My gx720 Squeals too, static noise, stops when i activate turbo mode :'(
my on turbo mode squeals louder...
Newegg sells a lower-end GX620 for $949; virtually the same thing as the current GX620s except a lower resolution screen and a slightly slower processor (P8400). I like the casing though, the silver/blue accents looks more professional and clean than the red. -
I remembered a few of you have inquired on how to get Dolby Digital Center on your 64 Bit Vista, and I have come up with a solution. I got the current audio driver (R2.10), and thanks to my father's VAIO FW notebook, acquired a 64 bit version of Dolby Digital Center. I put them together, along with installation instruction:
It's 117MB, because I included both 32 and 64 bit drivers for those that might want to update their drivers in the process. -
Is Newegg the only sellers who has this particular model? -
i want to install vista ultimate 64 bit for my gx620,but when i completely installed 64 bit,my hard dicks doesn't work.It only ran boot screen and the light of the HD went out.Who can help me?? I can install window 7 64 bit but cannot do with vista 64 bit
But the lower specced GX620 blue color, at newegg is good enough. However I think we should hold off until the EX and GT series hits the shelf, that's when GXs' price will fall, I believe.. -
here this laptop is listed as having ddr2 vram while else where its ddr3. so is the site wrong or does this site just ship it with ddr2?
cause im debating between this one and the one on newegg. does the jump from the 2.26 to 2.4 really make a big difference? and i figured if i have it in turbo its a 2.6-2.7 so having the 2.26 isnt too bad and saves me about 200.
i know the mwave has the better display but 85% of the time it will be hdmi to my tv so doesnt matter to me -
Well guys, I believe I have encountered my first problem with the GX620. I just tried turning it on and now it will not boot up. No MSI logo, no beeps. It started to make a squealing noise like some of the members are reporting with theirs and it doesn't stop unless I turn it off. Luckily I have an ASUS G50 as a backup, but all my important data is on the MSI. I'll try to remove the CMOS battery, and if that doesn't work, I'll have to get in touch with MSI on Monday. -
MSI seems to have some fairly severe quality control problems, likely symptomatic of production in China, where we all know what they think of quality control (turn the product upside down, shake, if not too much falls off it's good to go). In my case it's the keyboard, which eventually fails probably due to vibration and inadequate keyboard supports in the design or, more likely, since it's not a common problem faulty assembly coupled with inadequate quality control(non-existent, see above). Probably also related is the "sticky" (clicking) key thread, in which the user states that it seems as if the keyboard has collapsed some, which would again likely mean either inadequate keyboard supports in the design or more likely crappy QC.
In any even, screen size: Trust me go with 1680x1050 option or you WILL regret it. (I went for 1680x1050 BUT had been considering 1280x800, it's not worth the few $$ saved after you see it. Hell go for the 9800M GS Asus G50 for that matter if you can spare a hundred or so more(newegg one -- Asus warranty), but also spend another $100 on a 9 cell battery if you plan on using battery alot... (Asus seems to have a tighter leash on their mainland Chinese minions as far as QC goes... probably some of their own guys actually doing it.)) -
I finally figured out what was wrong with my laptop. Apparently the 9600M GT took the dirt nap. I turned on the laptop, and of course the screen has power, but nothing on display, along with the squealing noise (For the guys who are more electronics saavy, it sounds like a badly overloaded capacitor). I noticed that it did, however, boot into Windows because it made the Vista bootup chime, and my Turbo/ECO buttons responded normally. I can also turn on the Bluetooth and it will make that noise when a new hardware is connected. So it seems like the notebook is running normally, but I have no video.
I contacted MSI and unsurprisingly, they would not repair it under warranty since I tore the warranty sticker. I'm not going to get mad for that, since it was my decision to do so, and they're just playing by the book. However, they wanted to charge me $580 to put in a new 9600M GT.
Unfortunately I have no MXM card on hand to use, so I will look on eBay for a HD3650 DDR3. I'm technically downgrading, but I really need this machine up and running before I go back to work. It sucks on my end that I have to spend money unnecessary, but at least this gives all of us GX620/1651 owners the opportunity to see if our laptops are truly MXM capable. I would love to find a MXM III card, but as some of you may notice, they're difficult to come by. I'll keep you guys up to date. -
the only things i can find as cons to the gx620 are the keyboard flex and the GPU has a 128bit bus(as apposed to a 256bit bus). i am really impressed with the rest of this notebook for the price. the only things i need to get cleared up before i buy this are the two issues i've just described. if i could get input from anybody about these that would be great.
Hey Inferno, i've been reading this thread for a while since i found that offer on newegg for the MSI GX620. I have my doubts on nVidia since bad graphics chipsets on the 8400, 8600 and so. Googleing some more some ppl say that the new nVidia series may be defective as well (9600GT and such). Do you think this may be the cause of your problem? Im seriously considering another laptop since what you reported may be a problem for me, cuz i live outside of the USA and getting the company to respect the warranty would be a problem :/. -
Don't get me wrong though, I love the GX620. If MSI would revise the keyboard layout to something akin to the ASUS G50, I would have no big complaints about this notebook at all. Don't let my situation deter you from purchasing it, because I have not seen any other 9600M GTs fail so it might just be my case. -
Okay, i shouldnt believe in the inquirer just like that, but i found this information on the internet about the nVidia 9600GT
I do love the MSI GX620 too, it offers so much in a laptop that should cost more, but i dont really trust in nVidia =(
Are you gonna get your GPU checked by a specialist? He could tell us important stuff about what happened to your laptopso i can safely buy mine =D!!
Thanks for the link, I'm sure that will help out others in deciding in their notebook purchases.
Well, this doesn't look very promising.
Now that I think about it, I should check if the Radeon HD3850 from the GT735 will work. -
Red_Dragon Notebook Nobel Laureate
yeah the 3850 is a fine shocked your notebook died though thats sad
Well I haven't given up on this notebook yet; so far, it's the best one for me.
I've already bought a HD 3650 off eBay, and in the process of convincing RK Computers to get a HD 3850 for me. They seem stubborn about getting it since it was not available for the GX620, even though I told them I will not hold them accountable if it doesn't work. -
Notebookcheck also has a review of a Euro-spec GX620 (P9500 with 1280x800 glossy screen):
Pretty good and accurate review. -
hey inferno, i'm looking into getting a GX620 and appreciate all the info you've posted =)
Red_Dragon Notebook Nobel Laureate
Well best of luck inferno if you are doing it yourself i know you can do it
I might be out of my mind but it looks like Newegg has updated their gx620 stock with a new price, colour, and removed some variations. 949.00
IIRC only a few days ago they still had AMD and intel 7300 series cpu equipped models listed at 999 and 1099 respectively, alongside the red highlight version of this one.
Looks like they are moving stock to make room for a new model, the gx625? :marx:
edit :eyebrowlift: -
As long as it has an ATI GPU it will be okay for me. ZCREW NVIDIA!! xD
The current GX 6xx series come with Nvidia GPUs, but some of the newer GX 6xx models(notably the GX625) will come with an ATI GPU(notably the HD4670). The other model(the GX627) will come with an Nvidia 9800M GS.
The pricing is still unknown, but considering the pricing of the current MSI GX models, it's fair to say MSI has good pricing for their notebooks -
oh whoops just read the post above mine, well there's the official listings anyway
Red_Dragon Notebook Nobel Laureate
Yes, they are new models the other one with the 4670 is the MSI EX625
Uhhh, maybe im just too blind or stupid but i cant find the specs for the processor, it is gonna be the same P8400 for both? The one with the ATI GPU sounds really exciting...
Probably depends on the resellers?
Something in the 9000 series would be pretty schweet, but I'm wondering if that won't push prices into the 1400$ range -
Knowing MSI, in terms of processors they've stuck with both an Intel and AMD model. The Intel model usually doesn't go higher than a P8600 and the AMD model usually stays around a Turion Ultra ZM-82 or less. There isn't much ned for more considering what they're marketing these notebooks for(i.e gaming).
The new GX and GT models are quite exciting though. Having another 9800M GS 15.4" laptop will bring more variety to a market which is already quite small(think only 5-6 15.4" notebooks have this GPU) and having the HD4670 will also bring some good competition
Wondering at the price tag also though. Considering the specs though, it'll probably be in the 1200$ range if not slightly more. -
BTW You can see pre-order prices for two models of the GT627 @ Amazon. The cheap one, 1280x800 screen super-multi, and P8400 IIRC is $1149 (IIRC), and the other more expensive one P8600, WSXGA+ (1680x1050) and Blu Ray DVD+/-RW is $1399.
Haven't seen anything about any of the other models other than the GT725 (IIRC), but I can't remember the price as I dislike 17" as being FAR too large to truly be called a notebook/portable.
I suppose that the 9800M GS would be nice, however, the 620/1651, I am quite sure will have a better battery life than the GT627 even with a 9cell battery. Also I suspect that the 627 will run warmer than the 620 overall which could have an impact on the useful lifespan of the notebook. Personally, I like to keep my notebooks for at least 5y, so that is as much of a factor as maximizing components in my case. (I also expect my desktops to last that long, but I can incrementally update those to a point until manufacturers force larger upgrades by changing connector types and layouts which preclude further upgrading. After that, the old desktops get relegated to server and other non-interactive duties at that point which further extends their useful, if not interactive life span. I have not and would not be happy attempting to use an older notebook in the same service unless it could be safely run with the lid closed(most can't). Unlikely with these level of nbs due to thermal dissipation considerations.)
[/EDIT] -
Speaking of which, the HD 3650 I got from some seller on eBay never came through. I ordered it nearly three weeks ago, and after 10 days, I emailed the seller and after numerous email exchanges, it seems like the card got lost in the transaction from Hong Kong to the States. Now I'm trying to find someone in the U.S. that is willing to help me get a MXM ATi card, but that seems like an impossibility at the moment. -
^ Thanks, TRF-Inferno. Wishing you good luck in finding a replacement graphics card. Hopefully something compatible will show up soon
Hello I have a question. How does the MSI GX620 compare to the Sager NP 2096? I'm looking into buying a new laptop and I'm trying to find out, which one has a better build and is more reliable.
I’ve had the same problem like you have with the GX620…
I did panic a bit when one day the screen was black but everything else was working including the scary noise coming from the lower right hand corner of the laptop. Anyway, I managed to get the LCD screen working by switching the laptop OFF and applying softly a bit pressure to the top casing of the screen and then turning it back ON. Took a few attempts but thx god it started working.
I used to take my GX620 everywhere with me in the laptop bag but somehow I am starting to think that the casing of the screen is a bit to weak (pressure sensitive). About the electrical noise, it went away by itself and I hope I never hear it again else next time it will go to the service centre for repair
Correction it is heard a bit when i put my ear very close to the laptops right corner, but before it was 100% louder then it is now. -
Ever wondered how well a MXM III card fits in a GX620?
Just enough clearance for the whole card to fit inside. Can't fire it up yet, I have to find a way to mount the heatsink, since this card utilizes 46mm heatsink mounting space. I will probably end up doing what NightWalker did with his ASUS C90S and the 9600M GT.
Anyone want to guess what our special guest is? There's a hint somewhere on the PCB. -
Alienware M5700i-R2 256 MB ATI Video Card Type3 P72IA0
ATI Mobility X1900 version 256Mo DDR3
Core : 392Mhz
Memory : 252 Mhz
35G1P7200-10 PCB VGA BD
Google turned up an old ebay listing, maybe where you got it?
If it was: OUCH! That was EXPENSIVE...
[/EDIT] -
I'm going to be working on it right now, so hopefully we will know if this works or not soon. -
Well, I have something very interesting to report. The Well, sort of. I managed to get to where I can temporary keep the GPU cool, and so I decide to power it up with the incomplete heatsink redesign. Surprisingly, the MSI logo showed up! I went into the BIOS, and as odd as it sounds, it identified the laptop as a 'PX600' instead of a 'GX620'. When I tried exiting the BIOS, it just sat there with the top bar animation that you see when you're in the BIOS is still running. However when I hit the power button and tried to turn it back on again, I don't have any image on the screen. Hmmm...
For what it's worth, the short time that the video card worked, the image was perfect and had no artifacts or glitches. -
vinceboiii Animals are friends, not food.
TRF, did you just swap out the card to a ATI card?! O M G!!!
nice attempt! -
His 9600M GT died some how, and he apparently voided the warranty so he's stucking trying to get another card to work...
Not very fun as it seems like ever MXM card has a different layout requiring a different heatsink... -
Hey inferno have you thought about venting the GPU directly through the bottom of the case? I'm assuming the copper tubes are fluid filled, and looking at a picture of them at powernotebooks, it seems you're going to have a real headache realigning than sink until it sits properly above the core.
I took a quick look and there are a few common fans in 100x100mm by 10mm dimension, which seem like they would easily have clearance to rest just under the bottom cover plate. Then I started looking at different zalman 'flower' type coolers that could be savaged for their plate and fin sections, and ran into this: vf90
Now, it's 3cm high, or 30mm, and obviously needs a power lead, but I 'm guessing (depending on the clearance available) the floating fin and pipe section could be either hacked down or simply squashed flatter to the heatsink plate using a blowtorch. for power just piggy back the internal leads to one of the usb slots, as long as you dont need full charge to any device on that slot it should be fine. -
wow xDDDDD
Seems like you'll have to design a new heatsink dude =D -
Does the MSI GX620-038US have DDR3 ram for the 9600 GT???
I see some sites having it as DDR2 and another 1 at DDR3.
Anyone know what it is? -
Since that particular one has a 8600 cpu, it means it has the santa rosa refresh (meaning it's set up for the 45nm die process intel cpus,) so it should have ddr3 on the video card. I've seen that ddr2 video memory (erroneously) too, it's just a good example why you should always double check the specs.
the only units that might not have it are older chassis', and I'm only inferring them from seeing units for sale in local stores with older 7300 and 7350 chips. odds are that they're all the same at the core. -
I've put the plan on temporary hold for now, as I just ordered a MSI 1651 barebone, to pick parts off of and if I'm not too lazy, switch out some exterior panels and make a silver trim GX620.
As for now, the laptop is stuck in the BIOS, and will not go past it. However since I am getting something to show up on the screen now, it's safe to assume that the GX620/MS-1651 is indeed capable of upgrading MXM video cards, even MXM III ones, but there seems to be something in the BIOS that 'locks' out non-original MXM cards so the computer will not make it past POST. In order to test the lock-out theory, I will also insert the X1900 into the new Barebone as well, to see if I get the same result, just in case if my BIOS or mainboard is the culprit. I eliminated the possibility of power brownout issues by using the ASUS G50VT's AC Adapter (Note: It has a 120 watt adapter, and works with the MSI perfectly).
Msi Gx620
Discussion in 'MSI' started by taigech, Aug 2, 2008.