Good idea actually
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
The only reason the PSU fails is because I was doing stupidly-intense stuff on it. I had no problems with hours of Crysis, Left 4 Dead 2, or Killing Floor.
I'm just annoyed with it, personally, because I want to cool this beast down to its limit, and I can't see its limits if the most stressful benchmark I can think of kills the PSU. Also, bear in mind that the Asus PSU also gives out after ten minutes of so. I think it's simply drawing too much power for a 120W PSU to handle. -
I have very little knowledge in hard drives so please bear with me. Can someone please explain to mean the reason behind getting an SSD and an HDD. from what I understand one is used for booting up the computer (SSD) and the other is used for actually storing games and programs on (HDD). Many people are mentioning getting rid of RAID and doing something else with the hard drive settings (im not sure what). All I want to do is play games and use it for schoolwork in college. Is all this hard drive shenanigans necessary or beneficial? can someone please shed some light on this? Thanks!
I recieved my gx660r last friday, and was immediately getting random black screens of death(or thats what i think they are) and so i tried updating the video card drivers and it still happened. I read somewhere that the 10.1 driver is the most stable, so i downpatched, and they seem to be more infrequent now, but they are still happening. any ideas guys? im dreading the idea that i may have a botched GPU and will have to RMA it cause I'm at college and it would really suck not having a laptop for a month+
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
What a lot of people are doing--and what I'm doing in a week when my $500 (goddammit all) 240GB SSD comes--is putting an SSD and dedicating it to Windows boot and frequently accessed programs. Other things that don't require performance--most games, movies, music--will be put into a large-capacity HDD for storage.
For the most part, the RAID setup on the GX660R is perfectly adequete. You can probably get by with it with no problem. In my case, I had an Intel SSD in my Asus G51vx, and once you get used to SSDs, you're spoiled by them. -
Sorry about the review guys... it has been postponed for TBA until I get enough time and creativity. I don't want to do a halfassed review and I still need to run more benches etc.
I didn't think that my new job would require so much time heh. I can't even enjoy my new lappy much!
I also want to try overclocking since I am confident with the GPU temps. -
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
I'm already trying some overclocking out. My 5870 doesn't seem to like it when I overclock the memory to 1100MHz.
Right now with 840/1135 and with 72.9F ambient I finished a 18-minute run with a max of 85C. However, I did notice that the temperature was slowly but surely going up, maybe one degree higher every three minutes or so. If I continued I think it would have kept on going higher.
Can't wait to get modding on this thing. First order of business is to open up some intake vents immediately beneath the fan to ensure it's getting enough fresh air. Doing that helped my G51vx spectactularly, and I don't see why it won't help here.
By the way, Ry, did you try out an OCCT PSU test? -
Whayts a good program to OC the GPU with?(link
I tried the ATI overdrive in CCC and it sucked! -
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
That's what I was using, haha. What sucked about it, if I may ask?
But, in any case, MSI Afterburner or AMD GPU Clock Tool (make sure to get are supposed to be good. You can google those. Kratos is too manly to be spoon-fed URLs. -
It crashed when I ran the stability test. I don't use spoons I use the Blades of Athena fool!!!
I will have my yogurt cup...err I mean I will have my revenge!!!! -
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
Weird. When you say it crashed what happened? Your computer [insert color here]SODed? In any case, when overclocking with the tool I use a combination of furmark and Vantage to test stability.
Blades of Exile >>> Blades of Athena, btw.
Hey Guys I was just wanting to know how the screen quality is? I'm not worried about viewing angles but I read somewhere that the blacks look grey is this true?
Thank Zeus it restarted again but I won't try that again, you say you raised clocks to 840/1135 with no problems?
No stuck pixels for me! -
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
Tested with Furmark only. I haven't done 3DMark or anything like that yet.
I actually noticed the pixel when I was examining Kratos' albino virility. That red dot shouldn't be on his nose!
It's a single pixel on a 15-inch 1080p screen, so it's not that obvious... but dammit, if I paid $1600 for this thing I want it flawless. Hopefully there's a way to fix it. If not, I hope the return is easy. Well, it's Ken, so what do I have to worry about. -
You can use color settings and brightness settings to make them look the way it should, and in high light ambients or bright rooms, the screen looks good and blacks do look black.
It's all mostly due to the WLED backlit. Too bright for the screen
As for overclocking, I will try 800/1100 at night and see how it goes. It I can keep a decent temp with such clocks, I will be more than happy.
I can do crysis at 1920x1080 with most high settings at 25-35fps, very playable so overclocking will only improve my already happy gaming experience. -
Hate to be a pain in the butt, but can any owners tell me what the name of that webcam software that came with the system? Id like to reinstall it
Thank you very much.
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
SOooooo, now that there are several 'owners' of this beast, who's gonna start a dedicated Owner's thread? Come on fellas..... Show your pride! We need model specific owner unbox'ins, pics, vids, marks, an nfo page, etc., etc., etc.
Let's get busy! <'drum-roll please'..... who will take the lead?>
Just ordered mine from xoticpc. Only thing I upgraded was the thermal compound and wireless card. I am waiting on Intel's third gen of SSDs which should be out later this year. I really hope this thing works out.
As for RMA, well gentech is an awesome place and Ken will help you with anything you need. The thing is, you shouldn't be getting those BSoDs. I haven't got one at all. When it happens, what are you doing? Playing games, video etc?
I have played several games (Borderlands, Crysis, BFBC2, Killing Floor and many more) and doing lots of things during work (programming, browsing a lot of files etc) and haven't had a single issue. -
I’m still on the fence. This thing just looks a bit too wacky for me – I might wait for the Asus G53 or at least news of its existence in the coming weeks.
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
I would uninstall your current graphics driver via 'ADD/REMOVE Programs', flush any remaining driver remnants with this tool here, and then reinstall to the latest mobile driver package from ATI.
Give it a try and see if this helps. If you still have an issue, not to worry..... you are in good hands. Since you purchased from GenTech, I am absolutely 100% certain Ken will get your problem resolved! Give him a call!
I hope this helps, Good Luck, and keep us posted!
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
I'm debating whether to go through with the downtime of getting this machine replaced or just live with the faulty pixel. -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
How ever you decide, Good Luck!
Im thinking ill just go with the 2x 320gb HDD (possibly 1 500gb and 1 320gb) because an SSD isn't really in my budget right know. If I was to later decide to upgrade to an SSD is it difficult to replace the drives (keep in mind i have only added some RAM and installed a wireless card into a PCI slot before)?
Thanks for all the help! -
Swapping a hard drive is not that tough, right in the same neighborhood as swapping a video card. As long as you can get to the bay easily enough. Remember that you either need a commercial move program (YMMV) or have media, patience and time to do a complete reinstall.
I think the SSD is meant for data that doesn't change frequently like the OS and the programs (games). So boot and level loads would be quicker. Save files are data and are on the bigger data drive. I might be wrong though... I suppose it depends on where your game saves it's files and if you migrate your profile to the data drive.
Does someone with an SSD and HDD setup have a different view or a pointer to a good writeup on this setup? Here is one such writeup. Looking at this, do yourself a favor if you do migrate your profile: do another search for the same process and use symbolic links rather than the search and replace on your registry. That way, hard coded programs will obey.
Homer -
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
As for upgrading, HDD upgrades are even easier than RAM or wifi upgrades. Seriously. Remove bracket, remove old hard drive, insert new hard drive, insert bracket. Ta-da. -
Question on changing the stock HD config: who keeps the replaced stock drive?
Homer -
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
You mean if you configure it on a reseller's website? I presume that they do.
It's usually cheaper to do the upgrade yourself. -
So, i called ken at gentech pc, and he pretty much told me i have to do a system restore back to factory settings/stock video card driver. I'm backing up all my files as i type this and I'm really hoping it was just a corrupt video card driver that's causing my BSOD issue. He also called MSI asking if they had any reported RMA issues with this model and they don't so I may just be an unlucky duckling apparently. I'll keep everyone updated and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that i can avoid an RMA here. wish me luck!
I have a question on how do people check for dead pixels on their laptop screens?
Also what kind of cooling fans do you guys recommend for this laptop gx660?
Also what is the approximate boot time for this laptop as I am about to receive my soon and was wondering if I can get some of these tips and responses.
I really appreciate you guys answering and doing benchmarks and tests on it.
Hopefully some people can answer. -
Cooling fans are not really needed since the notebook has fairly good colling, but if you really want one either the zalman NC2000 or the cryo LX (LX is better)
boot time depends on many things such as what hardrive you have programs, startup files, etc.... But I would say with raid 0 7200 rpm booting with factory setup after the initial setup... maybe 30-45 seconds? -
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
I used Dead Pixel Buddy. Easy to use.
And yes, while extra cooling is only optional, I'm never without my almighty xpad. -
Why is that time of the month! Zing!
Kratos has his revenge! -
Well, I tried overclocking a bit. I used Core 760mhz and 1030 memory for a very small OC.
Ran 3dmark06 (while I download vantage), with turbo on, Turbo fan, and I got 13294. Not bad eh? It sure kicks my 10600 from my G51J haha.
Oh yeah, my GPU temp was 71 C so I might try 800/1050 soon haha -
What did you use to OC? Overdrive? -
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
Clocks at 840/1050 and CPU turbo was on. Fan was set to auto. As always, passive cooling only. Ambient was about 73F. -
Core i7 temps are indeed high. I was never able to get them low myself.
I shall keep OCing! -
Do you think we'll see a version of the 660 with the NVIDIA 480M? Anyone know offhand whether the motherboard can even handle that GPU? I've been wondering if XoticPC or one of the other boutique dealers would be able to do this upgrade.
Not a 480M GTX but a 460M GTX.
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
Depending on how the GTX 460m plays out... who knows. Might be a fun project.
And for the OCer's out there, what's your maximum memory clock? Like I said, I get a blackscreen when I run furkmark with 1100MHz memory.
MSI gx660r-060 is what we've been waiting for
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Tree_Burner, Aug 13, 2010.