He claimed that Alienware would probably be the most powerful notebooks, period. I only provided a counterexample; not making a comment on Clevo's styling.
failwheeldrive Notebook Deity
Alienwares also have the best build quality and materials in their class.
Ah, I see now. Seems I overlooked that and just read "most powerful ... notebook".
failwheeldrive Notebook Deity
It's a bummer to find out your $4k laptop doesn't game any better than the competition. -
TheBlackIdentity Notebook Evangelist
failwheeldrive Notebook Deity
TheBlackIdentity Notebook Evangelist
This is of course the realm of fantasy. Alienware isn't going to do it.
They match Apple's build quality? LOL LOL LOL... a bunch of magnesium alloy sheets screwed together with a few LEDs pasted on them does not make design. The reason every grad school runs MACs is because they are reliable, stable and do not (a) throw up cryptic messages, (b) require nursery care to keep them running. The price MACs come for, is the price of precision and attention to detail, something Dellienware makers are not supposed to get. It's simple... people who spend their time abusing their ears with death-metal are not supposed to be able to appreciate Mahler or Brahms. Performance, is what one needs to get things done, without wasting either resources or energy to lug an ugly, juvenile dump of plastic around, and then get a headache from looking at it. MACs are meant for professionals, artists and academics. Take a walk down the Louvre, or the Gugenheim for that matter. If you can find one, yes I mean one single , Dellienware there, I will concede my point. MACs are products of culture, taste and sophistication. That is why Steve Jobs is an icon. That is why a Macintosh is preserved in the International Space Station, and that is why Apple products are placed in museum of modern arts. Dellienwares on the other hand... well, they belong in cheap neon-lit malls, and on the desks of man-child types everywhere, living in their mommy's garage, playing some game, pretending to be shooting stuff. LOL.
I would say something like "computers are simply means to an end", "computers are simply tools", or something similar, but considering that this is a pretty subjective thread to begin with, I don't think that those words would carry too much weight around here.
If you simply stated something along the lines of "I don't like how Alienwares look. I like how Macs look better.", that'd be reasonable. We all have different tastes and that's perfectly okay. Don't bash anybody about their tastes, because funny enough that's pretty distasteful (the irony in your Mac culture statement).
Also, current graphic artists and the like would kinda disagree with you. You could send a PM to KCETech1 (in that type of field) about it if you wish (she owns both Macs and WinTel workstations). CS6 runs better on Windows, so I hear, and the current version of FCP is not much better than the current version of iMovie. Not exactly professional.
And what are you talking about the ISS for? Maybe you meant the The Museum of Modern Art (which also houses a Thinkpad, by the way)? The only computers certified for use on the International Space Station are Thinkpad laptops, not Macs (a very quick Google search would have pointed you to this correction). Example: http://www-03.ibm.com/ibm/history/exhibits/space/space_thinkpad.html (or you could check out the Wikipedia's page on "Thinkpad", which cites this link as a source). -
So this became "The Best Looking Notebook in Space, Period" thread?
I only corrected that statement, not saying that it's the best in space (though NASA thinks so
Macs do look elegant and simple, and they might have better ergonomics than Alienwares, but I cannot imagine buying one. They are too common and too pervasive. Whenever I think of one, I imagine a dystopia of sameness (a la Brave New World). For a cleaner-looking laptop, I would buy a Dell Precision or Lenovo Thinkpad. Macs may have fewer issues, but Alienware has the far superior warranty. Customer service is a wash. I'm veering off topic.
failwheeldrive Notebook Deity
And just to clarify, by earlier post was only directed at Mr. "Alienwares are for basement dwelling man-children," not any other Mac owners. I know the vast majority of Mac owners don't worship their laptops and bash people who own different brands. -
katalin_2003 NBR Spectre Super Moderator
Let's get over this and carry on, folks
Thanks. -
We'll never agree on what "the best" or "the prettiest" laptop is, which is the beauty of this thread.
People buy what works for them, and satisfies their (real or perceived is a whole another matter) needs.
I've been a ThinkPad guy for well over a decade. About to move on, but that's a story for a different thread.
However, I'd be lying through my keyboard if I stated that I wouldn't want an older Alienware - or a MBP retina for that fact - in my collection. All of the laptops mentioned belong to completely different schools of design, and were aimed at diverse target markets. Each of them has a story to tell - whether one likes it or not is a matter of personal preference - and build quality to match.
So yes, I'll stick to my 'Pads, ToughBooks and pretty soon an EliteBook. But I shall not be turning down a well-kept Area 51M if one just happens to pop up...:hi2: -
Come on...You've got fanboy written all over your face.
Don't get me wrong, I'm nothing better when it comes to Alienware. But I respect other people's preferences, maybe you should learn to do the same as everything you are stating, you are stating it as facts, but in reality they are opinions, based on something that became a fact in your brain simply caus you love mac's.
You're just completely unobjective. It's very hard to read your post and take anything serious.
killkenny1 Too weird to live, too rare to die.
Lol AW fanbois are as bad as MBP
I would say worse
I have an AW at home and a Mac at work, they're both good systems. I don't think there is much overlap in ownership though, they're on opposites of the spectrum. No one is going to buy a Mac for performance or an AW for portability. -
I think the Razer blade is one of the nicest looking laptop.
Razer Blade Gaming Laptop: The Beauty is Now the Beast - Razer United States
I would never buy it because you pay alot for the look, but still, it looks awesome! -
The entire VAIO series (Fav is the VAIO Z 2012)
I don't know if this has been said because I am too lazy to read 37 pages of which notebook looks the best, but I think there is a clear winner... the clevo/sager p180hm/np8180. The gloss finish isn't the most practical...especially with fingerprints...but this isn't about practicality, its about looks. Look at the led touch control, look at the gloss black and blue theme. The only thing I would change is the orange tribal led to blue
Asus Gxx series looks awsome (only wish you could do SLI and other stuff with it), like someone posted way earlier in this thread, I would've bought alienware. Because of the hardware, but i couldn't get over its appearance.
As for now I'll be owning a Sager NP9570WM (oh soon, so very soon...) all decked out, though it won't win any beauty contest, I want it because its a monster.
for desk top,
anyone got a laptop thats all blinged out with a bedazzler? -
failwheeldrive Notebook Deity
The np9570 has some nice hardware, but its limited BIOS options and cpu throttling kill the potential :/ -
Though I think the Lenovo ThinkPad X301 looks really awesome, the original X1 still tops it in my opinion. If it's just about looks, the X1 beats everything:
EDIT: Never mind
Eh, white one looks to be a major fingerprint magnet. Neat hinge though.
Do like the looks of the black VAIOs, though I'm curious about the key travel and if it's any good. -
I am also curious. It seems as though they fixed some complaints with the Duo 11's hinge, and by far Sony's convertible design is the most unique/sexiest looking out of the bunch. -
Anyway, I notice that the white Sony has a tiny touchpad. Maybe it'd benefit it to have a trackpoint? -
I think the VAIO Pro 13/11 are really close competitors to the Z as the best looking notebooks around. Specifications are another matter entirely, but they're beautiful.
Z serie vaio are the best looking laptops ever, its a shame they are so expensive.
Samsung Ativ book 5 was mentioned already?
lol at title, best looking is relative.
the Dell Precision M 6700 Covet edition gots to be the best looking and very capable laptop. IMO
i preefer looks of dell precision m46(7)00 and their big brothers. minimalistic
Sent from my HUAWEI Y300-0100 using Tapatalk 2 -
The grand winner is obviously the V-tech tote n' go.
Unbeaten. Period. Also has some of the best durability in the market. A year old kid could probably throw it down the stairs and it wouldnt break. Look at that hinge, they dont make sturdy things like that anymore.
On a series note Lenovo W530&Y500 are some of my favorites.
Yeah look at that colorful chassis and keyboard. why no one make a laptop like that one
Samsung series 9 got to be the best notebook. Especially in dark bluish colour.
I personally think my Razer blade 14" is beautiful, dat black MBP!
While Im still partial to my m4600, the Alienware 14 is looking damn HOT! I think for looks alone it may be the best looking notebook on the market today. /end bias rant
Dunno. Coming back to this thread, I've realised that there's actually probably not been a machine I've gone 'whoa' at since maybe 2009.
There's been a lot of 'smart' machines - e.g. the Samsung Series 9 (B onwards - the A was a straight Air ripoff) / Book 9 Plus being one of the recent examples - but nothing that's really twanged my design antennae. And lot of the new form factor machines are more interesting looking than good looking.
I can't also see the mass [redacted] over the Apple gear either - it's clean / smart, but it's not at the nexus of interesting + genuinely good looking. 'Emasculated' is a good way to describe the gear and I guess given the people who really love it, it makes sense. And the problem is that every maker seems to be seeking to emulate this, er, 'sphere-less' school of design. Not all of us who don't need wife approval buy comedy Alienwares, you know. -
Me personally, I just love the look of the older Alienware laptops before Dell took over the company, I really hate the look of the new 2013 models
Here are the Area-51 M17X/M15X from 2007, I just really love the plain silver look with a bit of an Alienware twist, the Skullcap design on the back with the red outlines is what really gets me:
I am still contemplating on whether to buy one of these silver Skullcap models lol. -
'Addressing target market' ≠ beauty, or design excellence.
I also seem to remember saying that silver Ripley design was the least 12-year-old-designer Alienware to date... maybe they went for 15
In all honesty the current ones don't look that bad either but still. -
I have had 3 Alienwares. m17x r2, m11x r1, and now a 14. All were top notch (save for the faulty GPU that came in the 17x) inside and out. I honestly think they have improved in quality greatly with this new alienware 14. The materials inside and out just scream quality and this is all coming from a high end precision/thinkpad owner. I always thought they were quality but not up to snuff with my precision/thinkpad until now. Very comparable. As far as looks I like the no holds barred take on the laptop. They dont try and make it thin and light or conform to style standards. I have no issues taking it to work in full display of my coworkers, but I feel like that much of a gamer when using it for even mundane MS office tasks. The only test it has yet to pass is the test of time.
I guess it's a matter of relatives. I've never been that impressed with the Precision builds - or Thinkpads for that matter - given the price I do think they've got the balance right with the current-shape range (especially as the alloy exterior isn't some unibody nonsense but a skin + proper subframe executed in a way Apple never decently could with the old-style MBP), but they do fall behind HP IMO. However e.g. in my market I can't buy CTO's direct from HP, which basically means that Dell can undercut them by anything up to >40%(!) for identical specs on paper.
The best looking notebook, period.
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by TSE, Oct 3, 2011.