As you might assume, computers keyboard--and mouse--are notorious collectors of dirt and germs. In fact, some office computers have been tested to have 10 times more germs than a toilet seat! Even for your personal computer, you should clean it at least once a week because the microbes from daily use can grow and make you sick. For obvious reasons, this becomes even more of a problem if you eat when you're on your computer.
p.s. It's age is irrelevant.
I clean my laptop quite often. At any given point in time, my laptop looks pretty new.
But, I am notorious for eating at my laptop. What I do though to avoid getting food on it is when I eat I move away from the laptop and when I set my food down its pretty far away from where my laptop is sitting.
I won't ever leave a drink sitting next to my laptop anymore, I've had someone knock it over and spill on my keyboard. -
BTW, did you know women have dirtier computer work areas men. -
I'm sure there is microbe growth, but the amount of food particles on my laptop I've noticed is lessened by quite a lot.
Also I use disinfectant wipes on my laptop and computer work surfaces. So my stuff is pretty clean. -
a regular napkin is good for me. i use a lil water and a slow motion on the laptop.
No, I do not always clean my notebook.
I always have microfiber cloth beside my laptop so I can wipe the dust of anytime. For some reason the area around my laptop collects dust pretty quickly.
I used a napkin to clean my Sunglasses once (mistake)..and scratched them..not a good idea.
Cin... -
I clean the screen, the cover and the keyboard once a week, but I have not opened it and cleaned it inside
Yes, I do....mostly the glossy screen.
I used to clean my glossy lid, but covered it with a leather skin. Now I clean in-between the seams ;-) -
black mate finish keeps me from going crazy when anything appear on it i just swipe my hand over it and everything is gone
but i slaps or bit any finger or hand or any othe body part that get to close to my glossy screen -
I use my finger to clean small bits of dust off the keyboard deck/touchpad. I never cleaned my screen since I got my notebook, partly because i have a matte screen that doesn't have one of those "glossy" plastic covers over it. I really don't want to scratch it.
One of these days i want to take off my keyboard and clean under it, the mylar coating underneath traps everything. -
Yes, I do a regular clean-up and maintenance in my laptop once every 2-3 months. Smudges and dust accumulate on the display and in-between keys as well as the components inside.
yer i do a genneral dust (and a polish of my glossy seashell lid) every once in a while whenever i feel it needs it...
once every 3 months or so i take the keybord out and then take all the keys off cos withs pets in the house i get heaps of dog and cat hair under the keys... lol
is it ok to use metho to clean the exterior and/or the screen(glossy)? -
How do you clean a glossy lid full of fingerprints ?
Like how you clean glasses?
As for me, I am the opposite. I regularly give it a good wipedown with my microfiber cloth, and if I see so much as a speck of dust on it, I will immediately wipe it off. I would clean out the inside regularly as well, but if I take the top cover off, I'd be voiding the warranty. -
I use windex vinager mix on the outside and kensignton anti-static cleaner on the inside and on keyboards to clean on the inside. my systems always look nice IMO.
I've posted images on the other thread in this section. If you don't take good care of your systems you won't be able to resell them.
Well being a year from when I posted in here last I can say that I have gotten alot more anal about my cleaning. Instead of just dusting the outside and inside once a week or so Im constantly cleaning my laptops. My dell is 2.5 years old and still looks like the day I got it. My alienware is too new to get too dirty but I assume if I keep it it will be in the same boat as the dell.
i constantly clean my laptop like every day
When the motherboard crashed on my desktop I used a couple of laptops every day until I was able to get a replacement motherboard. I used the laptops for over a month and out of habit I cleaned them daily with simple store bought computer wipes that you pull from the plastic tub.
I used the wipes on all surfaces without a problem and the computers were in ages from 10 years old to the newest ones being only 2 years old. No problems at all. -
I take off the bottom panels and clean my machines out about once a month. I live in the desert, and everything gets filled with dust so fast out here!
Now that I got a used Apple Powerbook G4 I intend to keep it clean at all time. My beloved Compaq was stolen and sold to Pawn shop.
I stil clean my laptop every two weeks or so. It's approaching its second birthday this June and I try to keep it clean. Biggest thing that bugs me is the glossy screen, which is what I usually focus on during cleaning. Sometimes Ill wipe the back of it, but with all the stickers on my laptop it really doesn't matter. I should open it up to clean up all the dust and crumbs, but I'm too lazy for that and so far nothing bad has happened that's related to that.
how do you people clean the glossy lid of the laptop
I do clean the air vents and stuff like that time to time. But as far as wiping the dust and finger prints off.... I haven't done that in months ><
Even for the desktop, last night was the first time I wipe my keyboard and I had for 6months..... if it looks clean then it is clean to me. -
for the glossy lid, a micro fiber is really good... towel or cloth too. Its probably best to cover something like that up with a skin or something though. You end up having to clean less often and can avoid some really potential nasty blemishes in the future.
Brendanmurphy Your Worst Nightmare
Microfiber damp wipe down and then use a shammy to dry and polish. I do it every week. Use it for screen, lid and palm rest
Sometimes, when people stick their fingers onto my screen. Annoys me greatly.
I just dampen a fine microfiber with optical cleaning solution and wipe down the screen and keyboard. -
i never understood why people love to touch screens. unless it's a darn "touch" screen, don't touch!
I usually have a microfiber cloth laying around near my laptop somewhere to wipe off the smudges and fingerprints. However, cleaning out the fans, no.
No, just when it needs it,,Compressed air,alcohol + water -wipe,,then its clean.
3Fees -
I clean every week, when I am in the shop, My toughbook was really oilley
I clean my notebook every 1-2 months with special cleaning products for such stuff and one time each 2 weeks i clean it with a dry cloth because of the dust
(I had this program also for the previous notebooks even if was more than 4 years old
I usually do not clean my laptop as it always stays clean anyway. I use external keyboard and mouse, so the only part of the laptop I touch is the powerbutton.
I sometimes vacuum my vents to get rid of dust. -
screen cleaner in and out with microfober cloth when i become OCD about it and about finger prints.
i hold the fans then blow them out with compressed air. -
I use a microfiber and dip it in cleaning solution to clean my laptop, especially if someone touches my screen. It drives me crazy when my friend is trying to show me something on my screen and touches it.
I use compressed air(NOT full blast) at the shop I work in and microfiber cloth with some water/alcohol.
little bit of water on the screen, open up the laptop and blow out the dust in the gpu heatsink, turn off pc and use a baby wipe keyboard DONE
I always clean my notebook after using it. Most times its on my work desk under my monitor, but the times when I use it on its own, not docked im constantly wiping off smudges, same with my smartphones!
I tend to do a full exterior clean (Screen, body, keyboard, trackpad) every week or so, and screen periodically through-out the week. The dirt/dust that can build up on there is maddening.
I use LCD screen cleaner from the soure, big bottle, comes with a microfiber cloth for 9 bucks. its not conductive either as far as the package says too so thats good!
do you always clean your notebook?
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by Rottie, May 13, 2009.