that comes on the Eee be able to play Flash/MacroMedia type games featured on websites such as (for the kids)?
2. Not too familiar with Linux, but as new versions of Firefox are released to the public from Mozilla's site, can you just download and install them, or do you need a special/proprietary version to install/upgrade for the Eee?
3. Are there (going to be) any instant messenger programs for the Eee that will give you the ability to chat on say...Yahoo!?
Thanks in advance!
Xphyle -
I did see in a screenshot of the EEE's OS there was a chat program that supported all the major servives like AIM, MSN, Yahoo, etc.
You will be able to chat using whatever IM client is pre-installed; all the current major IM clients for Linux support everything from AIM to MSN to Yahoo to IRC. Unfortunately, you will lose some features such as webcam and voice chat. -
Since the EEE is running the full version of Linux, I assume it can run the Pidgin multi-protocol IM client. Essentially, its Trillain+Gtalk for Linux (and Windows, but the UI isn't nearly as slick as the Trillain UI)
Here is the source of the NAND memory: -
Id like to get one of these im installing linux just to practice.
I want a web browser and mp3 player. Linux filesharing as well. Ill even be one of the first ones to buy the 7 inch model and mod it into the 10 inch model. -
Hmmm interesting thought - I'd love to see what the inside of that bezel is like... how much would it be to get a 10 inch screen anyway? What's the graphic capabilites of the EEE anyway as far as resolution goes? (in terms of gpu power, etc) Whats the difference in power consumption? I would love to have a larger, brighter, but still matte screen in there...
Mr._Kubelwagen More machine now than man
Bad news folks, apparently, the release date has been pushed back until mid/late September or even October.
well thats depressing.
You would think microsoft would offer a lot of money to prevent a machine with linux from reaching the american public for $250.
I think they would buy every last one of them really. -
Darn, I guess thats out then. I would have loved to get one of these before college started, but I guess not.
im still getting one on top of my np2090. i think it will be nice in a coffee shop or short note taking sessions.
First the XG station, then the EEE. When will Asus deliver?! -
This sucks, I kind of wanted to get one before my last semester of college started. Now I might not get it at all if its coming out October or something.
I still want one of these when they come out, just for carrying around with me. Unless anyone else knows of any 250-300 dollar laptops that are this small.
It would be the perfect little companion to my G1 as that puppy is staying put in my house 90% of the time.
Asus Eee PC First Thoughts
Discussion in 'Notebook News and Reviews' started by Andrew Baxter, Jul 12, 2007.