haha...looks like i'm not the only one staying up for this...man. its almost 12 here in Chicago too. Please don't tell me they are gonna wait til tonight to release it. I'm gonna go crazy...
i have a psych. exam tomorrow and im even waiting up regardless of the fact that my brain is telling me im stupid and that AW will not update today most likely.
Sigh...guys...sorry to be the harbinger of vile news. I just did a bit of research and u can see for urself: http://www.spraci.com/listings/x1new_york/. Scroll down the page and read about the alienware event tomo..The convention is at 10am and the notebooks are unveiled at 11am. 10am - 6pm @ The Gallery at the Metropolitan Pavilion, 123 W. 18th St., New York, New York. If u are in town...GET UR ASS THERE...do it for the rest of us that aren't there...
Unfortunately...this means its not gonna show up online til they unveil it at the event...so, we should all go to bed. -
haha...well i have a Chem midterm tomo too. haha. I guess i can fly from Chicago tomorrow morning and still make it in time.
I can't believe all the excitement for a video card that may not even be able to play crysis at high/1680x1050
You guys are unbelieveble! ROFLMAO -
we're all assuming it will
it simply HAS to -
Wishful thinking. And maybe it will be so good that it will be MXM II . And fit in all MXM laptops possible. And maybe have boobs.
Come one, I am seriousely doubting that the 8800M GTX will even compare to the desktop 8800 GT , which barely handles Crysis at maximum... -
wrong guys take a look at this. http://www.alienware.com/intro_pages/m17x_m15x.aspx
BTW i ordered my asus g1s from gentech and i probably want to return it to get the m15x (if not too expensive). anyone know the return policy? -
Its here
Make sure you check out how I discovered it!
http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=189488 -
i found it 2 mins b4 you
. i found it at 9:46 and you found it at 9:48!
lol no you didnt! I posted it on the Alienware section before I posted it here lol.
good work tho! -
It's been a long road, getting from THERE to here... but they finally made it to the Earth!... LOL
We need a song to celebrate....
<object width='425' height='355'><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/ZUmO-ELaR_o&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/ZUmO-ELaR_o&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width='425' height='355'></embed></object>Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2015 -
I bet the battery life on the m15x will be pretty bad bcuz of the graphics card and a ll that good stuff.
haha..welll obviously. even the G1s can only last about 2 hours using the most intensive battery saving scheme...but if we all cared about that, we wouldn't be staying up and waiting for the m15x to come out...
y? wait for penryn? Theres no point. Just be pro and buy the X9000 or T9500 when it comes out and DIY. The santa rosa refresh still runs on M965 Express so it is fully capable running on current motherboards. If u really want to wait..wait for the Montevine chipset due in H2 2008...but thats like a year...Offers 1066Hz FSB and the same 6MB L2 cache as the X9000 and the T9500 so theres not really that much to look forward to. the chipset won't really give that big of a boost...considering now RAMs are still stuck in the 667Mhz age...i don't see 1066 coming out anytime soon. According to intel, the main changes are smaller components in the motherboard and chipset. Its meant for decreasing size and not really much of a performance enhancement. If you really want to wait...then definitely get the Quad coming out H2 of next year...but i see no reason to put off the m15x or m17x until Q1. You can even buy X9000 right now off selected sites (the ES version of course).
oh ****....its not coming out til Q1 2008 T.T T.T...my dreams of a Christmas of gaming lies in ruins. shattered. o well. Now we are forced to wait for the refresh...o weellll
sighh...yup indeed. and the 8800GTX just so happens to be the single largest attraction of this laptop
www.rockdirect.com (UK based)
they'll have the 8800M in time for christmas in their X770 (or so they claim)
I am willing to bet that no company will have the 8800M GTX up and running before Xmas.
Well, if you lose, would you mind offering me a 8800gtx, please?? -
all i can say is WOW!
if those are the same prices in the UK, i will be gob smacked, thats about £1,050 at todays rates, and a perfect config for me (well with 2gb RAM instead of 1). For that spec in a 15.4" laptop is pretty amazing and even with the almost definite price rise in the UK (i expect that spec will cost £1200-£1300 UK) I don't really care because you couldn't get that spec with that price anywhere else. (Rock laptops cheapest is £1800 with the 8800M)
So if it comes out with this spec and even if its $300-$400 more ill be getting the 15.4" one -
So does anyone know yet who makes the M15x for AW?
As cool as all the AW bling isid much rather get a normal looking notebook for a few hundred bucks less with all the same hardware inside.
As a gamer, i am so glad they are releasing this awsome card on a 1440x900 screen. Even if it is a 17" notebook frame with a 15" screen, it'll still get better framerates than anything else out there.
I just hope i'll be able to find XP drivers for all the hardware without a lot of hassles. Vista blows for gamming. I ROFL'd in the store when i picked up crysis and it lists recommended hardware higher on a vista machine. You know when a game developer is telling you that vista will run its software slower, that its officially craptastic. It's too bad AW doesnt let you build this notebook shipped either with no OS or XP pro. -
can you order the rock direct laptops from the us? if so how much?
Sager's come out with it's 8800GTX models as well and they're much cheaper.
www.sagernotebook.com -
The 8800GTX in single-mode will outperform 8700m GT's and 7950GTX's in SLi mode.
http://www.notebookcheck.net/Mobile...rk-List.844.0.html?&or=&search=&sort=3dmark06Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2015 -
I am just curious, I have a lil Dell 15" Inspiron for admin stuff, and 2 m9700's, with 1 m9750 all 17"... Why are you guys so excited about a lil 15" gamer from AW? Wouldn't the 17" be better for gaming...My opinion is yes. Is it price or ease of mobility, or both that you all like about the 15" M17x?
Thx... -
I asked and I received:
They are being released Q1 of 2008...I can't friggin wait!
Blud -
How long for the M17x Notebook
I'm in love with this!
It's just the matter of time before m15x is released in my location. -
I just ordered m15x with the 8800GTX my bank account hates me ... need some comfort
So what do you think of it so far????? I ordered mine a few days ago and will not have it until early Frebruary. I prey that I have better luck with it then the (3) XPS M1730's that I returned for a refund.
I'm in the same situation I ordered/paid for it but its not due to arrive until early feb
My bad, I thought that you had it already.
So did you spring for the 2.8 or stick with the 2.4? I chose the 2.4 to save a few bucks!
I went with the 2.4, the extra .4ghz didnt seem very cost effective. My main interest was that 8800M GTX in a 15.4 inch =O. Can't wait to load up some games on this bad boy.
hi ,
how long is battery lifetime of the m15x ... ??!! -
does any one know the m17x specs in more detail, because i need a know pc and i need to know if i should what for the m17x.
i think its the same as m15x but with 17'' and sli 8800M gtx as an option
Just scroll down
I guess you can have 3 HDs. -
hi ,
how long is battery lifetime of the m15x ... ??!!
On a single battery about 1hr with the 8800GTX playing a graphics intensive game. About 2+ hrs running on BinaryGFX integrated card, I dont have a second battery yet can't post those numbers. -
hey guys is it still worth waiting for the m17x
or a get a >>> QUAD-CORE which is available now
will the Alienware be Quad Core too ?
if not then its like waiting for a Slower laptop -
ouh, that's a great spot!
for nearly the same (£2500) you can get something much better than Alienware and it might be whether it comes to performance or look....? Obviously you will have some small gadgets and more or less useless things such as lit keybrd etc. The only thing I don't like about this laptop is that from the images it looks thick as f***(!).
I ended up on $5200 with :
1600x1050 screen
2.6GHz QUAD Core CPU
1GB graphics
200GB HDD/SATA 300
Blu ray drive
that's pretty good, considering Alienware will cost me even more or the same for less performance + what's more it's still not out, right??!
Although I've never heard of this brand, I think lordvader might be right with his suggestion.
Any ideas if this is somewhere available in UK too?
ok thanks,
I'm missing the QUAD processors there..hm?
And even without that they come a bit expensive, don't you think?
although http://www.rockdirect.com/viewNews.php?NEWSID=105
Alienware M15x and M17x Notebooks with Nvidia 8800GTX Graphics Revealed
Discussion in 'Notebook News and Reviews' started by Charles P. Jefferies, Nov 13, 2007.