HP Elitebooks. Their business build looks gorgeous to me!
I think the elitebooks are more rugged too. Its a dream of mine to get a 17" elitebook with dreamcolor lcd.
Maybe a used one. -
Haven't been able to compare a Thinkpad and an equivalent Elitebook hands-on, but I'd imagine that durability is roughly on par (Thinkpads just hide all the metal under the plastic).
Though for absolute durability, I can't think of anything that'd top a Toughbook... -
I am also wondering about the surface durability - about 3-4 years ago, the thinkpads plastic shell durability was not that good. The palmrests would get worn out.
It was only cosmetic, but still it looked ugly. -
My W520's palm rest still looks like new, albeit I had placed a dent on the right-side palm rest thanks to dropping the power brick on it. Though the trackpad is starting to wear out; a lot of those little raised bumps have came off.
Hmmm. i think they may have fixed it. I think the wear out issue was in T61s.
M17x R2 is definitly the best looking laptop. The silver chassis just blows your mind in person and the black chassis looks epic just sitting there on a desk.
ive been through a variety of laptops and the R2 is magnificent in person. -
Hmm, I saw a classmate using a m11x a few days ago and all I could think of?
"Large..." -
I think I saw an M17x R2 (it was a 17 inch alienware). Man, it was built like a tank. Like you could smash someones head open with it.
Looked *very* enticing to me. -
Myself, I like the Toshiba Qosmio series... -
failwheeldrive Notebook Deity
The white Acer S7s are really nice looking... not so good keyboard layout though.
failwheeldrive Notebook Deity
Zenbooks, but of course just opinion.
Samsung Series 9 and Asus Zenbook.
Obviously the Chromebook Pixel.
Loving that display (oh dear.. all those pixels!), though 32GB local storage for $1300? I realize what a Chromebook is suppose to be, but considering that the other non-display specs aren't that impressive to me, I'd honestly take a good hard look at the rMBP 13" as a competitor to the Pixel.
Alienware hands down, sorry ladies
My m18x looks like a beast. -
the chromebook looks really generic, as though they have tried to go in the way of a macbook and came out with something that looks just freakishly simple. if i had to draw a laptop with my crappy art skills and a ruler, thats honestly what i would come up with.
if you like simple and ordinary, then a macbook and chromebook.
if you like flair and extraordinary, then a alienware.
Sums up the notebook industry designs -
There's nothing extraordinary about Dellienwares. Apart from the fact that they are 'extraordinarily' juvenile. One of my cousins recently bought one, and has been chewing my ears off about taking a look at his "in your face" laptop, which I did last Sunday. Two minutes of staring at that red cover, and all those LEDs glowing everywhere gave me a headache that took a dozen of painkillers to get over. The only wintel PC that I have found to be of good taste is the black Sony VAIO Anniversary Edition! Refined, minimalistic, and extremely tastefully put together. Amazing!!
failwheeldrive Notebook Deity
Alienwares, period.
Now close the thread. -
failwheeldrive Notebook Deity
failwheeldrive Notebook Deity
TheBlackIdentity Notebook Evangelist
The warranty is also good. Killed a 570m with overvolting a while back. Took the motherboard with it. MSI replaced everything even though I broke the warranty void sticker. They came,picked up the lappy and in about 10-12 days they brought it back fully functioning. I didn't pay a dime. -
failwheeldrive Notebook Deity
TheBlackIdentity Notebook Evangelist
The only mention worthy gripe I have is that the cooling is a bit loud though it does work well. I also like the metal palm rest. It always stays nice and cool. Now all I need is a 780m and a 2920xm. lol
I'd recommend MSI's gaming laptops. They're really good in some aspects and not so much in others. For example don't expect 1ghz overclocks with a 680m in it. Just not enough cooling potential. I'd say the ideal card would be the 675mx for msi's. -
failwheeldrive Notebook Deity
You should definitely get a 780m to hold you over until the 8xx series is out. With an overclock you could be close to stock 680m sli levels -
TheBlackIdentity Notebook Evangelist
As for the 780m. I'd just put a mild oc on the core and push as much out of the memory as possible. 1536 cores running at 800mhz and memory at 2400-2500 would be pretty good. I'm really hoping for that higher rated ram on the 780m though.
If you wanna discuss this further than pm me! The thread is about looks after all,not performance and gpu upgrades. lol -
some interesting opinions in this thread. none are actually wrong lets not get insultive towards people with Alienware laptops
i have witnessed pure rage on youtube / forums against anyone with one and i cant understand why?
its like cars, there are some beautiful Alfas around but technically there not as advanced or as well built as an ugly as sin BMW (yes, they are all ugly from the beginning of time apart from the 1 series coupe) and i think ACER is a prime example, the build and longevity has always been questionable but their ultra,ultra,ultra thin white laptop is a thing of beauty but has no power or build
the alienware isnt a BMW though, its more of a Ricer, a Subaru if you will.. and thats fine too its not classy its just hard wearing and solid with lots of bling but as laughable as a big spoilered STi is at the lights with its gold wheels it manages to carry it off because it has genuine performance .. just like the Alien -
I agree... Alienware notebooks are like tricked out rice rockets or 4x4 trucks.
For a notebook... I prefer the Ferrari or Lamborghini... aerodynamic and sleek. -
If we are doing references from cars Alienware is more like a Brabus or AMG it's mean looking and has some serious power underneath the hood.
Any car can have flashy lights mate lol.
failwheeldrive Notebook Deity
So if Alienware laptops are like "ricers," then what exactly are the Ferrari and Lambo notebooks? Some ultrabook or something? I guess Subarus smoke Ferraris on the track then, right? Alienware builds the most powerful gaming notebooks in the world. "Ricer" implies tacky styling and fake performance parts in order to look high performance.
I just think that all the flashy lights and gigantic cases are a bit "tacky". Just like some people think that cars with neon lights and extensive ground kits/spoilers or trucks with gigantic lift kits are "tacky".
I know people love their Alienware notebooks... and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but *my* opinion is notebooks are supposed to be *mobile* computers so the thinner and sleeker... the nicer looking.
If this thread was "The Most Powerful Looking Notebook Period"... I'm sure most would say Alienware. -
im not going to lie, my roomate here at college has a macbook, and i see it sitting there on his desk and sometimes walk over to it slowly to admire it, just because its built very nicely and is very calm to look at. I do feel peace and serenity just looking at one. Which is amazing considering what it is. I do envy its size and weight too.
But, i then turn around to look at my m17x R2 (specific to the R2) and i get such a big smile on my face with surge of happiness and excitement. I look at each angle of the laptop and theres something special about every perspective and knowing you have all the hardware under the hood is a bonus and matches the styling.
So i literally have the feeling of a Lamborghini.
While the macbook would give me the feeling of a Porsche id say. -
there is no styling on a clevo to speak of really, imho.
Its built to function only, styling was last on the agenda with those machines imho.
but would need to see one in person, im sure theres more to it. -
Something I like about Clevos is that from the outside they just seem like a basic laptop, aside from the illuminated keyboard, but on the inside you can have amazing hardware. From a personal security perspective that's huge, and they still look great.
The best looking notebook, period.
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by TSE, Oct 3, 2011.