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    Nahimic 3 on "unsupported systems"

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by asm1, Sep 7, 2018.

  1. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU

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    Here is a nice little tasty tease.

    RealtekUWP.png NahimicUWP.png Nahimic Settings.png

    Once its passed by beta testers and that its all working i will post the new version.
    linhares and Rengsey R. H. Jr. like this.
  2. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU

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    Looking for more testers, if you have an MSI Device which is in the list please contact me va DM/PM's if your interested.
  3. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU

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    ARE YOU READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Realtek_UAD_6.0.1.8666_MSI_Nahimic_UWP_mod (ONLINE!)

    Made By: hacktrix2006

    Disclaimer: This Driver Modification is for MSI Systems listed below! Myself nor NotebookReview will not be held liable for any damage caused if this is installed on other branded systems!

    Package includes:
    Realtek UAD
    Nahimic UWP
    Realtek Audio Console UWP

    UAD *299* MSI supported models
    Nahimic 3 280+

    SHA1: 51D7C07B8DBFDB9FA193BD54E12D68B51C7B022C

    For Windows 10 Build: 1803/1809

    Change Log:

    Updated Driver from 8656 to 8666.
    Updated Nahimic 3 UWP to Nahimic 3 UWP
    Updated Realtek Audio Console from to UWP
    Gone back to Device ID setup from 8652 which seems to have less issues.

    GT76_Titan_8SE                          GE73VR_7RE                              GL72MVR_7RFX                             GP72MVR_7RFX                           GS73VR_6RF                              GV62VR_7RF
    GT76_Titan_8SF                          GE73VR_7RF                              GL72M_7RDX                               GP72MVR_7RGX                           GS73VR_6RG                              GV62_7RC
    GT76_Titan_8SG                          GE73_7RC                                GL72M_7REX                               GP72M_7RDX                             GS73VR_7RF                              GV62_7RD
    G25VR_7RE                               GE73_7RD                                GL72VR_7RFX                              GP72M_7REX                             GS73VR_7RG                              GV62_7RE
    GE62MVR_6RF                             GE73_Raider_8SF                         GL72_6QE                                 GP72VR_6RF                             GS73_6RE                                GV62_8RC
    GE62MVR_6RG                             GE73_Raider_8SG                         GL72_6QF                                 GP72VR_7RFX                            GS73_7RE                                GV62_8RD
    GE62MVR_7RG                             GE73_Raider_RGB_8RE                     GL72_6RD                                 GP72_6QD                               GS73_Stealth_8R                         GV62_8RE
    GE62VR_6RF                              GE73_Raider_RGB_8RF                     GL72_6RE                                 GP72_6QE                               GS73_Stealth_8R                         GV72VR_7RF
    GE62VR_7RF                              GE75_Raider_8RE                         GL72_7QF                                 GP72_6QF                               GS73_Stealth_8R                         GV72_8RC
    GE62_6QC                                GE75_Raider_8RF                         GL72_7RDX                                GP72_6RD                               GS73_Stealth_8R                         GV72_8RD
    GE62_6QD                                GE75_Raider_8SE                         GL72_7RD                                 GP72_6RE                               GT62_6RD                                GV72_8RE
    GE62_6QE                                GE75_Raider_8SF                         GL72_7REX                                GP72_7QF                               GT62_6RE                                P65_Creator_8RD
    GE62_6QL                                GE75_Raider_8SG                         GL72_7RE                                 GP72_7RDX                              GT63_Titan_8RE                          P65_Creator_8RE
    GE62_6RD                                GF62VR_7RFX                             GL72_8RE                                 GP72_7RD                               GT63_Titan_8RF                          P65_Creator_8RF
    GE62_6RE                                GF62_7RD                                GL73_7RD                                 GP72_7REX                              GT63_Titan_8RG                          PE60M_6RD
    GE62_7RD                                GF62_7RE                                GL73_7RE                                 GP72_7RE                               GT65_Titan_8SE                          PE60M_6RE
    GE62_7RE                                GF62_8RC                                GL73_8RC                                 GP73_7RD                               GT65_Titan_8SF                          PE60M_7RD
    GE63VR_7RE                              GF62_8RD                                GL73_8RD                                 GP73_7RE                               GT65_Titan_8SG                          PE60M_7RE
    GE63VR_7RF                              GF62_8RE                                GL73_8RE                                 GP73_Leopard_8RC                       GT72VR_6RD                              PE60_6QD
    GE63_7RC                                GF63_8RB                                GP62MVR_6RF                              GP73_Leopard_8RD                       GT72VR_6RE                              PE60_6QE
    GE63_7RD                                GF63_8RC                                GP62MVR_7RFX                             GP73_Leopard_8RE                       GT72VR_7RD                              PE60_6RD
    GE63_Raider_8SF                         GF63_8RD                                GP62MVR_7RF                              GP73_Leopard_8RF                       GT72VR_7RE                              PE60_6RE
    GE63_Raider_8SG                         GF72VR_7RFX                             GP62MVR_7RGX                             GP73_Leopard_8SF                       GT72_6RD                                PE60_7RD
    GE63_Raider_RGB_8RE                     GF72_7RD                                GP62M_6RD                                GS43VR_6RE                             GT73VR_6RE                              PE60_7RE
    GE63_Raider_RGB_8RF                     GF72_7RE                                GP62M_6RE                                GS43VR_7RE                             GT73VR_6RF                              PE62VR_7RF
    GE72MVR_6RG                             GF72_8RC                                GP62M_7RDX                               GS63VR_6RF                             GT73VR_7RE                              PE62_7RD
    GE72MVR_7RG                             GF72_8RD                                GP62M_7RD                                GS63VR_6RG                             GT73VR_7RF                              PE62_7RE
    GE72VR_6RF                              GF72_8RE                                GP62VR_6RF                               GS63VR_7RF                             GT75VR_7RE                              PE62_8RC
    GE72VR_7RF                              GF73_8RC                                GP62VR_7RFX                              GS63VR_7RG                             GT75_Titan_8RF                          PE62_8RD
    GE72_6QC                                GF73_8RD                                GP62VR_7RF                               GS63_6RE                               GT75_Titan_8RG                          PE70_6QD
    GE72_6QD                                GL62M_6RD                               GP62_6QD                                 GS63_7RE                               GT83VR_6RE                              PE70_6QE
    GE72_6QE                                GL62M_6RE                               GP62_6QE                                 GS63_Stealth_8RC                       GT83VR_6RF                              PE70_6RD
    GE72_6QL                                GL62M_7RC                               GP62_6QF                                 GS63_Stealth_8RD                       GT83VR_7RE                              PE70_6RE
    GE72_6RD                                GL62M_7RDX                              GP62_6QG                                 GS63_Stealth_8RE                       GT83VR_7RF                              PE70_7RD
    GE72_6RE                                GL62M_7RD                               GP62_6RD                                 GS63_Stealth_8RF                       GT83_Titan_8RF                          PE70_7RE
    GE72_7RD                                GL62M_7REX                              GP62_6RE                                 GS65_Stealth_Thin_8RE                  GT83_Titan_8RG                          PE72_7RD
    GE72_7RE                                GL62M_7RE                               GP62_7QF                                 GS65_Stealth_Thin_8RF                                                          PE72_7RE
    GL62_6QE                                GL62VR_7RFX                             GP62_7RDX                                GS65_Stealth_Thin_8SE                                                          PE72_8RC
    GL62_6QF                                GP62_7RD                                GP63_7RE                                 GS65_Stealth_Thin_8SF                                                          PE72_8RD
    GL62_6RD                                GP62_7REX                               GP63_Leopard_8RC                         GS65_Stealth_Thin_8SG                                                          PL60_6RD
    GL62_6RE                                GP62_7RE                                GP63_Leopard_8RD                                                                                                        PL60_6RE
    GL62_7QF                                GP62_8RC                                GP63_Leopard_8RE                                                                                                        PL60_7RD
    GL62_7RDX                               GP62_8RD                                GP63_Leopard_8RF                                                                                                        PL60_7RE
                                            GP63_7RD                                GP63_Leopard_8SF                                                                                                        PL62_7RC
                                            GL62_7RD                                                                                                                                                        PL62_7RD
                                            GL62_7REX                                                                                                                                                       PL62_7RE
                                            GL62_7RE                                                                                                                                                        PS42_8M
                                            GL62_8RE                                                                                                                                                        PS42_8RB
                                            GL63_7RD                                                                                                                                                        PS42_Modern_8RC
                                            GL63_7RE                                                                                                                                                        PS63_Modern_8M
                                            GL63_8RC                                                                                                                                                        PS63_Modern_8RC
                                            GL63_8RD                                                                                                                                                        PS63_Modern_8RD[/CENTER]

    - Uninstall Realtek UAD, including Nahimic UWP, Realtek Audio Console apps then reboot.

    - BIOS -> disable secure boot (Important for Unsigned Drivers as it blocks the next step).

    - Disable driver signature enforcement. Hold down the Shift key while you click the “Restart” option -> Select “Troubleshoot” -> Advanced options -> Startup Settings -> select “Disable driver signature enforcement” option.

    - Temporarily disable AV software.

    - Copy to desktop then Right-click/Run as administrator "Realtek_UAD...mod.exe".

    - When prompted (2x/3x) select "Install driver software anyway"

    - Realtek installer, select "No, I will restart my computer later" to continue with RTK Audio Console & Nahimic installation (Invisible install)

    - Check Start Menu to ensure Realtek Audio Control UWP and Nahimic 3 has been installed.

    - Finally, reboot.

    Known possible bugs and fixes:
    Jack Detection not working, simply go to Realtek Audio Console Disable and Re-enable it.
    Microphone no longer working after Nahimic Optimises, click Reset inside Nahimic will fix this.

    ***[IMPORTANT]******USE Windows Auto Driver On systems with Intel 6th Gen or higher CPU (Thank microsoft for forcing drivers on to you)**
    ** Else its not needed, Download for driver is right at the top ***[IMPORTANT]****

    I would like to thank the following people for whom have helped

    The Master for his teachings and pointing me down the right path: J95

    The Beta Testers, Without them issues wouldn't be found:JeanLegi, mnomaanw, epguy3

    Community whom has trusted my work: LeftEyeNine, Falkentyne, felix3650, asm1, Bazgrim, ixende, MrBeer, arke yyci, Beemo, senso, Eflatun,
    HitZ2976, Ivan994,

    For Posting this in another Languge on other threads: JeanLegi

    For Honest Feedback: epguy3

    Finally and Most importantly, Thank you to Alanfox2000 for making the drivers easy to access.

    @asm1 Please update OP with new link

    Attached Files:

    asm1, Kevin@GenTechPC and JeanLegi like this.
  4. asm1

    asm1 Notebook Evangelist

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    JeanLegi likes this.
  5. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU

    Likes Received:
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    Working on a newer version right now the circle seems to never end lol

    Sent from my LLD-L31 using Tapatalk
    JeanLegi likes this.
  6. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU

    Likes Received:
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    Oh No, Another Update

    Realtek_UAD_6.0.1.8668_MSI_Nahimic_UWP_mod (ONLINE!)

    Made By: hacktrix2006

    Disclaimer: This Driver Modification is for MSI Systems listed below! Myself nor NotebookReview will not be held liable for any damage caused if this is installed on other branded systems!

    Package includes:
    Realtek UAD
    Nahimic UWP
    Realtek Audio Console UWP

    UAD *299* MSI supported models
    Nahimic 3 280+

    SHA1: 8A30D867D33ED43D0863FCF69665C8FDF38AD58D

    For Windows 10 Build: 1803/1809

    Change Log:

    Updated Driver from 8656 to 8666.

    GT76_Titan_8SE                          GE73VR_7RE                              GL72MVR_7RFX                             GP72MVR_7RFX                           GS73VR_6RF                              GV62VR_7RF
    GT76_Titan_8SF                          GE73VR_7RF                              GL72M_7RDX                               GP72MVR_7RGX                           GS73VR_6RG                              GV62_7RC
    GT76_Titan_8SG                          GE73_7RC                                GL72M_7REX                               GP72M_7RDX                             GS73VR_7RF                              GV62_7RD
    G25VR_7RE                               GE73_7RD                                GL72VR_7RFX                              GP72M_7REX                             GS73VR_7RG                              GV62_7RE
    GE62MVR_6RF                             GE73_Raider_8SF                         GL72_6QE                                 GP72VR_6RF                             GS73_6RE                                GV62_8RC
    GE62MVR_6RG                             GE73_Raider_8SG                         GL72_6QF                                 GP72VR_7RFX                            GS73_7RE                                GV62_8RD
    GE62MVR_7RG                             GE73_Raider_RGB_8RE                     GL72_6RD                                 GP72_6QD                               GS73_Stealth_8R                         GV62_8RE
    GE62VR_6RF                              GE73_Raider_RGB_8RF                     GL72_6RE                                 GP72_6QE                               GS73_Stealth_8R                         GV72VR_7RF
    GE62VR_7RF                              GE75_Raider_8RE                         GL72_7QF                                 GP72_6QF                               GS73_Stealth_8R                         GV72_8RC
    GE62_6QC                                GE75_Raider_8RF                         GL72_7RDX                                GP72_6RD                               GS73_Stealth_8R                         GV72_8RD
    GE62_6QD                                GE75_Raider_8SE                         GL72_7RD                                 GP72_6RE                               GT62_6RD                                GV72_8RE
    GE62_6QE                                GE75_Raider_8SF                         GL72_7REX                                GP72_7QF                               GT62_6RE                                P65_Creator_8RD
    GE62_6QL                                GE75_Raider_8SG                         GL72_7RE                                 GP72_7RDX                              GT63_Titan_8RE                          P65_Creator_8RE
    GE62_6RD                                GF62VR_7RFX                             GL72_8RE                                 GP72_7RD                               GT63_Titan_8RF                          P65_Creator_8RF
    GE62_6RE                                GF62_7RD                                GL73_7RD                                 GP72_7REX                              GT63_Titan_8RG                          PE60M_6RD
    GE62_7RD                                GF62_7RE                                GL73_7RE                                 GP72_7RE                               GT65_Titan_8SE                          PE60M_6RE
    GE62_7RE                                GF62_8RC                                GL73_8RC                                 GP73_7RD                               GT65_Titan_8SF                          PE60M_7RD
    GE63VR_7RE                              GF62_8RD                                GL73_8RD                                 GP73_7RE                               GT65_Titan_8SG                          PE60M_7RE
    GE63VR_7RF                              GF62_8RE                                GL73_8RE                                 GP73_Leopard_8RC                       GT72VR_6RD                              PE60_6QD
    GE63_7RC                                GF63_8RB                                GP62MVR_6RF                              GP73_Leopard_8RD                       GT72VR_6RE                              PE60_6QE
    GE63_7RD                                GF63_8RC                                GP62MVR_7RFX                             GP73_Leopard_8RE                       GT72VR_7RD                              PE60_6RD
    GE63_Raider_8SF                         GF63_8RD                                GP62MVR_7RF                              GP73_Leopard_8RF                       GT72VR_7RE                              PE60_6RE
    GE63_Raider_8SG                         GF72VR_7RFX                             GP62MVR_7RGX                             GP73_Leopard_8SF                       GT72_6RD                                PE60_7RD
    GE63_Raider_RGB_8RE                     GF72_7RD                                GP62M_6RD                                GS43VR_6RE                             GT73VR_6RE                              PE60_7RE
    GE63_Raider_RGB_8RF                     GF72_7RE                                GP62M_6RE                                GS43VR_7RE                             GT73VR_6RF                              PE62VR_7RF
    GE72MVR_6RG                             GF72_8RC                                GP62M_7RDX                               GS63VR_6RF                             GT73VR_7RE                              PE62_7RD
    GE72MVR_7RG                             GF72_8RD                                GP62M_7RD                                GS63VR_6RG                             GT73VR_7RF                              PE62_7RE
    GE72VR_6RF                              GF72_8RE                                GP62VR_6RF                               GS63VR_7RF                             GT75VR_7RE                              PE62_8RC
    GE72VR_7RF                              GF73_8RC                                GP62VR_7RFX                              GS63VR_7RG                             GT75_Titan_8RF                          PE62_8RD
    GE72_6QC                                GF73_8RD                                GP62VR_7RF                               GS63_6RE                               GT75_Titan_8RG                          PE70_6QD
    GE72_6QD                                GL62M_6RD                               GP62_6QD                                 GS63_7RE                               GT83VR_6RE                              PE70_6QE
    GE72_6QE                                GL62M_6RE                               GP62_6QE                                 GS63_Stealth_8RC                       GT83VR_6RF                              PE70_6RD
    GE72_6QL                                GL62M_7RC                               GP62_6QF                                 GS63_Stealth_8RD                       GT83VR_7RE                              PE70_6RE
    GE72_6RD                                GL62M_7RDX                              GP62_6QG                                 GS63_Stealth_8RE                       GT83VR_7RF                              PE70_7RD
    GE72_6RE                                GL62M_7RD                               GP62_6RD                                 GS63_Stealth_8RF                       GT83_Titan_8RF                          PE70_7RE
    GE72_7RD                                GL62M_7REX                              GP62_6RE                                 GS65_Stealth_Thin_8RE                  GT83_Titan_8RG                          PE72_7RD
    GE72_7RE                                GL62M_7RE                               GP62_7QF                                 GS65_Stealth_Thin_8RF                                                          PE72_7RE
    GL62_6QE                                GL62VR_7RFX                             GP62_7RDX                                GS65_Stealth_Thin_8SE                                                          PE72_8RC
    GL62_6QF                                GP62_7RD                                GP63_7RE                                 GS65_Stealth_Thin_8SF                                                          PE72_8RD
    GL62_6RD                                GP62_7REX                               GP63_Leopard_8RC                         GS65_Stealth_Thin_8SG                                                          PL60_6RD
    GL62_6RE                                GP62_7RE                                GP63_Leopard_8RD                                                                                                        PL60_6RE
    GL62_7QF                                GP62_8RC                                GP63_Leopard_8RE                                                                                                        PL60_7RD
    GL62_7RDX                               GP62_8RD                                GP63_Leopard_8RF                                                                                                        PL60_7RE
                                            GP63_7RD                                GP63_Leopard_8SF                                                                                                        PL62_7RC
                                            GL62_7RD                                                                                                                                                        PL62_7RD
                                            GL62_7REX                                                                                                                                                       PL62_7RE
                                            GL62_7RE                                                                                                                                                        PS42_8M
                                            GL62_8RE                                                                                                                                                        PS42_8RB
                                            GL63_7RD                                                                                                                                                        PS42_Modern_8RC
                                            GL63_7RE                                                                                                                                                        PS63_Modern_8M
                                            GL63_8RC                                                                                                                                                        PS63_Modern_8RC
                                            GL63_8RD                                                                                                                                                        PS63_Modern_8RD[/CENTER]

    - Uninstall Realtek UAD, including Nahimic UWP, Realtek Audio Console apps then reboot.

    - BIOS -> disable secure boot (Important for Unsigned Drivers as it blocks the next step).

    - Disable driver signature enforcement. Hold down the Shift key while you click the “Restart” option -> Select “Troubleshoot” -> Advanced options -> Startup Settings -> select “Disable driver signature enforcement” option.

    - Temporarily disable AV software.

    - Copy to desktop then Right-click/Run as administrator "Realtek_UAD...mod.exe".

    - When prompted (2x/3x) select "Install driver software anyway"

    - Realtek installer, select "No, I will restart my computer later" to continue with RTK Audio Console & Nahimic installation (Invisible install)

    - Check Start Menu to ensure Realtek Audio Control UWP and Nahimic 3 has been installed.

    - Finally, reboot.

    Known possible bugs and fixes:
    Jack Detection not working, simply go to Realtek Audio Console Disable and Re-enable it.
    Microphone no longer working after Nahimic Optimises, click Reset inside Nahimic will fix this.

    ***[IMPORTANT]******USE Windows Auto Driver On systems with Intel 6th Gen or higher CPU (Thank microsoft for forcing drivers on to you)**
    ** Else its not needed, Download for driver is right at the top ***[IMPORTANT]****

    I would like to thank the following people for whom have helped

    The Master for his teachings and pointing me down the right path: J95

    The Beta Testers, Without them issues wouldn't be found:JeanLegi, mnomaanw, epguy3

    Community whom has trusted my work: LeftEyeNine, Falkentyne, felix3650, asm1, Bazgrim, ixende, MrBeer, arke yyci, Beemo, senso, Eflatun,
    HitZ2976, Ivan994,

    For Posting this in another Languge on other threads: JeanLegi

    For Honest Feedback: epguy3

    Finally and Most importantly, Thank you to Alanfox2000 for making the drivers easy to access.

    Attached Files:

    JeanLegi likes this.
  7. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU

    Likes Received:
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    @asm1 Guess your updating OP again lol.
  8. asm1

    asm1 Notebook Evangelist

    Likes Received:
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    The things I do for you... :rolleyes: :) :p
    hacktrix2006 and JeanLegi like this.
  9. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU

    Likes Received:
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    :biglaugh: :biggrin:

    Well at least you have a month off now, as that was the last one this month for me.
    JeanLegi and asm1 like this.
  10. JeanLegi

    JeanLegi Notebook Evangelist

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Thank god I like to help you but i need more time for division 2 :p :D
    hacktrix2006 likes this.
  11. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU

    Likes Received:
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    You me both.

    Sent from my LLD-L31 using Tapatalk
    JeanLegi likes this.
  12. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Yep Another Update For You ALL

    Realtek_UAD_6.0.1.8673_MSI_Nahimic_UWP_mod (ONLINE!)

    Made By: hacktrix2006

    Disclaimer: This Driver Modification is for MSI Systems listed below! Myself nor NotebookReview will not be held liable for any damage caused if this is installed on other branded systems!
    Due to this being a Modified Driver, support will not be given via Nahimic if your havving issues please post in the thread!

    Package includes:
    Realtek UAD
    Nahimic UWP
    Realtek Audio Console UWP

    UAD *299* MSI supported models
    Nahimic 3 280+

    SHA1: 869A7D697C4CFFE52991BDBD8382DF62001A6192

    For Windows 10 Build: 1803/1809/1903

    Change Log:

    Updated Driver from 8668 to 8673.

    GT76_Titan_8SE                          GE73VR_7RE                              GL72MVR_7RFX                             GP72MVR_7RFX                           GS73VR_6RF                              GV62VR_7RF
    GT76_Titan_8SF                          GE73VR_7RF                              GL72M_7RDX                               GP72MVR_7RGX                           GS73VR_6RG                              GV62_7RC
    GT76_Titan_8SG                          GE73_7RC                                GL72M_7REX                               GP72M_7RDX                             GS73VR_7RF                              GV62_7RD
    G25VR_7RE                               GE73_7RD                                GL72VR_7RFX                              GP72M_7REX                             GS73VR_7RG                              GV62_7RE
    GE62MVR_6RF                             GE73_Raider_8SF                         GL72_6QE                                 GP72VR_6RF                             GS73_6RE                                GV62_8RC
    GE62MVR_6RG                             GE73_Raider_8SG                         GL72_6QF                                 GP72VR_7RFX                            GS73_7RE                                GV62_8RD
    GE62MVR_7RG                             GE73_Raider_RGB_8RE                     GL72_6RD                                 GP72_6QD                               GS73_Stealth_8R                         GV62_8RE
    GE62VR_6RF                              GE73_Raider_RGB_8RF                     GL72_6RE                                 GP72_6QE                               GS73_Stealth_8R                         GV72VR_7RF
    GE62VR_7RF                              GE75_Raider_8RE                         GL72_7QF                                 GP72_6QF                               GS73_Stealth_8R                         GV72_8RC
    GE62_6QC                                GE75_Raider_8RF                         GL72_7RDX                                GP72_6RD                               GS73_Stealth_8R                         GV72_8RD
    GE62_6QD                                GE75_Raider_8SE                         GL72_7RD                                 GP72_6RE                               GT62_6RD                                GV72_8RE
    GE62_6QE                                GE75_Raider_8SF                         GL72_7REX                                GP72_7QF                               GT62_6RE                                P65_Creator_8RD
    GE62_6QL                                GE75_Raider_8SG                         GL72_7RE                                 GP72_7RDX                              GT63_Titan_8RE                          P65_Creator_8RE
    GE62_6RD                                GF62VR_7RFX                             GL72_8RE                                 GP72_7RD                               GT63_Titan_8RF                          P65_Creator_8RF
    GE62_6RE                                GF62_7RD                                GL73_7RD                                 GP72_7REX                              GT63_Titan_8RG                          PE60M_6RD
    GE62_7RD                                GF62_7RE                                GL73_7RE                                 GP72_7RE                               GT65_Titan_8SE                          PE60M_6RE
    GE62_7RE                                GF62_8RC                                GL73_8RC                                 GP73_7RD                               GT65_Titan_8SF                          PE60M_7RD
    GE63VR_7RE                              GF62_8RD                                GL73_8RD                                 GP73_7RE                               GT65_Titan_8SG                          PE60M_7RE
    GE63VR_7RF                              GF62_8RE                                GL73_8RE                                 GP73_Leopard_8RC                       GT72VR_6RD                              PE60_6QD
    GE63_7RC                                GF63_8RB                                GP62MVR_6RF                              GP73_Leopard_8RD                       GT72VR_6RE                              PE60_6QE
    GE63_7RD                                GF63_8RC                                GP62MVR_7RFX                             GP73_Leopard_8RE                       GT72VR_7RD                              PE60_6RD
    GE63_Raider_8SF                         GF63_8RD                                GP62MVR_7RF                              GP73_Leopard_8RF                       GT72VR_7RE                              PE60_6RE
    GE63_Raider_8SG                         GF72VR_7RFX                             GP62MVR_7RGX                             GP73_Leopard_8SF                       GT72_6RD                                PE60_7RD
    GE63_Raider_RGB_8RE                     GF72_7RD                                GP62M_6RD                                GS43VR_6RE                             GT73VR_6RE                              PE60_7RE
    GE63_Raider_RGB_8RF                     GF72_7RE                                GP62M_6RE                                GS43VR_7RE                             GT73VR_6RF                              PE62VR_7RF
    GE72MVR_6RG                             GF72_8RC                                GP62M_7RDX                               GS63VR_6RF                             GT73VR_7RE                              PE62_7RD
    GE72MVR_7RG                             GF72_8RD                                GP62M_7RD                                GS63VR_6RG                             GT73VR_7RF                              PE62_7RE
    GE72VR_6RF                              GF72_8RE                                GP62VR_6RF                               GS63VR_7RF                             GT75VR_7RE                              PE62_8RC
    GE72VR_7RF                              GF73_8RC                                GP62VR_7RFX                              GS63VR_7RG                             GT75_Titan_8RF                          PE62_8RD
    GE72_6QC                                GF73_8RD                                GP62VR_7RF                               GS63_6RE                               GT75_Titan_8RG                          PE70_6QD
    GE72_6QD                                GL62M_6RD                               GP62_6QD                                 GS63_7RE                               GT83VR_6RE                              PE70_6QE
    GE72_6QE                                GL62M_6RE                               GP62_6QE                                 GS63_Stealth_8RC                       GT83VR_6RF                              PE70_6RD
    GE72_6QL                                GL62M_7RC                               GP62_6QF                                 GS63_Stealth_8RD                       GT83VR_7RE                              PE70_6RE
    GE72_6RD                                GL62M_7RDX                              GP62_6QG                                 GS63_Stealth_8RE                       GT83VR_7RF                              PE70_7RD
    GE72_6RE                                GL62M_7RD                               GP62_6RD                                 GS63_Stealth_8RF                       GT83_Titan_8RF                          PE70_7RE
    GE72_7RD                                GL62M_7REX                              GP62_6RE                                 GS65_Stealth_Thin_8RE                  GT83_Titan_8RG                          PE72_7RD
    GE72_7RE                                GL62M_7RE                               GP62_7QF                                 GS65_Stealth_Thin_8RF                                                          PE72_7RE
    GL62_6QE                                GL62VR_7RFX                             GP62_7RDX                                GS65_Stealth_Thin_8SE                                                          PE72_8RC
    GL62_6QF                                GP62_7RD                                GP63_7RE                                 GS65_Stealth_Thin_8SF                                                          PE72_8RD
    GL62_6RD                                GP62_7REX                               GP63_Leopard_8RC                         GS65_Stealth_Thin_8SG                                                          PL60_6RD
    GL62_6RE                                GP62_7RE                                GP63_Leopard_8RD                                                                                                        PL60_6RE
    GL62_7QF                                GP62_8RC                                GP63_Leopard_8RE                                                                                                        PL60_7RD
    GL62_7RDX                               GP62_8RD                                GP63_Leopard_8RF                                                                                                        PL60_7RE
                                            GP63_7RD                                GP63_Leopard_8SF                                                                                                        PL62_7RC
                                            GL62_7RD                                                                                                                                                        PL62_7RD
                                            GL62_7REX                                                                                                                                                       PL62_7RE
                                            GL62_7RE                                                                                                                                                        PS42_8M
                                            GL62_8RE                                                                                                                                                        PS42_8RB
                                            GL63_7RD                                                                                                                                                        PS42_Modern_8RC
                                            GL63_7RE                                                                                                                                                        PS63_Modern_8M
                                            GL63_8RC                                                                                                                                                        PS63_Modern_8RC
                                            GL63_8RD                                                                                                                                                        PS63_Modern_8RD[/CENTER]

    - Uninstall Realtek UAD, including Nahimic UWP, Realtek Audio Console apps then reboot.

    - BIOS -> disable secure boot (Important for Unsigned Drivers as it blocks the next step). *PLEASE DO THIS BEFORE INSTALLING THE MODDED DRIVER*

    - Disable driver signature enforcement. Hold down the Shift key while you click the “Restart” option -> Select “Troubleshoot” -> Advanced options -> Startup Settings -> select “Disable driver signature enforcement” option. *PLEASE DO THIS BEFORE INSTALLING THE MODDED DRIVER*

    - Temporarily disable AV software.

    - Copy to desktop then Right-click/Run as administrator "Realtek_UAD...mod.exe".

    - When prompted (2x/3x) select "Install driver software anyway"

    - Realtek installer, select "No, I will restart my computer later" to continue with RTK Audio Console & Nahimic installation (Invisible install)

    - Check Start Menu to ensure Realtek Audio Control UWP and Nahimic 3 has been installed.

    - Finally, reboot.

    Known possible bugs and fixes:
    Jack Detection not working, simply go to Realtek Audio Console Disable and Re-enable it.
    Microphone no longer working after Nahimic Optimises, click Reset inside Nahimic will fix this.

    ***[IMPORTANT]******USE Windows Auto Driver On systems with Intel 6th Gen or higher CPU (Thank microsoft for forcing drivers on to you)**
    ** Else its not needed, Download for driver is right at the top ***[IMPORTANT]****

    I would like to thank the following people for whom have helped

    The Master for his teachings and pointing me down the right path: J95

    The Beta Testers, Without them issues wouldn't be found:JeanLegi, mnomaanw, epguy3

    Community whom has trusted my work: LeftEyeNine, Falkentyne, felix3650, asm1, Bazgrim, ixende, MrBeer, arke yyci, Beemo, senso, Eflatun,
    HitZ2976, Ivan994,

    For Posting this in another Languge on other threads: JeanLegi

    For Honest Feedback: epguy3

    Finally and Most importantly, Thank you to Alanfox2000 for making the drivers easy to access.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Apr 15, 2019
    JeanLegi and j95 like this.
  13. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU

    Likes Received:
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    @asm1 You couldn't be a darling could you and update OP? Thank You!
  14. asm1

    asm1 Notebook Evangelist

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Aww since you asked soo nicely :rolleyes: ;) :) done :)
    What hapopened to the month off lol ?
    hacktrix2006 likes this.
  15. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU

    Likes Received:
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    Thanks, I was bored!

    Sent from my LLD-L31 using Tapatalk
    asm1 likes this.
  16. asm1

    asm1 Notebook Evangelist

    Likes Received:
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    :radar: :bigsmile: :biggrin: :bigwink:
  17. JeanLegi

    JeanLegi Notebook Evangelist

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    no that awesome guy needs more time for gaming :D and i need more time for division 2 :D :D!
    hacktrix2006 likes this.
  18. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU

    Likes Received:
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    After the last test you ran Jean for me I was able to note everything down and mod to them notes so testing is now validation only. So you fine till someone reports issues lol.

    Sent from my LLD-L31 using Tapatalk
    JeanLegi likes this.
  19. WildCard65

    WildCard65 Notebook Enthusiast

    Likes Received:
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    I'm having problems getting nahimic 3 running with these modded drivers. I have gone and did the registry modification, disabled secure boot and driver signing enforcement but I'm missing an important folder in DriverStore:

    avolutenh3ext.inf_amd64_84092adff241278d (I'm not sure the bit after amd64_ is the same throughout versions), this folder happens to contain files required by Nahimic 3:

  20. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU

    Likes Received:
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    Ok could you PM me with your soundcard device ID please so I can check for you. Are you using the latest version. Also do you have any UWP apps running such as sticky notes or Skype.

    This might require a TeamViewer session as well if they basics don't work.

    Sent from my LLD-L31 using Tapatalk
  21. WildCard65

    WildCard65 Notebook Enthusiast

    Likes Received:
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    Since I can't find how to PM you, I'll have to do this way:

    Laptop is GP72 6QF with audio device

    Other UWP Applications include:
    Killer Control Center
    Intel Graphics Command Center

    Other things to note:
    I did refresh the PC with a Windows 10 install from ISO to USB
  22. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU

    Likes Received:
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    @WildCard65 how are you disabling Driver Signature Enforcement? as using command prompt version no longer works. Are you sure you have disabled secureboot from the bios before turning off DSE as if secure boot is enable when you turn off DSE it will not turn off DSE as its a SecureBoot protected area. 899 is in the driver.

    The UWP there is not known to cause issues so are ok.
  23. WildCard65

    WildCard65 Notebook Enthusiast

    Likes Received:
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    Ok, found the issue, the instructions regarding DSE were a little unclear:

    It needs to be disabled BEFORE the installer goes to install.
    Clarity required in instructions:

    If the installer uninstalls any pre-existing drivers first, it'll ask for restart, click "No"
    Restart via Shift+Click in Start Menu restart option, proceed to disable DSE
    Windows must ask if you want to install the drivers anyway (red scary box popup), if this doesn't happen, DSE was not disabled.

    Edit: And a quick double re-run of NH3ProductSettings.exe (obtained from V8496) and now I can use NH3.
  24. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU

    Likes Received:
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    Ok i have edited the change log and info with the following, *PLEASE DO THIS BEFORE INSTALLING THE MODDED DRIVER*
    Hope fully this makes it more clear.

    @JeanLegi Guess whats happening tonight.
  25. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU

    Likes Received:
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    Can't believe you blinked, Oh yes another Update!!

    Realtek_UAD_6.0.1.8678_MSI_Nahimic_UWP_mod (ONLINE!)

    Made By: hacktrix2006

    Disclaimer: This Driver Modification is for MSI Systems listed below! Myself nor NotebookReview will not be held liable for any damage caused if this is installed on other branded systems!
    Due to this being a Modified Driver, support will not be given via Nahimic if your havving issues please post in the thread!

    Package includes:
    Realtek UAD
    Nahimic UWP
    Realtek Audio Console UWP

    UAD *299* MSI supported models
    Nahimic 3 280+

    SHA1: C1E7F0B537DDD85B01052337A7FC3B7FEF15C135

    For Windows 10 Build: 1803/1809/1903

    Change Log:

    Updated Driver from 8673 to 8678.

    GT76_Titan_8SE                          GE73VR_7RE                              GL72MVR_7RFX                             GP72MVR_7RFX                           GS73VR_6RF                              GV62VR_7RF
    GT76_Titan_8SF                          GE73VR_7RF                              GL72M_7RDX                               GP72MVR_7RGX                           GS73VR_6RG                              GV62_7RC
    GT76_Titan_8SG                          GE73_7RC                                GL72M_7REX                               GP72M_7RDX                             GS73VR_7RF                              GV62_7RD
    G25VR_7RE                               GE73_7RD                                GL72VR_7RFX                              GP72M_7REX                             GS73VR_7RG                              GV62_7RE
    GE62MVR_6RF                             GE73_Raider_8SF                         GL72_6QE                                 GP72VR_6RF                             GS73_6RE                                GV62_8RC
    GE62MVR_6RG                             GE73_Raider_8SG                         GL72_6QF                                 GP72VR_7RFX                            GS73_7RE                                GV62_8RD
    GE62MVR_7RG                             GE73_Raider_RGB_8RE                     GL72_6RD                                 GP72_6QD                               GS73_Stealth_8R                         GV62_8RE
    GE62VR_6RF                              GE73_Raider_RGB_8RF                     GL72_6RE                                 GP72_6QE                               GS73_Stealth_8R                         GV72VR_7RF
    GE62VR_7RF                              GE75_Raider_8RE                         GL72_7QF                                 GP72_6QF                               GS73_Stealth_8R                         GV72_8RC
    GE62_6QC                                GE75_Raider_8RF                         GL72_7RDX                                GP72_6RD                               GS73_Stealth_8R                         GV72_8RD
    GE62_6QD                                GE75_Raider_8SE                         GL72_7RD                                 GP72_6RE                               GT62_6RD                                GV72_8RE
    GE62_6QE                                GE75_Raider_8SF                         GL72_7REX                                GP72_7QF                               GT62_6RE                                P65_Creator_8RD
    GE62_6QL                                GE75_Raider_8SG                         GL72_7RE                                 GP72_7RDX                              GT63_Titan_8RE                          P65_Creator_8RE
    GE62_6RD                                GF62VR_7RFX                             GL72_8RE                                 GP72_7RD                               GT63_Titan_8RF                          P65_Creator_8RF
    GE62_6RE                                GF62_7RD                                GL73_7RD                                 GP72_7REX                              GT63_Titan_8RG                          PE60M_6RD
    GE62_7RD                                GF62_7RE                                GL73_7RE                                 GP72_7RE                               GT65_Titan_8SE                          PE60M_6RE
    GE62_7RE                                GF62_8RC                                GL73_8RC                                 GP73_7RD                               GT65_Titan_8SF                          PE60M_7RD
    GE63VR_7RE                              GF62_8RD                                GL73_8RD                                 GP73_7RE                               GT65_Titan_8SG                          PE60M_7RE
    GE63VR_7RF                              GF62_8RE                                GL73_8RE                                 GP73_Leopard_8RC                       GT72VR_6RD                              PE60_6QD
    GE63_7RC                                GF63_8RB                                GP62MVR_6RF                              GP73_Leopard_8RD                       GT72VR_6RE                              PE60_6QE
    GE63_7RD                                GF63_8RC                                GP62MVR_7RFX                             GP73_Leopard_8RE                       GT72VR_7RD                              PE60_6RD
    GE63_Raider_8SF                         GF63_8RD                                GP62MVR_7RF                              GP73_Leopard_8RF                       GT72VR_7RE                              PE60_6RE
    GE63_Raider_8SG                         GF72VR_7RFX                             GP62MVR_7RGX                             GP73_Leopard_8SF                       GT72_6RD                                PE60_7RD
    GE63_Raider_RGB_8RE                     GF72_7RD                                GP62M_6RD                                GS43VR_6RE                             GT73VR_6RE                              PE60_7RE
    GE63_Raider_RGB_8RF                     GF72_7RE                                GP62M_6RE                                GS43VR_7RE                             GT73VR_6RF                              PE62VR_7RF
    GE72MVR_6RG                             GF72_8RC                                GP62M_7RDX                               GS63VR_6RF                             GT73VR_7RE                              PE62_7RD
    GE72MVR_7RG                             GF72_8RD                                GP62M_7RD                                GS63VR_6RG                             GT73VR_7RF                              PE62_7RE
    GE72VR_6RF                              GF72_8RE                                GP62VR_6RF                               GS63VR_7RF                             GT75VR_7RE                              PE62_8RC
    GE72VR_7RF                              GF73_8RC                                GP62VR_7RFX                              GS63VR_7RG                             GT75_Titan_8RF                          PE62_8RD
    GE72_6QC                                GF73_8RD                                GP62VR_7RF                               GS63_6RE                               GT75_Titan_8RG                          PE70_6QD
    GE72_6QD                                GL62M_6RD                               GP62_6QD                                 GS63_7RE                               GT83VR_6RE                              PE70_6QE
    GE72_6QE                                GL62M_6RE                               GP62_6QE                                 GS63_Stealth_8RC                       GT83VR_6RF                              PE70_6RD
    GE72_6QL                                GL62M_7RC                               GP62_6QF                                 GS63_Stealth_8RD                       GT83VR_7RE                              PE70_6RE
    GE72_6RD                                GL62M_7RDX                              GP62_6QG                                 GS63_Stealth_8RE                       GT83VR_7RF                              PE70_7RD
    GE72_6RE                                GL62M_7RD                               GP62_6RD                                 GS63_Stealth_8RF                       GT83_Titan_8RF                          PE70_7RE
    GE72_7RD                                GL62M_7REX                              GP62_6RE                                 GS65_Stealth_Thin_8RE                  GT83_Titan_8RG                          PE72_7RD
    GE72_7RE                                GL62M_7RE                               GP62_7QF                                 GS65_Stealth_Thin_8RF                                                          PE72_7RE
    GL62_6QE                                GL62VR_7RFX                             GP62_7RDX                                GS65_Stealth_Thin_8SE                                                          PE72_8RC
    GL62_6QF                                GP62_7RD                                GP63_7RE                                 GS65_Stealth_Thin_8SF                                                          PE72_8RD
    GL62_6RD                                GP62_7REX                               GP63_Leopard_8RC                         GS65_Stealth_Thin_8SG                                                          PL60_6RD
    GL62_6RE                                GP62_7RE                                GP63_Leopard_8RD                                                                                                        PL60_6RE
    GL62_7QF                                GP62_8RC                                GP63_Leopard_8RE                                                                                                        PL60_7RD
    GL62_7RDX                               GP62_8RD                                GP63_Leopard_8RF                                                                                                        PL60_7RE
                                            GP63_7RD                                GP63_Leopard_8SF                                                                                                        PL62_7RC
                                            GL62_7RD                                                                                                                                                        PL62_7RD
                                            GL62_7REX                                                                                                                                                       PL62_7RE
                                            GL62_7RE                                                                                                                                                        PS42_8M
                                            GL62_8RE                                                                                                                                                        PS42_8RB
                                            GL63_7RD                                                                                                                                                        PS42_Modern_8RC
                                            GL63_7RE                                                                                                                                                        PS63_Modern_8M
                                            GL63_8RC                                                                                                                                                        PS63_Modern_8RC
                                            GL63_8RD                                                                                                                                                        PS63_Modern_8RD[/CENTER]

    - Uninstall Realtek UAD, including Nahimic UWP, Realtek Audio Console apps then reboot.

    - BIOS -> disable secure boot (Important for Unsigned Drivers as it blocks the next step). *PLEASE DO THIS BEFORE INSTALLING THE MODDED DRIVER*

    - Disable driver signature enforcement. Hold down the Shift key while you click the “Restart” option -> Select “Troubleshoot” -> Advanced options -> Startup Settings -> select “Disable driver signature enforcement” option. *PLEASE DO THIS BEFORE INSTALLING THE MODDED DRIVER*

    - Temporarily disable AV software.

    - Copy to desktop then Right-click/Run as administrator "Realtek_UAD...mod.exe".

    - When prompted (2x/3x) select "Install driver software anyway"

    - Realtek installer, select "No, I will restart my computer later" to continue with RTK Audio Console & Nahimic installation (Invisible install)

    - Check Start Menu to ensure Realtek Audio Control UWP and Nahimic 3 has been installed.

    - Finally, reboot.

    Known possible bugs and fixes:
    Jack Detection not working, simply go to Realtek Audio Console Disable and Re-enable it.
    Microphone no longer working after Nahimic Optimises, click Reset inside Nahimic will fix this.

    ***[IMPORTANT]******USE Windows Auto Driver On systems with Intel 6th Gen or higher CPU (Thank microsoft for forcing drivers on to you)**
    ** Else its not needed, Download for driver is right at the top ***[IMPORTANT]****

    I would like to thank the following people for whom have helped

    The Master for his teachings and pointing me down the right path: J95

    The Beta Testers, Without them issues wouldn't be found:JeanLegi, mnomaanw, epguy3

    Community whom has trusted my work: LeftEyeNine, Falkentyne, felix3650, asm1, Bazgrim, ixende, MrBeer, arke yyci, Beemo, senso, Eflatun,
    HitZ2976, Ivan994,

    For Posting this in another Languge on other threads: JeanLegi

    For Honest Feedback: epguy3

    Finally and Most importantly, Thank you to Alanfox2000 for making the drivers easy to access.

    @asm1 Time to Update OP

    Attached Files:

    JeanLegi likes this.
  26. JeanLegi

    JeanLegi Notebook Evangelist

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    nothing... will install the new one tomorrow :D.
    I can remeber that someone wrote that he do a little break round abouth 1 month :rolleyes: :D

    I was bored so i check the new driver... Party with my beyerdynamic MMX300 (hardstyle for the victory! :D )
    Installed and it is working perfect with my GT75VR 7RF. Good work as everytime bra!
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2019
    hacktrix2006 likes this.
  27. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Lol, yep I seem to have lost all space and time, however I seem to have lost the joy of gaming and we all know what idle hands do.

    Sent from my LLD-L31 using Tapatalk
  28. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Ready for 19H1 Public Release!!

    Realtek_UAD_6.0.1.8683_MSI_Nahimic_UWP_mod (ONLINE!)

    Made By: hacktrix2006

    Disclaimer: This Driver Modification is for MSI Systems listed below! Myself nor NotebookReview will not be held liable for any damage caused if this is installed on other branded systems!
    Due to this being a Modified Driver, support will not be given via Nahimic if your havving issues please post in the thread!

    Package includes:
    Realtek UAD
    Nahimic UWP
    Realtek Audio Console UWP

    UAD *299* MSI supported models
    Nahimic 3 280+

    SHA1: 091299C41A0B22861622B39977FC1E635BEA4D3C

    For Windows 10 Build: 1803/1809/1903

    Change Log:

    Updated Driver from 8678 to 8683
    Updated Realtek Audio Console to

    GT76_Titan_8SE                          GE73VR_7RE                              GL72MVR_7RFX                             GP72MVR_7RFX                           GS73VR_6RF                              GV62VR_7RF
    GT76_Titan_8SF                          GE73VR_7RF                              GL72M_7RDX                               GP72MVR_7RGX                           GS73VR_6RG                              GV62_7RC
    GT76_Titan_8SG                          GE73_7RC                                GL72M_7REX                               GP72M_7RDX                             GS73VR_7RF                              GV62_7RD
    G25VR_7RE                               GE73_7RD                                GL72VR_7RFX                              GP72M_7REX                             GS73VR_7RG                              GV62_7RE
    GE62MVR_6RF                             GE73_Raider_8SF                         GL72_6QE                                 GP72VR_6RF                             GS73_6RE                                GV62_8RC
    GE62MVR_6RG                             GE73_Raider_8SG                         GL72_6QF                                 GP72VR_7RFX                            GS73_7RE                                GV62_8RD
    GE62MVR_7RG                             GE73_Raider_RGB_8RE                     GL72_6RD                                 GP72_6QD                               GS73_Stealth_8R                         GV62_8RE
    GE62VR_6RF                              GE73_Raider_RGB_8RF                     GL72_6RE                                 GP72_6QE                               GS73_Stealth_8R                         GV72VR_7RF
    GE62VR_7RF                              GE75_Raider_8RE                         GL72_7QF                                 GP72_6QF                               GS73_Stealth_8R                         GV72_8RC
    GE62_6QC                                GE75_Raider_8RF                         GL72_7RDX                                GP72_6RD                               GS73_Stealth_8R                         GV72_8RD
    GE62_6QD                                GE75_Raider_8SE                         GL72_7RD                                 GP72_6RE                               GT62_6RD                                GV72_8RE
    GE62_6QE                                GE75_Raider_8SF                         GL72_7REX                                GP72_7QF                               GT62_6RE                                P65_Creator_8RD
    GE62_6QL                                GE75_Raider_8SG                         GL72_7RE                                 GP72_7RDX                              GT63_Titan_8RE                          P65_Creator_8RE
    GE62_6RD                                GF62VR_7RFX                             GL72_8RE                                 GP72_7RD                               GT63_Titan_8RF                          P65_Creator_8RF
    GE62_6RE                                GF62_7RD                                GL73_7RD                                 GP72_7REX                              GT63_Titan_8RG                          PE60M_6RD
    GE62_7RD                                GF62_7RE                                GL73_7RE                                 GP72_7RE                               GT65_Titan_8SE                          PE60M_6RE
    GE62_7RE                                GF62_8RC                                GL73_8RC                                 GP73_7RD                               GT65_Titan_8SF                          PE60M_7RD
    GE63VR_7RE                              GF62_8RD                                GL73_8RD                                 GP73_7RE                               GT65_Titan_8SG                          PE60M_7RE
    GE63VR_7RF                              GF62_8RE                                GL73_8RE                                 GP73_Leopard_8RC                       GT72VR_6RD                              PE60_6QD
    GE63_7RC                                GF63_8RB                                GP62MVR_6RF                              GP73_Leopard_8RD                       GT72VR_6RE                              PE60_6QE
    GE63_7RD                                GF63_8RC                                GP62MVR_7RFX                             GP73_Leopard_8RE                       GT72VR_7RD                              PE60_6RD
    GE63_Raider_8SF                         GF63_8RD                                GP62MVR_7RF                              GP73_Leopard_8RF                       GT72VR_7RE                              PE60_6RE
    GE63_Raider_8SG                         GF72VR_7RFX                             GP62MVR_7RGX                             GP73_Leopard_8SF                       GT72_6RD                                PE60_7RD
    GE63_Raider_RGB_8RE                     GF72_7RD                                GP62M_6RD                                GS43VR_6RE                             GT73VR_6RE                              PE60_7RE
    GE63_Raider_RGB_8RF                     GF72_7RE                                GP62M_6RE                                GS43VR_7RE                             GT73VR_6RF                              PE62VR_7RF
    GE72MVR_6RG                             GF72_8RC                                GP62M_7RDX                               GS63VR_6RF                             GT73VR_7RE                              PE62_7RD
    GE72MVR_7RG                             GF72_8RD                                GP62M_7RD                                GS63VR_6RG                             GT73VR_7RF                              PE62_7RE
    GE72VR_6RF                              GF72_8RE                                GP62VR_6RF                               GS63VR_7RF                             GT75VR_7RE                              PE62_8RC
    GE72VR_7RF                              GF73_8RC                                GP62VR_7RFX                              GS63VR_7RG                             GT75_Titan_8RF                          PE62_8RD
    GE72_6QC                                GF73_8RD                                GP62VR_7RF                               GS63_6RE                               GT75_Titan_8RG                          PE70_6QD
    GE72_6QD                                GL62M_6RD                               GP62_6QD                                 GS63_7RE                               GT83VR_6RE                              PE70_6QE
    GE72_6QE                                GL62M_6RE                               GP62_6QE                                 GS63_Stealth_8RC                       GT83VR_6RF                              PE70_6RD
    GE72_6QL                                GL62M_7RC                               GP62_6QF                                 GS63_Stealth_8RD                       GT83VR_7RE                              PE70_6RE
    GE72_6RD                                GL62M_7RDX                              GP62_6QG                                 GS63_Stealth_8RE                       GT83VR_7RF                              PE70_7RD
    GE72_6RE                                GL62M_7RD                               GP62_6RD                                 GS63_Stealth_8RF                       GT83_Titan_8RF                          PE70_7RE
    GE72_7RD                                GL62M_7REX                              GP62_6RE                                 GS65_Stealth_Thin_8RE                  GT83_Titan_8RG                          PE72_7RD
    GE72_7RE                                GL62M_7RE                               GP62_7QF                                 GS65_Stealth_Thin_8RF                                                          PE72_7RE
    GL62_6QE                                GL62VR_7RFX                             GP62_7RDX                                GS65_Stealth_Thin_8SE                                                          PE72_8RC
    GL62_6QF                                GP62_7RD                                GP63_7RE                                 GS65_Stealth_Thin_8SF                                                          PE72_8RD
    GL62_6RD                                GP62_7REX                               GP63_Leopard_8RC                         GS65_Stealth_Thin_8SG                                                          PL60_6RD
    GL62_6RE                                GP62_7RE                                GP63_Leopard_8RD                                                                                                        PL60_6RE
    GL62_7QF                                GP62_8RC                                GP63_Leopard_8RE                                                                                                        PL60_7RD
    GL62_7RDX                               GP62_8RD                                GP63_Leopard_8RF                                                                                                        PL60_7RE
                                            GP63_7RD                                GP63_Leopard_8SF                                                                                                        PL62_7RC
                                            GL62_7RD                                                                                                                                                        PL62_7RD
                                            GL62_7REX                                                                                                                                                       PL62_7RE
                                            GL62_7RE                                                                                                                                                        PS42_8M
                                            GL62_8RE                                                                                                                                                        PS42_8RB
                                            GL63_7RD                                                                                                                                                        PS42_Modern_8RC
                                            GL63_7RE                                                                                                                                                        PS63_Modern_8M
                                            GL63_8RC                                                                                                                                                        PS63_Modern_8RC
                                            GL63_8RD                                                                                                                                                        PS63_Modern_8RD[/CENTER]

    - Uninstall Realtek UAD, including Nahimic UWP, Realtek Audio Console apps then reboot.

    - BIOS -> disable secure boot (Important for Unsigned Drivers as it blocks the next step). *PLEASE DO THIS BEFORE INSTALLING THE MODDED DRIVER*

    - Disable driver signature enforcement. Hold down the Shift key while you click the “Restart” option -> Select “Troubleshoot” -> Advanced options -> Startup Settings -> select “Disable driver signature enforcement” option. *PLEASE DO THIS BEFORE INSTALLING THE MODDED DRIVER*

    - Temporarily disable AV software.

    - Copy to desktop then Right-click/Run as administrator "Realtek_UAD...mod.exe".

    - When prompted (2x/3x) select "Install driver software anyway"

    - Realtek installer, select "No, I will restart my computer later" to continue with RTK Audio Console & Nahimic installation (Invisible install)

    - Check Start Menu to ensure Realtek Audio Control UWP and Nahimic 3 has been installed.

    - Finally, reboot.

    Known possible bugs and fixes:
    Jack Detection not working, simply go to Realtek Audio Console Disable and Re-enable it.
    Microphone no longer working after Nahimic Optimises, click Reset inside Nahimic will fix this.

    ***[IMPORTANT]******USE Windows Auto Driver On systems with Intel 6th Gen or higher CPU (Thank microsoft for forcing drivers on to you)**
    ** Else its not needed, Download for driver is right at the top ***[IMPORTANT]****

    I would like to thank the following people for whom have helped

    The Master for his teachings and pointing me down the right path: J95

    The Beta Testers, Without them issues wouldn't be found:JeanLegi, mnomaanw, epguy3

    Community whom has trusted my work: LeftEyeNine, Falkentyne, felix3650, asm1, Bazgrim, ixende, MrBeer, arke yyci, Beemo, senso, Eflatun,
    HitZ2976, Ivan994,

    For Posting this in another Languge on other threads: JeanLegi

    For Honest Feedback: epguy3

    Finally and Most importantly, Thank you to Alanfox2000 for making the drivers easy to access.

    @asm1 Time to Update OP
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2019
    linhares, asm1 and JeanLegi like this.
  29. asm1

    asm1 Notebook Evangelist

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    JeanLegi and hacktrix2006 like this.
  30. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU

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    Thank you

    Sent from my LLD-L31 using Tapatalk
  31. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU

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    Sorry Another Update!!

    Realtek_UAD_6.0.1.8688_MSI_Nahimic_UWP_mod (ONLINE!)

    Made By: hacktrix2006

    Disclaimer: This Driver Modification is for MSI Systems listed below! Myself nor NotebookReview will not be held liable for any damage caused if this is installed on your system or other branded systems!
    Due to this being a Modified Driver, support will not be given via Nahimic if your having issues please post in the thread!

    Package includes:
    Realtek UAD
    Nahimic UWP
    Realtek Audio Console UWP

    UAD *299* MSI supported models
    Nahimic 3 280+

    SHA1: 417E73BDC16E5FA3C265C58ACFB6D4064F41D60E

    For Windows 10 Build: 1803/1809/1903

    Change Log:

    Updated Driver from 8683 to 8688
    Updated Nahimic 3 to

    GT76_Titan_8SE                          GE73VR_7RE                              GL72MVR_7RFX                             GP72MVR_7RFX                           GS73VR_6RF                              GV62VR_7RF
    GT76_Titan_8SF                          GE73VR_7RF                              GL72M_7RDX                               GP72MVR_7RGX                           GS73VR_6RG                              GV62_7RC
    GT76_Titan_8SG                          GE73_7RC                                GL72M_7REX                               GP72M_7RDX                             GS73VR_7RF                              GV62_7RD
    G25VR_7RE                               GE73_7RD                                GL72VR_7RFX                              GP72M_7REX                             GS73VR_7RG                              GV62_7RE
    GE62MVR_6RF                             GE73_Raider_8SF                         GL72_6QE                                 GP72VR_6RF                             GS73_6RE                                GV62_8RC
    GE62MVR_6RG                             GE73_Raider_8SG                         GL72_6QF                                 GP72VR_7RFX                            GS73_7RE                                GV62_8RD
    GE62MVR_7RG                             GE73_Raider_RGB_8RE                     GL72_6RD                                 GP72_6QD                               GS73_Stealth_8R                         GV62_8RE
    GE62VR_6RF                              GE73_Raider_RGB_8RF                     GL72_6RE                                 GP72_6QE                               GS73_Stealth_8R                         GV72VR_7RF
    GE62VR_7RF                              GE75_Raider_8RE                         GL72_7QF                                 GP72_6QF                               GS73_Stealth_8R                         GV72_8RC
    GE62_6QC                                GE75_Raider_8RF                         GL72_7RDX                                GP72_6RD                               GS73_Stealth_8R                         GV72_8RD
    GE62_6QD                                GE75_Raider_8SE                         GL72_7RD                                 GP72_6RE                               GT62_6RD                                GV72_8RE
    GE62_6QE                                GE75_Raider_8SF                         GL72_7REX                                GP72_7QF                               GT62_6RE                                P65_Creator_8RD
    GE62_6QL                                GE75_Raider_8SG                         GL72_7RE                                 GP72_7RDX                              GT63_Titan_8RE                          P65_Creator_8RE
    GE62_6RD                                GF62VR_7RFX                             GL72_8RE                                 GP72_7RD                               GT63_Titan_8RF                          P65_Creator_8RF
    GE62_6RE                                GF62_7RD                                GL73_7RD                                 GP72_7REX                              GT63_Titan_8RG                          PE60M_6RD
    GE62_7RD                                GF62_7RE                                GL73_7RE                                 GP72_7RE                               GT65_Titan_8SE                          PE60M_6RE
    GE62_7RE                                GF62_8RC                                GL73_8RC                                 GP73_7RD                               GT65_Titan_8SF                          PE60M_7RD
    GE63VR_7RE                              GF62_8RD                                GL73_8RD                                 GP73_7RE                               GT65_Titan_8SG                          PE60M_7RE
    GE63VR_7RF                              GF62_8RE                                GL73_8RE                                 GP73_Leopard_8RC                       GT72VR_6RD                              PE60_6QD
    GE63_7RC                                GF63_8RB                                GP62MVR_6RF                              GP73_Leopard_8RD                       GT72VR_6RE                              PE60_6QE
    GE63_7RD                                GF63_8RC                                GP62MVR_7RFX                             GP73_Leopard_8RE                       GT72VR_7RD                              PE60_6RD
    GE63_Raider_8SF                         GF63_8RD                                GP62MVR_7RF                              GP73_Leopard_8RF                       GT72VR_7RE                              PE60_6RE
    GE63_Raider_8SG                         GF72VR_7RFX                             GP62MVR_7RGX                             GP73_Leopard_8SF                       GT72_6RD                                PE60_7RD
    GE63_Raider_RGB_8RE                     GF72_7RD                                GP62M_6RD                                GS43VR_6RE                             GT73VR_6RE                              PE60_7RE
    GE63_Raider_RGB_8RF                     GF72_7RE                                GP62M_6RE                                GS43VR_7RE                             GT73VR_6RF                              PE62VR_7RF
    GE72MVR_6RG                             GF72_8RC                                GP62M_7RDX                               GS63VR_6RF                             GT73VR_7RE                              PE62_7RD
    GE72MVR_7RG                             GF72_8RD                                GP62M_7RD                                GS63VR_6RG                             GT73VR_7RF                              PE62_7RE
    GE72VR_6RF                              GF72_8RE                                GP62VR_6RF                               GS63VR_7RF                             GT75VR_7RE                              PE62_8RC
    GE72VR_7RF                              GF73_8RC                                GP62VR_7RFX                              GS63VR_7RG                             GT75_Titan_8RF                          PE62_8RD
    GE72_6QC                                GF73_8RD                                GP62VR_7RF                               GS63_6RE                               GT75_Titan_8RG                          PE70_6QD
    GE72_6QD                                GL62M_6RD                               GP62_6QD                                 GS63_7RE                               GT83VR_6RE                              PE70_6QE
    GE72_6QE                                GL62M_6RE                               GP62_6QE                                 GS63_Stealth_8RC                       GT83VR_6RF                              PE70_6RD
    GE72_6QL                                GL62M_7RC                               GP62_6QF                                 GS63_Stealth_8RD                       GT83VR_7RE                              PE70_6RE
    GE72_6RD                                GL62M_7RDX                              GP62_6QG                                 GS63_Stealth_8RE                       GT83VR_7RF                              PE70_7RD
    GE72_6RE                                GL62M_7RD                               GP62_6RD                                 GS63_Stealth_8RF                       GT83_Titan_8RF                          PE70_7RE
    GE72_7RD                                GL62M_7REX                              GP62_6RE                                 GS65_Stealth_Thin_8RE                  GT83_Titan_8RG                          PE72_7RD
    GE72_7RE                                GL62M_7RE                               GP62_7QF                                 GS65_Stealth_Thin_8RF                                                          PE72_7RE
    GL62_6QE                                GL62VR_7RFX                             GP62_7RDX                                GS65_Stealth_Thin_8SE                                                          PE72_8RC
    GL62_6QF                                GP62_7RD                                GP63_7RE                                 GS65_Stealth_Thin_8SF                                                          PE72_8RD
    GL62_6RD                                GP62_7REX                               GP63_Leopard_8RC                         GS65_Stealth_Thin_8SG                                                          PL60_6RD
    GL62_6RE                                GP62_7RE                                GP63_Leopard_8RD                                                                                                        PL60_6RE
    GL62_7QF                                GP62_8RC                                GP63_Leopard_8RE                                                                                                        PL60_7RD
    GL62_7RDX                               GP62_8RD                                GP63_Leopard_8RF                                                                                                        PL60_7RE
                                            GP63_7RD                                GP63_Leopard_8SF                                                                                                        PL62_7RC
                                            GL62_7RD                                                                                                                                                        PL62_7RD
                                            GL62_7REX                                                                                                                                                       PL62_7RE
                                            GL62_7RE                                                                                                                                                        PS42_8M
                                            GL62_8RE                                                                                                                                                        PS42_8RB
                                            GL63_7RD                                                                                                                                                        PS42_Modern_8RC
                                            GL63_7RE                                                                                                                                                        PS63_Modern_8M
                                            GL63_8RC                                                                                                                                                        PS63_Modern_8RC
                                            GL63_8RD                                                                                                                                                        PS63_Modern_8RD[/CENTER]

    - Uninstall Realtek UAD, including Nahimic UWP, Realtek Audio Console apps then reboot.

    - BIOS -> disable secure boot (Important for Unsigned Drivers as it blocks the next step). *PLEASE DO THIS BEFORE INSTALLING THE MODDED DRIVER*

    - Disable driver signature enforcement. Hold down the Shift key while you click the “Restart” option -> Select “Troubleshoot” -> Advanced options -> Startup Settings -> select “Disable driver signature enforcement” option. *PLEASE DO THIS BEFORE INSTALLING THE MODDED DRIVER*

    - Temporarily disable AV software.

    - Copy to desktop then Right-click/Run as administrator "Realtek_UAD...mod.exe".

    - When prompted (2x/3x) select "Install driver software anyway"

    - Realtek installer, select "No, I will restart my computer later" to continue with RTK Audio Console & Nahimic installation (Invisible install)

    - Check Start Menu to ensure Realtek Audio Control UWP and Nahimic 3 has been installed.

    - Finally, reboot.

    Known possible bugs and fixes:
    Jack Detection not working, simply go to Realtek Audio Console Disable and Re-enable it.
    Microphone no longer working after Nahimic Optimises, click Reset inside Nahimic will fix this.

    ***[IMPORTANT]******USE Windows Auto Driver On systems with Intel 6th Gen or higher CPU (Thank microsoft for forcing drivers on to you)**
    ** Else its not needed, Download for driver is right at the top ***[IMPORTANT]****

    I would like to thank the following people for whom have helped

    The Master for his teachings and pointing me down the right path: J95

    The Beta Testers, Without them issues wouldn't be found:JeanLegi, mnomaanw, epguy3

    Community whom has trusted my work: LeftEyeNine, Falkentyne, felix3650, asm1, Bazgrim, ixende, MrBeer, arke yyci, Beemo, senso, Eflatun,
    HitZ2976, Ivan994,

    For Posting this in another Languge on other threads: JeanLegi

    For Honest Feedback: epguy3

    Finally and Most importantly, Thank you to Alanfox2000 for making the drivers easy to access.

    @asm1 Time to Update OP
    Last edited: May 1, 2019
    j95 and JeanLegi like this.
  32. asm1

    asm1 Notebook Evangelist

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  33. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU

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    Thanks bud

    Sent from my LLD-L31 using Tapatalk
  34. a63548

    a63548 Newbie

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    @ hacktrix2006

    I can't thank you enough for these drivers. I spent multiple days fighting with Windows, and trying everything to get the audio to work correctly. As soon as I installed your drivers, everything has been perfect.
    hacktrix2006 and JeanLegi like this.
  35. Doc Fox

    Doc Fox Notebook Geek

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    I have only recently become aware of modded drivers. Does using this have any advantages to the conventional installation of driver + realtek console + nahimic 3?

    The audio on my GE75 is fine at the moment, but I was wondering if this modded driver was like the modded gpu drivers, which are debloated with better performance.
    hacktrix2006 likes this.
  36. JeanLegi

    JeanLegi Notebook Evangelist

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    I have an GT75VR 7RF and for me the mod drivers the only chance to run Nahimic 3 on it.
    Nahimic 2+ vs Nahimic 3 = Nahimic 3 is for me the better choise more clear better sound on my MMX300.

    I would say install it and compare the sound to see if you have any benefits and if you have it please share it with us. share it with us as well if you think there are no benefits.
    @hacktrix2006 would be happy if we found one more guy who respond information about installation, sound etc.
  37. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU

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    Thanks for the mention @JeanLegi right as there is two people to answer questions i will try my best to answer them, yes the more people that would like to beta test that have different MSI systems means thinks can be found quicker and fixed.

    @a63548 Hi Glad you like the drivers, and glad they have worked for you, Just be aware i can get bored and throw driver updates very quickly. Just to make sure that Nahimic EQ's are working for you?

    @Doc Fox Ok Nahimic 2 uses older HDA drivers which have been big in size and doesn't always come updated just like Nahimic 2, however Nahimic 3 uses the new Driver standard set by Microsoft call UAD which has a smaller overall driver size and allows Nahimic to use the Windows 10 Store to host their UWP Application and updates. As for sound difference that can vary between driver to driver.

    MSI/Nahimic decided to lock Nahimic 3 under the 8th gen, the only difference in my driver to the offical ones is its supports all MSI system Desktop and Laptop that ran Nahimic 1 and 2.

    For you as your on 8th gen i would use the unmodded driver unless they are not keeping them updated to the public.

    When i say Driver to Driver i mean i could do a UAD driver to day and you could install it and you find the driver is great at sound, then the following one gets release and could be done the same way but turns out to be garbage. Its always a luck of the draw. But i am glad your interested in the drivers give them a whirl, let us know what you think about them, if you have any issue with them or not. It all helps.

    Now to fully wake up by getting my coffee and meds lol, i am half past zombie right now!
    JeanLegi and Doc Fox like this.
  38. Derducken

    Derducken Newbie

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    Howdy guys, gals and especially hacktrix2006. First, a message to him: "Dude, I'm the guy from Reddit who still can't get Nahimic 3, from your drivers, to actually affect his audio on an MSI Leopard Pro GP72MVR 7RFX laptop, who uploaded his logs to Dropbox and everything seemed okays". So, here I am. Any suggestions for how to proceed?

    For the rest of the people here, my little story (that hacktrix2006 tried to help with on teh Redditz):

    I've got the aforementioned laptop. Strangely, I didn't actively used it much since I got it, some time a bit more than a year ago (so, no warranties - not that it would matter with this problem of mine). And this means I didn't actively game on it. I'd installed Dishonored 2 on it, had it "sync my saves" with my main desktop PC, and only gamed on it (the laptop) maybe two or three times since I got it. And Dishonored 2 worked fine.

    Recently I had to go on a trip so I decided to install more games on it and, you know, actually use it like it should be used. After cramming around 30 Steam titles in it and leaving for the trip, with no Internet access, I realized half of the games didn't have sound at-all. Among them, titles like Dungeon of the Endless and Guacamelee. Other titles *did* have audio like there was no problem at all. Titles like F.E.A.R. and, well... Dishonored 2.

    After returning, finally having access online and able to troubleshoot the problem, I fell upon dozens of posts regarding how Windows Update tends to bork Realtek's laptop drivers, especially when combined with Nahimic. So, I went on a quest to Install The Best Drivers (and Nahimic combo) on my laptop. Hey, I've got more than three decades of experience with tech! What could go wrong?

    Two days later there I was, having installed dozens of driver versions, three or four different versions of Nahimic ("individually distributed" or "packed with the drivers") and the Realtek Console from Windows Store. And nothing worked. After fully removing any trace of Realtek drivers and related software, with two of those drivers sound DID play properly. But, strangely, Media Player Classic HD insisted on playing sound only from the left headphone. With some other driver versions, sound didn't work in half the games, but it did work "as it should" in MPCHD. And with all driver versions, even those were either MPC HD or half of the games "didn't work as they should", other media players like VLC and PotPlayer did play sound properly. As in, I can pick my poison: either all those three media players will work properly but half of my games won't have sound, or two of the three media players and all my games will have sound. There, problem solved: "don't use MPC HD", right?

    Thing is, I consider this an indication of a problem (sound not working properly in a specific Media Player). Plus, in the "best" versions of the drivers, where I did have sound in games and two of the three media players, Nahimic didn't work. And the Realtek Console from the Windows Store didn't offer a single option apart from showing me that "I have speakers and a mic".

    After asking for help on the Redditz, hacktrix2006 mentioned his driver and, lo and behold, now, again, I have sound in all my games (but the problem in MPC HD remains) and Realtek Console loads with more options than the versions I tried before (but still none affecting audio) and Nahimic 3... well... loads.

    That's my current problem (if we forget about MPC HD): Nahimic loads but doesn't do anything.

    To expand on what I've already told hacktrix2006 @teh Redditz, if I click the "test" button in it nothing happens. No sound is heard and if any other sound is already playing it isn't affected. If I enable, tweak or disable any of the effects, again, nothing happens. More Bass? Less Treble? Zero change.

    I uploaded a DXDiag log and a screenshot of my Device Manager's audio / software sections @Dropbox but hacktrix didn't see anything "broken" there.

    So... Help? I'd like being able to "tweak" my audio settings a bit, or even having access to Those Awesome Surround Effects coming with Nahimic (hey, they might suck for most people but, on some cases, I do like them!).

    PS: The sound "worked as it should" when I'd first gotten the laptop and Nahimic used to load and "affect the audio" properly. Ages ago. When I'd first bought and tested it "to see if there are any problems".
    hacktrix2006 likes this.
  39. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU

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    @Derducken First of all welcome to the NBR forums, The image you gave me didn't show any issues as it shows everything in Software Componets area like it should.

    So firstly did you uninstall everything such as the drivers Nahimic 2 and Nahimic 3 UWP as well as Realteks Audio Console you had before hand and also disabled secure boot (A must on unsigned drivers)?

    If you have then the next thing i suggest you do is download a utillity call Display Driver Uninstaller, Latest version does sound card drivers too.

    Simply do a manual uninstall of the drivers for the sound card uninstall the UWP apps, then restart into safe mode using the same trick as turning off Driver signing put pressing 4 instead of 7. Then run DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller). Select Device type as Audio then select device as Realtek, then select clean and do not restart.

    Once it has done its clean close the application and then in a run box (Start+R) type shutdown /r /o /t 00 this will reboot the system back into the menu where you can continue to disable driver enforcement. Once in Windows disable the internet (just incase microsoft is downloading the drivers to your system in the background) and run the Modded drivers as in the instructions you should 2 have two warnings about unsigned drivers install them anyway. Once this is done you can use the Windows Audio zip file where the reg tweaks are to disable Windows Driver updates.

    Then after everything is installed reboot and then test again.
  40. mnomaanw

    mnomaanw Notebook Enthusiast

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    I did a clean windows install and here we are again, none of the drivers give me the 4 tabs at the top in Nahimic 3. The last known driver that gave me those tabs was 8614. If i install that first and then any newer ones next, it works fine. I dont understand why is that happening. Removing everything then installing newer ones on fresh windows install wont give me tabs . But installing 8614 first, then removing everything and installing newer ones will give me the tabs.

    Can you maybe compare whats the difference between how the 8614 installs and the few latest ones? Apart from the number of prompts, i dont see any difference, except for the old version of both UWP Realtek Console and Nahimic 3. Maybe the old nahimic/realtek combo are giving me the tabs and leaving files after uninstalltion that the new realtek/nahimic sees and still give me tabs?
    Last edited: May 3, 2019
  41. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU

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    Ok. I have fired up my DevOps VM (what I use to do the drivers etc) will have a check. At the same time I will sort out and uninstaller for use with testing and will throw a link up for this. So I will finish my brew (Need to wake up), then get cracking on it. But please note the way Nahimic 3 and Realtek Audio console is packed hasn't changed since the one that works the only thing that has is the files from Microsoft store. It's the same with the drivers they are done the same way (whole idea of running the VM) to try a keep everything as consistent as possible.

    I will update or reply to this thread once I have had a look.

    Sent from my LLD-L31 using Tapatalk
  42. mnomaanw

    mnomaanw Notebook Enthusiast

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    If i install 8614 and later uninstall it and install a newer one, everything works. The last time we did this, you asked me to install Microsoft VCLibs.140.00, Microsoft Native DotNet, Microsoft Dot Net Framework. But it did not work even after that. It works without installing these 3 things if i install 8614 straight away (which means VC and dot net files arent really needed?).

    Could it be some dependency that my setup is lacking that the old driver/RTK/Nahimic combo had included? and maybe current versions from Realtek and Nahimic have those removed?

    Also, you said you have GT72s 6QD, did you try doing a clean install of windows 10 1809 and then install one of the newer drivers and see if you get the tabs in Nahimic? I have GT72S 6QE, which is supposed to have ESS Sabre HiFi DAC if that makes any difference.
  43. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU

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    Rebuilding just Nahimic 3 right now, noticed there was some " missing. Although doesn't explain why it worked on mine with the recent clean install of 19H1 or when I did clean install of 1809.

    Give me a few to pack it and will upload it. For now just uninstall Nahimic 3.

    Edit: Uploading it now, so if you have an issue with Nahimic please send me a DM so I can test a link for you to test.

    Sent from my LLD-L31 using Tapatalk
    Last edited: May 3, 2019
  44. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU

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  45. a63548

    a63548 Newbie

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    As far as I can tell, everything is working great in Nahimic. Before installing your driver, when I finally got Nahmic to show up, it did not affect anything audio wise. On your driver, it's like night and day. The audio sounds amazing, and can be tweaked :)
  46. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU

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    OK some great news as the saying goes no rest for the Wicked, or in my case no rest for my Data bill lol.

    So new Driver is now in testing which no longer requires you to uninstall the UWP apps called Realtek Audio Console or Nahimic 3 as this is done via the installer I will be looking into making it all automated soon enough where the whole thing is automated like

    -Uninstalls Driver
    -Reboots into Driver Signature Enforcement off
    -Uninstalls the Realtek Audio Console and Nahimic 3
    -Installs new Audio drivers, Realtek Audio Console and Nahimic 3
    -Reboots into system again without Driver Signature Enforcement being off

    This will then hopefully not only make it easier for you guys/girls/etc but should reduce the whole headache overall. The only thing end user will need to do is to disable Secure Boot in the bios but this will require a complete scratch build of the installer and how it works. So i will need Beta testers more so whom are willing to take the risk and can report issues well.

    If i can get enough i can start a Group on an encrypted platform to where we can communicate safely and send new builds that way.

    Once the current tester has finished with the new driver and AOK's it then i will post it up on here, after all if it wasn't for @mnomaanw for the fix in the driver the whole driver issue that user was experiencing wouldn't be fixed at all and the stutters i was getting without the fix would still be there.
    a63548 likes this.
  47. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU

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    New Driver Update with Uninstaller of UWP Apps

    Realtek_UAD_6.0.1.8694.1_MSI_Nahimic_UWP_mod (ONLINE!)

    Made By: hacktrix2006

    Disclaimer: This Driver Modification is for MSI Systems listed below! Myself nor NotebookReview will not be held liable for any damage caused if this is installed on your system or other branded systems!
    Due to this being a Modified Driver, support will not be given via Nahimic if your having issues please post in the thread!

    Package includes:
    Realtek Audio Console / Nahimic 3 Uninstaller
    Realtek UAD
    Nahimic UWP
    Realtek Audio ConsoleUWP

    UAD *299* MSI supported models
    Nahimic 3 280+

    SHA1: 3B21D106D2C6E24F8CB2C89DD88D3D48429B76BB
    Size: 68.5 MB

    For Windows 10 Build: 1803/1809/1903

    Change Log:

    Updated Installer script to include an Uninstaller for the Nahimic 3 and Realtek Audio Console during install.
    Updated Driver from to
    Fix included in Nahimic 3 for Blank Tabs as well as reducing any CPU spikes due to this fix,  (Thanks mnomaanw).
    Updated Realtek Audio Console from to
    Updated Install instructions due to Microsoft forcing a driver install via the WSUS service after driver has been uninstalled blame this on Microsoft.
    GT76_Titan_8SE                          GE73VR_7RE                              GL72MVR_7RFX                             GP72MVR_7RFX                           GS73VR_6RF                              GV62VR_7RF
    GT76_Titan_8SF                          GE73VR_7RF                              GL72M_7RDX                               GP72MVR_7RGX                           GS73VR_6RG                              GV62_7RC
    GT76_Titan_8SG                          GE73_7RC                                GL72M_7REX                               GP72M_7RDX                             GS73VR_7RF                              GV62_7RD
    G25VR_7RE                               GE73_7RD                                GL72VR_7RFX                              GP72M_7REX                             GS73VR_7RG                              GV62_7RE
    GE62MVR_6RF                             GE73_Raider_8SF                         GL72_6QE                                 GP72VR_6RF                             GS73_6RE                                GV62_8RC
    GE62MVR_6RG                             GE73_Raider_8SG                         GL72_6QF                                 GP72VR_7RFX                            GS73_7RE                                GV62_8RD
    GE62MVR_7RG                             GE73_Raider_RGB_8RE                     GL72_6RD                                 GP72_6QD                               GS73_Stealth_8R                         GV62_8RE
    GE62VR_6RF                              GE73_Raider_RGB_8RF                     GL72_6RE                                 GP72_6QE                               GS73_Stealth_8R                         GV72VR_7RF
    GE62VR_7RF                              GE75_Raider_8RE                         GL72_7QF                                 GP72_6QF                               GS73_Stealth_8R                         GV72_8RC
    GE62_6QC                                GE75_Raider_8RF                         GL72_7RDX                                GP72_6RD                               GS73_Stealth_8R                         GV72_8RD
    GE62_6QD                                GE75_Raider_8SE                         GL72_7RD                                 GP72_6RE                               GT62_6RD                                GV72_8RE
    GE62_6QE                                GE75_Raider_8SF                         GL72_7REX                                GP72_7QF                               GT62_6RE                                P65_Creator_8RD
    GE62_6QL                                GE75_Raider_8SG                         GL72_7RE                                 GP72_7RDX                              GT63_Titan_8RE                          P65_Creator_8RE
    GE62_6RD                                GF62VR_7RFX                             GL72_8RE                                 GP72_7RD                               GT63_Titan_8RF                          P65_Creator_8RF
    GE62_6RE                                GF62_7RD                                GL73_7RD                                 GP72_7REX                              GT63_Titan_8RG                          PE60M_6RD
    GE62_7RD                                GF62_7RE                                GL73_7RE                                 GP72_7RE                               GT65_Titan_8SE                          PE60M_6RE
    GE62_7RE                                GF62_8RC                                GL73_8RC                                 GP73_7RD                               GT65_Titan_8SF                          PE60M_7RD
    GE63VR_7RE                              GF62_8RD                                GL73_8RD                                 GP73_7RE                               GT65_Titan_8SG                          PE60M_7RE
    GE63VR_7RF                              GF62_8RE                                GL73_8RE                                 GP73_Leopard_8RC                       GT72VR_6RD                              PE60_6QD
    GE63_7RC                                GF63_8RB                                GP62MVR_6RF                              GP73_Leopard_8RD                       GT72VR_6RE                              PE60_6QE
    GE63_7RD                                GF63_8RC                                GP62MVR_7RFX                             GP73_Leopard_8RE                       GT72VR_7RD                              PE60_6RD
    GE63_Raider_8SF                         GF63_8RD                                GP62MVR_7RF                              GP73_Leopard_8RF                       GT72VR_7RE                              PE60_6RE
    GE63_Raider_8SG                         GF72VR_7RFX                             GP62MVR_7RGX                             GP73_Leopard_8SF                       GT72_6RD                                PE60_7RD
    GE63_Raider_RGB_8RE                     GF72_7RD                                GP62M_6RD                                GS43VR_6RE                             GT73VR_6RE                              PE60_7RE
    GE63_Raider_RGB_8RF                     GF72_7RE                                GP62M_6RE                                GS43VR_7RE                             GT73VR_6RF                              PE62VR_7RF
    GE72MVR_6RG                             GF72_8RC                                GP62M_7RDX                               GS63VR_6RF                             GT73VR_7RE                              PE62_7RD
    GE72MVR_7RG                             GF72_8RD                                GP62M_7RD                                GS63VR_6RG                             GT73VR_7RF                              PE62_7RE
    GE72VR_6RF                              GF72_8RE                                GP62VR_6RF                               GS63VR_7RF                             GT75VR_7RE                              PE62_8RC
    GE72VR_7RF                              GF73_8RC                                GP62VR_7RFX                              GS63VR_7RG                             GT75_Titan_8RF                          PE62_8RD
    GE72_6QC                                GF73_8RD                                GP62VR_7RF                               GS63_6RE                               GT75_Titan_8RG                          PE70_6QD
    GE72_6QD                                GL62M_6RD                               GP62_6QD                                 GS63_7RE                               GT83VR_6RE                              PE70_6QE
    GE72_6QE                                GL62M_6RE                               GP62_6QE                                 GS63_Stealth_8RC                       GT83VR_6RF                              PE70_6RD
    GE72_6QL                                GL62M_7RC                               GP62_6QF                                 GS63_Stealth_8RD                       GT83VR_7RE                              PE70_6RE
    GE72_6RD                                GL62M_7RDX                              GP62_6QG                                 GS63_Stealth_8RE                       GT83VR_7RF                              PE70_7RD
    GE72_6RE                                GL62M_7RD                               GP62_6RD                                 GS63_Stealth_8RF                       GT83_Titan_8RF                          PE70_7RE
    GE72_7RD                                GL62M_7REX                              GP62_6RE                                 GS65_Stealth_Thin_8RE                  GT83_Titan_8RG                          PE72_7RD
    GE72_7RE                                GL62M_7RE                               GP62_7QF                                 GS65_Stealth_Thin_8RF                                                          PE72_7RE
    GL62_6QE                                GL62VR_7RFX                             GP62_7RDX                                GS65_Stealth_Thin_8SE                                                          PE72_8RC
    GL62_6QF                                GP62_7RD                                GP63_7RE                                 GS65_Stealth_Thin_8SF                                                          PE72_8RD
    GL62_6RD                                GP62_7REX                               GP63_Leopard_8RC                         GS65_Stealth_Thin_8SG                                                          PL60_6RD
    GL62_6RE                                GP62_7RE                                GP63_Leopard_8RD                                                                                                        PL60_6RE
    GL62_7QF                                GP62_8RC                                GP63_Leopard_8RE                                                                                                        PL60_7RD
    GL62_7RDX                               GP62_8RD                                GP63_Leopard_8RF                                                                                                        PL60_7RE
                                            GP63_7RD                                GP63_Leopard_8SF                                                                                                        PL62_7RC
                                            GL62_7RD                                                                                                                                                        PL62_7RD
                                            GL62_7REX                                                                                                                                                       PL62_7RE
                                            GL62_7RE                                                                                                                                                        PS42_8M
                                            GL62_8RE                                                                                                                                                        PS42_8RB
                                            GL63_7RD                                                                                                                                                        PS42_Modern_8RC
                                            GL63_7RE                                                                                                                                                        PS63_Modern_8M
                                            GL63_8RC                                                                                                                                                        PS63_Modern_8RC
                                            GL63_8RD                                                                                                                                                        PS63_Modern_8RD[/CENTER]
    - Disconnect from the internet (Blame Microsoft as they are still able to install drivers from Windows Update even when blocked with .reg file).

    - Uninstall Realtek UAD Drivers then reboot.

    - Disable driver signature enforcement. Hold down the Shift key while you click the “Restart” option -> Select “Troubleshoot” -> Advanced options -> Startup Settings -> select “Disable driver signature enforcement” option. *PLEASE DO THIS BEFORE INSTALLING THE MODDED DRIVER*

    - Temporarily disable AV software.

    - Copy to desktop then Right-click/Run as administrator "Realtek_UAD...mod.exe".

    - When prompted (2x/3x) select "Install driver software anyway"

    - Realtek installer, select "No, I will restart my computer later" to continue with RTK Audio Console & Nahimic installation (Invisible install)

    - Check Start Menu to ensure Realtek Audio Control UWP and Nahimic 3 has been installed.

    - Finally, reboot.

    - Now you can safely connect to the internet (Yes middle finger Microsoft).

    Known possible bugs and fixes:
    Jack Detection not working, simply go to Realtek Audio Console Disable and Re-enable it.
    Microphone no longer working after Nahimic Optimises, click Reset inside Nahimic will fix this.

    ***[IMPORTANT]******USE Windows Auto Driver On systems with Intel 6th Gen or higher CPU (Thank microsoft for forcing drivers on to you)**
    ** Else its not needed, Download for driver is right at the top

    I would like to thank the following people for whom have helped. I like to personally thenk the following users.
    arke yyci
    @asm1 Time to Update OP

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: May 4, 2019
    j95 and a63548 like this.
  48. asm1

    asm1 Notebook Evangelist

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  49. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU

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    Thanks asm1.

    I have a question for everyone, i have made an Uninstaller that will Uninstall the UWP's followed by the driver and then restart into Advance Boot Menu after so you'll no longer need to Do step 1 and 2.

    Would you lot like as a sperate tool or packed into the installer?
    The uninstaller still asks if you want to remove the driver and you'll for now still need to click do not restart so that the rebooting script can take over so there is still user interaction to an extent i.e Click a Yes then click don't restart.
  50. asm1

    asm1 Notebook Evangelist

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    I'd try it packed into installer. DDU already has a tool for audio but this could still be very useful.
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