We discuss a lot of laptop models and accessories and parts on here, but what really matters is how it all comes together. Time to show off your setup! I'll go first.
Laptop on the left side of the desk is hp dv9500t. Just behind the laptop is a Sound Blaster Live! USB (with a toslink optical connection to my stereo equipment). In the center we have the hp w2007 widescreen monitor, AuraVision illuminated keyboard and logitech optical wheel mouse. Just to the right of the monitor is a Venus DS3R FireWire RAID enclosure housing 2x 500GB drives (RAID1 mirror). To the right of that is my audio equipment, a Stello DA-100 192 bit upsampling DAC, and a Stello HP-100 pre-amp. The speakers on either side are ADAM Audio A7 studio monitors. On the floor in the corner is my flatbed scanner, a Firewire Epson 4870 (I don't have a place to put it yet so it's not even hooked up at the moment).
lupin..the..3rd Notebook Evangelist
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Please use thumbnails. Thank you.Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2015 -
SpacemanSpiff Everything in Moderation
OK, here's mine from a while back.
View attachment 34557 -
Hey guys. Yet another new thread? YAY. And Wodstock, you have a lot of Dells. Hahaa.
Your Dell heavily reminds me of the Big Bang Theory.
but my wife has a sony -
edit: Oh and love your setup BTW, I was working on something similar right before I left the auto industry for good. -
Wow, I those to see these setups guys! Yesterday I went through the ENTIRE (yes all 306 pages) of the old thread and got some great ideas for my computer room/bedroom. I can't wait until I can post the picture!
yeah these guys that post their rooms are creative people gotta hand it to them though they take their time on this and they got patience to do so.....
mine is too simple... just an ikea table and a dvd case propping up the back. my work set up is pretty nice though, i mounted my 24" monitor to the back of my tool box hutch.
I've been really bored lately so I drew up my dream room on MS-Paint. It isn't even close to scale, I think I'll have a lot more room than this picture shows, but I'm planning just in case. The thing on the bottom is a futon with a plank of wood so I can use my laptop with cooler while on it.
I have done all the research, picked what I think are the best products, and am hoping that I can earn enough to buy all of this. You can get what most of this is. If you want brand specifics, PM me. -
OK dude I use AutoCAD, and that drawing looks very cool
deltafx1942 Notebook Consultant NBR Reviewer
yeah, that's an awesome drawing if you're only using MS Paint! Good Job! Hope everything works out!
Heres my room. Its not as great as some of the other peoples. I did have a desktop till about 6 moths ago when i replaced it with a laptop.
there are currently two laptops on my desk the one at the front is the one in my sig and the other one is an ancient p4 vaio which i watch tv off.
sry about the bad quality pictures, i took them on my phone and it was being a gay and the camera button wouldnt work properly.
A short list of things in the pictures:
Sony vaio NR21 z/s
Sony vaio PCG K215m
Apple iPod Classic 160gb
Apple iPod Nano 1st gen 4gb
HP C4380 Printer
An old logitech mouse (it was free so who cares)
PSP 2000
other random accessories tv tuner, mic, 2.1 speakers (creative) -
Nicely done!
Well maybe sometime soon...that dream room can become reality for you!
Cin -
Red_Dragon Notebook Nobel Laureate
spradhan01 Notebook Virtuoso
It looks awesome! -
Made a few minor changes........the biggest of which is a great leather chair
Chairs can make all the difference.....I remember shelling out some big bucks for this baby, but compared to the cheap-o $30 one from Wal-Mart, this is worth every penny
Also added a poster on one wall....
and another, farther over, on the opposite wall (the 'Moonraker' one)
Here are 2 older pics, showing what my setup normally looks like (for reference)
oh, it is all blurry... pm me and i will forward you the picture
spradhan01 Notebook Virtuoso
I have pm you. I liked that pic very much.
@ -L1GHTGAM3R- -- Thanks lol I'd like to get something bigger that would possibly support 2 more rigs (lappy and/or desktop).....but as ya can see, I've made the best of what I got (which ain't too bad IMO)
I'm really groovin on your *leather chair*
Appears that it's quite comfy, yes?? :cool;
Cin -
Sorry I couldnt figure out the thumbnail thing =.=;
Anyways needed a desk after anger management was carried out on my last one. This time bought dirt cheap 24$ cheap at Ikea the thing was a steal!
So my setup until august or september when I move out
Forgot to mentioin currently have an HP (Buisness) notebook not in picture and a few notebook coolers that also didnt fit on desk -
Thats a pretty nice setup there x2, are you running the 360 pad through your asus?
$24.00 for a desk..that is a steal!
*I thumbnailed it for you!
Cin -
Neglected to mention that this part of my workspace........
(which is an unholy mess right now, CD's-DVD's/Cases everywhere!).....is about to get some much needed help in the form of this 80-disc case by 'Slappa'
Will be nice to have all my Game/System CD's/DVD's in one place and will make it more convenient too when traveling with the lappy -
RainMotorsports Formerly ClutchX2
I is jealous of all these people with more than say 2 modern computers lol. I should have just bought like 20 net books to pwn the picture instead i fail with no picture and not even a room.... this is why i bought a laptop, its everywhere lol.
Cin -
Dug it out of the garage. I think it is ant infested. See the ant bait thing on the corner of my desk
I had that computer years ago. PII, 128MB RAM, Riva TNT, 18GB HDD.
LOL, you are from Rose-Hulman. I studied abroad with a bunch of people from Rose last summer. Everyone had the same HP workstation. -
Is it helping?
Do you plan on replacing with something else, then?
Cin -
Where did you make that avatar, Cin? I've seen quite a few people on various forums with avatars like that and I want to make one for myself.
I will be painting the area I hope to move my desk space this weekend, with help of a few friends...hopefully I will have a new computer area to post!
Cin -
Thanks. I hope your new setup turns out exactly as you planned.
My messy workspace at work. Being a system admin seems to mean that you're guaranteed to have a messy desk. My phone, t400, linux server, homework and health food. And yes that is a 5.25in floppy I use for a drink coaster.
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Show us your computer room 2!
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by lupin..the..3rd, Jul 6, 2007.