so from what I can tell you're going to get maybe 4 hours at most out of the battery. Maybe more if you do minimal things. From What I described what I was doing earlier I'm going to end on 3 hours 30 min about.
human_aft3r_all Notebook Consultant
I ordered the GS70, though I think I am going to cancel the order because Newegg has a total non-refund policy for opened laptops, and I don't want to pay a 25% restocking fee if I don't like it. Razer has a 14 day full refund policy according to their website, so all things aside a Razer Blade is lower risk. This is most unfortunate. A 3.5-4 hour battery life is disappointing, but not unexpected. Someone on Anandtech's forums claimed they got this same number while gaming as well. Colton you should PM me your paypal address if you want that $5 tip I promised.
human_aft3r_all Notebook Consultant
#2 I had no idea that the gpu Would work at 1/4 the power when it wasn't plugged in (the Razor blade14 Doesn't do this)
#3 I kind of don't like how it looks, I know it's not all about how it looks but as a guy coming from a MacBook air to a PC I kindly want it to look slick like the razor blade 14 (Really liked the black that the razor blade 14 uses) -
Hey I just got this laptop and am loving it so far, I wanted to see if any other owners had suggestions for extending the battery life. I already have the back light to the keyboard off, the power saving mode on, and the screen at 50% brightness. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
Hey just got the GS70 and am loving it so far. I was wondering though if any other owners had suggestions for extending battery life. I already have the done the obvious like lowering the screen brightness to 50%, turning off the backlight for the keyboard, and turning on power saving mode. A reply would be awesome, thanks!
This is probably my last go around with a 17" as well. I really like this laptop, and I do video editing on trips with it so I love the 17" screen, but its just too cumbersome overall. This is the lightest and slimmest that form factor can get, but its still just a little too big for easy packing.
If the Gigabyte P34g or P35k were available at the time I might have gone that route instead. It's a give and take, I love the 17" screen but its just too cumbersome to pack up, despite this being very much lighter and sleeker than other 17".
I do love everything else about the machine though, in my experience all powerful 17" laptops have fairly short battery lives, and require AC power to go at full speed so I expect that regardless. I bet the Razer Blade Pro is no different but perhaps it is. Regardless the lack of memory in that model ruled it out for me, Premiere Pro performs poorly in 8GB
Hey Guys,
Thought I post what I knew about battery life.
Wh stands for Watt-Hours, an accurate measurement of battery capacity
The Razer Blade Pro and the MSI GS70 shared the same processor and graphics card, so they will similar in battery consumption
However the Blade Pro has a 74 Wh battery, while the GS70 features only a 60 Wh (benchmarked) battery.
The difference is only 19%, which will be a difference of a half hour (based on average of 2-3 hours), which is not much considering the high drain on any processor intensive programs.
So, in conclusion, the battery life of the GS70 should not be a deal breaker in reference to the Blade Pro.
Hope this helps! -
Does anyone know if I could use a Razer Blade Pro power supply with the MSI GS70? If I could I would get this laptop in a heartbeat and just order a power supply from Razer.
If it's the latter, I think a driver update can resolve the issue. -
It throttles, meaning the GPU frequencies scale down to 1/2 (non turbo frequencies, that is) the clock speed. Nearly every laptop does this (besides Razer) so I would think there is some type of fix to change that behavior. Maybe Alienware forum would know. Similar things used to happen with the first gen Core i7s and a program called Throttlestop was made by a user here to completely fix the issue.
Edit: interesting. It's apparently a limitation placed by Nvidia. I think because razer and Nvidia worked close together they removed this limitation. Perhaps it's not feasible then? -
... so who's the joker who put the GS70 up as a no-reserve auction and then pulled it today.
About the throttling when on battery:
have you guys used powermizer switch program?
have a look at the marvelous NMR forum!
I think this would be your answer. It was for my current laptop -
That was for Pre-Optimus (GTX 200M and before), not dedicated GPU throttling
Now on a personal note for the battery life, I think we should all go to the microsoft and tell them to work on a windows update for windows 8 at least that will consume less battery life. My friend who is an apple fan showed me a video of the OS Mavericks and that looks just cool what they are going to do with the software twicks. The window in front will take the power over the open window on the back so if you had word open in front of the Crysis 3 game, it would continue to use way less power that word requires. Now I think if you minimize the program in windows that already works, but I'm certain Microsoft can improve on the battery life, they just need to innovate more.
A little off-topic so sorry, but just thought I'd contribute to the Battery Life discussion.
I already ordered from newegg the super raid gs70 version. Way cheaper than on Amazon. Good buy.
Edit: So I did a little comparison by watching the GS70 review and Razer Blade 14 review. It looks like they both use exactly the same power connector. So getting a power adapter from razer would be somewhat a safe bet, but it costs $130 for it, so I'm not too sure if it's worth it. -
Would you guys get this or the gt60/70
Im aware that he gphx card is more powerful in the new haswell versions of the gt60/70 but im not sure if the difference is big enough.
Also is a 17 incher too cumbersome? I currently has the old gen gt60 and im fine with the thickness. -
As for 17 being cumbersome, I think the issue most people are having are the length and width of the laptops, not the height. Although, IMO, if you're fetting a DTR, that's a perfect size. -
I wonder when we will be able to update the NVidia drivers from the NVidia website. For now when I try I get this message -
GeForce GTX 765M
This product has been detected as your primary device
Your product manufacturer requires you to download a driver for your device from their website -
human_aft3r_all Notebook Consultant
Comparing the GS70 and the Razer Blade 14" for what I need to do (game design), it essentially came down to this:
If I ask what I need in the machine for it to be effective, then the superior screen and superior SSD/HDD/RAM of the GS70 are going to make me more effective in my work and play. It seems that portability and battery life fall squarely as a "want" rather than a "need'.
I imagine that I can still stick the GS70 in a backpack and bike several miles per day without a problem, even though the razer blade will be smaller and I will feel cooler using it. If I really ask myself if I need a laptop that I can whip open at a coffee shop without taking a whole table, it's not as much as I need one that will get done what I need to do on a desk.
So I hope that tidbit can help folks who may also be struggling with the decision as I have. Though also, tbh, this comic from Pictures For Sad Children helped put things in perspective as well.
That was a bit tough to read, I imagine English isn't your first language?
human_aft3r_all Notebook Consultant
jeez wow you're right, no English is supposedly something I am good at. I'll revise that post.
I read it revised and had no issues...
Has anyone tried dual booting a linux distro alongside Windows 8 on this laptop?
I've tried and it gets as far as selecting whether I want to try it or install it and then it looks like it quits reading from the USB drive and the screen stays black. I'm thinking it might have something to do with the USB 3.0 ports, but I'm not sure. -
Hi people. Can someone please confirm that the external "dragon logo" it's just a sticker?
Its possible to take it out?
Thanks! -
Hello Guyz need your suggestion in buying a laptop. I currently have a Y510p which I am planning to return due to heating of Dual graphics and get either MSI GS70 or MSI GT60, but I am confused..???
I would like to know your opinion on the same as which laptop would be better in terms of performance and portability. Does GTX 765m vs GTX 770m difference matter to much ? Is GT60 as portable to play on lap with its weight and thickness ?
Guyz Please Help. -
When are these eastern world people understand! -
That's racist!
The GT60 comes with either a 770M or 780M, both of which are considerably faster than a 765M. The GT60 has a built in Optical Drive, while the GS70 has none. the GT60 is much thicker and heavier than the GS70, but slightly narrower and shorter. Overall I would say the GS70 is more portable and easier to carry around, with a larger screen. Add in the 9 cell battery on the GT60, and its larger heavier power supply, and most people would say the GS70 is much easier to carry on travel etc. The GT60 has considerably faster gfx. The GS70 is slicker looking. Both get pretty hot. On your lap it would be a matter of personal preference I think, most would probably prefer the GS70 in that regard. The larger screen, lower weight, more attractive styling and increased portability favor the GS70, while the faster gfx card and built in Optical Drive favors the GT60
If you order the GT60 from somewhere like Gentechpc or Xoticpc etc, you can get it with a better hard drive and CPU etc, while the GS70 is not configurable in that way. Which is good for the GT60 if you dont mind paying extra.
What I was trying to say it's that they seemed to miss the target (or a great opportunity) again. Probably not in Taiwan, China an HK but in the rest of the world we're just hoping to see mcbpro kind of machines, with windows inside
I'm a user and a follower of clevo. And that's the perfect example how their missing point design wise. Like the last ones sm series (and I didn't mention anything about port distribution!)
I only wished that the "glowing dragon" on the GS70 to be just a normal sticker. I'm just saying this to myself and many others in this forum as we are not children anymore.
Sorry of going a little out of topic. -
Is GT60 too heavy to carry around to college. Speaking about using laptop on your lap, GS70 will have an upper edge as the air intake is from the top rather than bottom. I would like to know the benchmarks of fps for games on GS70 GTX 760m.
Thanks a ton... -
Any Reviews for GS70 on notebookcheck,...???
But I agree, they should remove the logo. The MSI dragon icon doesn't look cool like an Apple or "ASUS" white text logo. Sadly, I am 95% sure they won't unless more vocal concern is raised -
Mythbuster One Notebook Consultant
Thanks but I just want to know the battery life of this machine under normal browsing usage and also how good are the speakers as compared to that of MSI GT60...
human_aft3r_all Notebook Consultant
It seems like you can expect an estimated 4 hours of battery life if you are nice to it. I have heard very good things about the speakers, the machine includes a subwoofer.
How many cells on the battery? GT60 gets between 4 to 5 hours with just regular light use/browsing.
human_aft3r_all Notebook Consultant
6 cell battery. The GT60 has a 9 cell battery, so there seems to be a 40min-1hr estimated difference.
Battery life on both the GT60 and GS70 is going to be poor, as will the gfx performance when running on battery. The GT60 has a 9 cell battery but would also consume more power, overall I would expect it to run somewhat longer on batteries than the GS70 would, but both units slow down gfx performance considerably when running off the battery alone.
I think carrying it around the GS70 would be easier, but the GT60 is only a couple of pounds heavier so it might not be that much worse. It's thicker design and heavier weight would probably make it feel a lot more cumbersome overall though. All that weight and form factor for a significantly smaller screen (compared to the GS70).
It comes down to if you really want a 17" screen or not, and whether or not you can accept the lower gfx performance of the GS70. They are all pretty good gaming machines but getting a GT60 with a 780M results in MUCH higher gfx performance overall, its as fast as a desktop GTX580 really. Even the 770M is a pretty big step up from the 765M that the GS70 has.
It's about screensize, weight and style (GS70) vs gfx performance (GT60) for the most part. If battery life is important, neither of these units fares well but the GT60 should be a bit better in that regard. -
human_aft3r_all Notebook Consultant
to be fair, the battery life is pretty good compared to pre-haswell machines. But not so good when compared to other mainstream laptops in this generation. -
The GT60 uses more power though, I would expect it to get 30+ mins more than a GS70 though on battery. But like I said, neither of these will last very long under any actual use on battery power alone. Neither of these has good performance unless plugged in really.
human_aft3r_all Notebook Consultant
if you choose a power saving profile when on battery, or maybe even just balanced, you can probably get 2 hours out of either machine, depending on how much active browsing time and movie playing there is in the session. I wouldnt count on too much more, and if you do power hungry things with either machine for extended periods of that 2 hours, it might not make it that far. If battery life is of primary importance don't get either of these, or choose the GT60 since it will give you a bit more.
human_aft3r_all Notebook Consultant
Different users are reporting 3.5+ hours gaming and streaming media while on battery. Obviously the power is throttled but the battery life is apparently not so bad.
human_aft3r_all Notebook Consultant
Oh, just to let everyone know, Newegg has been completely awful with me when I bought this machine. They double charged my card and it overdrafted my bank account, and they won't refund me for 3-5 business days. I have been on the phone yelling at them all day. So, you know, buyer beware.
Battery is okay for a gaming notebook of such slim profile. Gaming it wont last long but that can be said of every single gaming laptop.
GS70 is not about competing in maximum performance, but bringing a new type of form factor to traditional gaming pcs. Luckily we have mobile GPUs now that can hold their own with gaming nowadays.
When is it released? The only complaint I had with Razer was the price, and this one fares much better than it -
LOL! I was wondering about the GS70 and I went to gentech site and they already have it up on their page!
I think my fiancee might like this laptop as she games prefer looks and portability compared to me haha
Msi gs70
Discussion in 'MSI' started by cotolay, Jun 26, 2013.