I really like that home server! Cool idea imho.
hey cin, just spent the last week reading the entire 1st edition of this thread... what a chore, but have to say nice setups everyone...
anyways cin dont take offence but youve been saying for like the entire thread(origional) youve been saying your gunna post new setup just finnishing off your new spot
now im not 100% sure but thats been nearly a year or more and i still havnt seen a new pic, wow your new setup must be good, i cant wait litterly.
im not being serious cin but hey hows it take you that long?
also i commend you for contributing so much to this thread, i dont think youve missed quoting anyones setup.
mtarm1 -
If I had a little bit more space I would also pull out my Dreamcast (If I had any games for it) As well as my JVC X'Eye. (Its a Sega Genesis with a Sega CD built in) -
oh yer btw when ive fixed up up few things and get my new stuff for my pc ill post a photo
davepermen Notebook Nobel Laureate
I didnt see you were using passive cooling, I was merely commenting on the way you set the server up. You could get some large low noise fans to help with cooling. 1200mm+ fans if done right can be silent. What kind of venting do you have setup?
davepermen Notebook Nobel Laureate
I'm thinking of such big fans, but I'm unsure.. fans mean (even low) noise, and dust..
the PSU is on a "Teelicht", the HDDs in an old HDD enclosure from some old case (one can take out that part individually normally). but I'm thinking of getting some HDD silencers...
the mainboard got screws there where you screw it normally to the case. the screws are made to be foots of the mainboard, so it stands half a cm above the floor.
thats mostly it right now -
New speakers...
Description + Zoom -
future_paramedic Notebook Consultant
davepermen Notebook Nobel Laureate
mr. b: that is just AWESOME LOOKING
sweet, really sweet. -
Long time viewer of this thread. It's given me a few ideas, when I get to set up somewhere else in a month and have some room! I doubt I'll be able to swing anything like Mr. B's, though...
The price was right on everything in the picture: (hardware excluded of course) FREE!Attached Files:
Mr.B ur computer room looks amazing
props to mr b for having such a beautiful comp. room.
Anyone who uses the first generation Eclipse is a friend of mine!
Just for commonality's sake, huh? -
FrankTabletuser Notebook Evangelist
But isn't it irritation to sit exactly in the middle of the two screens? You always have to look to the left or right if you want to view at a monitor. And if you look straightforward then you only see the frame.
And because the displays are flat mounted and not tilted to the left or right you also can't sit before the left or right display, else it's difficult to see the things on the other monitor.
Sorry, but I cant' imagine that it's that comfortable to use for a longer time.
Else it looks really great, especially with the warm and good looking background lighting, clean desk and nice table board color. -
Just curious, what is the light source? -
Thanks for all the compliments thus far.
My current desk...hella busy!
Nice though.
future_paramedic Notebook Consultant
I am in the process of rearranging my computer room right now. I will post some pictures when I am done. It won't be as nice as some of these set-ups, though...
Doesn't look too busy!
I like how you have things placed!
And, nice Screen!
Cin -
Nice case...
I'm jealous of all these rooms.
davepermen Notebook Nobel Laureate
Here's my new setup. Got even more Macs now as I am trying to phase out my PC use. Next will hopefully be a nice, new Mac mini and a 26" HDTV which will serve as my monitor.
Also, once again, I must apologize for the low quality of the pic. Still using my cell phone for pictures. I'll have a camera soon enough..... -
davepermen Notebook Nobel Laureate
if you're jealous, change your own one!
and voilà, you have a project
version 1.0 of my appartment: quite soon -
Look like a dumpter, i know, sorry -
Mind you, I'm not trying to be nasty, I'm jealous as all get-out of anyone who can keep their workspace so .... pathologically neat!
BTW, just 'cause I'm curious, did you edit something out of the pic before posting it, or is there some other reason why the tops of some of the books are all blurry? -
So is the top of the monitor. I think it's the pic.
davepermen Notebook Nobel Laureate
FrankTabletuser Notebook Evangelist
I really like all those setups. And because it's really interesting and inspiring I've decided to post two pictures of my room, too.
It's not perfect, I have to clean up the cables, look for better speakers and have to do other improvements, but I think it's ok to show you -
future_paramedic Notebook Consultant
Nice setup though. -
Eggchair win.
@ Frank cool eggchair I'm curious what keyboard you have there.
@Purple nice setup you have there, is that an Asus G50VT?
I should be getting my new desk in a week or two I'll post an update then. -
Cin -
Really nice setups, guys. :GEEK:
Show us your computer room 2!
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by lupin..the..3rd, Jul 6, 2007.